If you have any information about these classmates, please click here to email BeyondTheReef@lincolnhighlynx.org, or mail us at:
Beyond The Reef
PO Box 31056
Seattle, WA 98103-1056
Beyond the Reef
Below is the listing of alumni who have passed on. Where we have a maiden name, the alumni is alphabetized by Maiden Name, not Last Name.
Lincoln Employees/Staff Members are listed in Class EM.
Jump to the class of:
1934 | 1935 | 1936 | 1937 | 1938 | 1939 | 1940 | 1941 | 1942 | 1943 | 1944 | 1945 | 1946 | 1947 | 1948 | 1949 | 1950 | 1951 | 1952 | 1953 | 1954 | 1955 | 1956 | 1957 | 1958 | 1959 | 1960 | 1961 | 1962 | 1963 | 1964 | 1965 | 1966 | 1967 | 1968 | 1969 | 1970 | 1971 | 1972 | 1973 | 1974 | 1975 | 1976 | 1977 | 1978 | 1979 | 1980 | 1981 | 1982 | EM
Class of 1934 |
1934 - Robert Adams |
1934 - Albert Allen |
1934 - Alvin Anderson |
1934 - Louise Anderson Poli |
1934 - Margaret Jean Anderson Spradlin |
1934 - Anabelle Ansart Rapp |
1934 - Lanore Grace Arensberg Nice |
1934 - Ellen Austin Anderson |
1934 - Margaret Baker Heck |
1934 - Charles Bartlett |
1934 - Anne Beatty Anderson |
1934 - Lindley H. Beaumont |
1934 - Lily Beggs Rose |
1934 - Marjorie Bendle Mulligan |
1934 - Zona Benson Earnest |
1934 - Gerald Clarence Berg |
1934 - C. (Ridgeley) Ridgeley Bird |
1934 - Paul Victor Bjorklund |
1934 - Violet Ann Bjorklund |
1934 - Gerald Albert Boate |
1934 - Anne Marie Bottker Brown |
1934 - Phyllis M. Bowen White |
1934 - Margaret Bright Rice |
1934 - Mary Constance Brilhart Nelson |
1934 - Mary L. Brisbois Serr |
1934 - Marguerite I. Brown Hansen |
1934 - Ethel Busse Silow |
1934 - Lorraine Busse Nourse |
1934 - George Campbell |
1934 - Henrietta E. Cantrill Thorn |
1934 - Arzelle Carlson Leighton |
1934 - Edmund Carlson |
1934 - Evelyn Carlson Chisholm |
1934 - Wayne Carr |
1934 - George Chew |
1934 - Roy Church |
1934 - Eleanor McCormick Clark |
1934 - Lois Clark Schrotke |
1934 - Margaret Clark Mykut |
1934 - Virginia Clark Mulanax |
1934 - Mollie W. Coates |
1934 - Raymond Coates |
1934 - Walter R. Coggan |
1934 - Betty Lou Collins Brennan,Jr. |
1934 - Walter Coogan |
1934 - Frank Cooper |
1934 - Irene Cooper Meaney |
1934 - Elizabeth Corrigan Gustafson |
1934 - Kenneth A. Cox |
1934 - Victor Crosby |
1934 - Donald C. Davidson |
1934 - Eleanor Virginia Dedrick Bishoff |
1934 - Paul Diers |
1934 - Lela May Dodds Powell |
1934 - Coll Donoghue |
1934 - Patrick Dougherty |
1934 - Margaret Lavon Earlywine Bevry |
1934 - Betty Farrell Anderson |
1934 - William Farrimond |
1934 - Carl Faust |
1934 - Elaine Fleek Chew |
1934 - Beverly Lillian Fletcher Hogdahl |
1934 - Wesley Francis |
1934 - Florence Fritz Hertlein |
1934 - Emily Marie Giles Belanger |
1934 - Betty Jean Gordon Nordin |
1934 - Ronald Graham |
1934 - Flora Graziano DePaul |
1934 - Dorothy Green Bishop |
1934 - Evelyn Greenlund Greening |
1934 - Frank Grunow |
1934 - Pat Hagman Leonhard |
1934 - Elizabeth Hamilton Blakefield |
1934 - Donald Hansen |
1934 - Anna Marie Hanson Wirkman |
1934 - Earl Bennett Hanson |
1934 - Bob Hapeman |
1934 - Howard Hardy |
1934 - Keleen Haubner Beal |
1934 - Jane Hawley Young |
1934 - Doris Hecker LeSan |
1934 - Frances Joseph Heider |
1934 - Jack Heintzelman |
1934 - Katherine Elizabeth Heitmann Bush |
1934 - Gladys Higgins Yarnell |
1934 - Beverly M. Hilts Cox |
1934 - Evelyn Virdelle Hubbell Chase |
1934 - Cecil Hume |
1934 - Curtis Hume |
1934 - Laurella Hunt Klock |
1934 - Florence Husby Jordan |
1934 - Earl Isackson |
1934 - Thomas Jacobucci |
1934 - Edna Johnson Noah |
1934 - Margaret Johnson Messagie |
1934 - Paul Johnson |
1934 - Roy Johnson |
1934 - Jean Jones Couch |
1934 - Elizabeth (Betty) J Keeney Gorman |
1934 - Bernice Keil Noble |
1934 - Arthur Kidd |
1934 - Mary Louise Kimball Gibson |
1934 - Dorothy Kinkaid Kimble |
1934 - Dorothea Kirchner Scott |
1934 - Ellen L. Kohler |
1934 - Mayko Kumasaka Fujioka |
1934 - Agnes M. Kvalheim |
1934 - Richard Landes |
1934 - Richard Landis |
1934 - Bernice Larson White |
1934 - George Larson |
1934 - Ralph Lee |
1934 - Roberta Leeds Snelling |
1934 - David (Dave) Douglas LeGrand |
1934 - John Edward LeGrand |
1934 - Curtis Lind |
1934 - Vivian Linder Rizzo |
1934 - Grace (Eline) Link Taylor |
1934 - Karl Loe |
1934 - Jean Loftus Humphreys |
1934 - Eleanor Ruby Lonke Groce |
1934 - Lois G. Love Douglas |
1934 - George Lyman |
1934 - Norman Maginn |
1934 - Stanley Maginn |
1934 - Georgia Mahin MacDonald |
1934 - Gwen Mallett |
1934 - Helen Mansfield Davies |
1934 - Maybelle Masters Pue |
1934 - Muriel McCall Auerbach |
1934 - Robert McCausland |
1934 - James McComb |
1934 - Betsy McCutcheon Foulger |
1934 - Judie McGinnis Ghent |
1934 - Virginia McKnight Albert |
1934 - Robert Lincoln McNeil |
1934 - Archie Merrifield |
1934 - Lillian Messner Carr |
1934 - Charles Miller |
1934 - Wallace Millson |
1934 - Ruth H. Moe Gibson |
1934 - Reba Morris |
1934 - Mary Jane Morrison Ellsworth |
1934 - Madeline P Murphy Reynolds |
1934 - Alice Murray Wick |
1934 - Dorothy Murray Favero |
1934 - Mabel Murray Pletz-Newman |
1934 - Helen Myers Smith |
1934 - Leonard Myhre |
1934 - Frieda Nelson |
1934 - Howard Nelson |
1934 - Wanda Nelson Chaffins |
1934 - Roy Nelson,Jr. |
1934 - Lucille Norton Holt |
1934 - Violet Nystrom Granston |
1934 - Dorothea Olsen Rettig |
1934 - Phillip Olson |
1934 - Owen Onsum |
1934 - Bonita Palmer Moore |
1934 - Arthur Peterson |
1934 - David Holmes Peterson |
1934 - Dawn A Peterson Dill |
1934 - Robert Phair |
1934 - Jack Picard |
1934 - Volney Llewellyn Pinkerton |
1934 - John (Bob) Robert Plumb |
1934 - Lois Irene Pollock Sarver |
1934 - Thomas Edward Powell |
1934 - Robert Ramstad |
1934 - June Raymond Logan |
1934 - Esther Adalaid Reger Millet |
1934 - Edith Jane Robbins Marble |
1934 - Jean Robertson West |
1934 - Jane Robinson Schilmoeller |
1934 - Bill Rose |
1934 - Frederick Rossiter |
1934 - Eleanor Clyde Rossman Roberts |
1934 - Edward Rounds |
1934 - John Sandell |
1934 - Thomas Sandry |
1934 - Paul Schatz |
1934 - Annamae Schoonover Danly |
1934 - Stuart Schufreider |
1934 - Edith Catherine Scott Hall |
1934 - James Scott |
1934 - Margaret J. Sessa |
1934 - Pat A. Sharkey Whyte |
1934 - Caroline Sheldon Krusko |
1934 - Marshall B. Shore |
1934 - Dorothy Simpson Hays |
1934 - Thedodore (Ted) Norman Simpson |
1934 - E. Smith |
1934 - Ilene Smith Hansen |
1934 - Marvin Smith |
1934 - Donald Smullin |
1934 - Henry Soderquist |
1934 - Lila May Soeneke Deason |
1934 - Palmer E Sorlie |
1934 - Marjorie Spain Karr |
1934 - Virgil E Sprague |
1934 - Margaret Alice Spriggs Bender |
1934 - Evelyn Spring Collyer |
1934 - Marjorie Stewart Olson |
1934 - Frances Stokoe Studebaker |
1934 - Joseph Perry Stong |
1934 - Luther O Strommen |
1934 - Celia Swanson Fridell |
1934 - Lee E. Sweetland |
1934 - Clarice Van Tassell Driscoll |
1934 - Barbara Telquist Jones |
1934 - Carol Nadine Thomas Rice |
1934 - Myrtle Fay Thompson Sleipnes |
1934 - Robert Thompson |
1934 - William (Bill) Thompson |
1934 - Evelyn Tomren Nilsen |
1934 - Gayle J Travis Williams |
1934 - Genevieve Treacy Spengler |
1934 - Edith M. Trout Christopherson |
1934 - Mary Ullern Starr |
1934 - Florence VanDyne Fackler |
1934 - William Walters |
1934 - Donald Ward |
1934 - Leonard G. Warren |
1934 - June Helen Wasson Bernhardt |
1934 - Robert Francis Wedekind |
1934 - Grace Welden Wesche |
1934 - Irene Whiteside Ward |
1934 - Betty Whittlesey Cruver |
1934 - Robert Whitwam |
1934 - Evelyn M. Wickland Nelson |
1934 - Lillian R. Williams Higgins |
1934 - Helene Williamson Kinsman |
1934 - Earl W. Willits |
1934 - Kenneth Willmer |
1934 - Dale Wilson |
1934 - Margaret Shirley Wilson Caddey |
1934 - Viola May Wilson Carames |
1934 - Ruth J. Winkleman Staab |
1934 - Warren Wittig |
1934 - Dorothy Wolf Fyall |
1934 - Dorothy Woods Marshall |
1934 - Pauline Alice Worthen Worthen |
1934 - Charles Young |
1934 - Dorothy Young Maxfield |
1934 - Bruce Younger |
1934 - Ruth Zwarg Christine |
Back to Top |
Class of 1935 |
1935 - James R. Abbey |
1935 - Winifred Alexander |
1935 - Evelyn Nella Anderson |
1935 - Ruth Anderson Hodges |
1935 - Irene Appleton Dicken |
1935 - Vern L. Arnold |
1935 - Jessie Bain Kelley |
1935 - June B. Baker Angus |
1935 - Mildred Bancroft Ellis |
1935 - Ruth Barnum Rode |
1935 - George Bartleson |
1935 - Ruth Anna Bauer |
1935 - Arline Baxter Petersen |
1935 - Mary (Bettie) Elizabeth Beach Sweet |
1935 - Dorothy Carolyn Benson Williams |
1935 - Frank Bergman |
1935 - George Berry |
1935 - Allen Heywood Bilderback |
1935 - Clara (Marie) Marie Bilderback Bishop |
1935 - Woolsey Bingay |
1935 - Myrtle Evelyn Bjorklund Cathcart |
1935 - Roy R. Bjorklund |
1935 - Dwight Blaisdell |
1935 - Jean Blanning Townsend |
1935 - Esther Blomdahl Porter |
1935 - Franklin Bouchat |
1935 - George Brediger |
1935 - Marion Broadgate Andrews |
1935 - Kaye Broderick Mitchell |
1935 - William Brokaw |
1935 - Belle Brookins Hubbard |
1935 - Donald L Brown |
1935 - Phyllis Brown Bannister |
1935 - Billy Buckley |
1935 - Marjorie Buell Richards |
1935 - Lillian Bullock Jones |
1935 - John Burink |
1935 - Robert Burton |
1935 - Vivian F. Butcher Heiner |
1935 - June Butler Gonnella |
1935 - Margaret (Peggy) Lois Calhoun Dearborn |
1935 - Clarence Carlson |
1935 - Evelyn Carlson Staaf |
1935 - Charles (Dick) R. Carskadden |
1935 - Dick Carskadden |
1935 - Ronald Caspers |
1935 - Ada Cattanach Snyder |
1935 - Amelia (Emmy) Cazone Pantages |
1935 - E. Anne Chapman Coombs |
1935 - Ruth E. Cole Slivinski |
1935 - William Coleman |
1935 - Les Collins |
1935 - Penfield David Collins |
1935 - Ralph E Cram |
1935 - Albert Cruver |
1935 - Marian Frances Curtin Gray |
1935 - Arve Dahl |
1935 - Evelyn Dahlager Bishop |
1935 - William (Bill) Arthur Davies |
1935 - Sylvia Davis Mittendorf |
1935 - Bertine Daw Russell |
1935 - Edna Dawson Strafford |
1935 - Helen Dawson Shelley |
1935 - Carole Day Taintor |
1935 - Frances Margaret Delaney |
1935 - Paul Robert Donaldson |
1935 - Priscilla L. Douglas Huck |
1935 - Madge Douglass Freeland |
1935 - Marion Douglass |
1935 - Virginia Downs Longworthy |
1935 - Ernestine Duncan Collins |
1935 - Priscilla Duncan Foster |
1935 - Norine Dyrness Baker |
1935 - Rose C. Earley Meersman |
1935 - Betty Eckern Mancione |
1935 - Eleanor Ecklund Burkhardt |
1935 - Virginia Ellsworth Secord |
1935 - Edward Engelhardt |
1935 - Claire (Joe) E. Erickson |
1935 - Sylvia Erickson Jones |
1935 - George Everitt |
1935 - John Fattorini,Sr. |
1935 - Ernest Feller |
1935 - Ruth Sylvia Feroe Matthew |
1935 - Ralph Follestad |
1935 - Lynnae Charlotte Forsell Olson |
1935 - Gloria Fowler Johnson |
1935 - Leslie J. Francis |
1935 - Robert Frederick |
1935 - Jessie Harriet Freeman Weiland |
1935 - J. (Margaret) Margaret Fretheim |
1935 - Arthur Friden |
1935 - Ernest Frolund |
1935 - Nona Beth Fumerton Cox |
1935 - Thelma B. Gabhart |
1935 - Arnold Gangnes |
1935 - Kiyoshi George Fukano |
1935 - James Gibson |
1935 - Harriet A. Gilbertson |
1935 - Laurel William Richard Good |
1935 - James Goodland |
1935 - Bud Clarence Gordon |
1935 - Robert W Granston |
1935 - Austin Grant |
1935 - Esther Marie Greenslade |
1935 - Gretchen Grosklaus Vanderkleed |
1935 - Donald K Gustafson |
1935 - Bethel Aher Guthrie Latham |
1935 - Lillian Hall Donoghue |
1935 - Anne Halvar Dorman |
1935 - Phyllis Hampshire Oslund |
1935 - Casey Hannum |
1935 - John M Hannum |
1935 - Eileen S. Hastings |
1935 - William I Hauck |
1935 - Harold Hegge |
1935 - Peggy Henry Bell |
1935 - June Clarice Hersey Pilling |
1935 - Lorraine Ellen Hiller Bolser |
1935 - Ruth Hillock Shutt |
1935 - Ida Hoffman Coombs-Roth |
1935 - Janet Holbrook Dines |
1935 - Ruth Holden Munro |
1935 - William Hunnewell |
1935 - Juanita Hunter Moe |
1935 - Eleanor Gwen Hutchinson Allen |
1935 - William Joseph Hyde |
1935 - Catherine Hynd Wejak |
1935 - Earl Ingebright |
1935 - Joseph Hamilton Jobe |
1935 - Doris Johnson Oelke |
1935 - Jewel Johnson |
1935 - Lillian Bohlin Johnson Pinkerton |
1935 - Norma Johnson Spring |
1935 - Ernest Jonson |
1935 - Barbara Juhlin Treadwell |
1935 - Ruth A. Junkerman Martin |
1935 - Curtiss Kehoe |
1935 - Doris Kennedy VanKirk |
1935 - Wilma Kenney Levenseller |
1935 - Edgar Severinsen Klock |
1935 - Helen Klock |
1935 - Nels Millard Konnerup |
1935 - Marie Koutecky King |
1935 - Marian Lail Collett |
1935 - Calder Lamprey |
1935 - Phyllis R. Lance Anderson |
1935 - Dorothy E. Larsen Ackles |
1935 - Evelyn Lawrence Smith |
1935 - Gail C. Leslie |
1935 - A. Evelyn Linderoth Wallen |
1935 - Jack Lingo |
1935 - Leonard Lockert |
1935 - Richard Lone |
1935 - Runar August Long |
1935 - Kenneth Lyman |
1935 - Lujean MacLeod Lemieux |
1935 - Taimi Maki West |
1935 - Jerry Mangan |
1935 - Arnold Mathisen |
1935 - Al Mattivi |
1935 - Gordon Frank Maxfield |
1935 - Mary McAneny Slotnick |
1935 - Betty McCandless |
1935 - Marget McCoy Hill |
1935 - Lorraine G. McGourty Bartelson |
1935 - Helen C McGowan Gudaitus |
1935 - Margaret Ann McGregor-McCready |
1935 - John McMeehan |
1935 - Pearl Augusta Medill Barton |
1935 - Ruby Medill Chatterton |
1935 - Marjorie Merrifield Bray |
1935 - Irma Meyer Lentz |
1935 - Jane Eliabeth Miley Schmidt |
1935 - Mary Jane Miller Larson |
1935 - William Morrice |
1935 - Virginia Morrison Koeneman |
1935 - John (Jack) Murgatroyd |
1935 - Irene Annabel Nasmyth Ross |
1935 - George Neil |
1935 - Laurine Nelson Ingebright |
1935 - Helen Ness Spoor |
1935 - Warren D Nichelin |
1935 - Betty J Nolting Watts |
1935 - Robert Nordquist |
1935 - Elmore Oistad |
1935 - Marjean Olsen Bacon |
1935 - Stella B. Olsen |
1935 - Catherine Orth Bye |
1935 - Audrey Alene Palmer Froggatt |
1935 - Fred Parson |
1935 - Winiver Paylor Thompson |
1935 - John Pearson |
1935 - Theresa Pearson Canoy |
1935 - Esther (Nonna) Pennacchi Birch |
1935 - Elmer Perkins,Jr. |
1935 - Dorothy Peters Brandt |
1935 - Gertrude M. Peterson Larson |
1935 - Fern L. Petridge Jefferson |
1935 - Margaret H. Phillips |
1935 - Ralph Presnall |
1935 - James Proffitt |
1935 - Jack Putnam |
1935 - James Randall |
1935 - Wayne Rickert |
1935 - Dorothy Ann Rinehart Ward |
1935 - James Aubrey Roberge |
1935 - John Robinson |
1935 - Lloyd Royal |
1935 - Amy Runquist Todt |
1935 - Edwin E. Runquist |
1935 - Harry Schulz |
1935 - Oliver Schulz |
1935 - Anel (Bud) Baldwin Shay |
1935 - Sarah ("Bettie") E. Sherlock Turney |
1935 - Chris Shilaos |
1935 - Robert Shotwell |
1935 - John Shrewsbury |
1935 - Jack Simpson |
1935 - Aldrich Smith |
1935 - G. Smith |
1935 - William Smith |
1935 - Richard Alexander Spence |
1935 - Shirley Stanford Alexander |
1935 - Lawrence Steffey |
1935 - John Sterner |
1935 - George Stevens |
1935 - Veda Ruth Stevens Rutledge |
1935 - Maurice Duane Stover |
1935 - Lester Sullivan |
1935 - Ruth Helen Sumner Dodge |
1935 - Dorothy Swanson Major |
1935 - Sam Taguchi |
1935 - Robert Talbot,MD |
1935 - Mary Kay Tapert Cardwell |
1935 - Helen Taylor Larcom |
1935 - Evelyn Tennesen Mitchell |
1935 - Roland Clyde Terry |
1935 - Margrethe Thunes Staab |
1935 - Rosie Tiberio Lombardo |
1935 - Cecil H. Tice |
1935 - Florence Liberty Turbitt Squier |
1935 - Jean F Turner Davis |
1935 - John VanEtten |
1935 - Harry G. Venema |
1935 - Charles Waldeck |
1935 - Agnes Ward Faust |
1935 - Ramona Wascher |
1935 - Lorna Margaret Webb Rinaldi |
1935 - Patricia A Weeks |
1935 - Irma Whalen Sutliff |
1935 - Duane Whitcomb |
1935 - Belle Wiley Berry |
1935 - Nona J. Willis Lundstead |
1935 - Elsie Wilson Nomura |
1935 - Leonard Wilson |
1935 - Bertha Woody Martinson |
1935 - B. Miriam Wordsworth Reeves |
1935 - Elizabeth (Betty) Joan Wunderlich Boate |
1935 - Violet Yokoyama Okura |
1935 - Ranee Young Trainer |
1935 - Paul A Zennan |
Back to Top |
Class of 1936 |
1936 - Harold Adams |
1936 - Samuel Adams |
1936 - Robert M Alfares |
1936 - Mark Allen |
1936 - Robert Allen |
1936 - Russell Allen |
1936 - Gordon Allison |
1936 - Silvia Amos |
1936 - Henry Anderson |
1936 - Robert B Anderson |
1936 - LaVerne Arnold |
1936 - Luverne Arnold Swan |
1936 - George Austin |
1936 - William Aye |
1936 - Patricia Barber |
1936 - Allen Barduhn |
1936 - George Barker |
1936 - Thomas Barrett |
1936 - Margaret Basel Schneider |
1936 - Ruth Bassett |
1936 - Burton Batchelor |
1936 - Paulyne H. Batchelor |
1936 - Jean Bausman Ozier |
1936 - Gordon L. Baxter |
1936 - Robert Beach |
1936 - Frances Beatty Whatmore |
1936 - Richard Beauchamp |
1936 - Cheryl (Cherry) Helen Beeler Menth |
1936 - Howard Bell |
1936 - Lucille Bell |
1936 - Hazel Bemer Robb |
1936 - Thaddeus (Thad) Benedict |
1936 - Elmina Bennett Marriott |
1936 - Richard Bennett |
1936 - Kasper Benson |
1936 - Olivia Benson Butler |
1936 - Ann Jane Bern |
1936 - Walter Edwin Best |
1936 - Jeanne Blair Foerster |
1936 - Barbara Blake Wells |
1936 - Robert E. Blomberg |
1936 - Joy Bottker |
1936 - Carolyn Boucher King |
1936 - James E Boyle |
1936 - Ken Braniff |
1936 - Betty Brasen |
1936 - Harry Braun |
1936 - Russell Breazeale |
1936 - Bessie Brigham Gray |
1936 - Alice Britts Woolbert |
1936 - Charles Brockmann |
1936 - Letta Brooks |
1936 - Persis Brown |
1936 - Virginia Bruce |
1936 - Harald Frithjof Bruun |
1936 - Thora (Marion) Marion Bryson Holmberg |
1936 - Helen Buckingham Smith |
1936 - Betty Irene Bue Dennison |
1936 - Donald Bunker |
1936 - William Bunker |
1936 - Esther Burton Bringhurst |
1936 - Muriel Bushell Wells |
1936 - Helen Byington |
1936 - F. Campbell |
1936 - Mary Canfield |
1936 - Betty Carlsen |
1936 - Evelyn Carlson Tappero |
1936 - Fred Carlson |
1936 - Patricia O'Malley Carter McClenahan |
1936 - Mary Casparson |
1936 - Sallie Cattanach Helsel |
1936 - James Chadwick |
1936 - Henry Chevalier |
1936 - Edwin Church |
1936 - Arthur Clark |
1936 - Irene Clodfelter |
1936 - Yvonne Cochran Young |
1936 - James Collins |
1936 - Marie Evelyn Collins |
1936 - Marguerite Compton |
1936 - June Conley |
1936 - John Conrad |
1936 - Dorothea Conroy |
1936 - Arleen Costello |
1936 - Jamie Couden |
1936 - Donald Courtright |
1936 - Ruth Craig |
1936 - Desmond Creed |
1936 - Donald Crosby |
1936 - Grace Croucher Jackson |
1936 - Leo Cruise |
1936 - Alfred G. Crum |
1936 - Howard Cruver |
1936 - Eugene Culbertson |
1936 - Ruth Cummings |
1936 - William Cundy |
1936 - Dorothea Cushing |
1936 - Virgil M Cyr |
1936 - Bjarne Dahl |
1936 - Norman Dahl |
1936 - Marjorie Daniell |
1936 - Dorothy June Davis Whitman |
1936 - Helen Davis |
1936 - Edna Daw Stageberg |
1936 - Audrey Dawson |
1936 - Joy Dean |
1936 - Grace Neal DeChesne |
1936 - Virginia deGroot |
1936 - Jeanne DeLaVergne Means |
1936 - William E Dell |
1936 - Gladys Dickerson Nelson |
1936 - Iona Dickie |
1936 - Norma Dishnow Graham |
1936 - Gerald Dixon |
1936 - Jane Carey Dodge Peale |
1936 - Robert Donaldson |
1936 - Ralph William Duby |
1936 - Kenneth Duff |
1936 - Charlotte Duncan Merideth |
1936 - Chester Duncan |
1936 - Juanita Eckert Fruehling |
1936 - Hazel Winifred Edgar Gruber |
1936 - Elling Ellingsen |
1936 - Thelma Ellingsen Anderson |
1936 - Charlotte Elliott Auchter |
1936 - Paul Elliott |
1936 - Barbara Nadine Ellis McGowan |
1936 - Everett Ellis |
1936 - Marilyn Ellis Keene |
1936 - Jack Emel |
1936 - Judson Engel |
1936 - Edith Erickson |
1936 - Conrad Espeland |
1936 - Richard Evans |
1936 - Martin Faust |
1936 - Howard Fawcett |
1936 - Louise Fell |
1936 - Vivian Fell |
1936 - Milton Carl Fellstrom |
1936 - Ruth Fitzpatrick |
1936 - Charles Flannigan |
1936 - Pauline Fletcher |
1936 - Albertine (Ellen) Ellen Flieder Mulanix |
1936 - William Franz Fogelstedt |
1936 - Margaret Forsell |
1936 - Donald Franett |
1936 - Raymond Freeman |
1936 - Evy Friden Berg |
1936 - Margaret Friedt |
1936 - Masao Fujiki |
1936 - Loutenia Fulcher |
1936 - Harvey Fullerton |
1936 - Myra Jane Gaasch Bruene |
1936 - Eileen Gaffney |
1936 - Helen Gamlem Apeland |
1936 - Lloyd Gano |
1936 - Dixon Garner |
1936 - Jacqueline Garner |
1936 - Helen Gates |
1936 - Jane Gay Hartey |
1936 - Geraldine Gemmill Davidson |
1936 - Marjorie Mary Gemmill Bourgault |
1936 - Mildred Gest Sullivan |
1936 - Mildred E. Gillmor |
1936 - Dorothy Glavin |
1936 - Betty Godfrey |
1936 - Harold Gonser |
1936 - Meredith Lee Goodhue Kangley |
1936 - John Goodwin |
1936 - Virginia Gordon Walls |
1936 - June Gottwig |
1936 - Mary Grace Stevenson |
1936 - Anne Granberg |
1936 - Isabelle Mary Graney Palin |
1936 - Howard Graves |
1936 - Helen Greenlund |
1936 - Ann Griffin Riley |
1936 - Clare Gunder |
1936 - Doris Vajla Gustafson Lyman |
1936 - Gordon Gustafson |
1936 - Maxine Haag |
1936 - Evelyn Hagmoe |
1936 - Donald Haley |
1936 - Alice Hall |
1936 - Olive Jean Hall Gundrum |
1936 - Leonard Hammer |
1936 - William Hammond |
1936 - Naida Hanna |
1936 - Jeanne Hanover Weber |
1936 - Virginia Hanseth |
1936 - Jeanne Harper Zimmerman |
1936 - Margaret Harrison Johnston |
1936 - Eleanor Harshman Wernecke |
1936 - Helen Hatch Crager |
1936 - Frances Havens Mann |
1936 - Jack Havens |
1936 - Jane Havens Venney |
1936 - Arne R. Hedman |
1936 - Elizabeth Heider Hedgecock |
1936 - Carl Henkle |
1936 - Lars Alvin Hennum |
1936 - Norman Higgins |
1936 - Mabel Hildebrand |
1936 - Spencer Hill |
1936 - Florence Hilton |
1936 - Maxine Hipkoe |
1936 - Charles Terpening Hoard |
1936 - Nancy C Holland Dillon |
1936 - John Holloway |
1936 - Harold Hollstrom |
1936 - Sigvard Karl Holm |
1936 - Dorothy Holmes Adams |
1936 - Doris L Horsley Caseri |
1936 - Barbara Horton Holzener |
1936 - Charlotte Houghton |
1936 - Harold (Warren) Warren Houston |
1936 - Albin (Al) C. Hoveland |
1936 - Phyllis Howard Jones |
1936 - Audrey Hubbard Leroy |
1936 - Bert Hubbard |
1936 - David Hughes |
1936 - Jim Hunt |
1936 - Morrice Hunter |
1936 - Frank Irvin |
1936 - James Jacobs |
1936 - Jack James |
1936 - Jane Jefferson Allison |
1936 - Francis (Evelyn) Evelyn Jenkins Peterson |
1936 - Inger Jensen Ricci |
1936 - Harold Jenseth |
1936 - Jack Jerome |
1936 - Glenn Jester |
1936 - Marjorie Jimosse |
1936 - Donald Johnson |
1936 - Florence M. Johnson Anderson |
1936 - John Johnson |
1936 - LaVerne Johnson Gencarella |
1936 - Lewis Johnson |
1936 - Mildred Johnson |
1936 - Nola Johnson Snyder-Woeck |
1936 - Peggy Johnson Timmerman |
1936 - Phyllis Johnson |
1936 - Vincent Johnson |
1936 - Wallace Johnson |
1936 - Robert Johnston |
1936 - Beatrice Jones |
1936 - Russell Jones |
1936 - Rudolph Jorgensen |
1936 - Bob Jorstad |
1936 - Moneta Harris Jorstad Young |
1936 - Norma L. Junken |
1936 - Florence Jurgenson |
1936 - H. Karfstedt |
1936 - Amelia Karras Pantages |
1936 - Katherine Mildred Keene |
1936 - Shirley Keeney |
1936 - Muriel Keil |
1936 - Muriel Keith Little |
1936 - Alvina Kelchner |
1936 - Lois Keller |
1936 - Grace Kellett Green |
1936 - June Kelso Potts |
1936 - Phyllis Kendall |
1936 - Kaye Kennedy Spake |
1936 - Emerson (Harvey) Harvey Kieswetter |
1936 - Roger Boyd Killingsworth |
1936 - Jane Kimball Baker |
1936 - Rex D Kincaid |
1936 - Lloyd King |
1936 - Melvin James King |
1936 - Richard King |
1936 - Bill Kirkpatrick |
1936 - Marion Kirkpatrick |
1936 - Carlisle Klostermeyer |
1936 - Marion Knaier |
1936 - Bernice Knapp |
1936 - Doris Koenig Beale |
1936 - Patricia A Kohler Russell |
1936 - Marvel Kolseth |
1936 - Lois Kuehn Johns |
1936 - Verle Kurfess |
1936 - Corinne Lagerquist |
1936 - Donald Lane |
1936 - Ruth Lange Fall |
1936 - Earl Larrison |
1936 - Max Larsen |
1936 - E. Margaret Lawler Carlson |
1936 - Charles Lawson |
1936 - Davis LeClair |
1936 - Geraldine Leever |
1936 - Jeanne LeGrand |
1936 - Norma Lester |
1936 - Bette Linde |
1936 - Kathleen Lipman |
1936 - Gladys Little |
1936 - Robert Lockhart |
1936 - Beryl Lodge |
1936 - Harry Lofgren |
1936 - Elsie Lohman |
1936 - Cathryn Lommel |
1936 - George Long |
1936 - Alice Longfellow |
1936 - George Elliot Lough |
1936 - Norman Lough |
1936 - Hunter Lund-Tamminen |
1936 - Norbert Lundberg |
1936 - Richard Lyle |
1936 - Jean Lynn Laws |
1936 - Aileen Mack |
1936 - John Maloy |
1936 - Irene Manche |
1936 - Peyton March |
1936 - Christina Davena Markley Hoffa |
1936 - Robert (Bob) R. Markley |
1936 - M. Marle Hutcherson |
1936 - Bettie Maron |
1936 - Theodore Mataxis |
1936 - Marguerite Mathisen Watson |
1936 - Evelyn May Iversen |
1936 - Dorothy McColm |
1936 - Vera McColm |
1936 - Earl McCoy |
1936 - Jame McDonald |
1936 - William McDonald |
1936 - Jessie McFarland |
1936 - Norman McFerran |
1936 - Phoebe Jane McHargue Olson |
1936 - Lyle Case McKnight |
1936 - Thomas McNeil |
1936 - James McNett |
1936 - Gertrude Medill |
1936 - Lewis Meek |
1936 - Kenneth Meenach |
1936 - Mary Louise Meyer Evans |
1936 - Audley Michener |
1936 - Bruce Miles |
1936 - Jeanette Miller |
1936 - Marie Jane Miller |
1936 - Ralph Miller |
1936 - Dorothy Milnor |
1936 - John J Moodie |
1936 - Vera Moore Pierson |
1936 - Richard Mortensen |
1936 - Noel Mueller |
1936 - Billy Munn |
1936 - Gwendolyn Murray |
1936 - Beth Neander |
1936 - Lloyd Nelson |
1936 - Ruth Nelson Parrott |
1936 - Margaret Elizabeth Newell |
1936 - Marjorie Newell |
1936 - Virginia Nold Wiggens |
1936 - Gilbert Nordquist |
1936 - Robert Norland |
1936 - Jack Norton |
1936 - Gordon Nyberg |
1936 - Dorothy Nylin |
1936 - Robert Odle,Sr. |
1936 - Jesse Ogdon |
1936 - Grace Olsen Frederick |
1936 - Bertinel Olson |
1936 - Lorraine Olson |
1936 - Rhodesa Orphan |
1936 - Joanna Osborne |
1936 - Peer Ostrem |
1936 - Zetta Parks Wickersham |
1936 - Lucile Parmenter Freeman |
1936 - Earl Pavatte |
1936 - Richard Pearse |
1936 - Cicely Peeples Ader |
1936 - Urban Pelletier |
1936 - Harry Pepin |
1936 - Larry Pepin |
1936 - Dorothy Jane Perkins Commons |
1936 - Merle Petterson |
1936 - Fred Pettit |
1936 - Bert Edwin Pettitt, Jr |
1936 - Marjorie Phair Markstrom |
1936 - David McNair Plumb |
1936 - Virginia Polley |
1936 - Marvin Popp |
1936 - Robert Porter |
1936 - Betty Marie Power |
1936 - Helen Fry Pressnall Proper |
1936 - Lois Puffert |
1936 - Harold Pugh |
1936 - Marguerite Rae |
1936 - Stuart Wainright Ranicar |
1936 - William Rankin |
1936 - Maxine Ray |
1936 - Thomas Reese |
1936 - Edith Reichelt |
1936 - Beatrice Reidell |
1936 - Florence Reitz Desrosier |
1936 - Russell Rhoads |
1936 - Opal Rice |
1936 - Dorothy Rich |
1936 - Cyrus Richardson |
1936 - Jean Rickert Hansen |
1936 - Dale Riepe |
1936 - Frances Ripley |
1936 - Harold Robinson |
1936 - Vera Rogers |
1936 - Betty Jane Rooks |
1936 - Marguerite Rose |
1936 - Miles Ross |
1936 - Helen Marilyn Rudd Wollak |
1936 - Josephine Rynders Carstensen |
1936 - Marian Santmyer |
1936 - Solveig Sathre Lundberg |
1936 - Lloyd Sawyer |
1936 - Marguerite Schechert |
1936 - Carl Scherrer |
1936 - John Schrieber |
1936 - Betty Schultz |
1936 - Medford Schwarz |
1936 - Charlotte Scott Smith |
1936 - Gladys Scott |
1936 - Lurline Scott |
1936 - Dave Scrimgeour |
1936 - Harold Sebenick |
1936 - Norman See |
1936 - Harry Arlan Selland, Jr |
1936 - Ruth Shaver Jameson |
1936 - Nancy Sheldon Nance |
1936 - Alvin Shoemaker |
1936 - June Maxine Shreve Vanderpoll |
1936 - Gordon Shuck |
1936 - Sylvia Siegel Kutoff |
1936 - James Simkins |
1936 - Jeanne Simonsen |
1936 - Lyla Irene Simonson Johnson |
1936 - Bill Simpson |
1936 - Jeannette Simpson Ragsdale |
1936 - John Slade |
1936 - Lorraine Slingsby Atwood |
1936 - Betty Smart Bucknell |
1936 - Ann Jane Smith |
1936 - Betty Anne Smith Jayne |
1936 - Edith Smith Hogan |
1936 - Edna M. Smith Carpenter |
1936 - Ethel Smith Torrington |
1936 - Margaret Smith |
1936 - Muriel Smith |
1936 - Robert Dale Smith |
1936 - Wendell Smith |
1936 - Robert Snyder |
1936 - Lloyd Soderberg |
1936 - Harold Sprague |
1936 - Vivian Sprague Bigelow |
1936 - Stanley Stapp |
1936 - Beryl Starkey |
1936 - Borgny Steberg Strickland |
1936 - James Steidle |
1936 - John Steinat |
1936 - Ruth Stevens |
1936 - Madeleine Stewart Peterson |
1936 - Donald Storkan |
1936 - Louise Straus |
1936 - Harold Sund |
1936 - James Sutton |
1936 - Patricia Sweeney |
1936 - Louise Swift |
1936 - Marie Swinton |
1936 - Arthur Sykes |
1936 - Charles Sylvester |
1936 - George Tanaka |
1936 - Cleo Tavis Cosner |
1936 - John Taylor |
1936 - Marge Taylor Mann |
1936 - Elizabeth Terrell |
1936 - Harold Thayer |
1936 - Anita Thompson |
1936 - Eleanor Thompson |
1936 - Fred Thompson |
1936 - Virginia Thompson-Rose |
1936 - Harold Thornquist |
1936 - Margaret Thornton |
1936 - Jean Tice |
1936 - Louise Tomren |
1936 - Ruth Tornow Schultz |
1936 - Annie Torset Sather |
1936 - Margaret Treble |
1936 - Gilbert Trekas |
1936 - Jane Trockmorton |
1936 - Jean Trow |
1936 - Ruby Trowbridge |
1936 - Richard Tugwell |
1936 - Richard (Dick) A. Tuininga |
1936 - James Tully |
1936 - Verlan Twilligear |
1936 - Russell Twiss |
1936 - Amos Randolph Ulberg |
1936 - Frank Underhill |
1936 - Janet Upcraft |
1936 - Clyde Vance |
1936 - Dorothy VanDeWater |
1936 - Walter C. Venema |
1936 - Betty Vickers |
1936 - Robert Vierthaler |
1936 - Lovey Waldeck |
1936 - Jack Walker |
1936 - Virginia Ward |
1936 - Dorothy Ware |
1936 - Mary Wascher |
1936 - William Allan Wasmund |
1936 - Jim W Welden |
1936 - Norma Wells |
1936 - Marlan Wetmore |
1936 - Verla Belle White Houston |
1936 - Ann Rosalie Whiteside Kem |
1936 - Betty Wilkins White |
1936 - Mary Williamson Jeffs |
1936 - Alice Wilmot |
1936 - Fay Winger |
1936 - Vivienne Winters |
1936 - Clinton Witter |
1936 - Madeline Ora Wolff Dawes |
1936 - Bertha Woods |
1936 - Ben Woodyard |
1936 - Robert E Woolbert |
1936 - Marjorie Woollard |
1936 - Earl Wormington |
1936 - Norman Wright |
1936 - Susumu Yamada |
1936 - Virginia E. Yenter Rose |
1936 - Lucille M Zachau Anderson |
1936 - Gladys Zimmerman Schmidt |
Back to Top |
Class of 1937 |
1937 - Robert L. Adair |
1937 - Robert E. Albaugh |
1937 - C. Anderson |
1937 - Edward (Ed) Gustave Anderson |
1937 - George Murray Anderson |
1937 - Helen Mildred Anderson Ellefson |
1937 - Jerome Fred Anderson |
1937 - Rex Anderson |
1937 - Thelma S. Anderson |
1937 - Malcolm Andresen |
1937 - Sheldon Andresen |
1937 - Kenneth Angell |
1937 - Buckley Arensberg |
1937 - Hobart Ashmore |
1937 - Mortimer (Mort) Wells Baldwin |
1937 - Phyllis Ballinger Tryner |
1937 - Dorothy Baltzo |
1937 - Doris Barnes George |
1937 - Herschel Barnes |
1937 - Del Barton |
1937 - Mabel Barton Ober |
1937 - Joan Baumann Williams |
1937 - Einar Nestor Beckman |
1937 - Josephine Beeler |
1937 - Frank Bennett |
1937 - Arthur Benson |
1937 - Martin Berg |
1937 - Roy Edward Berg |
1937 - Virla B. Bergman Coddington |
1937 - Agnes Biringer Jennings |
1937 - Elsie Bernice Bjornstad Halvorsen |
1937 - Robert Boldrin |
1937 - Roy Borresen |
1937 - Lillian BosSulpke Grinnell |
1937 - Virginia Braley Westberg |
1937 - Betty Bruce Onsum |
1937 - Robert (Bob) Donald Bruce |
1937 - Regina (Elaine) Elaine Bryan Schalkle |
1937 - Mary Buckingham Vaux |
1937 - Margaret Bulle Campbell |
1937 - Joe Bullock |
1937 - Fred Burink |
1937 - Eilleen Burke Rogers |
1937 - Virginia Burke Smith |
1937 - Marie Bush Fite |
1937 - Otto John Bylsma |
1937 - Jacqueline Cain Budd |
1937 - Alice Carey Hurst |
1937 - Donald Carey |
1937 - Edith (Edie) Viola Carlson Carey |
1937 - Lorraine Carlson Benson |
1937 - Robert Carroll |
1937 - Jeanette Clark Greene-Davis |
1937 - William (Bill) Allen Cline,Jr. |
1937 - William B. Cloes |
1937 - Chester Forrest Cole |
1937 - Gertrude Coleman Farrell |
1937 - Helen Coleman Rodway |
1937 - Patricia (Pat) B. Collins Svendsen |
1937 - Owen Cranmer,MD |
1937 - Robert Crosby |
1937 - Donald A Crowton |
1937 - Vera Crozier Wickline |
1937 - Lawrence Van Cruchon |
1937 - Robert Curtain |
1937 - Marcella Dahl Fetterly |
1937 - Barbara J. Dammann |
1937 - Merlyn E. Danskin |
1937 - Florence Daucy Hogan |
1937 - Jeanne Davis Wilson |
1937 - Roland Deering |
1937 - Glenn Diers |
1937 - Glenford Dizard |
1937 - Betty J. Durnford Johnson |
1937 - Marion Ebert Brugman |
1937 - Harold Eck |
1937 - Hubert Ellis |
1937 - Harold Erickson |
1937 - Nell Christine Espeland Dahl |
1937 - Marks Ewing |
1937 - Phyllis Feroe Brown |
1937 - Mary Jane Fisher Johnson |
1937 - Frank Fletcher |
1937 - Isabelle Franco Reece |
1937 - Sar-Ann Freer |
1937 - Frank M. Fukano |
1937 - Eunice (Euny) N. Gardner Olson |
1937 - Lilith E. Garner Cool |
1937 - Helen Gazely Poole |
1937 - Ray Giancoli |
1937 - Florence Gibb Shaskey |
1937 - Charles Giese |
1937 - Dora E Gilmur Dyer |
1937 - Bernadine Goldade Hasen |
1937 - Rose Margaret Graney Cooper |
1937 - Helen Graziano McAuliff |
1937 - Dorothy Frances Greenslade Morton |
1937 - Louise P. Grosso Huden |
1937 - Eleanor Louise Gundersen Anderson |
1937 - C. (C.T.) T. Gustafson |
1937 - Mel Halbert |
1937 - Clarence Victor Hall |
1937 - Gertrude M. Hannah Hively |
1937 - Fred Hanson |
1937 - Marjorie Helen Hapka Johnson |
1937 - Jean F Harshman Robinson |
1937 - Frank Hart |
1937 - Byron Hartley |
1937 - Brock Hassell |
1937 - Leah Hecker Wells |
1937 - Edgar A Heggen |
1937 - Edwin Heggen |
1937 - Elwood Hendrickson |
1937 - Eleanor Henning Krentz |
1937 - Fay Henton Mann |
1937 - Robert (Dean) Deane Herrick |
1937 - Lucille Hicks Mahoney |
1937 - Robert Hogy |
1937 - Betty Holmes Malone |
1937 - Irene Holmstrom Mauldin |
1937 - Frank M. Honn |
1937 - Harry Hubbard |
1937 - Mary Bess Hughes Kelly |
1937 - Maynard Hughes |
1937 - Agnes Iverson Anderson |
1937 - Donald Jackson |
1937 - Harry Jacobsen |
1937 - Ernest Robert Jeffries |
1937 - Sherman Jensen |
1937 - Grace Johnson Cornwell |
1937 - Marian Johnson Peterkin |
1937 - Melvin G. Johnson |
1937 - R. Irene Johnson Hendele |
1937 - Roy Jones |
1937 - Averill Jorgenson |
1937 - Arthur (Rowland) Rowland Juhlin |
1937 - Thomas Tomiichi Kanno |
1937 - Shirley Ann Keller King |
1937 - Cyrus Kelly |
1937 - Don Kennedy |
1937 - Donald Nye Kinkead |
1937 - Edwin (Jim) James Knapton, Jr |
1937 - Yvonne Konnerup |
1937 - Haruo (Ham) Kumasaka |
1937 - Barbara Miriam Lahr Ferguson |
1937 - Raoul Nelson Lanning |
1937 - Lilianne LaPierre Walker |
1937 - Carl R. Larson |
1937 - Yvonne Lawson Rule |
1937 - Charlotte Elda Leonard Grant |
1937 - Emile David LeRoy |
1937 - James Lester |
1937 - Helen Linderoth |
1937 - Gunier Loe |
1937 - Vernice (Sissy) Rene Lommel Kluh |
1937 - Ruth Maria Loomis Andrews |
1937 - Marilyn Lund Ayers |
1937 - Bill Macdonald |
1937 - Marjorie N. Mahood Syria |
1937 - Fred Maier |
1937 - Clyde Marlow |
1937 - Martin Edward Marson |
1937 - William Marx |
1937 - Maxine Maximilian Ellis |
1937 - Robert Joseph McAneny |
1937 - Donald McArthur |
1937 - Ruth E McDonald |
1937 - Don McGowan |
1937 - Mary L. McIlvain Marx |
1937 - William McLeod |
1937 - Helen Mechelsen Pozzi |
1937 - Edward Mercier |
1937 - Claude Merideth |
1937 - Edna Meyer Hudson |
1937 - Ken Michalson |
1937 - James Miller |
1937 - Edward Joseph Milliken, Jr |
1937 - Violet Lucille Minnie Estes |
1937 - Jeanne Moody Brandrud |
1937 - Gilbert Moon |
1937 - Patricia (Louise) Louise Moroni Beaumont |
1937 - David Richard Morris |
1937 - Louise Katherine Nagel Smith |
1937 - Audrey Elizabeth Nairn Neumann |
1937 - Jeanne Nakawatasi Martin |
1937 - Blair E Navin |
1937 - Betty Neil Kloess |
1937 - Gertrude Nellis Munson |
1937 - Marie June Nelson Periera |
1937 - Grace Ness McCammon |
1937 - Duvall Newsham |
1937 - Melvin Nilson |
1937 - Woodrow Nishitani |
1937 - Fred Nitzschke |
1937 - Carolyn I. Nix Englen |
1937 - Byng Nixon |
1937 - Melvern Nyhagen |
1937 - Edward O'Leary |
1937 - Mildred Oman Kopp |
1937 - Donald (Don) Roy Orndorff |
1937 - Patricia Ossinger Moody |
1937 - Phyllis L. Owen Spencer |
1937 - C. (C.L.) L. Owens |
1937 - Betty Parks Arena |
1937 - Ilene Patterson Dawson |
1937 - Virginia Peacey Davis |
1937 - Ralph Edward Peel |
1937 - Edward Pepin |
1937 - Mary Alice Perkins Cyphers |
1937 - Elaine Julia Petersen Smith |
1937 - Lawrence Petersen |
1937 - Edith Peterson Kirkpatrick |
1937 - Patricia Phelps Savage |
1937 - Mary Picht Cook |
1937 - June F. Pickering Smith |
1937 - Ray Dan Pineo |
1937 - Bernadine Plamondon Bozanich |
1937 - Norman Porteous |
1937 - Elizabeth (Betsey) Eleanor Powell Hauff |
1937 - Ileene Rathbun Harvey |
1937 - Jean Rathbun Kartman |
1937 - Lois Reitz Layman |
1937 - Richard Moyne Robb |
1937 - Leda Roberts |
1937 - June Robertson Reynolds |
1937 - William Russell Robertson, Sr. |
1937 - Leslie Marvin Robinson |
1937 - Mildred Robison Mouat |
1937 - Gail Carpenter Rogers |
1937 - Pauline Rowe Elfstrom |
1937 - Marion Rudd Lothspeich |
1937 - Calvin Campbell Rule |
1937 - Inez Sather Gronvold |
1937 - Beryl Lee Saxby |
1937 - Irmgard Schoennauer Cole |
1937 - George Schreiner |
1937 - Lucille Betty Schwendeman Goldsbary |
1937 - Frances Mae Scott Berry |
1937 - Evelyn Sellers Price |
1937 - Donald Shallow |
1937 - Marguerite (Peggy) Sheehan Shillinglaw |
1937 - Marge Shell Kessner |
1937 - Patricia H. Sheppard |
1937 - William (Bill) Webster Siceloff |
1937 - Vera Silvaggio Bickert |
1937 - Hugh Sinnett |
1937 - Jack Thomas Skullerud |
1937 - Iris Smith Ramey |
1937 - Jack Smith |
1937 - Lois Jeanne Smith Malbon |
1937 - Mary Snelling Flanagan |
1937 - Pat Solibakke Porter |
1937 - Howard E. Somers |
1937 - Alvera Sorlie Routson |
1937 - Earl Stay |
1937 - Phoebe Stewart Healey |
1937 - Gordon W. Stong |
1937 - Jevonne A. Swenson Hedlund |
1937 - Helen Terho Tracy |
1937 - Helen Dorothy Thiel Strickland |
1937 - John (Jack) Thies |
1937 - Eleanor Thilberg Rudolph |
1937 - Ed Thomas |
1937 - William Hugh Thomas |
1937 - Betty Ann Thompson Ramstad |
1937 - Amy Thunes Norberg |
1937 - Mary Jane Tibbetts |
1937 - Armand A Tiberio |
1937 - James Tompkins |
1937 - Hazel V Vandyne Lewis |
1937 - Robert VanMarter |
1937 - Dorothy (Dottie) Ruth Walls Harrington |
1937 - William (Bill) Percival Walter |
1937 - Norman Weeks |
1937 - Madora Weiner Dawkins |
1937 - Barbara Wetmore Whitney |
1937 - Fred Whaley |
1937 - Austin Wheeler |
1937 - Jeanne Hathryn Whims Link |
1937 - Ivola White Selis |
1937 - John E Worthen Jr |
1937 - Betty Wright Borresen |
1937 - David Yeager |
1937 - John Yeaman |
Back to Top |
Class of 1938 |
1938 - Irene Aase |
1938 - Gilbert Adams |
1938 - Frieda Hortensia Adler Nelson |
1938 - Patricia Elizabeth Alberts Parrish |
1938 - Roy Aldridge |
1938 - Gordon Eugene Amsberry |
1938 - Elsie Elizabeth Anderson Nelson |
1938 - Richard Anderson |
1938 - Robert (Bob) Walter Anderson |
1938 - Bette Andrus Dick |
1938 - Mel Angell |
1938 - Barbara Arnold Simonson |
1938 - Bruce Arnold |
1938 - John Austin |
1938 - Florence S Bacon Brodersen |
1938 - Cecelia Catherine Bagley Miller |
1938 - Paul Barber |
1938 - M. (Phyllis) Phyllis Barringer Tenuta |
1938 - Frank Albert Bartell |
1938 - William A. Bartleson |
1938 - Allen Edwards Beach |
1938 - Nora Edith Beaumont Laing |
1938 - Ann Bell Hodgeboom |
1938 - Margaret (Peggy) Blackstock Bingay |
1938 - Ralph Blucher |
1938 - Virginia Dorinne Boddy Benson |
1938 - Clement Boles |
1938 - Betty Roselia Bond Powell -Selby |
1938 - Eloise Caroline Boness Liebl |
1938 - Chester Clarence Bonett |
1938 - Vern Borst |
1938 - Helen Borton Ott |
1938 - Larry Boulet |
1938 - Clarence Bowman |
1938 - William (Bill) Brayton |
1938 - Richard Andrew Bresheare |
1938 - Thomas Bridges |
1938 - Audrey Ruth Brigham Spleen |
1938 - William M. Bryan,Jr. |
1938 - Hugh T Bucknam |
1938 - Harvey Buffum |
1938 - Warren (Buff) E. Buffum |
1938 - Joseph Burke |
1938 - Dorothy Elma Bush Leland |
1938 - Glenn Edwin Bushnell |
1938 - Hazel Kathleen Butcher Beranek |
1938 - Patricia Butterworth Fish |
1938 - Cecil John Caley,Jr. |
1938 - Louise M Carlson Ferber |
1938 - Elizabeth (Betty) Rose Casad Umbinetti |
1938 - Virginia Case Anderson |
1938 - Robert Celeen |
1938 - Anne Bessie Christensen Keil |
1938 - George Christensen |
1938 - Florence Christiansen James |
1938 - Elizabeth Church Silverman |
1938 - Dorothy Clark Baron |
1938 - James (Roger) Roger Condon |
1938 - Dorothy Conners Wirkman-Russell |
1938 - Patricia Marie Cook Kirkdoffer |
1938 - Carolyn Cooper Gruber |
1938 - Kirby Coryell |
1938 - Robert Wallace Cramlet |
1938 - Henry Arnold Cruver |
1938 - Bonnie Jean Culbert Adams |
1938 - Margaret Cunningham Burkhard |
1938 - Natalie Cunz Kessinger |
1938 - Michael Angelo D'Aquila |
1938 - Lizette Johanna Daniels Roys |
1938 - Charles Danner |
1938 - Quentin Duane Darby |
1938 - Phyllis Davis Davidson |
1938 - Betty Jean Dice Hayes |
1938 - Lillian (Lilly) Dinsmore McNerney |
1938 - Doris Louise Dodson Jacobson |
1938 - George Duby |
1938 - Lenore Duncan Maher |
1938 - Jeannette Louise Durholt Martinson |
1938 - Harmony M. Durkee Adams |
1938 - Anna (Mary) Durning Hamilton |
1938 - John (Jack) Anthony Earley, Jr |
1938 - Albert Frederick Ebken |
1938 - Ilene Ruth Ebken Smith |
1938 - Rolfe William Eckmann |
1938 - Martha Edmonds Fairbank |
1938 - Francis (Frank) George Ehle |
1938 - C. Eklund |
1938 - June Elliott Cruver |
1938 - Virgil Eugene Elliott |
1938 - Betty Ann Erdahl |
1938 - Mary L. Esterbrook Paysse |
1938 - Germaine Farrar Stolzenberg |
1938 - Lisa Ferber Denny |
1938 - Areta Olive Ferguson Horsley |
1938 - Earl Fish |
1938 - Virginia F Foltz O'Byrne |
1938 - Ted Ford |
1938 - Florence (Jeanne) Jeanne Foster Jordan |
1938 - Dorothy Franz Tuininga |
1938 - Betty Jean Frederic duBiel |
1938 - Virgil K. Freeburg |
1938 - Lula Mae Friedt Simpson |
1938 - Frances Anna Fritz Jensen |
1938 - Cyril Maurice Frol |
1938 - Kathleen Virginia Godfrey Lund |
1938 - Chris John Gregores |
1938 - Joe Edwin Gregory |
1938 - Albert Grimes |
1938 - Elmer Danny Gustafson |
1938 - Leona (Lee) Elaine Gustafson Richards |
1938 - Albert E Haar |
1938 - Arthur W Hademan |
1938 - James (Dan) Daniel Haffner |
1938 - Katherine Hagen High |
1938 - Lois A Hahneman McKean |
1938 - Hazel (Betty) Elizabeth Hamilton Sunde |
1938 - Marjorie M Hanson Chapman |
1938 - Harve H. Harrison |
1938 - William Charles Harrison |
1938 - Harold Eugene Haun |
1938 - Ruth Hawthorn Seigal |
1938 - Robert Hudson Hawthorne |
1938 - Helen Merle Heimbach Cone |
1938 - Eleanor Mae Heindahl Welker |
1938 - Karl Ivor Hennum |
1938 - Charles Reynolds Henton |
1938 - Don Heyer |
1938 - Richard Putman Hill |
1938 - John William Hinton |
1938 - Gerald (Jerry) Arthur Hoeck |
1938 - Caralyn Mae Hogeland Mueller |
1938 - Frank Dale Horsfall |
1938 - William James Horsley |
1938 - Donald Keith Hoskins |
1938 - Thelma Marie Johannesen Smith |
1938 - Irene Evelyn Johnson Lawseth |
1938 - Lee Johnson |
1938 - Geraldine Margareta Johnstone Valaas |
1938 - Gordon Phillip Jones |
1938 - Robert Wallin Jones |
1938 - Clifford A Keil |
1938 - John R Kennedy |
1938 - Robert (Bob) Anderson Kilpatrick |
1938 - Jacqie J Kinkead |
1938 - Walter Kirkness |
1938 - Emeline Gray Kleckner Shipman |
1938 - Lucile Wilhelmina Klopfer Lee |
1938 - Eda Kruller Anthony |
1938 - Harold Lee Kurtz |
1938 - Walter (Walt) Stanley Larsen |
1938 - Caryl Joyce Larson McArdell |
1938 - Harry Viking Larson |
1938 - Marion Alice Lesher |
1938 - Dorothea E Liggett Benedict |
1938 - Howard Lindsay |
1938 - Gladys Livingston Downey |
1938 - Florence (Flo) Lopez Haun |
1938 - Howard Gibson Lyman |
1938 - Mary Elizabeth Mahler Walter |
1938 - Eleanor Jayne Mangan Lewis |
1938 - Leonard Lewis Mannon |
1938 - Ronald D March |
1938 - Gordon Goodrich Markley |
1938 - Bertha Marie Matson |
1938 - Barbara B. McCabe |
1938 - Florence McCartney Schneider |
1938 - J. (J.W.) W. McConnell |
1938 - Evelyn McHale Childs |
1938 - Bette A. McHardie |
1938 - Betty (Bette) Jane McIlvain Keenholts |
1938 - Mary (Mary Lou) Louise Mehan Chaney |
1938 - June Meyer Banfill |
1938 - Betty Miles Murray |
1938 - Eloise Mills Thomas |
1938 - Bayard Milnor |
1938 - Ida Belle Minnie Miller |
1938 - Dorothy Ann Molitor Grace |
1938 - William A Monten |
1938 - Robert M. Murray |
1938 - Claude Crimont Myrick |
1938 - Toshiko Nakagawa Katayama |
1938 - Howard Edgar Nelson |
1938 - Jay Nielsen |
1938 - Ellie Nilsson Nygard |
1938 - Margaret Nitzschke Butterfield |
1938 - Francis (Frank) Burnett Nyland |
1938 - Paul Nystrom |
1938 - Charles Thomas O'Brien |
1938 - Betty I O'Keefe Houghton |
1938 - William (Ross) Ross Olin |
1938 - Ruby Eileen Olsen Weeks |
1938 - Joseph Oppie |
1938 - Alice Ota Tsukuno |
1938 - Ella Ota |
1938 - Dick Painton |
1938 - Pauline (Polly) Marie Palmer Merner |
1938 - Richard O Parker |
1938 - Richard Parks |
1938 - Carl Alden Paschke |
1938 - Pearl E Peacey Hill |
1938 - Eleanor Pearson Gardner |
1938 - Herman Pearson |
1938 - Carol Jean Peeples Urquhart |
1938 - Katherine Peters Funis |
1938 - Arlene Peterson Lott |
1938 - Harley Petridge |
1938 - James Phillips |
1938 - Tom Evans Phillips |
1938 - Evelyn Eline Pinard Amick |
1938 - Helen (Elenie) John Pishue Crowinshield |
1938 - Nicolin Plank Gray |
1938 - Laura Joan Potter McLaughlin |
1938 - Mildred Rachael Stidham |
1938 - Andrea Refsguard Saubert |
1938 - NaDean Reger Rognaldson |
1938 - Dorothy Rhoades Coombes |
1938 - Mardell Rickert Morrison |
1938 - Edmund Robinson |
1938 - Harold Rogers |
1938 - Jim Rogers |
1938 - Brownlee Tatlesle Rostron |
1938 - Shirley Feme Rude Swiney-Childgren |
1938 - Robert Sandberg |
1938 - Bettie Satterlee |
1938 - Eleanor (Susie) C Schade Riley |
1938 - Richard (Dick) Willis Schutt |
1938 - George J. Selvidge |
1938 - Elizabeth Ingersoll Sheedy Harrington |
1938 - Robert Shervem |
1938 - Robert Shipek |
1938 - Dennis Lamont Skullerud |
1938 - William Sloan,MD |
1938 - Anna K. Smith Love |
1938 - Carol Smith Fulmer |
1938 - Patricia Smith Fay |
1938 - Wallace Smith |
1938 - Genevieve Spain Sistig |
1938 - Arline Emma Spies Nelson |
1938 - Dorothy V Spring Watt |
1938 - Leona Staab King |
1938 - Marjorie M. Stecks |
1938 - Helen Stewart Taverniti |
1938 - Louise Stickney Burcham |
1938 - Shirley Stinnett Gross |
1938 - Richard Stoll |
1938 - Mamie Strandrud McIntyre |
1938 - Virginia Ardath Suntken/Webb Taylor |
1938 - Nancy L. Thilberg |
1938 - Thora Jane Thunes Jarman |
1938 - Palmer H Thurston |
1938 - Marie Tollbom Tribble |
1938 - Maxine Tuttle Dunseath |
1938 - Kenneth Ulrickson |
1938 - Grace Underhill Brown |
1938 - Laura Marie VanMarter Pepin |
1938 - Lawrence DeWayne Waley |
1938 - Bette Brennan Walker Schmitt |
1938 - Marybel Walsh Hobbs |
1938 - Frances Elizabeth Waters Merclean |
1938 - Helen Evelyn Watson Wren |
1938 - Marcia Webber Slaughter |
1938 - Frances Webley Hoover |
1938 - Dorothy Jane Weingarten Harmon |
1938 - Betty Jean White Heinmiller |
1938 - Leland White |
1938 - James Alvin Wilkes, Jr |
1938 - Miriam C. Wilkins McCarty |
1938 - Orley Lenore Wilson Poole |
1938 - George William Wilson,Jr. |
1938 - Norma Claire Wingate Heller |
1938 - Catherine Jane Wolf Stone |
1938 - Ruth Wright Wormington |
1938 - Hiroshi Hiram Yahagi |
1938 - Maralee Young Skinner |
Back to Top |
Class of 1939 |
1939 - John (Jack) Lloyd Richard Abbey |
1939 - Joseph L. Abercrombie |
1939 - Helen R, Abrahamson Johnson-Hurs |
1939 - Alvaretta (Penny) H. Adams O'Brien |
1939 - Parke L. Adams |
1939 - Ethel M. Adumdsen Clarke |
1939 - Jane Sadako Akiyama Hamada |
1939 - Robert D. Alexander |
1939 - Earl (Bill) Harold Althof |
1939 - Bernice A. Anderson Heitmann |
1939 - Joseph H Andrews |
1939 - Russell Arwine |
1939 - Mary Rae Baker Noble |
1939 - Charles (Chuck) C. Ball |
1939 - Fred Lang Ball |
1939 - Carl Bangs |
1939 - Arthur Douglas Barduhn |
1939 - George Bauer |
1939 - Doris Beach Adams |
1939 - Mariana Caroline Bechtol Winn |
1939 - Marie Elizabeth Beck Stevens |
1939 - Rodney Becker |
1939 - Marjorie Beem Makris |
1939 - Howard (Klink) D. Bennett |
1939 - Lillian Benson Baines |
1939 - Margaret Biringer Freeburn |
1939 - Earl Gifford Blake |
1939 - Ted Blanchard |
1939 - Walter Blanchard |
1939 - James Blanning |
1939 - Agnetta Wilhelmina Blindheim Felthous |
1939 - Cecil Rigg Branstetter |
1939 - Robert Brasfield |
1939 - Eudora Britten Nixon |
1939 - Evelyn Brobak Packnett |
1939 - Mary Buchan Kitts |
1939 - Janet Burke Beach |
1939 - John W. Butterfield |
1939 - Fred Byram |
1939 - Albert (Al) Campbell |
1939 - Muriel Capp Henderson |
1939 - Edith Marie Carlson Breakey |
1939 - Evelyn Carlson Soderquist |
1939 - Thelma Carlson Smith |
1939 - Esther L. Carney Holstad |
1939 - Eliz Carter Samuelson |
1939 - Wayne Carter |
1939 - Curtis Chapel |
1939 - Lucius Chapman |
1939 - Joyce Mildred Charbonneau Gunnarson |
1939 - Robert Chevalier |
1939 - Betty J. Chittenden Danner |
1939 - Juanita Clark Braun |
1939 - Robert Clark |
1939 - Connie Coates Cooper |
1939 - Virginia Coles Barrell |
1939 - Susanne Collings Oakley |
1939 - Robert Compton |
1939 - Ruth Cook Lawler |
1939 - Robert E Cooper |
1939 - Robert Cornell |
1939 - Albert (Al) R. Cox |
1939 - Donald Crozier |
1939 - Richard Cruver |
1939 - Norm E Dalthorp |
1939 - Vida Dalthorp,Lawson Heckel |
1939 - Marianne Davies Carton |
1939 - Willard Downie |
1939 - James Downs |
1939 - Arthur Dutton |
1939 - Frank Ecker |
1939 - Patricia Eddy Murphy |
1939 - Lorraine Evelyn Elfner Lagerstedt |
1939 - Vivian V. Emerson Cowe |
1939 - Norman E Engebrits |
1939 - Elizabeth (Betty) Eileen Erlandson Coward |
1939 - Dixon A. Ervin |
1939 - Betty Lee Feroe Blake |
1939 - Marian Fish Antill |
1939 - Frances Fitts Stong |
1939 - Marjorie Friesen Bangs |
1939 - Robert Fry |
1939 - Lois Fulford Nelson |
1939 - Ward Furness |
1939 - Marianne Fuss Albers |
1939 - William Gibb |
1939 - Charles Chuck Gilmur |
1939 - James Goldade |
1939 - Marjorie Jean Gordon Lambert |
1939 - Carle P Graffunder |
1939 - Myrtle Arlie Grant Peters |
1939 - Evelyn T. Gronvald Oakland |
1939 - Elmer Gross |
1939 - Shirley Maxine Grunden Falconer |
1939 - Mildred Gue Arwine |
1939 - Phyllis L Hagmoe Lamphere |
1939 - Herbert Leroy Haines |
1939 - Lincoln J. Hales |
1939 - Dorothy Hall-Bauer |
1939 - Jackie Hammond Davenport |
1939 - Florence Hazel Hanbury West |
1939 - Earl Haney |
1939 - Lyle D Hansen |
1939 - Genevieve Margaret Hanson McKevitt |
1939 - Frank Paul Hapka |
1939 - Paul Happold |
1939 - Gerald H. Harlow |
1939 - Paul Harp |
1939 - Edith Harper Dauzenroth |
1939 - Carole Hazelton Lee |
1939 - Earl N. Heitmann |
1939 - Rae Jeanne Helland Klein |
1939 - Daphne Irene Hendricks O'Brien |
1939 - Gloria Henricksen Humphrey |
1939 - Bobby N Herr |
1939 - Helen M Heskett Branstetter |
1939 - Bette Irene Hessinger Oakes |
1939 - Victor R. Honeychurch Seaforth |
1939 - Marilyn (Lyn) H. Hooker Lubeck |
1939 - Constance (Connie) Hope Whitcomb |
1939 - James Alfred Jackman |
1939 - Margaret Jacobsen Lester |
1939 - Stanley Jacquot,Sr. |
1939 - Ivor John James,Jr. |
1939 - Leigh H. Johnson |
1939 - Phillip Johnson |
1939 - Robert A Johnson |
1939 - Ruth Johnson |
1939 - Jean Jones Heggem |
1939 - Dolain Harlan Jorgensen |
1939 - Esther Ruth Kambe Oda |
1939 - Marian Karamatic Hennessey |
1939 - Marguerite Keck |
1939 - James (Jim) H. Keeffe,Jr. |
1939 - Victor Wayne Kelley |
1939 - Harold (Dick) R Kimball |
1939 - Mary Kirkpatrick Savage |
1939 - William Knight |
1939 - Mariko (Mars) Kumasaka Hanami |
1939 - Evelyn (Eilene) Eilene Larson Powelson |
1939 - Glenn Larson |
1939 - William Leach |
1939 - Wallace Leask |
1939 - Mary Jane Lepsch Schaedler |
1939 - Betty Leybold Burlingame |
1939 - Clinton Little |
1939 - Charles Wesley Loomis |
1939 - Tom Lund |
1939 - Muriel Luther Soutar |
1939 - Arthur Everett Lyman |
1939 - Joyce D. Makinson Kohlman |
1939 - Dorothy Manning Johnson |
1939 - Maxine Marlow Steinkamp |
1939 - Doris Pauline Martin Wandesforde |
1939 - Lawrence Massart,Jr. |
1939 - Gordon Lee Mathis |
1939 - Harriet Maule Perriella |
1939 - Betty Doris McCall Loomis |
1939 - Betty Jean McCarthy Rosemeyer |
1939 - Patricia (Pat) Louise McDonald Wheeler |
1939 - Betty Gray McDonald,Palbitska Mahar |
1939 - Richard Edward McGrath |
1939 - Dean McKay |
1939 - Eleanor May McKinstry Splanger |
1939 - Charles Edward McLeod |
1939 - Dorothy McNerney Hoover |
1939 - Jean McPhee Anderson |
1939 - Zona Mead Johnson |
1939 - Alyce Merager Mead |
1939 - Ruth M Merrithew Hubbard |
1939 - Bette M. Miles Murray |
1939 - Mary Miles Graham |
1939 - Betty Jane Miller Fields |
1939 - Jean Elizabeth Mills Johnson |
1939 - Margaret Morgan Beardsley |
1939 - Frances Morrison Thompson |
1939 - Marjorie (Margie) A. Morrison Hein |
1939 - John (Jack) Joseph Murray |
1939 - Gladys Pauline Neel Mast |
1939 - Andrew Louis Nelson |
1939 - Donald Nelson |
1939 - Norwood Nelson |
1939 - James Hiromu Nishitani |
1939 - Martha Nishitani |
1939 - Joseph Norby |
1939 - Mabel Christine Nygaard Meier |
1939 - Clifford Willard Nyland |
1939 - Orwald Eugene Nyland |
1939 - Hazel (Agnes) Agnes Olson Anderson |
1939 - Robert Olson |
1939 - Ruth Olson Diers |
1939 - Jeanne Oren Mullen |
1939 - Michiko Osawa |
1939 - Virginia L. Parks Dickinson |
1939 - Beatrice Pedersen Sandvik |
1939 - Shirley Peek McCurdy |
1939 - Bette Peterson Coffee |
1939 - Juanita H Peterson Heggen |
1939 - Grace Genivieve Pickering Brynildsen |
1939 - Eugenia (Jean) Pietromonaco Tiberio |
1939 - Mary John Pishue Milam |
1939 - Donald Potts |
1939 - Muriel Prey |
1939 - Richard (Dick) E. Pulver |
1939 - Dorothy Raymond Lundquist |
1939 - Evelyn D. Rex Brotherton |
1939 - Curtis L. Reynolds |
1939 - James (Ed) Edward Rice |
1939 - Jacques F. Robertson |
1939 - Robert Robinson |
1939 - Mildred E. Rogers Kruger |
1939 - Norma Jeane Rogers Smith |
1939 - Solva Rose |
1939 - Willis Rottman |
1939 - Lois Rowe Aagaard |
1939 - Philip (Phil) E. Running |
1939 - John Robert Sarich |
1939 - Joseph S. Sarich |
1939 - Steve Sarich,Jr. |
1939 - Kathryn Satterlee Allan |
1939 - Norma K. Satterlee Scott |
1939 - Pearl Scheuer Orth |
1939 - Carol Louise Schultz Russell |
1939 - Frank M. Scott |
1939 - Martha M. Seaberg Welker |
1939 - Inez V. Shaw Needham |
1939 - Robert (Bob) M. Shillinglaw |
1939 - Barney Siegel |
1939 - Martha Singleton |
1939 - Joseph (Joe) Laurence Skoog |
1939 - LaVerne Patricia Skorstad Otness |
1939 - Chauncey Smith Poole |
1939 - Ethel Smith Margeson |
1939 - Shirley Janet Smith Suttles |
1939 - Theodore Smith |
1939 - William Smullin,Sr. |
1939 - Melvie Soderlund Edlund |
1939 - Ramona Solberg |
1939 - Kenneth Stave |
1939 - Dolores (Dee) Stein Dyson |
1939 - Laurence E. Stromme,Jr. |
1939 - Alice Marie Stroncek Matthews Ordway |
1939 - Phyllis J Stuestall Davis |
1939 - C. William (Bill) Suver |
1939 - Marjorie Berniece Swenson Skullerud |
1939 - Frank Talmadge |
1939 - Barton E. Taro |
1939 - Frank A. Tenuta |
1939 - Valentine G. Tenuta |
1939 - Bob (Bobbie) Val Tharp |
1939 - Lawrence Frank Thomas |
1939 - Robert John Thomas |
1939 - Sidney D. Thomsen |
1939 - Kryl Sigurd Thorlakson |
1939 - Fred Thurmond |
1939 - Helen L. Tocco Kingsley |
1939 - Verne A. Todahl |
1939 - Esther H. Torvanger Zachau |
1939 - Harold Venable |
1939 - Patricia Walker McGhee |
1939 - Mildred Wallen Sherman |
1939 - David Webb |
1939 - Emma Webber Parker |
1939 - Robert Weltzien |
1939 - Jack Eldon Whisner |
1939 - Ronita Whitney Zane |
1939 - George Wilson |
1939 - Marion Wilson Creed |
1939 - William (Bill) J. Winn |
1939 - Mary Ellen Woodard Kellam |
1939 - Peggy Woolman Gullickson |
1939 - Mildred Worthen Lyon |
1939 - Marion Wright Livingston |
1939 - Marjorie Young Kirkpatrick |
1939 - Joyce Zimmerman Hansen |
1939 - June Zimmerman Turner |
Back to Top |
Class of 1940 |
1940 - Vincent H.D. Abbey |
1940 - Hiroshi (Bob) Abe |
1940 - Charlotte M Albert |
1940 - Mary Louise Albrecht Calvin-Chambers |
1940 - Glorious Hope Andersen Bjorklund |
1940 - Doris Anderson Giske |
1940 - Ernest (Bud) L. Anderson |
1940 - Muriel Andrews Johnson |
1940 - M. (Pat) Patricia Armstrong |
1940 - Herbert P Asmussen |
1940 - Harriet Lorraone Bachtell Kuchera |
1940 - Walt Edgar Baker |
1940 - Dolores E Barker Runte |
1940 - Daurice Golding Barnes Gennaro |
1940 - Edith Louise Barstow Cook |
1940 - Philip T Basher |
1940 - Roy N Beaumont |
1940 - Daniel Becker |
1940 - Hilding John Becklund |
1940 - Robert Clayton Bell |
1940 - Kermit Bengtson |
1940 - Dorothy Bennett Cohoon |
1940 - Evelyn Savanhild Berg Hansen |
1940 - Phyllis Dorothy Berg Meyer |
1940 - Viola Ingeborg Berg Mebust |
1940 - Coryell (Cork) Berry |
1940 - Wilma May Berry Kilde |
1940 - Marion Josephine Bevry Nelsen |
1940 - Shirley E. Bingham Hanson |
1940 - Milton W. Bjorklund |
1940 - Dennis Boddy |
1940 - Betty Boehme Frick |
1940 - Lorraine Boos Weltzien |
1940 - Donald H. Borton |
1940 - Robert Lynford Bowen |
1940 - Lowell Ward Bowman |
1940 - Russ Norton Braley |
1940 - James Brewer |
1940 - Shirl A. Brown |
1940 - Jeanne Browne Francis |
1940 - Bonnijean Bruce Hill |
1940 - Robert Christian Buchman |
1940 - Fred Bucke |
1940 - Eva Buckley Tachell |
1940 - Dorothy Jane Buelow Fribrock |
1940 - Frances Burke Suzick |
1940 - Lorraine Daisy Burton McNeill |
1940 - Joyce Bushnell Courtier |
1940 - Robert (George) George Buterus, Jr |
1940 - Elaine Campbell B'hymer |
1940 - Marie Alice Carl Gronvold |
1940 - Eugene (Gene) Caruso |
1940 - Betty Case Tinius |
1940 - Ben Cashman |
1940 - Joyce Chittenden Morse |
1940 - Aimee Christy Sumner |
1940 - Roberta Agnes Clarke Pilon |
1940 - Lillian Lynch Clodfelter Turner |
1940 - Elizabeth (Tiba) Ethel Colmen Schultz |
1940 - William Cone |
1940 - Katherine Jane Consani Leraas |
1940 - Robert J Cragg Jr |
1940 - Patricia Cunningham |
1940 - Merrill Raymond Darling |
1940 - Erline Daymude Ratzman |
1940 - Doris May Deacon Stern |
1940 - Betty Jane Deal Wonderly |
1940 - Priscilla Dean Devin |
1940 - Victor DeChesne |
1940 - Dorothy Defur Keating |
1940 - Stew Deibert |
1940 - Carol Denny Wicklund |
1940 - Anabel (Darlene) Darlene Dickson Albert |
1940 - Helen Diers Mick |
1940 - Frank (Gilbert) Gilbert Dizard |
1940 - Edna Mae Dodson Ripley |
1940 - Jack Doran |
1940 - Lawrence Michael Duffy |
1940 - John Alderson Duvall |
1940 - Zola Dyrness Gehringer |
1940 - Donald Eastep |
1940 - Betty Cora Ellis Dahl |
1940 - Marjorie Rae Emerson Filipelli |
1940 - C. Phil Erickson |
1940 - Robert Warren Erickson |
1940 - Charlene Alice Ernst Evans |
1940 - James Eshom |
1940 - Paul Edward Floodeen |
1940 - William L Forrest, Sr |
1940 - Frank Fox |
1940 - Stuart Frederick |
1940 - Jack Furness |
1940 - Gerry Garberding |
1940 - Bertha (Toni) Gasperini Fulton |
1940 - Norma Gasperini McLenaghan |
1940 - Alton C. Gaston |
1940 - Richard Burr Gaston |
1940 - Monte Mark Gibson, Jr |
1940 - Virginia (Peggy) Gillespie Whiteside |
1940 - Orville Clayton Graham |
1940 - Mona Grant McGrew |
1940 - Greg Gregores |
1940 - Gordon William Greimes |
1940 - John Grosso |
1940 - Gordon Lincoln Groves |
1940 - James Erwin Gruffunder |
1940 - John (Jack) Edward Grundhoffer |
1940 - Lyle Grunkemeier |
1940 - George Roger Haakons |
1940 - Pauline Hall Correll |
1940 - Catherine Hampshire Nelson |
1940 - Milton C Hansberry |
1940 - Catherine Harlow Christenson |
1940 - Angeline (Ann) Cornelia Harrison Gregory |
1940 - Francis Marie Hassenpflug Yusi-Jones |
1940 - Catherine Hatt Miramonti |
1940 - Rhys T. Haydon |
1940 - Betty Hayes Goldey |
1940 - Harold Walter Haynes |
1940 - Jane Heavens |
1940 - Rita Heib Sentinella |
1940 - LeRoy Hendrickson |
1940 - Ruth Hildebrandt Johnson |
1940 - Virginia Belle Hilton Fast |
1940 - Robert Earl Himberger |
1940 - Louise H Himmelman Wilkerson |
1940 - James H. Hofmeister |
1940 - Nancy J. Holdaway |
1940 - Norma Holmes Honn-Handorf |
1940 - Robert Bruce Horsley |
1940 - Curtis Justin Houghton |
1940 - Kathleen (Kate) Howard Seelye |
1940 - Jubal W. Howe |
1940 - Jane Huff Simmons |
1940 - Donald Hullin |
1940 - Loran E. Hume |
1940 - Shirley Jennings Thomas |
1940 - Helma Jensen Mataxis |
1940 - William (Bruce) Bruce Jensen |
1940 - Clara Marie Johnson Cline |
1940 - Helen S Johnson Pheasant |
1940 - Roy Johnson |
1940 - Charles (Edward) Edward Johnson, Jr |
1940 - Olive Johnston Peyser |
1940 - Barbara Jones Leverett |
1940 - James Kallen |
1940 - Anne Kamla Thompson |
1940 - Edward Karfstedt |
1940 - Leon Kashmark |
1940 - Betty Ann Keenan Vincent |
1940 - Beryl Mae Keller |
1940 - Thomas Kent |
1940 - Richard Kienholz |
1940 - Lucy Lorraine Kimpton Van Fleet |
1940 - Norman King |
1940 - Richard (Dick) Kirk |
1940 - John Van Knickerbocker |
1940 - Jackie Krum,Miller Vye |
1940 - Patricia J Lafrenz Fronsman |
1940 - William Lainhart,MD |
1940 - Robert Langlow |
1940 - Ralph Larson |
1940 - Victor Lattin |
1940 - George Laws |
1940 - Florence Leland Hannah |
1940 - Grace Elizabeth Lepsch Haynes |
1940 - Harold C Lewis |
1940 - Gerald Lider |
1940 - Jean Livingstone Sweet |
1940 - Alice Loewe Mattson |
1940 - Lois Louise Long Cook |
1940 - Shirley Marietta Lounsbery Bishop |
1940 - Norman Luce |
1940 - Mary Elizabeth Lyman Kent |
1940 - Lois Myrtle MacNaughton Bates |
1940 - Murdock MacPherson |
1940 - Mary Jane Madison Richards |
1940 - Lillian Magnuson Gordon |
1940 - Robert Mahood |
1940 - Betty Malcolm Smith |
1940 - Coral Ann March Mohrman |
1940 - Muriel Mast Costie |
1940 - Robert Mathis |
1940 - Ernest Mathisen |
1940 - Claire McAdam Smith |
1940 - Gwen McCoy |
1940 - Wynne McDonald |
1940 - Frances McDonough Heaverlo |
1940 - Colin McLennan |
1940 - Shirlee Jean Meador |
1940 - Marjory Irene Megginson Thorn |
1940 - Anna Michalson Harlow |
1940 - June Miller |
1940 - Richard S. Mohrman |
1940 - Carol Garnet Monk Conway |
1940 - Eileen Louise Mullen Foerstel |
1940 - Eileen Louise Mullen Foerstel |
1940 - Robert Mullen |
1940 - Elizabeth Murphy Hambly |
1940 - Marjorie Murray Yowell |
1940 - Isobel Nattrass Grant |
1940 - Norma Nellis Baughn |
1940 - Geoffrey (Ed) Nelson |
1940 - John Henry Nelson |
1940 - John (Jack) Paul Nelson |
1940 - Margaret Louise Nelson Fischer |
1940 - Wanda Verle Newell Orndorff |
1940 - Donald North |
1940 - Lyle Nyland |
1940 - Frances G Nystrom Bourassa |
1940 - Vera Oberg Fuhrman |
1940 - Charlotte Odle Butler |
1940 - Beverly Marie Olson Botsford |
1940 - Elmer Clifford Olson |
1940 - Jane Oos Grinnell |
1940 - Roger Oren |
1940 - Stan Dale Overby |
1940 - Frederick Paetzke |
1940 - Bonnie P. Paggeot Ferguson |
1940 - Charles (Charlie) A. Parks |
1940 - Gerardine Peabody Ross |
1940 - Anna May Pearson Hanson |
1940 - Elsie Pedersen Holberg |
1940 - Barbara Ruth Pellett Spink |
1940 - Gordon Perkins |
1940 - Esther Margaret Peterson |
1940 - William Vincent Phillips |
1940 - David Pierce |
1940 - Craig Morton Pineo |
1940 - Phyllis Powers Gjerstad |
1940 - Joan Marie Pugh Williams |
1940 - Donald Quackenbush |
1940 - George Raatz |
1940 - Jean Raby Galeota |
1940 - June Raby Prestegard |
1940 - Fred R. Ramaglia |
1940 - Franklin (Frank) Ranum |
1940 - James Reilly |
1940 - Ivan Adam Reitz |
1940 - Betty Rekenthaler Jones |
1940 - Grace Richardson Brewer |
1940 - Richard Robinson |
1940 - Margaret Rogers |
1940 - Robert Roney |
1940 - Ella Ruttan Anderson |
1940 - Elizabeth (Betty) Lorraine Ryan |
1940 - Edna Jeanette Sackett |
1940 - Richard C. Sacksteder |
1940 - Edward Sander |
1940 - Harry Charles Saunders,Jr. |
1940 - Eileen Schnellbacher Servey-Walsh |
1940 - Jack S. Schufreider |
1940 - Philip Henery Schwerin |
1940 - Russell Scovill |
1940 - Dick Seed |
1940 - Edith Sellers Cox |
1940 - Alma Sevold Hardesty |
1940 - Jack Sheedy |
1940 - Naoma Sheehan Haakenson |
1940 - William Monroe Shenkel |
1940 - Betty Siemens Keeney |
1940 - Patricia Skrivan Robinson |
1940 - Don Smith |
1940 - Morris E Sorlie |
1940 - Robert Walter Speidel |
1940 - Helen J. Sprague Klinkam |
1940 - Beryl Margaret Stay Power |
1940 - Anabel Marie Steen Cope |
1940 - Dale Francis Steen |
1940 - Emmert Stouffer |
1940 - William Strandrud |
1940 - Dorothy Stroud Stewart |
1940 - Wallace Sutherland |
1940 - Starr Sutherland,Jr. |
1940 - Anita Swanson Evans |
1940 - Hazel Swanson Helle |
1940 - Yoshio Tamura |
1940 - Ken Tanaka |
1940 - Genevieve Harriet (Camilla) Tangen Johnson |
1940 - Genevieve Teplicky Slye |
1940 - Bowen A. Thayer |
1940 - Phillis Elaine Thiel Cole |
1940 - Patricia Thomas |
1940 - Irene Thompson Franett |
1940 - Barbara Henrietta Thomsen Williams |
1940 - Maxine L Tryon Keesling |
1940 - Wayne Tustin |
1940 - Michael (Dean) Dean Verretto |
1940 - Frank Vitcovich |
1940 - Frank Walsh |
1940 - Ruby Watland Wyman |
1940 - Miriam W. Wheeler Whippo |
1940 - Phyllis L Whitaker Cole |
1940 - Ralph Ernest Whitcomb, Jr |
1940 - Ray E. Whiteside |
1940 - Rosemary Wigmore Venes |
1940 - Clyde Wiley |
1940 - Lyman Wilkison |
1940 - Catherine (Dode) Doreen Williston |
1940 - Constance Wilson Sawers |
1940 - Raymond (Ray) Jack Wollenhaupt |
1940 - Alice Woolery Norton |
1940 - James Yeaman |
1940 - Bernard (Ben) H Yett |
Back to Top |
Class of 1941 |
1941 - Frank (Bud) Wesley Ackley |
1941 - LaVerne Edna Adams Perry |
1941 - Annabelle M. Airth |
1941 - Cecil Richard Allbee |
1941 - William (Bill) George Allen |
1941 - William (Bill) O. Allyn |
1941 - Patricia Jean Anderson Severson |
1941 - Kenneth Antle |
1941 - Roy Re Apted |
1941 - Myron Arcand |
1941 - Elaine Jeannette Armstrong |
1941 - Thomas McMullen Armstrong |
1941 - John (Jack) Edward Arnberg |
1941 - Doloris Stokes Badda Monk |
1941 - Dorothy Marion Bailey Buchanan |
1941 - Roy Bailey |
1941 - Robert Camille Baker |
1941 - Louise S Baldwin Owen |
1941 - Lorene R. Barglof Bailey |
1941 - Pat Barker White |
1941 - Lorraine M. Barnard |
1941 - Donald (Don) V. Barnes |
1941 - Wayne L. Barry |
1941 - Jeanne Estelle Barsamian Tracy |
1941 - Elinor Frances Batchelor Rief |
1941 - Phyllis Bates Soelter |
1941 - Cora Catherine Beery Harper |
1941 - John Allen Bell |
1941 - Douglas K. Bement |
1941 - Mary (Benji) Jane Benham Cunningham |
1941 - Roy Bequette |
1941 - Robert D. Berg |
1941 - George C. Berreman,Jr. |
1941 - Walter Lloyd Bingaman |
1941 - William (Bill) Martin Bisson |
1941 - M. (Marie) Marie Bjelland Hansen |
1941 - George Blomdahl |
1941 - Betty Bonar Trokey |
1941 - Lorenz A. Bondy |
1941 - Edwin Cornelius Booth,Jr. |
1941 - David Alexander Bowden |
1941 - Eunice Ann Bowes King |
1941 - Carl (Art) Arthur Bowman |
1941 - Ray E. Branstetter |
1941 - Wallace R. Breeden |
1941 - John L. Breeze,Jr. |
1941 - Malcolm Briggs |
1941 - Philip C. Brinck |
1941 - Kathryn Browne Basher |
1941 - Alice Rose Bryant Clements |
1941 - Flora Buchan Degen |
1941 - Elsie F Bucke Sorgenfrei |
1941 - Donald Winston Buckingham |
1941 - Dorothy O. Caley |
1941 - Virginia F. Cameron Perry |
1941 - Ralph Campbell |
1941 - Lloyd Samuel Capp,Jr. |
1941 - George Carlson,Jr. |
1941 - Jean Chambers Morris |
1941 - Jacqueline C. Chedore Wodjenski |
1941 - Leona Chiappa Sullivan |
1941 - Jean Elisabeth Christensen Lenihan |
1941 - Jean Clausen Albright |
1941 - Shirley Arlene Cline Napier |
1941 - Betty Lee Consani Lawrenson |
1941 - Robert Charles Cook |
1941 - William (Bill) Harold Cooley |
1941 - Paul Nick Cooper |
1941 - William Edgar Coughennower |
1941 - Donald Edward Cravens |
1941 - George (Bud) William Croft,Jr. |
1941 - Theodore W. Croger |
1941 - Manford O. Croy |
1941 - Anna (Bernice) Bernice Dahlquist |
1941 - Shirley Darling Kellett |
1941 - William (Hank) Henry Daudistel |
1941 - Joseph Davis |
1941 - Ruth Davis Marchant |
1941 - Robert Dillon |
1941 - Mary Elizabeth Duffy LeVitre |
1941 - Marian Evelyn DuScher Midtmoen |
1941 - William (Bill) Harry Eagles |
1941 - Daniel Raymond Ebert |
1941 - Rosemary Eggleston Aberg |
1941 - Lou Elbert Thompson |
1941 - Bernard Erickson |
1941 - Helen Erickson Chapman |
1941 - Lawrence H. Erickson |
1941 - Virginia Erickson Taylor |
1941 - Rita M. Fend LeMay |
1941 - Gordon E. Fish |
1941 - Dorothee Jane Foote Redfern |
1941 - Fred H. Forester |
1941 - Beatrice Ione Fox Herning |
1941 - Alma E. Freund Hirschi |
1941 - Carl (Hill) Morris Fruehauf |
1941 - Lloyd Fulford |
1941 - Shirley Furness Long |
1941 - Jay Gage |
1941 - Leatrice J. Gassman Adkins |
1941 - Katherine Mae Gauntlett |
1941 - James Andrew Getty |
1941 - Virginia E. Geyer Hind |
1941 - Doris E. Glencross Nelson |
1941 - Phyllis Gober Erickson |
1941 - Kaye Goldberg Gardner |
1941 - June (Phyllis) Phyllis Granberg Allen |
1941 - John Graney |
1941 - Frederick (Fred) G. Greaves,Jr. |
1941 - Pearl M. Greyerbiehl Bagby |
1941 - Merrill J. Gross |
1941 - Hayden W. Grunden |
1941 - Florence Erna Gustafson Naccarata |
1941 - Lola Jean Gustafson Stickney |
1941 - Dorothee (Dollie) Ellen Haakensen Hayman |
1941 - Dorothy M. Haakons Tuvey |
1941 - Burke Hales |
1941 - Pearl Louise Hamilton Turnbull |
1941 - George Hancock |
1941 - Lillian Marie Haney Evans |
1941 - Joan Phyllis Hanfeld Finucan |
1941 - Marie Hansen Scott |
1941 - Alice Hanson Hallsey |
1941 - Bonita Marie Hapka |
1941 - Gerald (Bud) Hause |
1941 - Frances Irene Hawthorn DiGregorio |
1941 - Geraldine Ester Haynes Darby |
1941 - Cathern Augusta Heck |
1941 - Richard Leroy Hefflinger |
1941 - Robert Keith Heilman |
1941 - Helen Hendrickson Gaston |
1941 - Marjorie Hisken Evans |
1941 - Barbara Hoelzle Smith |
1941 - Jerry S Holdaway |
1941 - Beverly (Bebe) H. Holden Baker |
1941 - Virginia Horning Markel |
1941 - Patricia Lou Howe Due |
1941 - Shirley L. Hoyt McBroom |
1941 - Kathryn Hughes Whalen |
1941 - Phyllis Hulslander Conwell |
1941 - Arleyne M Hutchinson Russell |
1941 - Dean Jackson |
1941 - Madeleine H. Jackson Johnson |
1941 - Phyllis Jacome Piete |
1941 - Clayton Jansson |
1941 - John (Jack) Jeanneret |
1941 - Helen Marie Johnsen Forsberg |
1941 - Donald F. Johnson |
1941 - Harold G Johnson |
1941 - Phyllis Johnson Arnold |
1941 - Walter O A Johnson |
1941 - Alice Jones Pomianek |
1941 - Margaret Louise Jones Whittlesey |
1941 - Donald Eugene Jorstad |
1941 - Forrest F. Keyes |
1941 - Phyllis LaCroix |
1941 - Victor LaMay |
1941 - Jean Marie Lamoreux Holmes |
1941 - Katherine M Larsen Sloan |
1941 - Norma Larsen Zimmer |
1941 - Julia Legg Cushman |
1941 - Mary Ann Leonard |
1941 - Pierre Lieurance |
1941 - Robert Lansing Linquist |
1941 - Barbara Loan LaBissoniere |
1941 - Hans Martin Loffler |
1941 - Robert Lohr |
1941 - Franklin Neil Lonsbery |
1941 - Elleyne Lunan Neely |
1941 - Arnold Milton Lund |
1941 - Marie Louise Macomber Wilson |
1941 - Paul Roger Madison |
1941 - Alice R. Marzolf Meucci |
1941 - Virginia (Lois) Lois Masters Dain |
1941 - Mary Ann Matheos Kotzerke |
1941 - Stanley (Stan) E. Maxted |
1941 - Gordon Barnett Mayes |
1941 - Robert McCaig |
1941 - Virginia (Ginny) Nell McCallum Anderson |
1941 - Dorothee McDanial Miller |
1941 - Richard (Dick) W. McFarland |
1941 - Joseph McGonigle |
1941 - Margaret McKay Courter |
1941 - William James Miles |
1941 - Clarice Minear Verhulst |
1941 - Carl Wilbur Miskimen,Jr. |
1941 - Elizabeth (Betty) Jane Mitchell White |
1941 - Bertrand Albert Monette |
1941 - John Moore |
1941 - Robert M. Myres |
1941 - Juanita Nelson Parsons |
1941 - Stanley Newell |
1941 - Rosemary Newton Connor |
1941 - John (Jack) Frederick Nicholson |
1941 - Mary Corinne Nilson Jones |
1941 - James C Nissen |
1941 - John Thomas Olney,Sr. |
1941 - Helena Olson Polcuch |
1941 - Billee E. Orphan Crosby |
1941 - Margaret Orth Trimble |
1941 - Betty Jane Owen Stevenson |
1941 - Howard Byron Padgett |
1941 - Vera Parkhurst Millenbach |
1941 - Winton Parks |
1941 - Robert Glenn Partridge |
1941 - Leroy Paton |
1941 - Mary Laura Paulson Murphy |
1941 - Hilda Louise Peterson Gray |
1941 - Allen Deroy Potter |
1941 - J. Prakken |
1941 - David Lowell Provan |
1941 - Clyde M. Pugh |
1941 - Clayton R. Quackenbush |
1941 - Lowell Quesnell |
1941 - Phyllis Ivy Raymond Foster |
1941 - Robert Reisdorff |
1941 - Gilbert Rice |
1941 - Gilbert L. Rice |
1941 - George Rief |
1941 - William Harold Rogers |
1941 - Howard D. Roloff |
1941 - John H. Rover |
1941 - Cecil Bee Rowland |
1941 - Milton Eugene Rugg |
1941 - Thelma I. Salvesen-Muccini |
1941 - Doris (Patricia) Patricia Sandel Schulmeister |
1941 - Evelyn Jeanne Sandell Cook |
1941 - Dorothy Mae Saunders |
1941 - William C. Schade |
1941 - Charles Brown Scott |
1941 - Roland James Scott |
1941 - Marjorie Ruth Seal Schimmeyer |
1941 - Richard L. Seaton |
1941 - James Albert Sevener |
1941 - Rolla Chubb Sexauer |
1941 - Wayne B. Shave |
1941 - Ruth Sheedy McFerren |
1941 - Betty Jean Shreve White |
1941 - Chester Smith |
1941 - Richard Dean Speidel |
1941 - Mayme Wilson Stevens Hensel |
1941 - Isabelle Stofko |
1941 - Janet Frances Taber Robertson |
1941 - Cherry Tanaka Kinoshita |
1941 - Edward Carl Thaden |
1941 - Mary Lou Thiel Basom |
1941 - Marcella LeMae Thingvold Hasson |
1941 - Vivian Thomas Saunders |
1941 - Lila E. Thompson Sellereite |
1941 - Madelyn C. Thompson Trammell |
1941 - Marion Thornton Smith |
1941 - Shirley M. Thorson Harrell |
1941 - James Thurman |
1941 - Wesley Clarence Tollber |
1941 - Laurine Tomren Amundson |
1941 - Vernon Tuttle |
1941 - Toshiyuki Uchida |
1941 - Conrad C. Uhrich |
1941 - Istley Ullan Stouffer |
1941 - Hollis B Vail |
1941 - Jean F. Venable Christensen |
1941 - Russell Victor |
1941 - Gloria Villata Woodward |
1941 - James Waldo |
1941 - Donald John Wallin |
1941 - Arthur D Webb |
1941 - Lawrence Theodore Wellein. PH.D. |
1941 - Nicholas (Nick) Peter Wells |
1941 - Jean Marie Weltzien Beck |
1941 - Hans C. Wesch |
1941 - Barbara G. West Thurman |
1941 - Ruth Wilson Anderson |
1941 - Adeline B. Wright Grinaker |
1941 - Harold James Wrigley, Jr |
1941 - Charlotte May Young Hill |
1941 - Doris (Patricia) Patricia Zorn Schulmester |
Back to Top |
Class of 1942 |
1942 - Helen Beverly Abbott Magnusson |
1942 - Ross Amo |
1942 - Carl (Larry) Lawrence Anderson |
1942 - Marilyn Anderson Crockett |
1942 - Margaret Arnst Stanley |
1942 - Alexander (A.G.) G. Atworth |
1942 - Ellsworth Baker |
1942 - James Baker |
1942 - Alister John Bannerman |
1942 - Robert Bannister |
1942 - Barbara Elizabeth Bauer Siem |
1942 - Harold J. Beaughan |
1942 - Francis Roy Beebe |
1942 - H. (Corrinne) Corrinne Beebe Smuck |
1942 - Wilbur (Bill) William Bender |
1942 - Al W Benson |
1942 - Teddie Bettigole |
1942 - Donald Bevilacqua |
1942 - Richard (Butch) Henry Binzer |
1942 - Alvin Louis Blindheim |
1942 - George Henry Bockelie |
1942 - John Bolan |
1942 - Charles Harper Borland |
1942 - Delores Boudreaux |
1942 - Richard Leo Braida |
1942 - Ellen V. Brandt |
1942 - Dodie Branstetter Byers |
1942 - Ellen Brengan Andersen |
1942 - James Bricker |
1942 - Dorothy Marie Bridgeman Lillig |
1942 - Robert Duane Bridston |
1942 - Frank (Ed) Edwin Brock |
1942 - Richard Broderick |
1942 - Beverly Alice Browning Helling |
1942 - Mary L. Burke |
1942 - Ethel (Jeanne) Jeanne Caffee Lane |
1942 - Euthemos Theme Carras |
1942 - Harold Carter |
1942 - Virginia Bernice Caruso Cruzen |
1942 - Delores Irene Charbonneau |
1942 - Bette L. Christenson Thayer |
1942 - Maxine Clarke Woodall |
1942 - Catherine Elva Clodfelter Crum |
1942 - Beverly (Babe) Jane Coleman Ramstead |
1942 - Phyllis Cordiner Knight |
1942 - Eugenia (Jean) A Cotton Guilmet |
1942 - William P Cox |
1942 - Philip Cragg |
1942 - Mel Croy |
1942 - Clifford (Cliff) Sylvester Dalthorp |
1942 - Wilbert Rooselvelt Danner |
1942 - Charles Albert Davis |
1942 - Janet Davis Larson |
1942 - Betty (BJ) Daymude Fretwell |
1942 - Margery Dayton Hall |
1942 - Audrey Despain Wingrove |
1942 - Harold Dodge |
1942 - William Downey |
1942 - Robert R. Doyle |
1942 - Katherine Duffy Daniel |
1942 - Carolyn DuScher |
1942 - Erol (Kaye) Katherine Ege |
1942 - Robert Elfner |
1942 - June Othelia Elken Peifer |
1942 - Walter Engebrits |
1942 - Talliesin Evans Jones |
1942 - Norma Jean Ewan Simonsen |
1942 - Arliss E. Fairbanks Pickrell |
1942 - Donn Farrel |
1942 - Carol D. Farris Gemmill |
1942 - Robert (Bob) Erwin Feller |
1942 - David Fernell |
1942 - Wyvil Earnest Ferrel |
1942 - Marjorie (Marj) Finan Lyon |
1942 - Lillian Margaret Follestad Bryson |
1942 - Edward Follis |
1942 - Dwayne Elmer Fritsche |
1942 - Shirley Fritz Moldenhauer |
1942 - Henry (Hank) Yukata Fukano |
1942 - William Enil Fuss, Jr |
1942 - Dale Warren Gerberg |
1942 - Ellis Gerdes |
1942 - Robert Edward Gerhardt |
1942 - Patricia Lee Gilbert Schaffer |
1942 - Lois Giusti Hall |
1942 - Elizabeth Frances Gray Arnold |
1942 - Gladys Green Bartlett |
1942 - Donald Gundersen |
1942 - Daniel Weston Gunnarson |
1942 - Duane Hall |
1942 - Robert Saxby Hall |
1942 - James Russel Hanbey |
1942 - Zee Dene Hankins Batchelder |
1942 - Norma Jean Hansen Collins |
1942 - JoAnn Marie Hapka Nelson |
1942 - Ada Mae Hardesty Wilson |
1942 - Gertrude Hassenpflug Short |
1942 - Grace Hassenpflug Mandas-Low |
1942 - Hollis Hill Hassenpflug |
1942 - Berton Haugum |
1942 - Trevor Allan Hausske |
1942 - Dixon Hayward |
1942 - Clyde Charles Heasley, Jr |
1942 - John Theodore Herrick |
1942 - Robert Herzog |
1942 - Lovonne (Bonnie) Ione Hessinger Torgerson |
1942 - Robert Hill |
1942 - Betty Nelson Hjelm Lindskoog |
1942 - Rodger E. Holmstrom |
1942 - George Hoppe |
1942 - Donna May Houser Stewart |
1942 - Margaret (Marnie) Howard Warnick |
1942 - Marilynn Howlett Peak |
1942 - Bruce Hubbard |
1942 - Carl Hubbard |
1942 - Stanley W. Hume |
1942 - Gail Hunter Runnels |
1942 - Robert Jamieson |
1942 - Constance (Connie) Bernice Jimosse DeWester |
1942 - Ruby Johansen |
1942 - Phyllis Johnson |
1942 - Warren Johnson |
1942 - Edgar (Miles) Miles Johnstone |
1942 - Rex Judkins |
1942 - Marian Kemp Coles |
1942 - Richard Kennedy |
1942 - Thomas (Tom) L. Kennedy |
1942 - Robert F Kerr |
1942 - Arthur (Art) John Kessler |
1942 - June Lorraine Kingston Thornton |
1942 - John Knight |
1942 - John Koenig |
1942 - Evans Kranidas |
1942 - Patricia Marie Kriens Gwinn |
1942 - Marcus Carl Kropp,Jr. |
1942 - Arild (Kris) Joseph Krystad |
1942 - Robert (Bob) Eugene Kunz |
1942 - Edwin Hubert Ladum |
1942 - Vernon LaMay |
1942 - Loys Walter Lamb |
1942 - Norma Lider Longbottom |
1942 - Donna Linton Grout |
1942 - Lawrence Lofgren |
1942 - Neil Lovelace |
1942 - Robert MacFadden |
1942 - Ann MacPherson Segale |
1942 - Virginia Mallory Grunden |
1942 - Harvey H. Manning |
1942 - Stanley (Stan) James Manning |
1942 - Edythe KIng Marshall Campbell |
1942 - Evelyn Mae Marshall Siler |
1942 - Elizabeth Massoni Niles |
1942 - Ruth Helen Maurer Bergman |
1942 - John Joseph McCarthy |
1942 - Harlan Mechelsen |
1942 - Robert Garfield Melvey |
1942 - Aileen Miller McGinnis |
1942 - Elroy Miller |
1942 - Helen Mjelva Breimer |
1942 - Earl Dee Modin |
1942 - Gayjoy Murphy Schoning |
1942 - Gordon Irving Nece |
1942 - Norma Jean Neel Davis |
1942 - Donabel Nelson Kingsbury |
1942 - June Nelson Johnson |
1942 - Perry Nelson |
1942 - Johanna Marie Nielsen |
1942 - William Nielsen |
1942 - Roger Norman |
1942 - Barbara L. Norton Stevens |
1942 - Muriel J. Olsen Conway |
1942 - Carl Hjalmar Oman |
1942 - Allan F. Osberg |
1942 - Geraldine (Gerry) J. Owen Dutton |
1942 - Gretchen Ann Pace Swanson |
1942 - Lewis Pedersen |
1942 - Erik Harley Petersen |
1942 - Earl William Pettitt |
1942 - Herman Petzoldt |
1942 - Roger Wayne Phipps |
1942 - Elizabeth (Betty) E Prestek Moser |
1942 - George Boris Pugachoff |
1942 - Nellie (Jo) Jo Raby Anderson |
1942 - Pietro (Pete) Ramaglia |
1942 - Glen Recknor |
1942 - Harold E Rhodes |
1942 - Robert C Rhotehamel |
1942 - Harold (Hal) K. Roe |
1942 - Richard Rosaia |
1942 - Jacqueline Ruth Sacksteder Adams |
1942 - Harry Schmidt |
1942 - Esther Roberta Schmoe Hirabayashi |
1942 - Edelweiss Schmoker |
1942 - Fred Benjamin Schock |
1942 - Gordon Wallace Schumacher |
1942 - Charles Wesley Semke |
1942 - Renee (Jane) Jane Shaffer Vance |
1942 - Robert Orren Shirey |
1942 - Geraldine (Gerry) B Silliman Devos |
1942 - James (Jim) R. Sisley |
1942 - Lucille Smith Darling |
1942 - Robert (RT) T. Smith |
1942 - Joyce Smock Koski |
1942 - Eleanor Marian Sours Sampson |
1942 - June (Jerry) Marie Stablein Rugg |
1942 - Donald Grant Stave |
1942 - Jack D Stewart |
1942 - Jack D. Stewart |
1942 - Jeanne Charmet Stover Pitts |
1942 - Howard Livingston Stroupe, Jr |
1942 - Walter Sundstrom |
1942 - Samuel Swanson |
1942 - Connie Sumiko Tamura Asaka |
1942 - Victor Clemenceau Taylor |
1942 - John O Tennesen |
1942 - Thomas Thompson,Jr. |
1942 - William Thornquist |
1942 - Willard Daniel Titus |
1942 - Bert Torson |
1942 - Donald S. Trites |
1942 - George Nick Trysh |
1942 - Bernice M Turay Smith |
1942 - June Turner Dizard |
1942 - Bill Vandenburgh |
1942 - Rose Varriano Thomas |
1942 - Henry Walker |
1942 - William John Wallace |
1942 - Bruce Howard Wallen |
1942 - Mary Bridget Ward |
1942 - Betty Watts Blackburn |
1942 - David Fairfield Weeks |
1942 - Lila Weiser Frederickson |
1942 - Evelyn Westerling Smith |
1942 - James Hunter Whiteside |
1942 - Oddrun P. Wick Hansen |
1942 - Margaret (Babe) Wilson Furness |
1942 - Evelynne Wolff |
1942 - Bette Jean Wright Williams |
1942 - Mary E. Yatsunoff King |
1942 - Shirley Jean Young Wood |
Back to Top |
Class of 1943 |
1943 - Charles William Allison |
1943 - Alden C. Anderson |
1943 - Dorothy G. Anderson |
1943 - Ethelyn Jean Aumer Campbell |
1943 - Dwaine Randall Baarstad |
1943 - John Robert Baker |
1943 - Austin Basher |
1943 - Kathleen N. Batten Sargent |
1943 - William (Bill) C. Bayard |
1943 - Sally Jane Beal |
1943 - Theo (Becky) Evelyn Beck Henchel |
1943 - Edwin Becker |
1943 - Ruth C. Beebe Downey |
1943 - Turell Arnold Benson |
1943 - Dorothy Berg |
1943 - D. (Bill) William Best |
1943 - Vivian Beatrice Bevry DeVore |
1943 - Bette Bigham McGill |
1943 - Ruth M. Black |
1943 - William Blackstock |
1943 - Douglas Blanchard |
1943 - Boyd Clayton Boswell |
1943 - Allen Arthur Bowden |
1943 - Vivian Bowman Spore |
1943 - Donald Brewer |
1943 - Virginia Brewer Jierscheck |
1943 - Barbara Britts Cardle |
1943 - Glenn Arthur Broadgate |
1943 - Patricia Claire Brown Arntzen |
1943 - Robert (Bob) Avery Brown |
1943 - Rod Buhtz |
1943 - Joseph Burke |
1943 - Linda Mary Butt D'Agosto |
1943 - Dolores (Marian) Butterworth McLaughlin |
1943 - Rodney E. Callahan |
1943 - Florence Carlson Rutherford |
1943 - Wesley Carlson |
1943 - Gale Carter |
1943 - Fred Chalenor |
1943 - Phyllis Joyce Chedore Cadwallader |
1943 - John Keith Chidester |
1943 - Mary Jo Christen |
1943 - Kenneth (Ken) David Christopherson |
1943 - Frances Clark Connelly |
1943 - Morton Clark |
1943 - Donald Eugene J. Cole |
1943 - Taylor Collings |
1943 - Harry Colman |
1943 - Leona Coneybeer |
1943 - Patricia Conrad |
1943 - Albert Consani |
1943 - Shirley Mae Cook Salmon |
1943 - Della Mae Coons Friedly |
1943 - Don Coryell |
1943 - Charlton (Chuck) Richard Cox |
1943 - Bettie Jane Cunningham Cicotte |
1943 - Thomas R. Dargan |
1943 - Charles (Chuck) M. Davidson |
1943 - Jacqueline Davis |
1943 - Joe E. Davis |
1943 - Katherine Ann Davison Graves |
1943 - Dale D. Dean |
1943 - Donald (Don) O. Defur |
1943 - Robert D. DeLappe |
1943 - Margaret Jean Dority Carter |
1943 - Jack M. Dorsey |
1943 - Raymond Arthur Dowd |
1943 - Glenn J. Drange |
1943 - Andrew Drotning |
1943 - James Paul Duff |
1943 - Jack Dundin |
1943 - James Durgan |
1943 - Dorothy Durholt Entwistle |
1943 - A. Dolores Duvall |
1943 - James A. Eberharter |
1943 - Ernest Edgar |
1943 - Edgar Edholm |
1943 - Sylvia E. Eike Fowler |
1943 - Donail (Donald) Elwood Elken |
1943 - Louise Ellis Merritt |
1943 - Elizabeth Ann Ernst |
1943 - Martha Espeland Witt |
1943 - Daniel (Dan) M. Esterly |
1943 - Frederick Evans |
1943 - Anna B. Falk McWatters |
1943 - Lorraine Fall Moses |
1943 - Clyde (Babe) Herbert Feller |
1943 - Floyd Fike |
1943 - Vera Bernice Finjord Hosmer |
1943 - Elaine Finkenstein Smith |
1943 - Lynn Fitzgerald Sutherland |
1943 - Glenn Fletcher |
1943 - James (Jim) Fowler |
1943 - Peter Franckevitch |
1943 - Loyed (Loyd) Francis Franson |
1943 - Jacqueline (Jacqi) Dale Frederick Brazil |
1943 - Willard Frydenlund |
1943 - Phyllis Claire Frye Hansson |
1943 - Folsom W. Fulcher |
1943 - Anne Luella Galentin |
1943 - Patricia Gallagher |
1943 - Margaret Ann Gamble Collins |
1943 - William (Bill) Charles Gasser |
1943 - William Gaston |
1943 - Mary Margaret Gaydeski |
1943 - Gloria Mae Geisert Burch |
1943 - Jack Gemmill |
1943 - Paul Genereux |
1943 - Beatrice Helen Gerlach Campbell |
1943 - Barbara Gilbert Benson |
1943 - Keith Gillespie |
1943 - James R. Gordon,MD |
1943 - Mae Helen Gorline Sarich |
1943 - Wayne M. Graham |
1943 - Basil John Gregores,MD |
1943 - William A. Gregory |
1943 - Robert Leon Greimes |
1943 - Donald Greve |
1943 - Ardele Grodvig Warren |
1943 - Donald Grosch |
1943 - Lyle D. Gunsaules,Jr. |
1943 - William Guppy |
1943 - Ann Louise Hagen Williams |
1943 - Dorothy M, Hall |
1943 - Dorothy Hamilton Miller |
1943 - Patricia Hansen Lindbloom |
1943 - May Hanson Freeman |
1943 - Waldron R. Hardy |
1943 - Margaret Harrell Brediger |
1943 - Grover Harris |
1943 - Ronald D Haug |
1943 - Fred Hawney |
1943 - Carolyn M. Hedeen |
1943 - Clarence Karl Henchel |
1943 - Richard (Rick) F. Henchel |
1943 - Thelma Henderson |
1943 - Richard Henning |
1943 - Virginia (Ginny) Jean Hesketh Murray |
1943 - Mary Hilton Richie |
1943 - Harry Himmelman,Jr. |
1943 - Eleanor Hirsch Stubb |
1943 - Edris (Betty) Elizabeth Holm Odle |
1943 - Oscar (Bill) William Holm, Jr |
1943 - Robert Holmes |
1943 - Frank C. Houghton |
1943 - Earl Wallace Hoveland |
1943 - James Thomas Hulslander |
1943 - Larry J. Istas |
1943 - Alice (Nancy) Ann Jackson Bollinger |
1943 - Ann Jackson |
1943 - William K. Jackson |
1943 - William Jacobs |
1943 - James Jamieson |
1943 - Anne (Ann) Johanna Jensen Ringstad |
1943 - Donald P. Jensen,Jr. |
1943 - Shirley Jenson Basel |
1943 - Anita Jerome Manahan |
1943 - Loren Jewett |
1943 - Evelyn Johnson |
1943 - Virginia Jane Johnson Isaacson |
1943 - Donald Jones |
1943 - Carole J. Judkins |
1943 - Doris Jussel Schoeller |
1943 - Arnold Edwin Kalvig |
1943 - Raymond (Ray) Robert Kanarick |
1943 - Grace E. Kelly |
1943 - Eugene Ray Kenton |
1943 - Robert B. Kidd |
1943 - Dorothy Kieswetter Score |
1943 - Leona King |
1943 - Homer Wayne Kirby |
1943 - Lois Kitchen Champion |
1943 - Dorothy (Jean) Jean Kleckner |
1943 - Ben Duane Kosa |
1943 - William (Bill) F. Kotelman |
1943 - Vivian Krause Harlin,MD |
1943 - Alice Kreide Bingaman |
1943 - James Kunz |
1943 - Don Lainhart |
1943 - Molly Lamaine Payne |
1943 - Robert L. Langabeer |
1943 - Patricia J. Lanning Garretson |
1943 - Robert L. LaVergne |
1943 - Jack Leaford |
1943 - Barbara Lewis Herbst-Anderson |
1943 - Lawrence (Larry) Aaron Lindberg |
1943 - Al Linden |
1943 - Don H Linderoth |
1943 - Marjorie Ann Loomis Stewart |
1943 - Edwin Lowman |
1943 - Frank Lowry |
1943 - William Lund |
1943 - Margaret Evelyn Lundberg McNeil |
1943 - Alyce Lyle Stoltenberg |
1943 - Charles R. Lyon |
1943 - Harry MacFadden |
1943 - Edna May MacLean Nishitani |
1943 - Walter J. MacLean |
1943 - James (Jim) Wallace Mallory |
1943 - Arthur Malmgren |
1943 - W. Manahan |
1943 - Alan C. Marlow |
1943 - Charles R Martin |
1943 - Derrald Martin |
1943 - Laurence McAneny |
1943 - Kathleen O McCaffery Long |
1943 - Bill McGonigle |
1943 - Josephine McLean McGillicuddy |
1943 - Jack McLellan |
1943 - Virginia H. Melton Milroy |
1943 - Emillie Marie Merz Shepard |
1943 - Hazel M Meyer Edholm |
1943 - James F. Miller |
1943 - Ruth A. Miller Purkey |
1943 - Frank Minear |
1943 - Paul P. Mitchell |
1943 - Jacqueline (Clarice) Clarice Morgan Nilsson |
1943 - Robert Morris |
1943 - Curtis Morrison |
1943 - Elaine Munson Priebe |
1943 - John Staton Murray |
1943 - Richard Nahhas |
1943 - Maxine Negus Leal |
1943 - Eugene N. Nelson |
1943 - John L. Nelson |
1943 - Stanley Gust Nelson |
1943 - Mary E. Neubert |
1943 - Alice Lorraine Newland |
1943 - Samuel R. Nishitani |
1943 - Donn Nissen |
1943 - Roderick Nolte |
1943 - Marilyn L. Novak |
1943 - Roy W. Nylander |
1943 - Doris Mae O'Brien |
1943 - Ralph Ogdon |
1943 - Fred Olsen |
1943 - L. (Roy) W. Oppie |
1943 - Valeta June Owen Peterson |
1943 - Barbara Parks Stone |
1943 - Robert (Jim) James Patterson |
1943 - Robert (Jim) James Patterson |
1943 - Charles K. Pattison |
1943 - Claire Marie Paulson Eltman |
1943 - Gordon Stuart Peek |
1943 - Maureen E. Peters |
1943 - Thelma Peters Stasinos |
1943 - L. (Greta) Greta Petersen |
1943 - Joseph Petosa |
1943 - Jean Phillips Browne |
1943 - Dorothy (Dee) Pinney Creighton |
1943 - Kathryn (Kay) N. Porter Welch |
1943 - John Rawlings |
1943 - Harold B. Ray |
1943 - Lois Jean Read Bauman |
1943 - Marguerite Reddy Lewis |
1943 - William Reece |
1943 - Jane B. Reid |
1943 - Thomas Glen Reynolds |
1943 - David (Dave) Richardson |
1943 - William (Bill) B. Richardson,MD |
1943 - William F. Rinehart |
1943 - David Robb |
1943 - Margaret E Robbins Anderson |
1943 - Robert H. Root |
1943 - Elizabeth Schreiner |
1943 - Elva Marie Score |
1943 - Robert Eades Scoville |
1943 - Paul Lee Sexsmith |
1943 - Claude (Ray) R Shattuck |
1943 - Thomas (Tom) E. Sheehan |
1943 - Gordon Sherwood |
1943 - Helen Shively Budbill |
1943 - Barbara (Jean) P. Smith |
1943 - Harry Martin Somers |
1943 - Stanley S. Sonntag |
1943 - Chester (Chet) Cleary Stencil |
1943 - Shirley Stevens Mitchell |
1943 - Lisbeth Ann Stevenson Melusky |
1943 - Esther Stofko Etheridge |
1943 - Jacqueline Louise Storey Jensen |
1943 - Jack Alexander Strachan |
1943 - Floyd Suther |
1943 - Pearle Christine Suther Pride |
1943 - George Tamura |
1943 - Kenneth Taylor |
1943 - William Taylor |
1943 - Josephine Teegardin Pohl |
1943 - Kay Thompson |
1943 - Marian Eileen Thorburn LaMay |
1943 - Richard Thorlakson |
1943 - Elizabeth M. Thorson |
1943 - Harold Thorsvig |
1943 - Torleif Vaabene |
1943 - Patrick (Pat) Varriano |
1943 - Jack Verdon |
1943 - Dolores (Susie) Mae Vigil Ebert |
1943 - Bertram (Burt) L Vulliet |
1943 - Henry Addis Walker |
1943 - Keith P. Wange |
1943 - Martha Ann Ward |
1943 - Lorellen Weaver Powell |
1943 - Sanford (Sandy) E. Webb |
1943 - Evelyn Weiser |
1943 - Howard S. Wenzel |
1943 - Maralyn Ellen Westfield Nielsen |
1943 - Robert (Bob) W. Westphal |
1943 - Doris Woods Wheelock Whittaker |
1943 - Harvey L. Wilks |
1943 - Robert (Bob) Ide Will |
1943 - Helen (Patricia) Patricia Wilmot |
1943 - Albert (Al) Louis Wing, Jr |
1943 - Robert Wood |
1943 - Lon J. Woodard |
1943 - Doris M. Woods |
1943 - Verna E. Workman |
1943 - Janet L. Wylie |
1943 - William M. Zavales,Jr. |
1943 - Jean Elizabeth Zorn Strand |
Back to Top |
Class of 1944 |
1944 - Robert Adamson |
1944 - William Airis |
1944 - Joyce A. Allyn Stevick |
1944 - Arvid (Wallace) Wallace Anderson |
1944 - Donald Lewis Anderson |
1944 - John Bernard Anderson |
1944 - Dorothy Anthony Robberson |
1944 - Robert Arwine |
1944 - Willard Baarstad |
1944 - Eileen Marie Barker Frost |
1944 - Steven Lawrence Barrett |
1944 - Juanita Maxine Bell |
1944 - Dorothy Marie Benesch Eastridge |
1944 - Carl Bengtson |
1944 - Myrna Benson Amberson |
1944 - Lois Blanchard Blasi |
1944 - Gloria Bockwoldt Buck |
1944 - Mary Lou Bodeen Block |
1944 - William Rodgers Bowden |
1944 - Arnold ("Arne") G. Brakke |
1944 - Juanita Breeze Koskela |
1944 - Herbert (Dean) Dean Brock |
1944 - Mary Lou Brockman Maybee |
1944 - George Colin Buchan |
1944 - Natalie Buhtz Cochrane |
1944 - Betty Bullard,Sandvig Gilbreath |
1944 - David Stewart Burch |
1944 - Jane Burke Nelson |
1944 - Wayne Leonard Butcher |
1944 - Vardean Carscaden |
1944 - George Vernon Clark |
1944 - Robert (Bob) Townsend Cook |
1944 - Helen Marie Cox Oltman |
1944 - Anita Joy Crum Venema |
1944 - John Helmer Dahl |
1944 - Roger Clayton Dahl |
1944 - Gordon H Dahlbeck |
1944 - Art Dascher |
1944 - Roland Ernest Davis |
1944 - Ralph (Bill) William Deacon |
1944 - Edward (Ed) William Deligan |
1944 - Inez M. Dennison |
1944 - Beverley Estelle Dildine Leonard |
1944 - Shirley Jean Disbrow Manus |
1944 - Kenneth Dolan |
1944 - Darlene B Eifrig Dean |
1944 - Kenneth Lloyd Emmerson |
1944 - Evelyn Anna Engebrits Lilleness |
1944 - Hedvig Erickson Ostrom |
1944 - Robert A Farmer |
1944 - Iris Darlene Fatland Wiegert |
1944 - Marie Fillinger Sather |
1944 - Joanne Flavilla Fitzgerald Tenuta |
1944 - Thomas Fowler |
1944 - Barbara Anne Francis Graham |
1944 - Willard Archibald Frazee |
1944 - Eugene (Gene) Edward Frey |
1944 - Howard Taylor Friar |
1944 - Dennis Vernon Gable |
1944 - Jacqueline Ann Gage Duncan |
1944 - Marian Elaine Gaume |
1944 - Mary Margaret Gaydeski |
1944 - Ruth Getchell Monroe |
1944 - Kathleen Gordon Fish |
1944 - Dorothy Mae Gradwohl Blevins |
1944 - Donald E Graham |
1944 - Lloyd Guffey |
1944 - Floyd Hagaman |
1944 - Robert Hancock |
1944 - Gertrude Bernice Handstad Sande |
1944 - Joyce Harthrong Blackwell |
1944 - Leigh Allison Hartley |
1944 - Eldon B. Hawney |
1944 - James Hawthorn |
1944 - Phillip Conover Henry |
1944 - Helen Igou Herbster Abney |
1944 - William Herrick |
1944 - Joan Herzog Biggs |
1944 - LeRoi J. Hess |
1944 - Richard (Dean) Dean Heyworth |
1944 - Lawrence Elwood Higbee |
1944 - Herbert Lee Hildebrandt |
1944 - Dorothy Ingalill Hjarne Kragseth |
1944 - William Hoffman |
1944 - David Harold Holmes |
1944 - William Charles Honeychurch |
1944 - Marjorie Elaine Hood Barden |
1944 - William (Bill) Gordon Horrobin |
1944 - Dwight Lyman Hoy |
1944 - Muriel Grace Huggett Dameron |
1944 - John Berger Iverson |
1944 - William (Dick) R Jackman |
1944 - Shirley Jacoby Clark |
1944 - Arthur F Jaeger |
1944 - Robert Jessen |
1944 - Marjorie Johnson |
1944 - Harriet R. Jorgenson Hansen |
1944 - Gordon (Gordy) E. Kaltbrunner |
1944 - Nancy Keeney Lathrop |
1944 - Patricia Louise Kennedy Elder |
1944 - Shirley L Klein Richardson |
1944 - William Knapp |
1944 - LuElla Koth Murphy |
1944 - Betty Louise Lainhart Himmelman |
1944 - Mary Irene Lillis |
1944 - Vivian Litchfield Jones |
1944 - Harry James Livingston |
1944 - Loris Lockhart Nowak |
1944 - Betty Longmire Swanson |
1944 - Gus Lund |
1944 - Catherine Marie Lynch Allen |
1944 - Roger K. Maloney |
1944 - Randall L Marquis |
1944 - John Marzolf |
1944 - Marilynn Doris Mayes Clarke |
1944 - George Rodney Merrill |
1944 - Harry Miles |
1944 - Violet Janetta Miller Sharp |
1944 - Eleanor R. Molin Stutzke |
1944 - Patricia Marie Murray Barclay |
1944 - Ronald E. Nece |
1944 - James E. Nelson |
1944 - Richard (Dick) Edwin Newton |
1944 - Ernest Einar Nilsen |
1944 - Lloyd L Nolte |
1944 - David F Nooney |
1944 - Ruby Nuttall Hollerbach |
1944 - Donald Dewey Nyman |
1944 - Ruth Nystrom Lloyd |
1944 - Marion Phyllis O'Handley Wilmot |
1944 - Victor Otakie |
1944 - Charles Joseph Paige |
1944 - Eugene Parshall |
1944 - Jack Harley Patterson |
1944 - Evelyn Paulson Nordquist |
1944 - Irving D. Pearson |
1944 - Paul Pearson |
1944 - David (Dick) Louis Person |
1944 - Harold (Hal) William Petersen |
1944 - Elwood (Dale) Petite |
1944 - Anne M. Petosa Thompson |
1944 - Anthony (Tony) B Pietromonaco |
1944 - Douglas Jay Piggott |
1944 - Wilbert (Will) Lauren Pool |
1944 - Leonard E Prew |
1944 - Joseph R. Proffitt |
1944 - Dorothy May Pumfrey Davis |
1944 - Michelina M. Ramaglia Herrick |
1944 - Raymond Reaber |
1944 - William O'Brien Renfroe, Sr |
1944 - Harry Bernard Rice |
1944 - Gordon Robberson |
1944 - Beryl D Roberts |
1944 - Shirley Rodley Kemp |
1944 - Flora Rogers Nessly |
1944 - Judith Rogne |
1944 - Terry A. Ross |
1944 - Lewis C. Sander |
1944 - Ileen Sandwick Shields |
1944 - Rudy Sather |
1944 - Ernest Schenk |
1944 - Erna Scholin Soter |
1944 - DeWayne Byrle Sharp |
1944 - Barbara Jean Shelton Watson |
1944 - George Sherry |
1944 - Frederick Shults |
1944 - Barbara Jeanne Sill Cole |
1944 - Mavis Skorstad Norton |
1944 - Wallace James W Slabaugh |
1944 - William (Bill) J. Slesk |
1944 - Shirley Sluss Lichty |
1944 - George Smith |
1944 - Natalie Smith Cotton |
1944 - Gene Snellenberg |
1944 - Donald Spencer |
1944 - Kenneth Dale Stark |
1944 - William (Bill) J. Stenstrom |
1944 - Jeanne Stipek Kile |
1944 - Glenna Maxine Storkel Rohrback |
1944 - Herbert Stowe |
1944 - Marvin Emil Strum |
1944 - George Sutherland |
1944 - Arnold Bailey Swanson |
1944 - Lawrence Swenson |
1944 - Bonnyce Terry Keul |
1944 - Marianna Thompkins Brakke |
1944 - Robert Lowery Titus |
1944 - Hazel I. Torgrimson |
1944 - Martha Etta VanBrocklin Pietromonaco |
1944 - Lowell VanGerpen |
1944 - Arthur Tucker Venable |
1944 - Alice Ellen Venables Mulvihill |
1944 - Betty Louise Vieweg Tazioli |
1944 - Cleo J. Walker Jensen |
1944 - Christine Wallace Babcock |
1944 - Velma (Dotty) Wallace Hoskins |
1944 - Ida May Watling Morrison |
1944 - Arta Lenore Weeks Mundt |
1944 - Marjorie Ruth Wellington Heyworth |
1944 - Thomas Carl Werge |
1944 - Robert Wick |
1944 - Donald W Wilson |
1944 - Lorne Alan Winchester |
1944 - Ronald G Winchester |
1944 - George Wisman |
1944 - Herman Witte |
1944 - Richard Wright |
1944 - Shirley Ann Young Brasen |
1944 - Wanda Elizabeth Young Moore |
1944 - Nicholas Meena Zanides Jr |
Back to Top |
Class of 1945 |
1945 - Keith Elwyn Abell |
1945 - Carl Arthur J. Abrahamsen |
1945 - Maxine Gwendolyn Adair Bates |
1945 - Jack Delbert Adler |
1945 - Norma Jean Ady Burnard |
1945 - Frances (Frank) Mervin Aff |
1945 - William Louis Airis |
1945 - Thomas Alber |
1945 - Lloyd Allbee |
1945 - Priscilla Allbee Morris |
1945 - Nadine Anderson Fraser |
1945 - Peter (Andy) Anderson |
1945 - Dorothy M. Applegate |
1945 - Lois Elaine Austin Fredrickson |
1945 - Gerard (Jerry) V. Bach |
1945 - Barbara Bailey |
1945 - Frank Baker |
1945 - Helen Ballard Benjamin |
1945 - William Banks |
1945 - Frank Barth |
1945 - Margaret Batchelder Prickett |
1945 - Virginia Lee Beamer Nielsen |
1945 - Betty Beardsley Karsgaard |
1945 - Marjorie Bell Davis |
1945 - Elaine Ruth Bensene Moehring |
1945 - Betty Mae Benson Murphy |
1945 - Sylvia June Berg Severide |
1945 - Norma Bettes Tuttle |
1945 - Charles Beymer |
1945 - Arthur Biggs |
1945 - S. (Allyn) Allyn Billings |
1945 - Audrey Black |
1945 - Norma Jean Bolster |
1945 - Beverly Bond Orphan |
1945 - Ronald Boutry |
1945 - Eva Mae Bradburn Carroll |
1945 - Miriam Bright Lohse |
1945 - Fred Browne |
1945 - William (Bill) A Browning |
1945 - Harold Buckley |
1945 - Merle Bunn |
1945 - Robert (Bob) Roger Buston |
1945 - Floreen Carlson Froberg |
1945 - Sandra Leslie Carmean Coleman |
1945 - Josephine (Jo) Ruth Case Dawson |
1945 - MaryJean Casperson Bestwick |
1945 - Robert Catterall |
1945 - Barbara Chandler Hurley |
1945 - Mary Elizabeth Chapman Lewis |
1945 - Jean Chellin Stokke |
1945 - Fred Grant Christensen |
1945 - Beth Marie Clark Martinez |
1945 - Joanne Clark Hannah |
1945 - Phyllis Marie Clark Ohm |
1945 - Johnn R. Clearbrook |
1945 - Donald Cleveland |
1945 - Richard Cook |
1945 - Dorothy Ann Cooke Dartnell |
1945 - Berta Cornelius Stone |
1945 - James Covington |
1945 - Herb Cowling |
1945 - Lee Roy Cox |
1945 - David Crippe |
1945 - Elmer Bud Critchfield |
1945 - George Cronn |
1945 - Madeline Croy Lester |
1945 - Ted Dahl |
1945 - Jeanne L. Davis Kiehl |
1945 - Donovan Day |
1945 - June Dean Sitts |
1945 - Mary Lou Deasy |
1945 - Lenore Decker |
1945 - Betty DeVries Esselbach |
1945 - Faye Dickey Lund |
1945 - William Dizard |
1945 - Barbara Doctor Smith |
1945 - William Ernest Dodge |
1945 - William Draper |
1945 - Betty Driscoll Beaughan |
1945 - Lawrence Driscoll |
1945 - Agnes May Driver |
1945 - Frank Echols |
1945 - Alice J. Eckert |
1945 - Arlene Eggert Wiedell |
1945 - Robert (Bob) Howard Ely |
1945 - Armidda Erford |
1945 - Evelyn Gerda Augusta Eriksen Christensen |
1945 - F. ("Jay") J. Estle |
1945 - Darline Fairbanks Evans-Nichols |
1945 - Dell Faris,Jr. |
1945 - William Joseph Farrell |
1945 - Ann Fields Lynch |
1945 - Anna Mae Fods Kravik |
1945 - Jim Francis Frankovitch |
1945 - F. James Franklin |
1945 - Rance Freeman |
1945 - Patricia (Pat) Fay Gaffney Smart |
1945 - Nancy A. Gantz |
1945 - Don Garberg |
1945 - Norma Jean Garey Santoro |
1945 - Iris Gerdes Worthington |
1945 - Lewis (Frank) Francis Ginnett |
1945 - Lorraine Goldfield Muggy |
1945 - Jean V Gordon Dallas |
1945 - Robert Lee Gradwohl |
1945 - Ellen Janet Green Folsom |
1945 - Dale Grunden |
1945 - Barbara Hall Godfrey |
1945 - Barbara Hall Lowry |
1945 - Jay Hamilton |
1945 - Ed Hannah |
1945 - William Harkins |
1945 - Loretta Hatfield Duehl |
1945 - Jean Bernice Haugen Hansen |
1945 - Leonard (Len) Charles Hawney |
1945 - Wallace Hedges |
1945 - William R Henchel |
1945 - Morris Nathan Hendricksen |
1945 - Gordon Hennum |
1945 - Gerry Higgins |
1945 - Lovenia Hillis Holt |
1945 - Helen Dorothy Hisken Brockdorff |
1945 - Dorothee Holland Robichaux |
1945 - Gerald (Jerry) E. Horrobin |
1945 - Robert (Bob) Lyle Hoskins |
1945 - Viola (Joan) Joan Houser Kirkman |
1945 - Lorene Howard Hanson |
1945 - Ward Howard |
1945 - Robert Huffman |
1945 - Harold (Hal) Jeff Hunsaker |
1945 - Bob Hurd |
1945 - Gloria Husby Walker |
1945 - Florence Evelyn Ingersoll Steen |
1945 - Robert Burton Jaeger,Jr. |
1945 - Marjorie I. Jensen Rasmussen |
1945 - Jonathan (J. Wayne) Wayne Jessen |
1945 - Loren Johns |
1945 - Bill Johnson |
1945 - Louise Johnson Thomas |
1945 - Stanley Richard Johnson |
1945 - Adele Irene Johnston Cisners |
1945 - Alun P Jones |
1945 - Fred Kamla |
1945 - Bernard Kelly |
1945 - Jeanette Kindelan Anger |
1945 - Vernon King |
1945 - Ken Klute |
1945 - Harold Beecher Knapp, Jr |
1945 - Barbara (Janice) Janice Knudsen Stamey |
1945 - Harold Knudsen |
1945 - Dorothy Lucille Kommer Smith |
1945 - Norman Fredric Kurtz |
1945 - Jim Lackey |
1945 - Florine LaMay Walters |
1945 - Jack Alvin Lambert |
1945 - Donna Jean Landes Hill |
1945 - Milton Lantz |
1945 - Beverly Larrabee McDonald |
1945 - Norma Larrabee Woods |
1945 - Glenn R Lasater |
1945 - Barbara Lessard Klemz |
1945 - H. Lindley |
1945 - Martha Pauline Lindloff Zeits |
1945 - Herman (Dick) Arminus Richard Locke |
1945 - Phyllis M Lowman Chambers |
1945 - Irene Lucich Cushen |
1945 - Donald Luke |
1945 - Thomas MacGeorge |
1945 - Joan Mackie Reece |
1945 - Donald Ray Madsen |
1945 - Dolores Alice Maehl Nelson |
1945 - Roy William Magnuson |
1945 - Bill Maier |
1945 - Bob Manahan |
1945 - Violet Marcum |
1945 - Carol Marshall Curley |
1945 - Edwin Martin |
1945 - Paul Martin |
1945 - Nadine Louise Mayer |
1945 - Donald (Don) Raymond Mayfield |
1945 - William (Bill) Bruce McAlister |
1945 - William Bruce McAllister |
1945 - Nancy ("Jo") Joanne McBee Flickinger |
1945 - Pat McCarty Eddy |
1945 - Jack McClair |
1945 - Marjorie McCoy |
1945 - Elmer Lucious McKagen Jr |
1945 - Claudia McKnight Hembd |
1945 - Pierre (Pete) F. McLaughlin |
1945 - Elmo Meadows |
1945 - Gordy Melvey |
1945 - Richard Merritt |
1945 - David Millison |
1945 - Barbara L. Moore Wellens |
1945 - Charles Elmer Morgan |
1945 - Ed Morgan |
1945 - William Wallace Morrell |
1945 - Bob Morrison |
1945 - Colleen Peggy Murphy Bern |
1945 - Robert T. Nash,Ed.D. |
1945 - Pat Navin |
1945 - Mary Navone Castillo |
1945 - Lois N Nelson Anderson |
1945 - Robert Loren Nelson |
1945 - Frances Newby Calderwood |
1945 - Marjorie Louise Newton Briggs |
1945 - Henry Norman |
1945 - Marion Ernestine Norman Frosch |
1945 - Suzanne (Sue) Nygren Buchanan |
1945 - Ann Marie Oliver Clark |
1945 - Herb Olney |
1945 - Paul Richard Olson |
1945 - Marion Oppie Falck |
1945 - Mary Paputchis Kourkoumelis |
1945 - Vernon Leroy Parker |
1945 - Walter Arthur Parkhurst |
1945 - Donelle L Parmeter Burleigh |
1945 - Dick Patterson |
1945 - Jewel Pearson Failor |
1945 - Donald M. Peek |
1945 - Joanne Perry Nazarenus |
1945 - Arthur (Art) Charles Peters |
1945 - Edward Peterson |
1945 - Maxine Peterson Smith |
1945 - Raymond Peterson |
1945 - Darlene (Dolly) Vera Phelps Westphal |
1945 - Charles Phillips |
1945 - Lucy Violetta Pietromonaco Petersen |
1945 - Gerald (Jerry) C Pinkerton |
1945 - Claire Helen Pitblado Pinkerton |
1945 - Paul Pugachoff |
1945 - Lucia Ramaglia Perkowsky |
1945 - Joy Gaston Reeder Reece |
1945 - George Richner |
1945 - Donald Roberts |
1945 - Elaine C Roos Underhill |
1945 - Peggy Rothermel Wickersham |
1945 - Robert Sabin |
1945 - Helen Louise Sandell Seiler |
1945 - Guy Satterlee |
1945 - Richard Schimmeyer |
1945 - Bertha Schluter |
1945 - Harry Schneider |
1945 - John (Jack) Leonard Schwabland |
1945 - Maxine Luella Schwartz Border |
1945 - Edith Scott |
1945 - Terry Scott |
1945 - Dorothy Scrivens Hunter |
1945 - Michael E. Shaver |
1945 - Robert Shay |
1945 - William (Bill) R. Shertzer |
1945 - Norman Shiner |
1945 - Leta Shoemaker Fox |
1945 - Patricia (Pat) Stewart Sinclair Coleman |
1945 - Gordon Smith |
1945 - Lyle (Pete) Smith |
1945 - Fern N. Snyder Cochran |
1945 - Juanita June Stanaway Hayter |
1945 - Betty Jane Stanley Klaas |
1945 - Margaret VanDusen Starr |
1945 - Donald Steele |
1945 - John (Jack) Thomas Stevens |
1945 - Evie Stewart |
1945 - Joe Stone |
1945 - Robert Stonecipher |
1945 - Phyllis Mae Stover Leiren |
1945 - William Strand |
1945 - Rosemary Strobel Knutson |
1945 - Midge Stuckey Pritchard |
1945 - Laurence F. Sundstrom |
1945 - Charles Swanson |
1945 - Donald (Dean) Dean Talmadge |
1945 - Robert Tindall |
1945 - James Henry Toale |
1945 - Jeanne Torrey Brown |
1945 - Leonard (Len) Merland Tweten, Jr |
1945 - Edward Underhill |
1945 - Zoeanne Anney Vickers Gallant |
1945 - Mitzi Vukelich Frey |
1945 - Laurel Wagner Roughton |
1945 - Art Wake |
1945 - Joe Waldburger |
1945 - Pat Wallendorff Coleman |
1945 - Edward Waller |
1945 - Geraldine Walsh Calder |
1945 - Bob Ward |
1945 - Thomas (Tom) Eric Ward |
1945 - Pearl M Wardell Lunstead |
1945 - Velma Wasser Bertilson |
1945 - Dennis (Denny) W Webber |
1945 - Rita Rose Webber Kriz |
1945 - Frances Weber Herman |
1945 - Harry Weingarten |
1945 - Alice West Ashley |
1945 - Pat West Tregoning |
1945 - Sammy White |
1945 - Dorval Wiegand |
1945 - Eugene Richard Wiegers |
1945 - Beverly Willits Talmadge |
1945 - Arthur W. Winkler |
1945 - David D Wooldridge |
1945 - James Arthur Wright |
1945 - Priscilla M. Wright Urk |
1945 - Carol Wrucke Trafton |
1945 - Shirley (Shannon) Louise Yackel Frost |
1945 - Frank Young |
Back to Top |
Class of 1946 |
1946 - Warren J. Adkins |
1946 - Barbara R. Aiken Byers |
1946 - Margaret Ann Alleger Parke |
1946 - Donn Creightin Anderson |
1946 - Doris Anderson Rogstad |
1946 - James Christian Anderson |
1946 - Orville Anderson |
1946 - Peter Anderson |
1946 - Don Arwine |
1946 - Stanley Baer |
1946 - Robert (Bob) F. Bainbridge |
1946 - Sylvia Anne Wells Baldwin Johnson |
1946 - Ralph M. Baltzo |
1946 - Perry Edward Baunsgard |
1946 - Ralph (Mal) Malcolm Beaton |
1946 - William Beck,Jr. |
1946 - Robert Bergstrom |
1946 - Shirley Anne Bickerstaff |
1946 - Virginia Marie Boerjan Loving |
1946 - Don Vincent Bolan |
1946 - Robert M Booker |
1946 - Donald Borg |
1946 - Merton Box |
1946 - Walter Boyle,Jr. |
1946 - Nancy Brengan Arnold |
1946 - Ellen J. Brolin Pleger |
1946 - Justin Emil Brost |
1946 - Eugene Brown |
1946 - Warren Parkin Brown |
1946 - Bruce Edward Browning |
1946 - Ellen Bruun Lindley |
1946 - Jack Alden Bullington |
1946 - Fletcher (Duff) Ready Burrus,III |
1946 - Richard Byers |
1946 - Ronald Cawthon |
1946 - Lloyd Cervine |
1946 - Ted Charron |
1946 - Stephen Michael Chinick |
1946 - Edward Kristian Christiansen |
1946 - Joyce Christie Tinsley |
1946 - John Harris Christopher |
1946 - Charles Clark |
1946 - Laura Clarke Troxell |
1946 - Edith B. Cole |
1946 - Phyllis J. Cosman |
1946 - Richard A. Crisman |
1946 - Gordon David Crosby |
1946 - Delores L Cross Petersen |
1946 - Wilfred J Culliton |
1946 - Virginia E. Dahmen Fuller |
1946 - Effie Davidsen |
1946 - F. Deahl |
1946 - Robert L DeLaVergne |
1946 - Dolores Jean Dye McRoberts |
1946 - Dorothy Marie Edwards Lane |
1946 - N. (Elizabeth) Elizabeth Eldridge |
1946 - Alan Elliott |
1946 - Richard George Elmslie |
1946 - Jack Elsberry |
1946 - Jack A Englert |
1946 - June ELisabet Lorraine Engstrom |
1946 - Jean Erickson |
1946 - Marguerite Audrey Ericson Linnea-Welch |
1946 - Janice I Finnigan Copeland |
1946 - Joella Fint |
1946 - Spencer Wallace Floyd |
1946 - Mitchell Foster |
1946 - Rose Franck Myllenbeck |
1946 - Maxine Ada Galbreath Cook |
1946 - Mary Gantz Clark |
1946 - Robert Lee Gay |
1946 - Joan Germshied Smith |
1946 - Robert Godden |
1946 - Arnold Goen |
1946 - Dick Gordon |
1946 - Mary Graney Lagerquist |
1946 - William Gray |
1946 - Elmer Harold Green |
1946 - Janet Lorraine Griffin Hoffman |
1946 - Edward G. Grindrod |
1946 - Raymond Gronvold |
1946 - Beverly Anne Gustafson Perkins |
1946 - Wanda Haas Roehl |
1946 - Joanne Hallson Kjolso |
1946 - Norman Hansen |
1946 - Cecilia Harwood Houck |
1946 - Carol Hassenpflug Elston |
1946 - Mary Lee Haugum |
1946 - John Konstantin Hazimihalis |
1946 - C. Hendrick |
1946 - Stanley Henry |
1946 - Kenneth Hermanson |
1946 - Grace Hildebrandt King |
1946 - Arlene O. Hillesland |
1946 - Donald Ellsworth Hoard |
1946 - Geraldine (Jerry) M. Holt Buzzard |
1946 - Warren Holte |
1946 - Alene Hubbard Christiansen |
1946 - David (Putt) Hudson |
1946 - Thomas Hunter |
1946 - Charles (Chuck) Jacobsen |
1946 - Richard Alexander Jacome |
1946 - Frederick (Fred) William Jaeger |
1946 - Louise Agnes Jaeger |
1946 - Carmen Greta Jahnke McGee |
1946 - Donald Jerry Jarosek |
1946 - Mildred (Lois) Jensen Scott |
1946 - Robert Jensen |
1946 - Jerald Johnson |
1946 - Mildred Christine Johnson Erlandsen |
1946 - Richard Johnson |
1946 - Robert Wayne Johnson |
1946 - Robert Elliott Jones |
1946 - Liv O. Jorgensen Horrobin |
1946 - Lila Mae Kellett Ihler |
1946 - Verne Theodore Kelling |
1946 - Alice P. Kidd Hoveland |
1946 - Lorraine Kinnie Sund |
1946 - JoAnn Carol Kittleson Mabee |
1946 - Lois Wanda Kleckner Ristine |
1946 - Phyllis Ann Larson Parthemer |
1946 - Robert D. Law |
1946 - Wayne Mentor Lawson |
1946 - Gilbert Jay Lee |
1946 - Eleanor Joyce Leenerts Benson |
1946 - Nedra H. Lemieux |
1946 - Norma (Jeanne) Jeanne Lemieux Galus |
1946 - Philip (Phil) K. LeVander |
1946 - Barbara Lofgren Vandervlugt |
1946 - Don Long |
1946 - Richard Lowman |
1946 - Ronald Lund |
1946 - Betty Rose MacDonald Carnes |
1946 - Jean MacDonald Dunlap |
1946 - Willard Machon |
1946 - Elizabeth (Betty) MacLeod Hegge |
1946 - Doris Manning Tanner |
1946 - Norma J. Manning |
1946 - Edwin Martin |
1946 - George Marzolf |
1946 - Robert Arno Massoni |
1946 - Bonnie (Jean) Mathews Fitch |
1946 - C. Matson |
1946 - Frances Marie McCullom Musgrove |
1946 - Lois McCullough |
1946 - Kenneth E. McIntyre |
1946 - Carolyn Lee McKinley Bray |
1946 - Bruce McKnight |
1946 - James (Jim) Albert McLaughlin |
1946 - William (Bill) G. McLean |
1946 - Mike Peter Michael |
1946 - Margaret Millenaar Browning |
1946 - Carman Miner Taylor |
1946 - Roma Jeanne Mitchell |
1946 - George Mohrbacher |
1946 - Don Montan |
1946 - Dorothy Alice Mootafes |
1946 - Donald Webster Morgan |
1946 - Mary Jane Morris Poulos |
1946 - Shirley Mostosky Hawk |
1946 - Erich W. Naethe |
1946 - Martha Naethe Arthur |
1946 - Lew Nelson |
1946 - Bernhard (Bernie) E. Newman |
1946 - James (Jim) Newman |
1946 - Ronald Nicklos |
1946 - Harry Nilson |
1946 - Glenn Nilsson |
1946 - Harold Norgaard |
1946 - Barbara J Norman Pool -Michelson |
1946 - Mary Null Boule |
1946 - Richard Nyberg |
1946 - Irvin Nyblom |
1946 - Donald L. Olson |
1946 - Maurine Genevieve Olson Englert |
1946 - Joyce Claire Palmer |
1946 - Patricia Pangborn Ervin |
1946 - Eloise Louise Patterson Stratemeyer |
1946 - Herbert (Herb) Clarence Paulson |
1946 - Robert M. Peek |
1946 - Greeta Peters |
1946 - Myrtle Peters Varney |
1946 - Elwin (Al) O. Phelps,Jr. |
1946 - Kenneth Leslie Ramstad |
1946 - Heaton Randall |
1946 - Ina Reutlinger Bethea |
1946 - C. (Charles) Charles Rivers,Jr. |
1946 - Arthur Galen Roe |
1946 - Mary Lou Romerein |
1946 - Paul Carl Rossi |
1946 - Clinton Milan Rost |
1946 - Katharine Rowse |
1946 - Donald B. Saboe |
1946 - Anna Bernice Salmela Gilman |
1946 - Geraldine L. Sanders |
1946 - Conrad Schloredt |
1946 - Stuart (Stu) Allan Schneider |
1946 - Richard Schoener |
1946 - Theresa Schreiner |
1946 - Curtis Schwarz |
1946 - Mary Lou Schweitzer |
1946 - Jesse Scott |
1946 - Trudy Jeanette Sheehan Dootson |
1946 - Mary Lou Sherry |
1946 - Jeanne Smades Hawney |
1946 - Hollis Benjamin Small |
1946 - Jerome Smith |
1946 - Ralph E. Smith |
1946 - Boyd Sorbo |
1946 - Sherwood Sorbo |
1946 - Erwin Roy Sowers |
1946 - Ward Vance Speaker |
1946 - Willard A. Spratlin |
1946 - Darrell Stavig,MD |
1946 - Ray Steele |
1946 - Virginia Maurine Stenson Peek |
1946 - David S. Stipek |
1946 - Duane L. Storkel |
1946 - Mary M. Streuli |
1946 - George Swanson |
1946 - Gloria Swenson Duce |
1946 - Fred Thomas |
1946 - William Thompkins,Jr. |
1946 - James Thwing |
1946 - Dolores Torka |
1946 - Jeanne M. Trombley Fox |
1946 - Joanne B Tuttle Stanton |
1946 - Andy VanHaven |
1946 - Laverne VanHorn |
1946 - Dixie R. Warnick |
1946 - Russel Weberg |
1946 - Dolores M. Weeks Dahl |
1946 - Jo-Anne Weller Bradley |
1946 - David Wells |
1946 - Melvin Westall |
1946 - Doris Wharton Fields |
1946 - Gertrude J. Widger |
1946 - Donald E Wilde |
1946 - Marian Winkley Taylor |
1946 - Sally Neilson Winterrowd Wallace |
1946 - Albert Witte |
1946 - Gloria June Wold Fuhr |
1946 - Mary Louise Yandon |
1946 - John Yates |
Back to Top |
Class of 1947 |
1947 - George Leabo Abbey |
1947 - Virginia Ann Adams Covington |
1947 - Daniel Bruce Aldrich |
1947 - Herbert (Herb) Allen |
1947 - Ernest Alley |
1947 - Ellen Bernice Alme Conley |
1947 - James Thomson Amidon |
1947 - Eileen Amylon Axberg |
1947 - Robert Ray Andersen |
1947 - Barbara J Anderson Larson |
1947 - Gloria Anderson |
1947 - Jean Waneta Anderson Sivereid |
1947 - Phyllis Anderson Richards |
1947 - Donald (Don) Ashby |
1947 - Ronald Lewis Babcock |
1947 - Emmett Maurice Bacon,Jr. |
1947 - Bette Jean Badraun Gwathmey |
1947 - James Bailey |
1947 - David (Dave) S. Bardue |
1947 - Shirley Baskin |
1947 - Robert Batie |
1947 - Richard Batterton |
1947 - Barbara Bayman |
1947 - Robert Allen Bell |
1947 - Beverly Benecke Merrifield |
1947 - Beverly Bennett Howlett |
1947 - George Bennett |
1947 - Barbara Benz |
1947 - Robert Allen Binns |
1947 - Annis Blondheim |
1947 - Margaret Boegli |
1947 - Elizabeth Bohlken Moro |
1947 - Ole Ronald Bohman |
1947 - Robert Grant Bond |
1947 - Donald Bonnickson |
1947 - Arne Borg |
1947 - Varvara (Varya) Suzanne Bouchin Nelson |
1947 - Don Braggins |
1947 - Laura Brahs |
1947 - Theodore O Braida |
1947 - Marilyn Frances Bringedahl |
1947 - Eugene Robert Britzius |
1947 - Virginia Brooks |
1947 - Alice (Adele) Adele Brown Inslee |
1947 - Dorine Bruce Porter |
1947 - Mary (Janie) Jane Buell Larson |
1947 - Harold Burchard,Jr. |
1947 - Barbara Ann Burke Monks |
1947 - Margaret Buston Seelbach |
1947 - Joel Buxbaum |
1947 - John Carlson |
1947 - Kiki Carras George |
1947 - Nick Carras |
1947 - Donald D Cassady |
1947 - Donald Robert Coble |
1947 - Edward Norman Cole |
1947 - Marjorie Cook Warnick |
1947 - Sidney L. Cook Albedyll |
1947 - Dorothy Mae Cooley Adams |
1947 - Thomas Corbett |
1947 - Rodney Cottrell |
1947 - William Crichett |
1947 - Alfred Crocker |
1947 - Joyce Cropp |
1947 - Fred Dahlquist |
1947 - Franklyn Dennis |
1947 - Theda Elaine Derricott Garrison |
1947 - Helen Jane Dial Salvage |
1947 - Evelyn Mae Earle Keene |
1947 - Gene Ellsworth Earsley |
1947 - Jane Louise Eberharter Berggren |
1947 - Gene Edgar |
1947 - Joyce L Edwards Daker |
1947 - Frank Ehrig |
1947 - Jack Ehrig |
1947 - Donald Emanuels |
1947 - Elaine (Gail) Gail Emanuels Stickles |
1947 - Stanley Fall |
1947 - Joan Carmel Featherstone Kraft |
1947 - Margaret Feller Martin |
1947 - Janet Louise Finkenstein Atherton |
1947 - Donald Franklin Fisher |
1947 - Gertrude (Eve) Evelyne Fisher Parker |
1947 - Shirley Fleischer Binder |
1947 - Richard Fleischman |
1947 - Jana Foreman Croshaw |
1947 - Lloyd A Frissell |
1947 - Lyle Fryant |
1947 - Dick Maple Fulcher |
1947 - Otto Geisert,Jr. |
1947 - Dean Allen Gerberg |
1947 - Edward Giddings |
1947 - Everett L Gilman |
1947 - Lewis (Frank) Francis Ginnette |
1947 - Harold (Dick) Richard Graddon |
1947 - William L. Granston |
1947 - Marjorie Lou Gray Truitt |
1947 - Elaine Grunden West |
1947 - Wanda Alice Gustafson Lougee |
1947 - Donald Guy |
1947 - Elizabeth J. Hadigan Hall |
1947 - Lois Hall Mitchell |
1947 - Bernard Arnold Hanson |
1947 - Glenna Harris |
1947 - Keith Hartenbower |
1947 - Kathleen Effie Bell Dorthea Hess Declercq |
1947 - William (Bill) James Higlin |
1947 - Dick Hill |
1947 - Urban L. Hjarne |
1947 - Lawrence Hofstetter |
1947 - Elaine Hoyt Skone |
1947 - Clyde M Hume,Jr. |
1947 - Janet E Hynds Scansen |
1947 - Betty Jacobson Langham |
1947 - Dorothy Janson |
1947 - Theodore (Ted) George Jenes Jr. |
1947 - Don Johnson |
1947 - Florence Johnson |
1947 - Marlyss Johnson |
1947 - Virginia Claire Jones Price |
1947 - Winifred Sybil Jones Werness |
1947 - Malcolm Joss |
1947 - William Rein Kehle |
1947 - George Leo Kemper |
1947 - Jack Wesly Kendrick |
1947 - Donna Lee Kerby Farrer |
1947 - Perry (Gene) Eugene Kidder |
1947 - Grace Frances King |
1947 - Mitzie Victoria Klein Lins-Morstadt |
1947 - Virginia Claire Knudsen Falk |
1947 - Florence M. Korvell Anders |
1947 - Eugenia Kotsicopulos Sullivan |
1947 - Kenneth Krasselt |
1947 - Robert Keith Kunkle |
1947 - Alice Joanne Lambert Batey |
1947 - Ruth Mary Larson Royal |
1947 - Neil Lee |
1947 - Patricia Ann Lehman Emory |
1947 - Dollie Leupold |
1947 - Vahn Charles Linnabary |
1947 - David Dean Lonay |
1947 - Eugene Lund |
1947 - Beverly Malgren |
1947 - Jim Maloney |
1947 - Betty Mastenbrook Sterling |
1947 - Helen Mataxis Ayres |
1947 - Clifford Melnick |
1947 - Mary D. Melnick |
1947 - Harry Miller |
1947 - Joyce C. Miller Haney |
1947 - Linda Millis Saylor |
1947 - Donna Joanne Miner Weingarten |
1947 - Clayton Mitchell |
1947 - Bertrand Albert Monette |
1947 - Jean Monk Wright |
1947 - Howard J Morrill |
1947 - David John Morris |
1947 - Thomas W Morse |
1947 - Leroy Moselle |
1947 - Donald Earl Mullen |
1947 - Donald Declifford Myers |
1947 - Wanda Nance Hurlbut |
1947 - James Allan Neher |
1947 - Marilyn J. Nelson |
1947 - Richard J. Nelson |
1947 - Robert Arvid Nelson |
1947 - Fran Newton Reed |
1947 - Joanne Nickel Gossett |
1947 - Patricia Ruth Nickoloff Tindall |
1947 - Robert Nilson |
1947 - Frederick (Fred) Lynn Nollan |
1947 - Sally Ann Nollan |
1947 - Don Norton |
1947 - Richard Hector Norton, Jr |
1947 - Dick Nyberg |
1947 - Shirley Leslie Nyquist |
1947 - Donald O'Reilly |
1947 - Jarine Olson |
1947 - Joan Oswald |
1947 - Shirley Overstreet |
1947 - Donald (Don) Floyd Paggeot, Sr |
1947 - Norma Jean Palmer Murphy |
1947 - Irene Parmenter Safadago |
1947 - Phyllis Parsek |
1947 - Harry Parsons |
1947 - Richard Patterson |
1947 - Stanley Jerome Penny |
1947 - Jack Perry |
1947 - Miles Peterson |
1947 - Paul Pietromonaco |
1947 - Donald (Don) M Polinsky |
1947 - Beverly Prankard |
1947 - Dolores Purcell |
1947 - Shirley Purpur |
1947 - Bill M Rall |
1947 - Sylvia D. Rankin Malloy |
1947 - Lloyd Samuel Rentschler |
1947 - Beverly Rhoades Lathrop |
1947 - Richard Robison |
1947 - Anita Thalia Roe Davie |
1947 - Philip (Phil) Wycoff Rogers |
1947 - Mary (Jane) Jane Romstead White |
1947 - June Ronan Lobberegt |
1947 - H. Sylvia Rustad Feeney |
1947 - Darrell Ryan |
1947 - William Louis Sabin |
1947 - Gloria Louise Sallberg Stair |
1947 - Carl S Salvino |
1947 - Dean Saylor |
1947 - Jean Schillreff Thesman |
1947 - Benny Schloredt |
1947 - Benjamin Franklin Schoredt |
1947 - Gloria Schwedop Coffin |
1947 - Margaret Scott Olson |
1947 - Patricia Shaver Eastman |
1947 - Charles H Shay |
1947 - Harold Sydney Siegel |
1947 - Gerald Silliman,Jr. |
1947 - Wilma Lenore Smith Lee |
1947 - Phyllis Sparks Brien |
1947 - Lavonne Jean Spencer Drymiller |
1947 - Geraldine Starrett |
1947 - Mary Theresa Steel Countryman |
1947 - Marguerite Stevens |
1947 - Kathryn Jane Stroud Cahoon |
1947 - Dennis Claire Susdorf |
1947 - Marian Theresa Swalwell Vimont |
1947 - Richard Byrd Swartz |
1947 - Ross Swift |
1947 - Elinor Robin Talbot Halstead |
1947 - Howard Taylor |
1947 - Ralph Jerome Taylor |
1947 - Florine (Flo) Barbara Thomas Chudecke |
1947 - Thomas (Tom) Earl Thorning |
1947 - Richard L. Thrash |
1947 - Jim Thwing |
1947 - Kenneth Tiedemann |
1947 - David (Dave) Warren Tobey |
1947 - Leonard Emery Vallene |
1947 - Floren (Sonny) James Van De Putte |
1947 - Glenn C. VanDeBogart |
1947 - Thora Walker Moen |
1947 - Allen Wans |
1947 - John Ward |
1947 - John Benjamin Warnick |
1947 - Lee Welch |
1947 - Leroy Albert Welcome |
1947 - Don Witte |
1947 - Marvin Wyse |
1947 - Donald Zeitelhack |
1947 - Joanne Zimmerman |
Back to Top |
Class of 1948 |
1948 - Richard (Dick) Carleton Adams |
1948 - Lawrence David Adsit |
1948 - Dean Wesley Agee |
1948 - James Crawford Allen |
1948 - Theodore (Ted) Richard Alles |
1948 - Robert L. Allison |
1948 - Geraldine (Geri) Anderson Lucks |
1948 - Jean Anthony Carlucci |
1948 - Virgil Durwood Baarstad |
1948 - Gladys (Teddy) Ruth Baer Montgomery |
1948 - Margaret Carol Banks |
1948 - John Bradley Bannecker |
1948 - Elizabeth Barger Becker |
1948 - Margrette Anne Barrett (Petersen) Mille |
1948 - Harold (H.C.) Cecil Barron. Jr |
1948 - Catherine (Patty) Jean Bartlett McCarthy |
1948 - Elbert (Elbie) Beamer |
1948 - Mary Lou Beeman Robertson |
1948 - Gerald (Jerry) James Bellman |
1948 - Boyd O. Benson |
1948 - Charles Ralph Benson, Jr |
1948 - Norman Peder Berg |
1948 - Ruth (Marie) Marie Berry Fry |
1948 - Leslie Wellington Bick,III |
1948 - Ralph Waldo Bishop |
1948 - Ernest Lee Bisset |
1948 - Wendell Emerson Black |
1948 - Barbara Jeanne Blaine Schuld |
1948 - Earl (Scott) Scott Blair, Jr |
1948 - Leo Blanscet |
1948 - Howard F Bledsoe |
1948 - Bonnie Lou Bonar |
1948 - Richard Bonnelle |
1948 - Warren George Boswell |
1948 - Beverly Gene Bouck Lawrence |
1948 - Shirley Margaret Boyce Dawson |
1948 - Robert Wilson Braggins |
1948 - Barbara Bramhall Wilkerson |
1948 - Dolores Ann Breum Bremner |
1948 - Richard (Pat) Irving Brock |
1948 - Pauline Emma Brons Overley |
1948 - Jane Brown Cole |
1948 - Mary Jane Brown Olson |
1948 - Mary Lou K. Brown Lyman |
1948 - Robert Floyd Brown |
1948 - Imogene Susannah Bryant Williams |
1948 - Lois Jean Burke Kimbel |
1948 - Vernadene Burnette Lundberg |
1948 - Carole Diane Burrus Taylor |
1948 - Norma Jean Byam Siemer |
1948 - Robert Mellors Cairns |
1948 - Craig Robert Callen |
1948 - Gordon Laird Cameron |
1948 - Donna Evelyn Carbo Pierce |
1948 - May Louise Carlson Knapp |
1948 - Loretta Lee Carr Agee |
1948 - George Ernest Casperson |
1948 - Herbert Francis Cassady |
1948 - Donald R. Chase |
1948 - Rita Christenson Martin |
1948 - Mary Janice Cline White |
1948 - Zona Lorraine Cobbs Piper |
1948 - Jerrold Freeman Congleton |
1948 - Louise (June) June Conrad Regan |
1948 - Margaret (Peggy) Ayr Copeland Corley |
1948 - Barbara Jean Cotton Henkle |
1948 - Janet Helen Cowderoy Kelley |
1948 - Brita J Crist Rogers |
1948 - LaVon Crum French |
1948 - Sigvard Dahl,Jr. |
1948 - Diane Agnes Davidsen Mujagic |
1948 - Patricia Ann Davis Krueger |
1948 - Wilmer (Bill) Adrian DeLong |
1948 - Everett Anson Douglas |
1948 - Lois Doreen Downing Berg |
1948 - Robert (Burke) Burke Duncan |
1948 - Glenn Waldo Eaton |
1948 - Frances Elizabeth Edholm McLeod |
1948 - Louise Marie Edholm Pihl |
1948 - Donald Lawr Edwards |
1948 - Jack Ehring |
1948 - Daniel (Dan) E. Elkins |
1948 - Elna Dawn Englen Schramm |
1948 - Roy Erford,Jr. |
1948 - George Edward Federspiel |
1948 - Ada Jean Filter Sullivan |
1948 - Geraldine Louise Franette Fogard |
1948 - Charles Edwin Fraser |
1948 - Robert Ray Funk |
1948 - Dale Gamet |
1948 - Kenneth Myron Giles |
1948 - Patrick (Pat) Gogerty |
1948 - Donald Dean Granger |
1948 - Grace Helen Greyerbiehl Hubbs |
1948 - Klaus W Groeger |
1948 - Rosemarie Elizabeth Groeger |
1948 - Fred Elray Guptill |
1948 - Warren Edwin Hackler |
1948 - David Steven Hagaman |
1948 - Geraldine (Jeri) D Haines Collins |
1948 - Patricia Ann Hall Lee |
1948 - Beverly M Hamilton Kingsbury |
1948 - Edgar B. Hammer |
1948 - Patricia Joyce Hausman Anderson |
1948 - Dolores Olive Hawkes Peterson |
1948 - Chester (Chet) Guy Hawley |
1948 - Ervin Helm |
1948 - Dixon Darwin Hendricks |
1948 - James (Jim) LeRoy Hicks |
1948 - Arthur Ben Higgins |
1948 - Henry Marcus Himmelman |
1948 - Ronald Fremont Hoard |
1948 - Arvella Jane Holman Weir |
1948 - William (Bill) Darrell Holt |
1948 - Harry Home |
1948 - Thomas (Tom) Samuel Hoy |
1948 - Stanley Ernest Hudson |
1948 - Charles Lee Huggins |
1948 - Dorothy (Dottie) Jackson Anacker |
1948 - Beverly Ann Jacobson Severson |
1948 - Jeanette Marie Jacobson Bedingfield |
1948 - Romaine Allen Jacobson |
1948 - John Orville Jaeger |
1948 - E. (E.P.) P. Jaffarian |
1948 - Marie Johanna Jensen Himmelman -Warnick |
1948 - Sharon Jessen Ivester |
1948 - Carol Elaine Johnson Franzen |
1948 - Elizabeth (Bette) Berta Johnson Chambers |
1948 - Jean M. Johnson Mataya |
1948 - Warren Charles Johnson |
1948 - James (Jim) I. Johnston |
1948 - Valerie Jean Johnston Leigh |
1948 - Dennis Wiley Jones |
1948 - Evelyn C Jones Brier |
1948 - Leon (Ralph) Ralph Jones |
1948 - Robert L. Jones |
1948 - Walter N Jorgensen |
1948 - Arlene Joyce Kathman Preskitt |
1948 - James Strickland Kempton |
1948 - Ruth Mae Kennedy Walsh |
1948 - Floyd (F.) Kenneth Keogh |
1948 - John T. King |
1948 - Julie May King Kehle |
1948 - Arnold Lester Klinkenberg |
1948 - Donald A. Knight |
1948 - Frank Koons |
1948 - Dolores Mary Krajewski Harlin |
1948 - William Larson |
1948 - John (Dick) Richard Lembo |
1948 - Robert Lemmert Reames |
1948 - Bettelene (Betty) Fretha Leupold Kuhn |
1948 - Greta Sandra Lind |
1948 - Robert (Bob) Walden Linder |
1948 - Ewald Daniel Lindloff |
1948 - Jack A. Lobberegt |
1948 - Clare Marie Loomis Birge |
1948 - Marlene Dianne Lord Jensen |
1948 - Shirley Lucas Haven |
1948 - Donald M. Lundberg |
1948 - Harold Lyman |
1948 - Robert (Bobby) Lee Lytle |
1948 - Donna Ruth Mann Hodgekinson |
1948 - Beverly Marcus |
1948 - Arthur H. Martin |
1948 - Carolyn (Carol) Frances Mason Buseman |
1948 - Richard Lee Matson |
1948 - Shirley June Maxwell Nelson |
1948 - James Laurence McAndie |
1948 - Donald McClure |
1948 - Bertha (Birdie) Louise McFall Connor |
1948 - Beverly McKechnie Smiley |
1948 - Robert McLeod |
1948 - John (Mick) B. McLoughlin |
1948 - Velma McReynolds Peters |
1948 - Nancy Ann Meagher Hicks |
1948 - Ardean Ann Meister Stone |
1948 - Robert E. Messer |
1948 - Joyce Mitchell Bloch |
1948 - Jean Mogridge Starkweather |
1948 - Jo Ann Morgan Peakes |
1948 - James Lee Morrison |
1948 - Lavonne Alice Morrison Kenyon |
1948 - Robert James Murphy |
1948 - Alice Gloria Murray Perry |
1948 - William Myers |
1948 - Denis Gilfred Nadeau |
1948 - Grace Marie Naethe |
1948 - Carsten Carl Nelson,Jr. |
1948 - Joan Luella Newberg Johnson |
1948 - Richard Wallace Newton |
1948 - Carl Lacey Nissen |
1948 - Jacqueline Nooney Smith |
1948 - Lorraine Adelle Osterhout VanDeMark |
1948 - Alan Lewis Pardo |
1948 - Douglas Peek |
1948 - Barbara Pepworth Phennah |
1948 - Frank Perry |
1948 - Ann Peterson Valentine |
1948 - Dale Sherwood Peterson |
1948 - Donald Phelps |
1948 - Patricia Luella Phillips Daniels |
1948 - Marguerita Romola Powell |
1948 - David Thomas Powell,Jr. |
1948 - Ralph Ramstad |
1948 - Gerald Sidney Rasmussen |
1948 - Dennis Regan |
1948 - Donald Reiman |
1948 - Joyce Richardson Roark |
1948 - Richard David Roberts |
1948 - Robert Hilton Rodolf |
1948 - Ronald Roos |
1948 - Gary Ross |
1948 - Paul C. Rothfus |
1948 - Georgia Louise Rothlisberger Wennerlind |
1948 - Mary Louise Rottman Jensen |
1948 - Richard David Sanders |
1948 - Weldon Sant |
1948 - Charles (Chick) Frank Schindler |
1948 - Virginia Schug Huggins |
1948 - Eleanor (Elli) Sepp DeLong |
1948 - Roy Christian Shostad |
1948 - Susie Marie Shrader Moore |
1948 - Robert Silven |
1948 - Joanne Arida Sinclair Hanson |
1948 - Betty Marie Skare Croft |
1948 - Fred Smalley |
1948 - Donald Wallace Smith |
1948 - David Lowell Soderlund |
1948 - Virginia Sonntag King |
1948 - Phillip Sparks,Jr. |
1948 - Bernard St.Onge |
1948 - Gordon H. Stavig |
1948 - Donna Carroll Stone Crozier |
1948 - Harry Straw,Jr. |
1948 - Reinhard Stutsman |
1948 - George F. Sullivan |
1948 - Robert (Bob) John Sund |
1948 - Shirley Thiel Lange |
1948 - Alice E. Thompson Snider |
1948 - Warren John Thoreson |
1948 - Martha Thorkelson Mataya |
1948 - Paul Edwin Torvick |
1948 - Walter (Walt) N Trandum |
1948 - Thelma Treece Jaeger |
1948 - Carole Trudeau Smith |
1948 - Phyllis Anne Tucker Franz |
1948 - Wilma I. Turner Granston |
1948 - Doreen Vandelac Fridell |
1948 - Laura (Louise) VanDevanter Rime |
1948 - Roberta ("Bobbie") Helen VanHorn Baumgartner |
1948 - Margaret (Maggie) Christine Wakefield Floe |
1948 - Forrest Sherman Wald |
1948 - Milford Watson |
1948 - Edward Weaver |
1948 - Morgan Roy West |
1948 - Patricia Ann Westlund |
1948 - Barbara Ann Wheeler Cornelison |
1948 - Eleanor (Ellie) Wiley McCallum |
1948 - Marie Louise Wiley Herring |
1948 - Flora Bell Willison Champion |
1948 - Jean Dorothy Wilson Greenig |
1948 - Donald A. Winkelmann |
1948 - Gloria J Winkler Green |
1948 - William Stanley WItters |
1948 - Warren Emil Zschach,Jr. |
1948 - Shirley Ann Zuhlke Berge |
Back to Top |
Class of 1949 |
1949 - Walter J. Ackerman |
1949 - Shirley Ahlberg Judson |
1949 - Alvin E. Ahlberg, Jr. |
1949 - Joyce Albert |
1949 - Ann Amsbaugh Lockman |
1949 - Robert Anderson |
1949 - Randi Andreassen Evans |
1949 - Janice Lee Andriesen Hoppe |
1949 - Homer Angel |
1949 - Beverly Armstrong |
1949 - Fred W Armstrong |
1949 - Richard James Ashby |
1949 - Arthur (Lee) Lee Atherton |
1949 - Jeannine Backen |
1949 - Shirley Barton |
1949 - Peggy Bates |
1949 - Frank Willard Beeghley, Jr. |
1949 - Vera Rita Bell Butcher |
1949 - William (Bill) C. Benedetti |
1949 - Joseph L. Bennett |
1949 - Frank Berrett |
1949 - Richard Bixler |
1949 - Dale Vincent Blomskog |
1949 - Myrna Blondheim |
1949 - Ronald Blondin |
1949 - Anna Bogo Hurst |
1949 - Dagny (Marie) Marie Bomelyn Coryell |
1949 - James Boner |
1949 - Alfred Lewis Bonnelle |
1949 - Ruth Elaine Bonner Tingvall |
1949 - Stan Borg,DDS |
1949 - Claire (Jim) James Bourne |
1949 - Donald (Don) Lee Bradshaw |
1949 - Jim (Jimmy) D. Brandt |
1949 - Jack Edward Brennan |
1949 - Don Alden Bridgham |
1949 - Robert (Bob) L. Brog |
1949 - Robert Walter Bronk |
1949 - Curtis William Brotherton |
1949 - Jean (Babe) Irene Brown Hartwich |
1949 - Dona Jean Bruaw Nelson |
1949 - Mary Elizabeth Bryan |
1949 - Ian Buchan |
1949 - Lloyd Burki |
1949 - Richard Burnsed |
1949 - Dona May Burraston Cassady |
1949 - James (Jim) R. Calahan |
1949 - Thomas Calkins |
1949 - Marshall Kent Callen |
1949 - Norma Marie Cappa Brogdon |
1949 - Arthur Carlson |
1949 - Efthemia (Babe) Carras |
1949 - James Ebbe Carsten |
1949 - Betty Ann Casperson Gering |
1949 - Nickolas (NIck) Alexander Castas |
1949 - Fred Charles |
1949 - Vernon R. Chase |
1949 - Jeneane L. Christian Proffitt |
1949 - Diane Clark Richards |
1949 - Ann Clayton Brown |
1949 - Harold Clifford |
1949 - Thomas Louis Coglas |
1949 - Eleanor Coien Eul |
1949 - Helen Verna Cole |
1949 - William Conger |
1949 - Joyce Lorraine Cook Buckingham Woods |
1949 - Gus N Cooper |
1949 - Sally Ann Cootes Baldridge |
1949 - Dean ("Woody") Clinton Cope |
1949 - Earl Rex Coryell |
1949 - Harold (Hal) Arthur Cowman |
1949 - Barbara Crocoll |
1949 - Elnora F Dahl Yost |
1949 - Caroline (Jane) Jane Dalthorp Duke |
1949 - Marjorie Louise Danielson Curtis |
1949 - William (Bill) Roberts Dean |
1949 - Helen Irene Denney Law |
1949 - Demetre Jimi Derezeis |
1949 - William Joseph DeSpain |
1949 - Wilbur W. Dowd |
1949 - Frances Driscoll Huson |
1949 - William Driver,Jr. |
1949 - Robert McClellan Dye,Jr. |
1949 - Gay Eddy |
1949 - Lorayn Edwards Bisset |
1949 - Curtis Eells |
1949 - Valerie Jean Eggert Smithe |
1949 - Frederick (Fred) Daley Ehrig |
1949 - Marian Elijah McFadzen |
1949 - James Baker Elliott |
1949 - Donald Aldrich Ellis |
1949 - Jeanne L Elmslie Nicholson |
1949 - Arlene Elness Bechtel |
1949 - Richard Dale Engelhart |
1949 - Dale Allan Enger |
1949 - C. England |
1949 - Burton Ervin |
1949 - Ben Hamilton Farrar |
1949 - John D. Fassbinder |
1949 - William Fennell |
1949 - Donna Jane Ferris Harnden |
1949 - Dwight Lee Finch |
1949 - Richard Finstad |
1949 - Raymond W Fish |
1949 - Harriet Fisk |
1949 - Harriet (Bunny) F. Follis Olson |
1949 - Frank R. Foote |
1949 - Jenny E. Forrest McDonald |
1949 - Darrell Forsberg |
1949 - Gilbert Raymond Forsyth |
1949 - Merry Janet Freeman Stoppelman |
1949 - Dorothy Rae French Rowley |
1949 - George French |
1949 - William P. French |
1949 - Charles T. Fristoe |
1949 - Nancy Fulcher Hallums |
1949 - Mary Funfsinn |
1949 - David Gamet |
1949 - Billee Gantz Nelson |
1949 - Juanita Garcia Kuhse |
1949 - Paul W. Geile |
1949 - Doreen Mavis Gibb Hart |
1949 - Dorothy Gilchrist |
1949 - Doreen Gileck |
1949 - James Allen Giles |
1949 - Maryellen Gilman Ingham |
1949 - Milton H. Gilmore |
1949 - Nikita (Kit) Gorohoff |
1949 - Edwin E. Graham |
1949 - Mary Lee Grandson Coumbe |
1949 - Warren Lee Graves |
1949 - Hal Gronning |
1949 - Roy B. Grundeland |
1949 - James Haapala |
1949 - Jeanine Carolyn Hall Martinsen |
1949 - Byron Vance Halvorson |
1949 - Charles Edward Hamerquist |
1949 - Joseph Franklin Hansard,Jr. |
1949 - Elsie Pauline Hansen Hilderbrand |
1949 - Forrest H Hansen |
1949 - George F. Hansen |
1949 - Mary Jo Harris Walker |
1949 - Ruth Haugen Nordeng |
1949 - Don Ward Haven |
1949 - June Hawthorn |
1949 - George (Bud or Buddy) Carver Hazlegrove |
1949 - Lloyd Wessel Hegge |
1949 - Paul Heilman |
1949 - David Hendrie |
1949 - Dorothy Henton |
1949 - Don Herman |
1949 - Jeannette Hooper Hart |
1949 - William Stephen Hopkins |
1949 - Gloria E Hopper Mathies |
1949 - Richard Horn |
1949 - Helen Hoskinson |
1949 - Robert Huelsdonk |
1949 - Arlene Mae Hume |
1949 - Glen Hume |
1949 - Lillian Hyde Coleman |
1949 - Margaret Joyce Hyman MacGregor |
1949 - Jimmy Hynds |
1949 - Clive Bruce Ingalls |
1949 - Maynita Augusta Irvine Gehring |
1949 - Laura Mae Isbell Young |
1949 - James Leroy Jackson |
1949 - Nancy Jacobsen Olden |
1949 - Allan Omar Jacobson |
1949 - Richard Jacobson |
1949 - Russell Alan Jacobson |
1949 - Evelyn Atkinson Jaeger Whitney |
1949 - Nancy Lillian Janson Strandin |
1949 - Gordon Glenn Jarosek |
1949 - James A Jensen |
1949 - Randall Johnson |
1949 - Richard Johnson |
1949 - Stephanie E. Johnson |
1949 - Naomi Jorgenson Egerdahl |
1949 - Charles Karaman |
1949 - Jerry Kartak |
1949 - Clair Keller |
1949 - Lillian Marie Kemp Bonnett |
1949 - Larry Kiner |
1949 - Don King |
1949 - Robert King |
1949 - Harva Kirkpatrick |
1949 - Charles Kitsman |
1949 - Betty June Kleckner Baerman |
1949 - Norman M. Knudsen |
1949 - Eileen Kottsick |
1949 - William Kouldukis |
1949 - Henry (Harry) Coleman Kreide |
1949 - Jean Ardella Krystad Gaeddert |
1949 - Roland Shozo Kumasaka |
1949 - Robert Kurth |
1949 - Charles Manley Kvale |
1949 - Lola Loiuse Laber White |
1949 - Garrett LaBreche |
1949 - Peggy Lou Lainen Stanley |
1949 - Bill LaMarr |
1949 - Lawrence (Larry) D LaMay |
1949 - Irene L. Landin |
1949 - Kenneth Maurice Lane |
1949 - Don LaQuet |
1949 - Robert Eugene Lasser |
1949 - R. (Reuben) Eugene Latimer |
1949 - David Lefebvre |
1949 - Joe Milton Leonard |
1949 - Sue Linnabary |
1949 - Delores Linneman |
1949 - Doris Adams Lionbarger Dove |
1949 - Elaine Loeb Chaykin |
1949 - Merle Loobey |
1949 - William (Howard) MacFadden |
1949 - Marilynn MacKarcher Stiffler |
1949 - Robert Macumber |
1949 - James Maddock |
1949 - Susan Jeanne Maher Young |
1949 - Thomasina Georgia Makris Smith |
1949 - Duane Martin |
1949 - Mary J. Mathisson MacKenzie |
1949 - Jacque (Jack) Mayo |
1949 - John McAuley |
1949 - William (Bill) Robert McCulloch, Jr. |
1949 - Richard Paul McCullough |
1949 - Margaret (Peg) McFarland Springer |
1949 - Lucille Irene McGaffey Parshall |
1949 - Robert D McGinley |
1949 - Thomas McGowan |
1949 - Doris Jeanne McInnes Gubler |
1949 - Moore McKinley |
1949 - Lorna McReynolds Ahlberg |
1949 - Rose Marie (Rosie) Alice Meagher Perry |
1949 - Donna Mehan Christenson |
1949 - Rodric S. Mehus |
1949 - Clarence (Art) Arthur Merriman |
1949 - Dean R Merriman |
1949 - Dan Miller |
1949 - Robert (Bob) G. Miller |
1949 - Gladys L. Misho Winter |
1949 - Lawrence A. Mitchell |
1949 - Patricia Mitchell Ogden |
1949 - Robert Moon |
1949 - Donovan L. Moorehead |
1949 - Sheila Morse Clark |
1949 - Anne Mowery |
1949 - Don Meredith Mulinski |
1949 - John (Jack) Sylvan Murray |
1949 - Olive Murry |
1949 - Nona Beverly Neiger Steele |
1949 - Carolyn Joanne Nelson Henry |
1949 - Clifford Wilbur Nelson |
1949 - Paul Arne Nermo |
1949 - Barbara Nollan |
1949 - Robert Nollan |
1949 - Carol Marie Noren Schneider |
1949 - Beverly Nylund Huchala |
1949 - Irene Kathryn O'Donnell Wentworth |
1949 - Merrill F. Ogden |
1949 - Jerry Arthur Ohlson |
1949 - David H Olson |
1949 - Russell Nornan Olson |
1949 - Richard Ordway |
1949 - Barbara Ann Orr Hansen |
1949 - Donald Allen Palmer |
1949 - Wilva Panamarkoff |
1949 - Helen Paputchis |
1949 - Barbara Park Johnson |
1949 - Charles Pasco |
1949 - Arthur Pattison |
1949 - John Oswald Patzold |
1949 - Dorecta Pavesich |
1949 - Charles Lee Pendleton |
1949 - Betty Lou Peterson Lester |
1949 - Virginia Peterson Beck-Rhea |
1949 - Wayne Peterson |
1949 - Donald R. Pethley |
1949 - William (Bill) Petter |
1949 - Charlotte L. Phelps Meek |
1949 - John Thomas Pinkerton |
1949 - Earl Pinter |
1949 - Edith M Pressey Hostetler |
1949 - Rodney Preston |
1949 - Olga Boris Pugachoff Taylor |
1949 - Darlene Frances Quakenbush Paulsen |
1949 - Sam Edward Raether |
1949 - William Randall |
1949 - Shirley M Redling Moss |
1949 - Edward Rees |
1949 - Thomas Rekenthaler |
1949 - Barbara Jean Reynolds Williams |
1949 - Ruth Florence Riggs Amdal |
1949 - George Stanton Ritter |
1949 - Dick Roberts |
1949 - Donald Jesse Robison |
1949 - Reta Mae Robison Miller |
1949 - Walter (Wally) H. Rockfellow |
1949 - Donna Ronan Martin |
1949 - Enard (Rosie) Rosen |
1949 - John Rundorff |
1949 - Richard Ryan |
1949 - Andrew Grant Sandell |
1949 - Charles Sanders |
1949 - Claude Green Sanders |
1949 - Orville D. Sankey |
1949 - JoAnn Sant Germaine |
1949 - Grant P Sargent |
1949 - Joseph Saulsberry |
1949 - Helen Sava |
1949 - Beverley Saylor Millison |
1949 - Beatrice Ann Schell |
1949 - Mary (Joanne) Joanne Schmick Griffith |
1949 - Duane R. Schukar |
1949 - Caryl (Carol) Seefeld Howman |
1949 - Ralph Selk |
1949 - Wilton (Bill) Byron Sell |
1949 - Ordelle Helen Sexauer Hanson |
1949 - James Stafford Shelton |
1949 - Jerry Shephard |
1949 - Jerry Shepherd |
1949 - Robert Shepherd |
1949 - Hazel Mae Shields Malmstadt |
1949 - Arnold Shostad |
1949 - John (Jack) Irving Shotwell |
1949 - Alice Siemering |
1949 - Violet Siemering |
1949 - Michael J. Sinnen |
1949 - Larry Wayne Skinner |
1949 - Rolf Victor Smith |
1949 - Samuel T. Smith |
1949 - John (Jack) Lyle Sodergren |
1949 - Kenneth R. Southern |
1949 - Norman M Spaur |
1949 - Lucille A. Steelman |
1949 - Robert Louis Stephenson,Jr. |
1949 - Marjorie McGinnis Stribling Strong |
1949 - Robert Dean Strohm |
1949 - Leonard (Len) F. Swalwell |
1949 - Joanna (Joni) S Swartz Metcalf |
1949 - Robert J. Sweet |
1949 - Gene Taylor |
1949 - Pat Terry Lowe |
1949 - Wallace D Tessmer |
1949 - Peter Daigh Thomas |
1949 - Carvel R. Tinner |
1949 - Dale H. Toombs |
1949 - Dorothy Toulouse Armstrong |
1949 - Janet Townsend Hoag |
1949 - Reta Truppe |
1949 - Nancy L. Turnquist Sandbloom |
1949 - Stephen (Steve) E. Tyler |
1949 - Joan G. VanDePutte McAuley |
1949 - Rodney (Rod) Dale Vanderhoof |
1949 - Anita Jacqueline Velikanje |
1949 - Dolores ("Dee") May Vickers (Nash) Estell |
1949 - Donna Mae Vorheis Jaeger |
1949 - Jay Wagner |
1949 - Ruth Wallen Christensen |
1949 - David Malcolm Walloch |
1949 - Arlyne L Walters Wine |
1949 - Joanne Wange |
1949 - Donald (Skip) Loring Ward |
1949 - William Ward |
1949 - Robert Welcome |
1949 - Glenora Sylvia Wentworth Jensen |
1949 - Edna Werdick Lifschy |
1949 - Kathryn (Kay) A. West Isbell |
1949 - Camilla Olina Westby Terhune-Dorothy |
1949 - Marita Whitson Thody |
1949 - William Raymond Wilder, Jr |
1949 - Janet D. Williams Sedell |
1949 - John Philip Wilson |
1949 - Phillip (Bruce) Bruce Wilson |
1949 - Beverly Joan Young Sensabaugh |
1949 - Douglas Youngberg |
1949 - Shirley Jean Zachary Leonard |
1949 - Ernest (Ernie) E. Zellmer |
1949 - Carole Rae Zimmerman Dean |
1949 - Carolyn Zimmerman |
Back to Top |
Class of 1950 |
1950 - George William Samuel Abbey |
1950 - Dale L. Abbott |
1950 - Shirley Winifred Adams Kranda |
1950 - William R Adams |
1950 - Vance Albrecht |
1950 - David Wallace Allen |
1950 - Martin M. Andersen,Jr. |
1950 - Robert Anderson |
1950 - Ted Anderson |
1950 - Jay Andrew Anema |
1950 - Joan A. Arnold Anderson |
1950 - Carolyn Baker Ecklund |
1950 - Richard (Dick) Burton Barclay |
1950 - Gordon D. Barnes |
1950 - Dan Lee Barron |
1950 - Glen Bartlett |
1950 - Victor Baumgartner |
1950 - Douglas Harold Beach |
1950 - John Becker |
1950 - Gerald Benedict |
1950 - Betty Lou Bennett Snow |
1950 - Marc Benson |
1950 - Richard Lyle Bergan |
1950 - Jacqueline N Berger Stubbs |
1950 - Arnie Bergh |
1950 - Dorothy Bergstrom Jackson |
1950 - Arne Betzvog |
1950 - Thomas (Bingo) George Bingaman |
1950 - George Lewis Blanchard |
1950 - William Bolles |
1950 - Harold Borror |
1950 - John Botton |
1950 - Gene Alden Bower |
1950 - Dolores Anne Brainerd Tarte |
1950 - Dolores G Bridgham Cummings |
1950 - Carol E. Brodnix |
1950 - Geoffrey Brouillette |
1950 - Beverly I. Brown |
1950 - Larry E. Brown |
1950 - Mildred I Brown Rowbottom |
1950 - Richard R. Brown |
1950 - Eugene Brummett |
1950 - Alan G. Buchan |
1950 - Harry Thomas Buckner |
1950 - Richard Burki |
1950 - Bonnie Jean Burley Sullivan-Foote |
1950 - Robert Busby,Sr. |
1950 - Delmetta Mary Byxbe Hatch |
1950 - Delores Ann Carlin Fogg |
1950 - Edward Carlson |
1950 - Patricia Charrlin Grant |
1950 - Catherine Chilton Meekin |
1950 - Robert (Bob) Eugene Christy |
1950 - Clark Coleman |
1950 - Jean Louise Coryell Logan |
1950 - Charles Costello |
1950 - Joy Cozad Leverette |
1950 - Barbara Jean Crerar Ruhl |
1950 - Patrick D Crooks |
1950 - Marilyn (Lynn) Mabel Cydell Ingco |
1950 - Philip Gale Dale |
1950 - Jean C Dalthorp Bennett |
1950 - Emmitt David David |
1950 - Joanne Davies Kincaid |
1950 - Carol Marie Davis Seifried |
1950 - Beatrice DeWitt McBride |
1950 - Joanne Dunn Cameron |
1950 - Hilmer (Bill) O. Dyrness,Jr. |
1950 - John Orin Edson |
1950 - Stanley L Elsasser |
1950 - Lois Ernst Schaffer |
1950 - Gerald Farrell |
1950 - LaVerne Fenton |
1950 - Richard (Dick) L Floyd |
1950 - William Charles Flynn |
1950 - Vincent I Fors |
1950 - Raymond Freeman |
1950 - Catherine Glenday Wolff |
1950 - Lois (Joanne) Joanne Glotfelty Dimartino |
1950 - Jobyna (Joby) Gochnour McAllister |
1950 - David Emmitt Gordon |
1950 - Richard Goss |
1950 - Sally Grant Young |
1950 - Erla Graves Smith |
1950 - Betty Jane Gregg Bates |
1950 - Richard Greve |
1950 - Robert Gropp |
1950 - Baldur Gudjohnsen |
1950 - Thomas (Tom) Roger Hackett |
1950 - Pegge Lee Haggard Dishnow,Jr. |
1950 - Charles Hall |
1950 - Robert (Bob) Hamlin |
1950 - James Hansard |
1950 - Kay Ellen Hardy Fiebig |
1950 - Lloyd L Haugen |
1950 - Wolfgang (Ted) C. Heib,III |
1950 - Evelyn Heilbrunn Waters |
1950 - Wayne C Helland |
1950 - Walter Helm |
1950 - Anna Henderson Chavelle |
1950 - Duane Hendrickson |
1950 - Fae Hendry Northup |
1950 - Diane Dorothy Henning Chase |
1950 - Marie M. Herning |
1950 - Akira Higashi |
1950 - Harold Holtman |
1950 - Walter (Walt) E. Hossfeld |
1950 - John Howard |
1950 - Marilyn Jean Howard Miskimen |
1950 - Joseph B. Hubbard |
1950 - Wade Huckins |
1950 - Ursula Isfan |
1950 - Gwen D. Jackman Buchan |
1950 - James Johnson |
1950 - Marvin Johnson |
1950 - Shirley Jore Martin |
1950 - Maryanne Kelly Struck |
1950 - Robert King |
1950 - Beverly L. Knutson Jenes, Jr. |
1950 - Joan Barbara Koppen Russell |
1950 - Robert Kraft |
1950 - Marilyn G. Krieger |
1950 - George LaFrance |
1950 - Patricia Lampton May |
1950 - Kenneth Larsen |
1950 - William Leon Larsen |
1950 - Meredith Larson Henschel |
1950 - Gloria Lathey Gislason |
1950 - Joseph Lawrence,II |
1950 - Patricia Leedy Chaedle |
1950 - David A. Lehman |
1950 - Alfred (Bud) Edward Leupold |
1950 - Jacquelyn M. Liptrap |
1950 - Donald Lofthus |
1950 - Gerrald Logan |
1950 - Veta Marilou Lovelace DeVilbiss |
1950 - Dale R. Lyman |
1950 - Donna Mallory Armstrong |
1950 - Herbert Eugene Marshall |
1950 - Milton Marson |
1950 - James Martenson |
1950 - Mary Lou Massart McNulty |
1950 - Jacqueline M Matson Davis |
1950 - Martha Mauzey Barnett |
1950 - Ronald McHolland |
1950 - Joanne McKinley Beebe |
1950 - Robert L McMurtry |
1950 - Katherine S. Melonas Ales |
1950 - Edwin (Ed) F. Merritt |
1950 - Dennis Meyer |
1950 - Janice Louise Miller Montague |
1950 - William Mills |
1950 - John Andrew Miskimen |
1950 - Robert L. Moffatt |
1950 - Thomas (Tom) L. Mogridge |
1950 - Robert Mohrbacher |
1950 - John Charles Monroe |
1950 - Jerry Gordon Muller |
1950 - Ronald T. Namma |
1950 - Carol ("Carol Ann") Ann Nelson Haugen |
1950 - Danny John Nelson |
1950 - Madelon Sue Nelson Healy |
1950 - Allan O. Nielsen |
1950 - Willam Francis Nilsen |
1950 - Elaine Lucille Alice Nolte Flanik |
1950 - William Noyes |
1950 - Raymond Arthur O'Connor |
1950 - Agnes (Marie) Marie Odland Finlay |
1950 - R. (R. Vincent) Vincent Olson |
1950 - Grant Orr |
1950 - Russell (Russ) Oxford |
1950 - John Ivan Panchenko |
1950 - Stanley M. Paradie |
1950 - Alpheus Parsons |
1950 - Eddie (Ed) Lee Pepple |
1950 - Joanne Person Gordon |
1950 - William (Pete) Frank Peterson |
1950 - Gordon H. Petter |
1950 - Roberta Mae Pinkerton Peterson |
1950 - Shirley Ann Pollock Rausch |
1950 - Ronald Pool |
1950 - Roy Morley Potter |
1950 - Phyllis Lorraine Potvin Rinta |
1950 - Charlie D Powers |
1950 - William Brown Proctor |
1950 - James Reeder |
1950 - Joyce Marilyn Reeder Dowd |
1950 - Richard K. Reeve |
1950 - Keith Lyle Reid |
1950 - Gloria Remore Lough |
1950 - Richard Reynolds |
1950 - Laurel Gae Richardson Eaton |
1950 - John (J. Wilbur) Wilbur Ricketts |
1950 - Keith Riely |
1950 - Stewart Robertson |
1950 - Mary E Rodgers Connelly |
1950 - Harry Rodin |
1950 - Kenneth Rohr |
1950 - Patricia Ann Rose Nelsen |
1950 - Richard H Rose |
1950 - Shirley L. Ross |
1950 - Elvira (Ely) Ann Rost Atkins |
1950 - Joseph Roy |
1950 - John (Jack) Ruggles |
1950 - Richard Stanley Russell |
1950 - William Russell |
1950 - Norman Ryan |
1950 - Ernest Schellbach |
1950 - Ronald Schifferl |
1950 - Lavaunne M Schnell Bark |
1950 - Zona Gail Schreiber Mason |
1950 - Charles (Joe) Joseph Schwartz |
1950 - Kenneth Schwedop |
1950 - Joanne Scudder Caley |
1950 - Janice Selby McIntosh |
1950 - Charles William Seslar |
1950 - Robert Sexauer |
1950 - Raymond Shulmier |
1950 - Jacqueline (Jackie) Sigman Dean |
1950 - Evelyn Louise Skare Kerlee |
1950 - Kermit Skylstad |
1950 - Beverly A. Slater Werstiuk |
1950 - Janis Smith Wimbush |
1950 - Marilyn A. Snodgrass |
1950 - Walter Stebbins |
1950 - Thomas Mix Stipek |
1950 - Hagbart (Bert) A Stole |
1950 - Shirley Louise Stromme Liebermann |
1950 - Barbara T Strum Graves |
1950 - Carol Jean Strupith Nelson |
1950 - Norman Supplee |
1950 - Ronald (Ron) Phillip Svardal |
1950 - Richard Swenson |
1950 - Velma R. Theisen Murray |
1950 - Alene Thomas Kenn |
1950 - Lois Lorraine Thomesen Latta |
1950 - Lorraine Thompson Heuer-Cowan |
1950 - Ann Marie Tjossem Kanyo |
1950 - James Trebon |
1950 - Crayton Ross Turner |
1950 - Kathleen S. Tyler |
1950 - James Tymony |
1950 - Lois Wall |
1950 - James Walsh |
1950 - Wayne R Warehime |
1950 - Dolores Jean Watkins Morgan |
1950 - Barbara Weatherbee Stenson |
1950 - Joyce K. Weeks Berger |
1950 - E. (E. Dale) Dale Whitman |
1950 - Anne Wick Judson |
1950 - Gloris Joy Wiegers Hunt |
1950 - Joan L Willers Robinson |
1950 - Roger Wilson |
1950 - Vern Winter |
1950 - Marilyn Witham Platt |
1950 - Menford Ray Witham |
1950 - Frances Wolfe Gaub |
1950 - Donald Wright |
1950 - Barbara Zeed Myers |
Back to Top |
Class of 1951 |
1951 - Phyllis G Abbey Williams |
1951 - Kennard (Lee) Agee |
1951 - Jerry Aker |
1951 - Kathy F Amondsen Schunk |
1951 - Janette Lois Anderson Carter |
1951 - Orville Archie Anderson |
1951 - Robert Lee Anderson |
1951 - Andi C Are' |
1951 - Martha Arnold Blake |
1951 - Lawrence (Larry) Polson Bailey |
1951 - Sherman (Sherm) Paull Bailey |
1951 - Arthur (Art) James Baker |
1951 - James Lee Ballinger |
1951 - Mary Eva Ballmes Pidgeon |
1951 - Carole Mae Barcus Nicklos |
1951 - Frederick Harold Bauscus |
1951 - Ken Beckton |
1951 - William Bennett |
1951 - Barbara Mae Benson Tovar |
1951 - Jerry Beresford |
1951 - Bettye Bethea |
1951 - Peter (Jim) James Blake |
1951 - Donn Bodine |
1951 - Marilyn Ione Bond Martin |
1951 - Douglas Bouchard |
1951 - Ben A Box |
1951 - George W. Brazeau,Jr. |
1951 - Jerry Brown |
1951 - Darrell John Bruaw |
1951 - Patricia (Pat) Arlyne Burke Stafford |
1951 - Ellen M. Burney Irmer |
1951 - Donald Carman |
1951 - John Clifford Carney |
1951 - Mary Ann Carroll Donaldson |
1951 - Bonnie Chase Hynds |
1951 - Roberta Ann Christensen Leonard |
1951 - Jean Ellen Cochren Lance |
1951 - Robert Harold Colfelt |
1951 - Florence Collings Lash |
1951 - Margaret C Cook Hirschy |
1951 - Bob Coppess |
1951 - Toy Cosgrove |
1951 - Barbara Croke Hawker |
1951 - Eunice Audrey Cross Christensen |
1951 - Sandra Dawn Crossman Clubine Chesen |
1951 - Collen C Cruikshank |
1951 - Donald Culbertson |
1951 - Nancy Lee Currie |
1951 - Sally Ann Dahlstrom Swank |
1951 - Bill Daniels |
1951 - Robert B. Davis |
1951 - Richard (Dick) W Dearmin |
1951 - Phillip (Phil) Constantine DeMasi |
1951 - Annette Sue Denhof Woodworth |
1951 - William (Bill) James Devery |
1951 - Nancy Downing Carton |
1951 - Kenny Willard Dunn |
1951 - Pat Dupuis Stuller |
1951 - Janice Durham Larson |
1951 - Ralph Fayette Earsley |
1951 - Ron Easton |
1951 - Bev Edwards Hinricksen |
1951 - Don Ellis |
1951 - Stephen Ray Ells |
1951 - Dorene (DeeDee) Erickson Bendzak |
1951 - Marjorie ("Pat") Patricia Evans Dempsey |
1951 - Ron Fernandes |
1951 - Norma Feroe |
1951 - Patricia (Pat) Leona Finnestad Baker |
1951 - Lloyd Arnold Foster |
1951 - Tony Freeman |
1951 - John R. Fremming |
1951 - Larene Ann Fremming Jungers |
1951 - Douglas (Doug) M. Fryer |
1951 - Beverly J Garcia Harada |
1951 - Edward Garneau |
1951 - Phil Godfrey |
1951 - Jerry Millard Graham |
1951 - Helen Francis Gray Kees |
1951 - Larry Eames Gray |
1951 - Carol Lee Gregerson Schabland |
1951 - Phyllis Griner |
1951 - Karen Louise Gronning Hall |
1951 - Melvin A Habel |
1951 - Donna Haggardt Watson |
1951 - Margaret Harazim Blair |
1951 - Jack Hardman |
1951 - Dick L Hart |
1951 - Kathleen Harvey Kincaid-Lone |
1951 - Eric J Haslam |
1951 - John Haug |
1951 - Janet Feryl Hawn Rau |
1951 - Patricia Lorraine Heintz Merritt |
1951 - Robert Elias Hendricksen |
1951 - Anona (Noni) Hensley McGibbon |
1951 - Coralee Hodges Presley |
1951 - Clifford Brock Hogle |
1951 - Marie Hoidal |
1951 - Allan Maurice Hole |
1951 - June (Marilyn) Marilyn Holstad |
1951 - Ardis Ann Hopp Bakker |
1951 - Delmis Van Houk |
1951 - Gerald (Jerry) E Hubbard |
1951 - Judy Hunt Campbell |
1951 - Jean Hutter Miller |
1951 - Douglas James |
1951 - Allodene Johnson McInerney |
1951 - Patricia Ann Johnson Adams |
1951 - Ruth Ellen Johnson Foster |
1951 - Jerry Jolliffe |
1951 - Ronald (Ron) E. Jostol |
1951 - Norman Kinsella |
1951 - Nathan Andrew Kirkham |
1951 - Sue Ann Klink Beach |
1951 - Rosemary Landin Bishop |
1951 - Don Erik Larsen |
1951 - Irene Larson James |
1951 - Norman Larson |
1951 - Margaret Marie Lawson Cooper |
1951 - Myron (Ron) E. Lewis |
1951 - Robert Lokkebo |
1951 - Jean (Jeannie) Helen Lokken Bower |
1951 - Barbara Longpre Mead |
1951 - Joyce Nelene Love Koslosky |
1951 - Roger MacKanzie |
1951 - Thomas (Tom) Eugene Magee |
1951 - Michael E Maher |
1951 - Marvin Makemson |
1951 - Barbara Ann Mallinson Abbott |
1951 - Marilyn Jane Manerud Kavanaugh |
1951 - James (Jim) Theodore Manus |
1951 - Wilfred (Bill) J. Marshall |
1951 - Paul A. Martin |
1951 - Carol Louise Martinsen Watson |
1951 - R. (R.G.) G. Matlock |
1951 - Joyce McIntyre |
1951 - Kathleen M. McLoughlin |
1951 - Herb T Mead |
1951 - John Melonas |
1951 - Bryon (Wally) C. Melvin |
1951 - Ralph Menconi |
1951 - Doreen Florence Miller Goodwin |
1951 - Ellen L. Miller Kutscher |
1951 - Marilyn Miller Young |
1951 - David (Dave) N. Miltenberger |
1951 - Marlene (Midge) Moffat Halberg |
1951 - Sharon Moody Gudjohnsen |
1951 - Mary Del Morgan Malnati |
1951 - Donald Leigh Muenter |
1951 - Alice Murphy |
1951 - Valerie Musgrave Higgins |
1951 - Eugene (Gene) Peter Nelson |
1951 - Maurice Nelson |
1951 - Beverly Ann Neuert Rice |
1951 - Donna Mary Newell Austin |
1951 - John (Jack) Null,III |
1951 - Marilyn Nylin Aasness |
1951 - Joyce Lorraine Palladin Kellison |
1951 - Richard (Dick) Pardo |
1951 - Pat Gail Pelto Coombs |
1951 - Keith Duane Peterson |
1951 - Marilyn Helen Proctor Stahle |
1951 - Gerald (Jerry) David Ramey |
1951 - JoAnne Ramey |
1951 - Terrance J Ramsden |
1951 - Darlene Rasmussen |
1951 - Richard (Dick) Rebman |
1951 - Eugene Reed |
1951 - Jack Regan |
1951 - Shirley Regan Ackley |
1951 - Pearl Louise Relling Graham |
1951 - Gordon (Gordy) Wayne Richardson |
1951 - Constance (Connie) Rivers Hayden |
1951 - Rita Vail Robbins Sterry |
1951 - Lenora Rodgers Oberholtzer |
1951 - Hubert Melvin Roff |
1951 - Marjorie Ross Young |
1951 - Shirley Jean Ross Ockert |
1951 - Robert Rossi |
1951 - Sylvia Irene Sadick Deranlaeu |
1951 - David Sargent |
1951 - Ruby Gertrude Satterlee Hartshorn |
1951 - Paul T Sava |
1951 - Bill Schillreff |
1951 - Carole Linn Schuette Campbell |
1951 - Murray Schwimmer |
1951 - Gordon (Bud) Scott |
1951 - Sharon Catherine Scott Bergman |
1951 - Bill Seiter |
1951 - Barbara Ethel Shouse Allen |
1951 - Zoanne Shults Mahoney |
1951 - Nicki M. Skotdal |
1951 - Stuart Smailes |
1951 - Chuck (Charlie) Smith |
1951 - Howard Blair Smith |
1951 - Lorna Snodgrass Fink |
1951 - Alan (Al) Malcom Southern |
1951 - Alice (Loyt) Loyt Sparks Neiman |
1951 - Loralee Spillman Price |
1951 - Gary Richard Spranger |
1951 - Dolores Marie Staub Wankel |
1951 - Harley (Danny) Burl Stillman |
1951 - Grace Strom Stika |
1951 - Virginia L. Sutherland Smithson |
1951 - Joanne Swanson Whitney |
1951 - Starr Swanson |
1951 - Guy William Sykora |
1951 - Michael (Mike) Charles Thomas |
1951 - Roger Wayne Thomas |
1951 - John Thornton |
1951 - Ronald (Ron) Joseph Trebon |
1951 - Arleen Tungseth Monan |
1951 - Nancye Turner Holt |
1951 - Lucy Iris VonMarenholtz Smith-Phillips |
1951 - Frank Wakeland |
1951 - Verna G. Washburn Klein |
1951 - Margaret (Margie) Cameron Wheat Davidson |
1951 - Margaret (Margee) Kathryn Whyte Lynch |
1951 - Jennie Wika Williams |
1951 - Lois Inez Williamsen Wahlin |
1951 - Rosanne Willits Lincoln |
1951 - Jean Wilson Voegtlin |
1951 - Betty Woten Boatman |
1951 - Janet Lee Wright Alfieri |
1951 - Richard S Yandon |
1951 - James (Jim) Minoru Yasui |
1951 - Sally Ann Young Grant |
Back to Top |
Class of 1952 |
1952 - Richard Gilbert Aaland |
1952 - Jim Adams |
1952 - Bette June Andriesen Leighton |
1952 - Alexander (Al) C. Anthony |
1952 - Barbara Jean Bailey Howard |
1952 - Phyllis Ellen Barnett Woodbridge |
1952 - John David Baughn |
1952 - Charlene May Belknap |
1952 - Gary Joseph Bell |
1952 - Sherman Dale Bickford |
1952 - Marilyn Ruth Box Sadlowski |
1952 - Jerry Morris Brockey |
1952 - Ralph Richard Brown |
1952 - Beverley (Bev) Joanne Buckwalter Fisher |
1952 - Paul Burton Bushue |
1952 - Richard (Ric) Philip Byam |
1952 - Anne Yvonne Carman Petter |
1952 - Joseph Neil Caulfield |
1952 - James Edward Christiansen |
1952 - John Alden Clark |
1952 - Celia Sidonia Cloud Whitman |
1952 - Corene Ruth Collings Price |
1952 - Stanley Frank Cook |
1952 - Edward (Nicholas) Nicholas Cooke |
1952 - Donald (Don) E. Courtion |
1952 - Patricia Jean Crowley Vegsund |
1952 - Lee Alden Crowthers |
1952 - James (Jim) Earle Cruver |
1952 - Janet Helen Dahlstrom White |
1952 - Richard Arthur Daniel |
1952 - Willard (Bill) Gordon Daniels |
1952 - Darrell John Dedo |
1952 - Sherry Ann DeNise Heintzelman |
1952 - Helen Ethel Destree Foy |
1952 - Ramon (Ray) Arthur DeVries |
1952 - Gene V. Dobbs |
1952 - Robert (Bob) George Downing |
1952 - Dorothy Maxine Dunmire Anderson |
1952 - Edward Jarvis Edwards |
1952 - Charles (Bill) William Egerton |
1952 - Jerry Donald Ellis |
1952 - Laurajean (Jeannie) Kay English Stoudt |
1952 - Donald Elton Engstrom |
1952 - James Govan Erickson |
1952 - Maynard Charles Falconer |
1952 - William (Bill) Arden Faris |
1952 - Janet Marilyn Farrar Harper |
1952 - Robert John Farrell |
1952 - Jack Wayne Fisher |
1952 - Donald Edward Flaherty |
1952 - Roy Mercer Force |
1952 - Mark Lee Freed |
1952 - Joan Carla Freeman Wilson |
1952 - Mark Helmar Freeman |
1952 - Richard William Freeman |
1952 - Edward (Ed) Harman Fruhling |
1952 - Robert (Bob) Harold Ganzini |
1952 - Ellen Germain |
1952 - Veona Lois Grace |
1952 - Virgil L. Grace |
1952 - Clyde Richard Greaby |
1952 - Dean Gullikson |
1952 - Donald Galen Haggard,Jr. |
1952 - Charles Frederic Hall |
1952 - Jack Emerson Hall |
1952 - Maxine June Hambleton Smith |
1952 - Jean Eleanor Hammersten Simpson-Sava |
1952 - Carol Bernadine Hanna McGrath |
1952 - Marlys LaDonna Harder Watson |
1952 - Marsha Sue Haworth Odegard |
1952 - Laine April Henline |
1952 - Lloyd Henry Herriman |
1952 - Steven John Higlin |
1952 - Lona Lee Hillman Hulbush |
1952 - Robert (Bob) Leon Horchover |
1952 - Alberta Jean Hranac Iske |
1952 - Nancy Annette Huff Wolfe |
1952 - Astrid Sonya Jacobsen Young |
1952 - Jane Irene Jacobson Baker |
1952 - Richard (Dick) Lee Jamieson |
1952 - Irene Marian Johnston Joshi |
1952 - David William Jones |
1952 - Wallace (Stan) Stanley Jones |
1952 - Barbara Joy Jostol Fanger |
1952 - Donna Lee Judd Largis |
1952 - Betty Anne Kelley Schwarz |
1952 - Winston (Ivan) Ivan King |
1952 - Mary Claire Kinser Curtis |
1952 - Helen Nadean Kirkpatrick Ganzini |
1952 - Donna Mae Knutson Bales |
1952 - Nancy Louise Koch Fulkerson |
1952 - Joanne Clair Koval Centen |
1952 - William (Bill) Robert Lanfear |
1952 - Marguerite Athena Laskares Lavine |
1952 - Marianne Nickie Laskares Mulenos |
1952 - John Singleton Latimer |
1952 - Katherine Patricia Lavering Rebman |
1952 - Ann Gorden Leaf White |
1952 - Carl Leonard Lidman |
1952 - Doris (Dorrie) Elinor Lokken Fuqua |
1952 - Sidney (Sid) Richard Luttinen |
1952 - Joseph (Nick) Neilan Mackie |
1952 - Nancy M MacLaughlin Scott |
1952 - Jack Dale Madsen |
1952 - Herbert Norman Magnusson |
1952 - Carrie Lee Manus Markezinis |
1952 - Lilyan (Kay) Kay Marksbury Cochran |
1952 - Richard Pierre Masterson |
1952 - Agnes (Tisket) Jeanne McClellan Seslar |
1952 - Janet Ann McGinnis Hayter |
1952 - Richard Earl McGowan |
1952 - Dennis Leon Meyer |
1952 - Donald (Don) Frederick Moehring |
1952 - Patricia Nancy Moffatt |
1952 - Albert (Bud) Findley Moore |
1952 - James (Jim) Arthur Morehouse |
1952 - Arthur Alan Neaville |
1952 - Charles John Nelson |
1952 - James (Jim) Frederick Odegard |
1952 - Harry William Ohman,Jr. |
1952 - Diane Kathryn Olander Carlson |
1952 - Larry Olds |
1952 - Judith (Judy) Lynn Olson Rugg |
1952 - Janet Lorene Oswalt Fisch |
1952 - Richard Elmer Owen |
1952 - Diane Anna L. Paetzke Crippe |
1952 - Clifford Sant Perkins |
1952 - Mary Elizabeth Peterson |
1952 - David (Dave) Edward Ramsay |
1952 - Keith Owen Randall |
1952 - Virginia (Jinny) Kay Randall Lenay |
1952 - Fred (Buz) Robert Redford |
1952 - Dorothy (Dot) Sybil Riggs Fagerberg |
1952 - Julius (Duane) Duane Ringsage |
1952 - Beverly Mae Roberts Harvey |
1952 - Marshall F. Routledge,Jr. |
1952 - Donna Anne Russell Palmer |
1952 - Mary Louise Russell Rimbach |
1952 - Dorothy (Dotty) Marilyn Salvino Prindle |
1952 - Charlotte Ann Schreiber Nord |
1952 - Franklin (Frank) Adolf Schur |
1952 - Merrilee Elizabeth Seabrook Case |
1952 - Janet Ruth Sellar Anderson |
1952 - Benjamin Harrison Shepherd,Jr. |
1952 - Robert Frederick Shoemaker |
1952 - Joan Delores Slabaugh Diemert |
1952 - Dorothy Beryl Smith Ackerman |
1952 - James (Jim) Allen Smith |
1952 - Marilyn Louise Smith Early |
1952 - George William Snodgrass |
1952 - Virginia (Ginna) May Snyder Holt |
1952 - Sally Sue Sparling McRae |
1952 - Donna Dee Stevenson Fraser |
1952 - James Elmer Stoa |
1952 - Gerald Edwin Stoller |
1952 - Oddny Kristine Strom Johnston |
1952 - Darlene Mae Taylor Howe |
1952 - Marilyn Joann Taylor Hauck |
1952 - Beverly Ann Tessmer Aasen |
1952 - Ernest (Dewey) Dewey Thurston |
1952 - Neil Dennis Uhlman |
1952 - Patricia Ann Vaughn Watson |
1952 - Ethel Mae Venable Woodhouse |
1952 - Daniel (Dan) Gilbert Wagner,Jr. |
1952 - Elizabeth Patricia Walter Hancock |
1952 - William David Wans |
1952 - Audrey Jean Ward Palmer |
1952 - Nancy Jane Ward Gordon |
1952 - Virginia Louise Warren |
1952 - Anne Katrine Wathne Hosmer |
1952 - Shirley Anne White Leupold |
1952 - Faye Wickstrom Stipek |
1952 - Arlene June Williams Varnau |
1952 - Jane Alverta Wilson Ramsey |
1952 - Gwendolyn Joy Young Benckert |
1952 - Robert Edward Young |
1952 - Milton George Zavales |
1952 - Loris (Lori) Adelle Zellmer Wever |
Back to Top |
Class of 1953 |
1953 - Paul (Val) Van Horn Aikman |
1953 - Richard Case Allison |
1953 - Donald Anderson |
1953 - Richard Andrew Anderson |
1953 - Barbara Andresen Whitney |
1953 - Lois Ilene Anseth Simmons |
1953 - Helen L. Argus |
1953 - Ronald Anthony Arkin |
1953 - Sandra Arnstein Naon |
1953 - Barbara W. Atkins Green |
1953 - William Atwell |
1953 - Merrilyn J. Bach Hughes |
1953 - Peggy Ruth Baker Mulqueeny |
1953 - Joann Barker Larsen |
1953 - Gayle Barry Lee |
1953 - Beverly Bates |
1953 - Lael Rae Bean Call |
1953 - Myron (Michael) Reid Bement |
1953 - Claudia Ruth Benedict Wagner |
1953 - Jo Anne Benedict Dodd |
1953 - Ruth Benedict Lotzenhiser |
1953 - Edward Bennett |
1953 - Gene Carl Bensene |
1953 - Bonnie LaRae Berrett Dalton |
1953 - Dwight Eugene Binge |
1953 - Merlyn G. Bingham |
1953 - Donald E. Bishop |
1953 - Donald Bjornsen |
1953 - Carmel Blashka Bowers |
1953 - Theodore Hugh Bode, Jr |
1953 - JoAnne Bolan Clampitt |
1953 - Donald L. Bonner |
1953 - Vern Bower |
1953 - Barbara (Maryln) Maryln Boyce Brown |
1953 - Darryl Bradshaw |
1953 - Gilbert (Gil) Julian Braida |
1953 - Robert Brannan |
1953 - Karla Lois Bridgham Dittman |
1953 - Kathleen (Gayle) Gayle Briggs Solhaug |
1953 - Vallie E. Brock |
1953 - Joan Yvonne Brockey Sullivan |
1953 - Jeanette Bronk Snowden |
1953 - Donald H Brown |
1953 - Dorothy J. Brown Nicklaus |
1953 - Harry Browne |
1953 - Jan Buchanan Young |
1953 - Alan Cameron |
1953 - Martha L. Carbis |
1953 - Frederick Ross Carson |
1953 - Vallen Carte |
1953 - Marie Casebere Moslander |
1953 - George (Buddy) James Catlett |
1953 - Robert Earnest Caulfield |
1953 - Freda Ann Cerruti Howard |
1953 - Libero (Lib) Raymond Cerruti |
1953 - John Chaplin |
1953 - Dennis Chase |
1953 - LeeRoy Cheek |
1953 - James Christensen |
1953 - Marilyn Irene Christy Derouin |
1953 - Dennis (Denney) B. Clark |
1953 - Richard Clark |
1953 - Wilbur Clarke |
1953 - Dona N. Cloud |
1953 - Twyla C. Cogzill |
1953 - Marcelle Cole Spath |
1953 - Sharon Lee Coleman Thomas |
1953 - Carol Colling Samek-McKinlay |
1953 - Linn Conklin Jacobs |
1953 - Maryann Cook Milholland |
1953 - J. Coppage |
1953 - Roy Cosper |
1953 - Gerald Crouch |
1953 - Larry Dalzell |
1953 - Richard Danielson |
1953 - Richard Joseph DeCamp |
1953 - Bill Devine |
1953 - Marjorie Ann Dopps |
1953 - Ronald Douglas |
1953 - Harold Kenneth Dull |
1953 - Nancie Dunn Bachman |
1953 - Harriet Claudia Dyer Rue |
1953 - Fylena Dyk |
1953 - Thomas Dyrness |
1953 - Mercedes M. Earp |
1953 - Robert Ellis |
1953 - Roy W Enberg |
1953 - Adrienne Ruth Enge Baker |
1953 - Don Evans |
1953 - Margaret (Joan) Evans Krueger |
1953 - Brad Lynn Everson |
1953 - Patricia Ruby Fitzgerald Baker |
1953 - David Michael Folkins |
1953 - Arleigh M Freeman Hagan |
1953 - Betty Lou Freeman Ronquillo |
1953 - Charlotte Frissell Jeter |
1953 - Frances Frogge Angevine |
1953 - Judith (Judy) M Fulton Proper |
1953 - Leslie A. Garton |
1953 - Arlene Gaskell Bristow |
1953 - Martha Gebert Houk |
1953 - John Francis Georgeadis |
1953 - Patricia A. Gilmore Adams |
1953 - Barbara Good Arnold |
1953 - Robert William Gordon |
1953 - James (Jim) Herbert Gray |
1953 - Bruce Granville Grey |
1953 - Donald Griffith |
1953 - Lawrence Grout |
1953 - Caroline J Gundersen Nash |
1953 - Roy D Gustafson |
1953 - William (Bill) H. Gustafson |
1953 - Carol Jean Hall Rodolf |
1953 - Henry Lee Hall |
1953 - Donald Hamilton |
1953 - Ronald Hammer |
1953 - Yvonne Joyce Hammer Alston |
1953 - Robert Hanna |
1953 - Peter Harold Hansell |
1953 - Helen Hanson Henley |
1953 - James (Jim) Edward Hanson |
1953 - Edna (Eddie) Violet Harrison Jellesed |
1953 - Robert Douglas Harrop II |
1953 - Fred Paul Hartwig |
1953 - Kenneth Rudy Hauselman |
1953 - Donna Mae Hawkinson Lepse |
1953 - Claude Charles Heckman |
1953 - John Heilbrunn |
1953 - Roy Lynn Helfenstein |
1953 - Donald Charles Helland |
1953 - Gerald (Jerry) V Helman |
1953 - Patricia Beverly Hibbard Hicks |
1953 - John Rodney Hilderman |
1953 - James Ross Hill |
1953 - Betty Hiller Gronning |
1953 - Wanda Hinrichsen Jacobson |
1953 - Charles Hobbick |
1953 - Cedric B Hollenbeck |
1953 - Marlene Ann Holman Hansell |
1953 - Norma Holmes Svardal |
1953 - George (Ralph) Holmstrom |
1953 - Arlene Hoover Coate |
1953 - William Hoppe |
1953 - Richard Walling Horton |
1953 - Douglas Glen Houk |
1953 - Clinton Rush Howard |
1953 - Arthur (Art) Hunt |
1953 - Willis Jackson |
1953 - Frances Jahn |
1953 - Joanne C. James |
1953 - Margaret Louise Jamison Oslin |
1953 - Arlene Johnson Wick |
1953 - Donna Kathryn Johnson Ellis |
1953 - Joy Lucille Johnson Brill |
1953 - Joseph Johnston |
1953 - Stanley Jones |
1953 - Margaret Keller Click-Taylor |
1953 - Charles Franklin Kennedy |
1953 - Perry Ailsa Kennedy |
1953 - Richard Kephart |
1953 - Marylynne L. Ketzenbarger Larson |
1953 - Hazel Glenn Kidd Lawson |
1953 - Barbara Kimbrough Calderon |
1953 - Walter William Kind |
1953 - Vernon (Vern) G. Kinsman |
1953 - Sylvia Kirkebo Dittmer |
1953 - Irene Caroline Klave Helm |
1953 - Richard Knight |
1953 - Darlene Knutson McDivitt |
1953 - John (Bill) William Koons |
1953 - Charles (Jay) Jay Kramer |
1953 - Kathryn M Kvale Torgerson |
1953 - Harvey Raymond L'Heureux |
1953 - Larry Landaal |
1953 - Earl Lane,Jr. |
1953 - Barbara Jean Lange Davis |
1953 - Robert Larsen |
1953 - Royal A Larson |
1953 - Cliff Lawson |
1953 - Richard (Dick) Leroy Legler |
1953 - Roger Lennon |
1953 - Marilyn Corinne Long Ahnemiller |
1953 - Kenneth Loomis |
1953 - Donald Losse |
1953 - Shirley Helen Lothe Hogle |
1953 - Ted Love |
1953 - Donald Lundberg |
1953 - Melvin Lyng |
1953 - Velma J. Lyon |
1953 - Benjamin MacWatters |
1953 - Rose M. Mann |
1953 - Marjorie Dee Mansfield Wallace |
1953 - Gerald Marshall |
1953 - Dion Masters |
1953 - Jean Mathewson Worthington |
1953 - David McAllister |
1953 - Grace Eleanor McAvoy Kunzler |
1953 - Joan P. McFall Bunnell |
1953 - George Earl McFarlane |
1953 - John McHenry |
1953 - Dottie Jean McKinney Hodson |
1953 - Donald (Don) William McQuay |
1953 - Howard Meacham |
1953 - William Roy Meister |
1953 - Robert B. Merritt |
1953 - Willis Miller |
1953 - Richard Earle Mobley |
1953 - Anthony Moore |
1953 - Charles Page Moshier |
1953 - Mary Jane Muenter Krie |
1953 - Judith Arlene Munn Kobelt-Robinett |
1953 - John Murphy |
1953 - Martin (Joe) Murry,Jr. |
1953 - James (Jim) Allen Neill |
1953 - Barbara Nelson Cheek |
1953 - Donald Ross Nelson |
1953 - Marjorie Kathleen Nelson Leetsch |
1953 - Paul Nelson |
1953 - Joyce K. Newgard Adair |
1953 - Folke E. Nyberg |
1953 - Jo-Ann Obenhofer Preston |
1953 - Diane Olsborg Monahan |
1953 - Mariellen (Joy) Olsen Mickelson |
1953 - Donald Olson |
1953 - Warren Olson |
1953 - Joyce A. Otto |
1953 - Marilyn Parson Lohman |
1953 - Gerald Pattison |
1953 - Daniel Paynter |
1953 - Kay Peck Bartlett |
1953 - Clinton W Pelto |
1953 - Lanny Penaluna |
1953 - Barbara Jean Person Scott |
1953 - Nels Person |
1953 - Christine M. Peterson |
1953 - Donald Peterson |
1953 - F. Theodore Peterson |
1953 - Orville Pettibone |
1953 - Margaret Phillips Wright |
1953 - Barbara Joyce Plenge Hill |
1953 - Richard Ploof |
1953 - Joyce Polasik Hoppe |
1953 - Robert J. Polasik |
1953 - Alice M. Politte |
1953 - Ted Polk |
1953 - Donna Dee Power Dahl |
1953 - Joy Proffitt Schaefer |
1953 - Dorothy Provine Day |
1953 - David Purnell |
1953 - Phyllis J. Purpur |
1953 - Ann Quam Rivenes |
1953 - Karen Ramhorst Melvin |
1953 - Roy Ray |
1953 - Mildred B. Reski Falkenhagen |
1953 - Jerry Ridley |
1953 - Robert Ripley,Jr. |
1953 - Jeanette Risan Rachford |
1953 - Lois Robison Dawson |
1953 - Thelma M. Rockstad |
1953 - Keith Rodin |
1953 - Charles Rodolf |
1953 - Fred Lurey Rostrom |
1953 - Richard Wallace Rovig |
1953 - Gary Rumburg |
1953 - Rita Corina Sanchez Harr |
1953 - Joyce Sanderson Garr |
1953 - Buddean Schmidt Carstensen |
1953 - Donna Varyan Schmitz Gloede |
1953 - Merlin Gene Schorsch |
1953 - Claudia H. Scott |
1953 - Sheila M. Scripps |
1953 - Gary Sedlak |
1953 - Richard (Budd) Budd Seslar |
1953 - Louise Shapley Holm |
1953 - Robert Roy Shefchik |
1953 - Robert Shortt |
1953 - Arline Shulmier Daniel |
1953 - Ilgonis Sinka |
1953 - Robert Sinkey |
1953 - Oris Slind |
1953 - Beverly D. Slusser |
1953 - Floyd Vernon Smith |
1953 - Lemuel (Chet) Chester Smith |
1953 - Robert Earl Smith |
1953 - Steve Sourapas |
1953 - Marilyn Spurr Rall |
1953 - Sharon Irene Squibb Brown |
1953 - William (Bill) John Squibb |
1953 - Joy-Deen St.Aubin |
1953 - Don St.Pierre |
1953 - Barbara Patricia Steehler Connor |
1953 - John Steffen |
1953 - Joanne Stenmoe Derby |
1953 - Robert Stenstrom |
1953 - Bonnie Lou Stoa McCrary |
1953 - Craig Stonehocker |
1953 - Louise R. Stutsman |
1953 - Ralph Swanson |
1953 - Raymond Swanson |
1953 - Shirley Tarbox Taylor |
1953 - Marian (MaryLou) Louise Tate |
1953 - Bernita (Bernie) L. Tausan Howard |
1953 - Elaine M. Taylor Jones |
1953 - Yvonne Taylor Michl |
1953 - Richard Arthur Thompson |
1953 - Robert Thompson |
1953 - Norm Arthur Tickner |
1953 - James L. Tollefson |
1953 - Betty Jean Torkelson Paradie |
1953 - Wayne Robert Trebon |
1953 - Judith (Judy) Lynn Turner |
1953 - Peggy Ullman Hedstrom |
1953 - Philip Unick |
1953 - Harold Vadset |
1953 - John Vermilye |
1953 - Lawrence S Wagle |
1953 - Carolyn J. Ward Edwards |
1953 - Hazel Watkins Maynard |
1953 - Sharron Welsch Reams |
1953 - James White |
1953 - Patty V Whitham Kennelly |
1953 - Ronald (Ron) Roy Williamson |
1953 - Maureen Jo Winton Mannen |
1953 - John Earl Woodbury |
1953 - Forrest Worthington |
1953 - Jeanne Georgia Zavales Boss |
Back to Top |
Class of 1954 |
1954 - Richard (Dick) Lee Aitkins |
1954 - Linda Lou Allyn |
1954 - John C Ashford |
1954 - Donald W. Bassen |
1954 - Keith E. Bates |
1954 - Gretchen M. Baugh |
1954 - William (Bill) Thornton Belcher |
1954 - James (Jim) E. Bell |
1954 - Sandra Bell Shelton |
1954 - Myron R. Bement |
1954 - Reed Harmon Bement |
1954 - Richard Leroy Bender |
1954 - Edward Eugene Berkman |
1954 - Marjorie May Blair |
1954 - Richard F. Bly |
1954 - Dorothy A. Bolmes Bunstine |
1954 - Dennis Brenner |
1954 - Sally Jo Brock Keith |
1954 - Robert Walter Brown |
1954 - Barton B. Buckles |
1954 - Ralph S Bullock |
1954 - Robert Burke |
1954 - Norman H. Byars |
1954 - Barbara Ann Calcutt |
1954 - David J. Campana |
1954 - Donald Edward Carlson |
1954 - Myron E. Carr |
1954 - Marilyn E. Case Bodine |
1954 - Joan B. Chatalas Westover |
1954 - Harry (Skip) Laverne Christian |
1954 - Lowell E. Christie |
1954 - Lois N. Conkling Farrell |
1954 - Bruce Crothers |
1954 - James S. Dahlstrom |
1954 - Florence Ann Daquila Mebust |
1954 - Gordon Davis |
1954 - Leo Leroy Dietz |
1954 - Franz Dolp |
1954 - Dorothy Ruth Downing |
1954 - Michael Ralph Dulin |
1954 - Alison Easter Clements |
1954 - Michael Robert Eastly |
1954 - Molly Mae Eckern O'Leary |
1954 - Dennis Carroll Edlin |
1954 - George E. Elkins |
1954 - Grant M. Ericson |
1954 - Carol Mae Eserman Marshall |
1954 - Gary Durwood Falls |
1954 - William (Bill) J. Flaherty |
1954 - Richard T. Fleharty |
1954 - William Edward Frederick |
1954 - Lauraine D. Garneau Anderson |
1954 - Beverly A. Gillis Matteoli |
1954 - Morgan Griffin |
1954 - Barbara Lea Groce Reilly |
1954 - Edward Grubbe |
1954 - Sally (Salli) Alene Guinn Clark |
1954 - Dorothy Marie Hales Stebbins |
1954 - Frank P. Hall |
1954 - Jacqueline (Jackie) M. Halstead McCollum |
1954 - Joyce Louise Hamlin Farmer |
1954 - Mary Jo Hannasch Stewart Gunderson |
1954 - Philip (Phil) Lee Hannum |
1954 - Merlin (Jim) James Hanson |
1954 - Judy (June) E Harp Hasund |
1954 - Camilla Rae Harris |
1954 - Nancy Louise Harris |
1954 - Helen L. Harrison Raferty |
1954 - Glenda Hartwig Collins |
1954 - James (Jim) Charlton Haslam |
1954 - James (Jim) P. Hatley |
1954 - Elizabeth A. Hecht Phillips |
1954 - Marilyn (Lynn) J. Henkle Self |
1954 - Sharon Lou Hilker Lahmann |
1954 - Carol Lee Holdorf Randall |
1954 - Donald A. Horn |
1954 - Patricia A. Hundsdorfer |
1954 - Akemi (Kim) Inouye Fujioka |
1954 - Akemi Inouye Fujioka |
1954 - Jerry Floyd Isaacson |
1954 - Gary Verne Jacobson |
1954 - Judith Ann Jacobson Strunk |
1954 - Stanley (Bob) R. Jamison |
1954 - Joanne (Jo) Ann Jennings May |
1954 - William (Bill) E. Johnson |
1954 - James B. Johnstonbaugh |
1954 - Jerry Jones |
1954 - Hal Juul |
1954 - Terry Nick Karis |
1954 - Edward A. Kearney |
1954 - Carolyn Ann Kendall Peterson |
1954 - Dorothy Kephart Anderberg |
1954 - Ronald Kiel |
1954 - Harlan Herbert Lahmann |
1954 - Kay S. Lamoreux Buckner |
1954 - Danol (Dan) R Larson |
1954 - Marilyn Louise Lightfoot Stroud |
1954 - Joanne Mary Lindquist Ware |
1954 - James Sam Linton |
1954 - Doris Jean Lohmeyer Minor |
1954 - Marilyn J. Love Neher |
1954 - Charles (Chuck) Lundgren |
1954 - Forrest Bruce Malcolm |
1954 - Peter Bicknell Mansfield |
1954 - Gayle J. Martin Freitas |
1954 - Rodney Ray Martin |
1954 - Leroy A. Matthews |
1954 - Robert McAlister |
1954 - Ronald (Ron) W. McAllister |
1954 - Jeanette M McClay Warren |
1954 - Dennis Stevens McLaughlin |
1954 - Barbara Jean McManus Slaughter |
1954 - Roger Dale Mebust |
1954 - Carol Lee Miltenberger |
1954 - Helen (Betty) Elizabeth Monroe Christofferson |
1954 - Robert (Bob) G. Moore |
1954 - Jennie Claire Mund Proctor |
1954 - Kenneth Roy Muzzy |
1954 - Margaret A. Myers |
1954 - Mary Jo Nelsen |
1954 - Raymond (Ray) Albert Nelson |
1954 - Mardon E. Newman |
1954 - Clifford (Cliff) A. Nixon |
1954 - Beverly J. Noe Kearney |
1954 - Donna A. Odion Dracolby |
1954 - Edward S. Odland |
1954 - Jacquelyn F. Oflock Roderick |
1954 - Merle J. Ohman |
1954 - Carol A. Olson Unick |
1954 - Marilyn (Lyn) Ann Ose McDonald |
1954 - Marjorie Mae Owen Sigurdson |
1954 - Earl Edward Owens,Jr. |
1954 - William (Bill) C. Pennington |
1954 - Glayd Steven Perkins |
1954 - Joan C. Pitcher Skalabrin |
1954 - Lawrence (Larry) L. Pollock |
1954 - Joanne Lee Price Garrison |
1954 - Oscar (Bill) Willis Puetz |
1954 - Dolores Radford Stoa |
1954 - Mary (Mary Sue) Sue Redding Thompson |
1954 - Bruce M Rice |
1954 - Jerina A. Riley Minahan |
1954 - Carole Marilyn Ritter Uderwood |
1954 - Robert Raymond Romstead |
1954 - Kenneth J. Roth |
1954 - Richard W Sage |
1954 - John R. Salenjus |
1954 - James Frederick Salstrom |
1954 - Beverly Marie Sand Balee |
1954 - Donald R. Sandelin |
1954 - Carl (Cameron) C. Schoeggl |
1954 - Richard (Rick) Louis Schuette |
1954 - Winston W. Scott,Jr. |
1954 - Janet Shepherd Baird |
1954 - Mavis B. Skei Moe |
1954 - Eugene (Gene) Bernard Sloane |
1954 - Mary Alice Stablein Weeks |
1954 - Albert (Al) F. Starkenburg |
1954 - Francis G. Steele |
1954 - Edward F. Stern,Jr. |
1954 - Oliver A. Stewart |
1954 - Sharon Ann Stolt Greenfield |
1954 - Richard (Oly) E. Suther |
1954 - Beverly Jean Sutherland Cropp |
1954 - Sandra (Sandy) Marie Talcott Christiansen |
1954 - Peggy Ann Teske Smith |
1954 - Arnt J. Thorkildsen |
1954 - Arnt Julius Thorkildsen |
1954 - Patricia A. Towslee Bailey |
1954 - Mary Trimble Dowden |
1954 - James Lloyd Trumbull |
1954 - Tom (Tommy) Tucker |
1954 - Arline Mae Wagle Shilley |
1954 - Roger Washburn |
1954 - Phillip K Wickstrom |
1954 - Donald (Skip) H. Wilcox |
1954 - Joan Annette Williams Valle |
1954 - Justene M Williams Yarbrough |
1954 - Mary Alice Witherow Green |
1954 - Sally June Wood Winkel |
1954 - James (Jim) N. Zeeb |
Back to Top |
Class of 1955 |
1955 - Stanley Robert Alben |
1955 - Virginia Lee Albrecht Sommerfeld |
1955 - Claire Elaine Allbee Lawyer |
1955 - Deanna J Allis |
1955 - Georgia Ann Alvord Sharp |
1955 - Edward L Anderson |
1955 - Joellen (Jodie) Anderson Congleton |
1955 - Marilyn (Timmy) Anderson Thorlakson |
1955 - Phyllis Clara Anderson Riddle |
1955 - Roberta Rae Anderson Flock |
1955 - Richard Allan Atherton |
1955 - Beryl Ann Bailey Watson |
1955 - Nancy Jo Bailey Garred |
1955 - Bonnie Baker Guest |
1955 - Robert (Bob) Donald Barnum |
1955 - Vicki Beaudry Haynes |
1955 - Arlene M Bjorklund Tupper |
1955 - Barbara Jean Blair Johnson |
1955 - Lawrence (Larry) W. Blair |
1955 - Lysbeth Mary Bledsoe Tirrell |
1955 - Ada Ruth Blunt Walden |
1955 - Jeanne Olga Bode Jones |
1955 - Yvonne Cecile Boden Rainsberger |
1955 - Virginia Josephine Boltz Fox |
1955 - Don Booth |
1955 - Albert (Al) S. Boyett |
1955 - Winifred ("Winky") Bradbury Novak |
1955 - Herbert (Herb) U Breitenborn |
1955 - Orville R. Brost |
1955 - Sandy Bumgarner Nichol |
1955 - Robert (Bob) Purdon Burdett |
1955 - Burton (Louis) Louis Burgy |
1955 - William Burke |
1955 - Glenn F. Byrd |
1955 - Donna Carol Carscadden |
1955 - Louise Frances Casey Ware |
1955 - Harry Laverne Chrisitian |
1955 - John Roger Clark |
1955 - William (Bill) D Cloud |
1955 - Don Gerald Clough |
1955 - Joan Coart Gorow |
1955 - Wayne Arthur Cobbs |
1955 - Roberta Cofer Veenendaal |
1955 - Theodora Cokinakis Geokezas |
1955 - Michael Charles Collins |
1955 - Stuart Jerome Connelly |
1955 - Ruth Conrad McKeown |
1955 - James Edward Cook |
1955 - Terry Craig Cook |
1955 - William (Bill) DeLange Cooley, Jr |
1955 - Gary L Coppess |
1955 - Gerald (Jerry) R Cordes |
1955 - Louise L Corey Brison |
1955 - Roberta F. Corey Rice |
1955 - Glenda Cossey Bowyer |
1955 - David Wallace Crichton |
1955 - Alan Cruce |
1955 - Thomas Edwin Davies |
1955 - Joe Alfred Dechenne |
1955 - Maurene Dempsey Larsen |
1955 - Judith (Judi) Lynn DePree Bradshaw |
1955 - Lee Vernon Dimmick |
1955 - Martha Emma Donner Avery |
1955 - Maure Dunn Gunderson |
1955 - Ann Easter Campbell |
1955 - Jack Eastman Ph,d |
1955 - Betty L Edwards Bird |
1955 - Betty Mae Edwards Bowen |
1955 - Mary Ann Eggert Lydon |
1955 - Donald Dean Ellsworth |
1955 - Edward (Eddie) Eugene Elwell |
1955 - Janet (Jan) Vera Engstrom Clemenson |
1955 - Richard Carl Erickson, Ph.D. |
1955 - Ruth Faa |
1955 - Dudley Bringdale Field |
1955 - Dwight Edward Fitzgerald |
1955 - Geri J Fitzgerald Robnett |
1955 - Frank C Forray |
1955 - Donald (Don) Benne Foss |
1955 - Constance Jane Fruhling Webster |
1955 - Gloria E Fruhling Stonecipher |
1955 - Charm Maureen Gallaway Evans |
1955 - Lois Jean Garton Hanson |
1955 - Peggy Greer Cannon |
1955 - James S Gronning |
1955 - Robert (Bob) Gustafson |
1955 - Deanna Kathleen Guy McCulloch |
1955 - Jeremy Morgan Hales |
1955 - Goldie P Haley Hartelius |
1955 - Marcia Ann Hall Cayton |
1955 - Dorothy Hansen Hinson |
1955 - Ronald (Ron) Eugene Haroldson |
1955 - Richard Harris |
1955 - Don Alan Harris, Jr |
1955 - Roderick Harrop |
1955 - Elaine Leone Haugan Knebel |
1955 - Wilfred Laurier Heasley Jr |
1955 - Ronald (Ron) Madsen Heins |
1955 - William Weldon Henderson, Ph.d. |
1955 - Eunice B. Henriksen McLeod |
1955 - Archie Lawrence Herring |
1955 - Richard (Dick) G Hitchens |
1955 - Carol Hocken Zucchero |
1955 - Mary Kathryn Holtz Slothower |
1955 - Lynn A Howard |
1955 - Michael Howard |
1955 - Ted Huber |
1955 - Barbara Ann Hunt Sims |
1955 - Vonnie Hupp Thorp |
1955 - Diana Lucille Isaacson Jay |
1955 - Marion Alma Isaacson Coughtry |
1955 - Ruth Ann Jaffarian |
1955 - Richard Lee Jensen |
1955 - Ronald (Ron) Ralph Jensen |
1955 - Kay Johnson |
1955 - Anna Lucille Jones Matzek |
1955 - Robert (Bob) D. Joss |
1955 - Elaine Despina Kanis Taraviras |
1955 - Marcia Koch Patrick |
1955 - Wayne Eugene Kruse |
1955 - James Franklin Lamb |
1955 - Dianna Lange Lundberg |
1955 - Dave LaQuet |
1955 - Charles (Chuck) T. Laws |
1955 - Bruce Rudolph Lawson |
1955 - Lawrence Lehman |
1955 - William (Bill) Raymond LeMargee |
1955 - Henry Jim Link |
1955 - Arthur (Art) Jay Longpre |
1955 - James (Jim) C. Lowe |
1955 - Kay MacDonald Miller |
1955 - JoMarie (Marie) E. Maloney |
1955 - Robert (Bob) W Marek |
1955 - Dick Marian |
1955 - Paul Maroni |
1955 - Robert (Bob) Clifford Martin |
1955 - Dorothy Ann Mattson Pointer |
1955 - Marilyn Jane McCallum Jackson |
1955 - Richard Michae; McCleary |
1955 - Anne Kristin McCullom Ronan |
1955 - Margaret (Peggy) Adele McFerran Sjoblom |
1955 - Charlotte McGaha Squier |
1955 - Tanya D McNaughton |
1955 - John McPhee |
1955 - Vicki Melonas Banks |
1955 - Joann D Melson Mehus |
1955 - John David Meyer |
1955 - Fred Miller |
1955 - Marie Miller Barnes |
1955 - Marilyn M. Miller Reeves |
1955 - Suzanne Miller Cooper |
1955 - Janice Claire Morgan Alexander |
1955 - Tom Morris |
1955 - Carol A Mundt Zeeb |
1955 - Judith D Nelson |
1955 - Linda Nelson Olson |
1955 - Carol Newman |
1955 - Marjorie Nichols Uhlman |
1955 - Stuart Kenneth Nielsen, Jr |
1955 - Phillip (Phil) Erwin Niemeyer |
1955 - David Nonis |
1955 - Berit Margarita Nyberg McAlister |
1955 - Nina Joan Nystrom Grant |
1955 - Sharon Lia O'Donnell Adolphson |
1955 - Joanne Mildred Olson Graving |
1955 - Donna Ethel Onstott Kloppenberg |
1955 - Doug I Orr |
1955 - Billie Ann Parkinson Hardin-Hale |
1955 - Susan (Lorraine) Peck Bates |
1955 - Duane (Skook) David Petersen |
1955 - Duane (Skook) Peterson |
1955 - Josef (Joe) Eroll Petkovits |
1955 - Larry Pitts |
1955 - Paul Plebuch |
1955 - Tom Porter |
1955 - Janet R. Power Edwards |
1955 - Lisa Puckett Kraft |
1955 - William (Bill) James Quam |
1955 - Donald (Don) Reddaway |
1955 - Joseph (Joe) L. Riseland |
1955 - Dale Bryon Riss |
1955 - Darleen Betty Rush Moore |
1955 - Charleen Marie Russell Matheson |
1955 - Arlene Marie Ryan Hoffman |
1955 - John Sanwick |
1955 - Maurice Wayne Savora |
1955 - Ed Schack |
1955 - Madeleine Schiessl Johnson |
1955 - Dorothy Mae Scorgie |
1955 - Patricia Lee Semple Nielson |
1955 - Noel Lyman Sepp |
1955 - William Lewis Shackleford |
1955 - Janet (Lottie) Lotttie Viola Sheehan Weyant |
1955 - Edward (Ed) William Shefchik |
1955 - Joanne Christine Shelly Davis |
1955 - Sandra Sherhart Smiley |
1955 - Ted Sherwood |
1955 - Edithann Ann Shipley Plunkett |
1955 - Susan R. Sholley |
1955 - Gloria Jean Simonson Strom |
1955 - Lawrence Skidmore |
1955 - Gerald Skutt |
1955 - John (Rocky) Rockwell Smith |
1955 - Walter (Walt) Herbert Smith |
1955 - Paul Soderlund |
1955 - Rick Solt |
1955 - Jerome (Jerry) Clarke Stenerson |
1955 - Gerald (Jerry) Lee Stiffler |
1955 - Richard Theron Strange |
1955 - Bert Edward Strom |
1955 - Jim Thompson |
1955 - Ralph (R J) James Thompson |
1955 - Barbara Ann Thorpe Moore |
1955 - Ronald J. Todd |
1955 - Irene Marietta Tully Ward |
1955 - Jack Tyer |
1955 - Andris Vagners |
1955 - Ralph Verochio |
1955 - Joan Michele Wandesforde Hambert |
1955 - Ronald (Ron) Clifford Warren |
1955 - Billie Raedene Weitz Newton |
1955 - Patricia L. Whipp |
1955 - Venna (Deane) Deane Willey Boyd |
1955 - Patty Williams Murray |
1955 - William (Bill) Witham |
1955 - Joyce B Zirkle Steffenson |
Back to Top |
Class of 1956 |
1956 - LeAnne Gretchen Aasness Grothe |
1956 - William Robert Abbott |
1956 - Herbert (Herb) Burton Adkinson |
1956 - Jesse Lee Akin |
1956 - Robert John Albert |
1956 - Richard J. Alles |
1956 - Raymond Jerome Alley |
1956 - Roger D. Alvord |
1956 - Howard A. Anderson |
1956 - Victor (Vic) Harold Anderson |
1956 - Wayne R. Anderson |
1956 - Jack P. Anshutz |
1956 - William A. Anthony |
1956 - Gary Leon Arrowsmith |
1956 - Raymond Eugene Atkinson |
1956 - Gary Lyman Atwood |
1956 - Roger W. Aue |
1956 - Stephanie L. Aust Metz |
1956 - Robert (Bob) D. Austin |
1956 - John Harlow Backus |
1956 - Jeanne Carol Ball Stierwalt |
1956 - Robert Thomas Ballantyne |
1956 - Gerald E. Barr |
1956 - Beverly Alice Bauer Eakin |
1956 - Robert A. Bellman |
1956 - William (Bill) B. Bellman |
1956 - Gloria Lee Benson Makris |
1956 - Gail Patricia Beresford Bulpin |
1956 - Judith Louise Berkman |
1956 - Charles (Chuck) L. Bickert |
1956 - Lawrence (Larry) D Bolson |
1956 - Gaylee Bottenberg Shelton |
1956 - Gary G. Brakken |
1956 - Anne Darden Brown Gilbert |
1956 - LeRoy F. Brunk |
1956 - Thomas (Tom) Wayne Burgess |
1956 - Edgar A Burkley |
1956 - Consuelo (Connie) V. Cadranell |
1956 - Ramona Blythe Camacho Haden |
1956 - Robert Gary Campbell |
1956 - Terry L. Campbell |
1956 - Richard F. Canedy |
1956 - Walter (Walt) R. Caravan |
1956 - Robert Aalon Carlson |
1956 - Carol Rae Carter |
1956 - Robert LeRoy Chambers |
1956 - George M. Chatalas |
1956 - Carol Evelyn Clark |
1956 - James Richard Clark |
1956 - Linda Lou Clark |
1956 - Bonnie V. Clearbrook Dinsmoor |
1956 - Gerald (Jerry) Frederick Cloes |
1956 - William E. Colfelt |
1956 - Judith (Judy) May Compton Gwinn |
1956 - Ellen Theresa Conaty Williams |
1956 - Gloria Mae Connor Nelson |
1956 - Gilbert K. Cooley |
1956 - Stanley E. Coone |
1956 - Robert L. Cornelius |
1956 - Earl J. Cossey |
1956 - Barbara Anne Countryman Wissinger |
1956 - Dona Jane Cromwell Lehman |
1956 - Ervin (Erv) L. Crosby |
1956 - Edward Lawrence Cruver |
1956 - Richard (Dick) K. Dahl |
1956 - Patricia Rosanne Daly Crane |
1956 - William George Dearmin |
1956 - Robert L. DeCamp |
1956 - Alfred (Joe) Joseph Dechenne |
1956 - Karen L. Dedrick |
1956 - Vito A. DeSantis |
1956 - Dorothy D Dibble Kiel |
1956 - Roy L. Doe |
1956 - Rose Ann Dory Yoder |
1956 - Gayle Douglass Hubbard |
1956 - Arlene Marie Dowman |
1956 - Rosemary Joan Downing |
1956 - Terry L. Duncan |
1956 - Janice Lu Dunham Kiel |
1956 - Douglas Arthur Dunlap |
1956 - Joanne Lamoreaux Dyer Nelson |
1956 - Carl Edward Easters |
1956 - Gerald (Jerry) Edward Elkey |
1956 - Sandra Ellis |
1956 - Mark Justin Emerson,Jr. |
1956 - Paul Kennedy English |
1956 - Alene (Toni) Tonette Erickson Snyder |
1956 - Wilfred Fairbanks |
1956 - Jack H. Fantl |
1956 - Arline L. Fawcett |
1956 - Frederick (Mike) Michael Feeley |
1956 - Antonina (Nina) Filonov Gove |
1956 - Anna M. Fisher Wisen |
1956 - Pauline Marie Floan Evans |
1956 - Margaret L. Florence Woods |
1956 - Arlene Elizabeth Foort Kuhner |
1956 - David (Ken) Kennett Forssen,Sr. |
1956 - Raymond (Ray) Edward Fosse |
1956 - Frederick (Fred) J. Fowler,USAF,Ret. |
1956 - Wendy Ann Fox Walkley |
1956 - William H. Fredrickson |
1956 - Duane C. Frieboes |
1956 - Judith Ann Fruhling Rembold |
1956 - Irene R. Fuller Stringfellow |
1956 - Barbara Kay Gerbing Wilkinson |
1956 - Carolyn (Carrie) Gail Gibson Johnson |
1956 - Charles (Rick) Richard Gilbert |
1956 - Larry Lee Gilbert |
1956 - Susan Elizabeth Givens Kierbutz |
1956 - Sandra B. Gleason Hosay |
1956 - David J Goforth |
1956 - Douglas C. Gordon |
1956 - James Carlisle Green |
1956 - Darryl W. Grund,PhD |
1956 - Guy O. Halverson |
1956 - George Robert Hammericksen |
1956 - William Arthur Hanning |
1956 - Rudolph Nathaniel Hartelius |
1956 - Mary Lynne Harter Sebranke |
1956 - William J. Harvey |
1956 - Robert (Larry) L. Haskell |
1956 - Marcia Joanne Haugland Kelso |
1956 - Helen Kay Haugstad |
1956 - Beverley D. Henkle Chartrand-Grace |
1956 - Jay I. Henline |
1956 - Alan Roderick Hermanson |
1956 - Mason Emmett Hess |
1956 - Diane M. Hetherington Dean |
1956 - Dianne Claire Hilker Urquhart |
1956 - Barbara Jean Hill Albrecht |
1956 - Peggy Diane Hill |
1956 - Joanna May Hills McLalwain |
1956 - Jerry Holland |
1956 - Ronald E. Holman |
1956 - Carol Marie Holmes Tenzler |
1956 - John E.B. Holmstrom |
1956 - Duane L Homan |
1956 - Judith (Judy) Rosemary Hopkins Beckel |
1956 - Arthur (Art) G. Hopp |
1956 - Thomas (Mac) Macdonald Hopp |
1956 - Bruce A. Houtchens |
1956 - Ray Huff |
1956 - Donald W. Hultgren |
1956 - William Ray Ingraham |
1956 - Thomas Frederick Jackson |
1956 - Julianne (Julie) Jacobsen Brekke |
1956 - Roberta A. Jennings |
1956 - Leona C. Jessee Chewning |
1956 - Larry D. Johnson |
1956 - Lawrence (Larry) Patrick Johnston |
1956 - Sharon Johnston |
1956 - Judith A. Jones |
1956 - Keith Alva Jones |
1956 - Dawn M. Juul Rhodes-Pierce |
1956 - Robert (Bob) G. Keck |
1956 - Richard (Dick) Frank Kellogg |
1956 - Sandra Marie Kibler McDonald |
1956 - Allen Dale Kiel |
1956 - Deann Kirby Lafferty-Pickett |
1956 - Marie R. Kirk |
1956 - Chestina (Tina) Kissee Webb |
1956 - Richard (Dick) C. Koschker |
1956 - Richard (Dick) William Krause |
1956 - Donna L. Kraut Loughnan |
1956 - David W. Kyser |
1956 - Leonard L. Lair |
1956 - Robert Larsen |
1956 - Joyce M. Laurio Dearden |
1956 - Marion Louise Lawliss |
1956 - Robert Clay Learman |
1956 - Kenneth (Ken) Earl Leighty |
1956 - Thalia F. Lentgis Anton |
1956 - Marjorie J. Levar |
1956 - Elmer Theron Lewis |
1956 - Frieda Elizabeth Leyert Smith |
1956 - Diane T. Lindeman Adams |
1956 - Ritchie H. Lindsay |
1956 - Carolyn Ann Lindskog Nerstad |
1956 - Charles (Grant) Grant Linscott |
1956 - Patricia Ann Livingston Kretchmar |
1956 - Pearl Elizabeth Lockert Erickson |
1956 - John Craig Lundberg |
1956 - Patrick (Pat) William McCarthy |
1956 - George Michael McClarrinon |
1956 - Daryl J. McClelland |
1956 - Judy V. McFadden Miranda |
1956 - Jerry F. McFarland |
1956 - Norman (Norm) A. McKechnie |
1956 - Samuel (Sam) David McKinstry |
1956 - Charles (Bud) Thomas McNaughton |
1956 - Eunice Elizabeth McQuade Bird |
1956 - Janet Helen Meagor Welch |
1956 - Carole Messer Gillman |
1956 - Barbara Jean Mitchell Morgan |
1956 - James (Jim) J. Mohundro |
1956 - Kenneth Charles Morgan |
1956 - Shirley Mae Murray Hardesty |
1956 - Michael (Mike) J. Mykut |
1956 - William (Bill) H. Near |
1956 - JoAnne A. Nelson Shierk |
1956 - Lorna Nelson |
1956 - Tom Nelson |
1956 - Larry G. Neubrech |
1956 - Mary Ann Nilson |
1956 - John C. Niva |
1956 - Ray Nolte |
1956 - Deanna M Norman Schack |
1956 - Michael Merritt O'Donnell |
1956 - Janet M. Ocamb |
1956 - Patricia L. Olson |
1956 - Rosalie (Suzie) Suzanne Oser Hall |
1956 - Albert (Mark) Mark Osterhout |
1956 - Virginia Owen Burns |
1956 - Martha Ann Patterson Tubbs |
1956 - Gary A. Petersen |
1956 - Richard James Petrino |
1956 - Dorothy Anne Phelps Clement |
1956 - Douglas (Doug) L. Phillips |
1956 - Starlyn M. Phillips Miller |
1956 - Sharon Leigh Pitner Appelget |
1956 - Duane E. Pitts |
1956 - Richard (Rich) James Poelker |
1956 - Orville (Bill) William Pogson |
1956 - Lester H. Pope |
1956 - John Mills Prendergast |
1956 - Norma Prendergast Bralley |
1956 - Merle Thomas Proulx |
1956 - Sheila Ann Reed Thompson |
1956 - Kenneth (Ken) C. Reeve |
1956 - John James Richardson |
1956 - Mary Rene Richardson Daheim |
1956 - Sharon L. Richeson Milne |
1956 - Joan (Kit) Kathleen Ritchie Stewart |
1956 - Willard (Jim) James Roberts |
1956 - James (Jim) Thomas Robinson |
1956 - Joan Rae Romstead Komen |
1956 - Mildred Ann Rostrom Lewis |
1956 - James Owen Rothwell |
1956 - Joan Patricia Rubish Weaver |
1956 - Michael (Mike) William Rust |
1956 - Joan Beret Satero Carnaby |
1956 - Carmen Jean Scanlon Ring |
1956 - Carol L. Scheik Long |
1956 - Ralph A. Schulz |
1956 - Virginia (Ginger) L. Sellen Bennett |
1956 - Roy Julius Shelton |
1956 - Carol Jean Shiplet Cepa |
1956 - Doulgas Tritten Shuman -Ling |
1956 - Laura May Silven Jonasson |
1956 - Jean C. Sipes Watson |
1956 - M. (Charlene) Charlene Sly,Hyder Gurno |
1956 - Lee Vincent Smith |
1956 - Michael (Mike) Smith |
1956 - Marie Angela Soppe Porter |
1956 - James William Spaulding |
1956 - Roger N. Spencer |
1956 - Donna Marie Steffensen Lane |
1956 - David Friedman Stern |
1956 - Burton L. Sternoff |
1956 - Danette F. Stetler Stotler |
1956 - Kenneth L. Stetson |
1956 - Barbara (Bobbi) Jean Stewart Bleeck |
1956 - Jim Stewart |
1956 - Claire L. Strawn Floan |
1956 - Judy M. Strum,PhD |
1956 - Allen (Al) Arthur Sturlaugson |
1956 - Joan E. Sunderland |
1956 - Michael J. Swofford |
1956 - Douglas Szymanski |
1956 - Jerome (Jerry) Thompson |
1956 - Donelda Delia Tompkins Russie |
1956 - Sharon A. Toombs Emmett |
1956 - Gerald (Jerry) Maurice Townsan |
1956 - Arnold E. Trettevik |
1956 - Gail Norene Trezise |
1956 - Douglas (Doug) Shuman Tritten-Ling |
1956 - Charles (Chuck) Harvey Turner |
1956 - Edwin (Ed) Carol Vadset Jr. |
1956 - Jerrine Louise Valentine |
1956 - Dianne VanDeBogart Toftoy |
1956 - Barbara Marie VanDeventer |
1956 - Claudia C. VanEmelen Gordon |
1956 - George L. VanWinkle |
1956 - Jerome E. Vetosh |
1956 - Larry Voeks |
1956 - Judith Ann Vorheis Ford |
1956 - Marjorie A. Walker Groshong |
1956 - Sharleen J. Weaver |
1956 - Mary Katherine Weber Cole |
1956 - William (Bill) F. Weckworth |
1956 - Gerald Maurice West |
1956 - Gary Ray Wetzel |
1956 - John (Jack) Bartlett Wilcox |
1956 - Barbara R. Wilhelm |
1956 - Robert (Bud) Carmon Wilkinson |
1956 - Ronald D. Willey |
1956 - Elaine H. Williams Runnels |
1956 - Sandra Joan Willison McMahill |
1956 - Sharon Lea Woerner Loberg |
1956 - Marilyn Lorraine Woolery Hill |
1956 - Deanna Jean Worthley Johnson |
1956 - Gary A. Wyman |
1956 - Catherine (Cathy) Hazel Young Henricks |
1956 - Bernard (Ben) R. Zemp |
Back to Top |
Class of 1957 |
1957 - Darlene Akre Yeager |
1957 - Beverly P. Anderson Washburn |
1957 - Jay Anderson |
1957 - June Anderson Richmond |
1957 - Sharon Ann Archer Baker |
1957 - Maryanne Arlington Jones |
1957 - Barbara Arttazia Wright |
1957 - Robert H Atherton |
1957 - Saralyn (Lynn) Austad Michaelson |
1957 - John (Russ) Russell Axtell |
1957 - John Arnold Bach |
1957 - James (Jimmy) Bakun |
1957 - Robert Albon Beevers |
1957 - Paul Bell |
1957 - Patricia (Pat) Jean Benson Adams |
1957 - John K. Bergquist |
1957 - Terrance Bergstrom |
1957 - Robert Biggs |
1957 - Jerry Black |
1957 - Larry R. Blair |
1957 - Leonard H. Blinn |
1957 - Leanne Brewer Hyldahl |
1957 - James Bronson |
1957 - Thomas (Jerry) Gerald Brooks |
1957 - Glenn R. Brown |
1957 - Beverly Joan Burns Cook |
1957 - Brenda Lee Cameron Avery |
1957 - Eugene Cameron |
1957 - Allan Alfonzo Capps |
1957 - Patricia (Pat) Jeanne Chakos Larson |
1957 - Judy Kay Chapman Reed |
1957 - Michael Chartrand |
1957 - Elmer Christensen |
1957 - Marilyn Christensen Winder |
1957 - George Andrew Christy |
1957 - Elsie M. Clark |
1957 - Gary Clark |
1957 - Goldie Lee Clithero Barnhardt |
1957 - John Barton Cloud |
1957 - Joanne Bayou Clough Turner |
1957 - Claudia Jane Coombs Morgan |
1957 - Carole J. Cooper Warburton |
1957 - Douglas M. Costle |
1957 - Ardith (Ardie) May Coulter Vasconi |
1957 - Leland (Jim) James Coulter |
1957 - Thomas Cramer |
1957 - Ronald Crouse |
1957 - Trudy Cunningham Dreessen |
1957 - Richard L Dawson |
1957 - Rodger Frederick DeRoux |
1957 - Darrell Dan Dickeson |
1957 - Richard (Dick) Diven |
1957 - Marguerite Dobbins Conrad |
1957 - David B. Douglas |
1957 - Paul Walter Dudel |
1957 - Jon K. Easton |
1957 - Barbara (Bobbie) J. Ekman Webb |
1957 - James (Jim) L. Elkey |
1957 - Lloye Darlene Elkins Beevers |
1957 - DeWelle Ferguson Ellsworth,Jr. |
1957 - Robert (Bob) Engstrom |
1957 - George Erickson |
1957 - Dennis E. Ericson |
1957 - Sharon Farrow Hyde |
1957 - Janet Finley Roats |
1957 - Virginia ("Ginger") Finnestad Ridgway |
1957 - Karen Virginia Forssen Johnson |
1957 - Loretta D. Fraser |
1957 - Gerald R. Garman |
1957 - Gloria Anne Gee Johnson |
1957 - Ruth I Goldblatt Grosvenor |
1957 - Dwight Gowan |
1957 - Janet Granstrom Adams |
1957 - Karen Elizabeth Groh Hume |
1957 - Carol Ann Gross |
1957 - Kenneth Leo Guernsey |
1957 - George Guttormsen |
1957 - Joseph Hager |
1957 - Sandra Lee Hagy Stanton |
1957 - Pat Halloway Elf |
1957 - David Hansard |
1957 - Marion Hardie Sherrer |
1957 - Diane Denise Hardy Colello |
1957 - Arthur Hare |
1957 - David John Harris |
1957 - Rodney Harris |
1957 - Sara Jane (Sally) Harris Lust |
1957 - Madaline Harrop Morgan |
1957 - Nancy L. Haworth |
1957 - Pat Held |
1957 - Kathleen Hennessy Petry |
1957 - Lawrence (Larry) Henshaw |
1957 - Gary Edmund Hezel |
1957 - Lianne Hill Boze |
1957 - Donna Hoffman Tonkin |
1957 - Claybert (Clay) M. Houck |
1957 - Darlene Houk Spivey |
1957 - Carol Ingebritsen Smith |
1957 - Dorothy Mabel Isaacson Falk |
1957 - Karen May James Hoffmann |
1957 - Donald (Don) Murray Jasper |
1957 - Ray Jenkins |
1957 - Wanda Lorraine Jensen |
1957 - Marilyn Jessee LaQuet |
1957 - Lewis Johannes |
1957 - Ragnhild (Harriet) Harriet Johansen Stelzner |
1957 - Allen Johnson |
1957 - JoAnn P. Johnson |
1957 - Joybelle Johnson Eriks |
1957 - Ken Jones |
1957 - Fred Joss |
1957 - Gary R. Kamlin |
1957 - Allen Kasony |
1957 - Sue Caroline Kellam Avery |
1957 - Janice L. Kelley |
1957 - James Ernest Kirk |
1957 - Ted Klave |
1957 - Linnae Claire Knutsen McAnally |
1957 - Richard Allen Lagerstrom |
1957 - Dorothy Lawson Suddaby |
1957 - Joan Lecture Lang |
1957 - Joel Karl Leidecker |
1957 - Bud L Leland |
1957 - James Lindeman |
1957 - Gary Little |
1957 - Leilani Little Schaumburg |
1957 - Ronald (Ron) Eugene Loney |
1957 - Larry R. Loughnan |
1957 - Diane T. Luke Locke |
1957 - Kathryn M Lutovsky Kanis |
1957 - Raymond MacDonald |
1957 - Kathleen Sharron Maginn Foster |
1957 - Lenna Rose Maier Foote |
1957 - Linda Martin |
1957 - Marilyn Sue Martin Fickenwirth |
1957 - Wallis (Wally) George Martin |
1957 - Jerry W. Matchett |
1957 - Jo Ann Mathisen |
1957 - Patrick W Mattern |
1957 - Ida Maurer Marsden |
1957 - Lawrence (Larry) Dell Mayberry |
1957 - Carol May McCartney Rensberger |
1957 - Leo Patrick McGinnis |
1957 - John Phillip McGregor |
1957 - Jon McKenny |
1957 - Ronald Mead |
1957 - Helen Elizabeth Michel Sims |
1957 - Bernie Miller |
1957 - Gerald D Miller |
1957 - Murray Moen |
1957 - William R Moore |
1957 - David Thomas Ness |
1957 - Barbara C. Nilsen Vandeputte |
1957 - Terrence Nixon |
1957 - J. Errol O'Gieblyn |
1957 - Terry William O'Neil |
1957 - George C. Oistad,Jr. |
1957 - David James Olson |
1957 - Judith Olson Varney |
1957 - Shari Olson Lawrence |
1957 - Roger L Oneal |
1957 - Karl F Ostling |
1957 - Joanne Darlene Ostman Gormel |
1957 - Michael A Owen |
1957 - Dale Lou Pahlman |
1957 - Gary Parks |
1957 - Marlene Faye Peterson Hutter |
1957 - Norman Peterson |
1957 - Terry Peterson |
1957 - Carol Lee Powell Davis |
1957 - Larry Rath |
1957 - Diane Irene Regan Minoza |
1957 - Carole Reid Reddaway |
1957 - Thomas (Tommy) J Rhodes Jr |
1957 - William (Denny) Dennis Richter |
1957 - Robert Riegel |
1957 - Richard Elliott Robinson |
1957 - Keith George Ross |
1957 - Lawrence A Rundorff |
1957 - Rebecca (Becky) E Rupe Lutthans |
1957 - James Sauers |
1957 - Robert H. Schaeffer |
1957 - David Arthur Schmitz |
1957 - Darlyce E. Schorsch Hansen |
1957 - David Seeman |
1957 - Thomas (Tom) Garland Sell |
1957 - Susan Selz Phillips |
1957 - Mickey Semple Giles |
1957 - Brenda Ruth Severson Tooke |
1957 - Phillip Shelly |
1957 - Sonja Jean Sherburne Saviers |
1957 - Philip Edwin Sims |
1957 - Jeffrey Smith |
1957 - Sally Joan Smythe Fiscus |
1957 - Barbara Snook Hoech |
1957 - Gerald (Jerry) Schei Solberg |
1957 - Peter Stafford |
1957 - Ronald Stenmoe |
1957 - Anne Marie Stockland Husemoen |
1957 - Sandra Strigen Tasoff |
1957 - Marlene Sturlaugson Osterhout |
1957 - Gary Douglas Sweeney |
1957 - Richard Tanguay |
1957 - Clarajane Teal Goux |
1957 - Sandra Teslow McLaughlin |
1957 - Barbara Ann Thomsen Holly |
1957 - David Tulare |
1957 - Mary Vandenburgh Strunk |
1957 - Nikki Lee VanDenDriessche Mears |
1957 - James Vaughn |
1957 - David Wagner |
1957 - Frank Stewart Wallace |
1957 - M. Douglas Walter |
1957 - Phillip Ray Ward |
1957 - Phil Webber |
1957 - Janet E. Wedeberg Motteler |
1957 - Ann Wennegren Klein |
1957 - Kenneth Westby |
1957 - Homer Allen White |
1957 - Peter F Wiedemann |
1957 - Arlene J. Willey |
1957 - Linda Ann Wilson Welshons |
1957 - Robert Darold Wilson |
1957 - Janice Lee Wood Peterson |
1957 - Douglas Worrell |
1957 - James Morton Wright |
1957 - June Blance Wright |
1957 - Valdis Zarins |
1957 - William Zornes |
1957 - Janet (Betty) Elizabeth Zylstra Thielicke |
Back to Top |
Class of 1958 |
1958 - Donald (Don) L. Adams |
1958 - Mary Elizabeth Aitchison Camezon |
1958 - Linda A. Aldrich |
1958 - Leon Allard |
1958 - Charles (Chuck) Allen |
1958 - Harriet Allyn Jones |
1958 - Wesley (Wes) Anderson |
1958 - Robert (Bob) S. Arnstein |
1958 - William (Bill) Arthur Aylesworth |
1958 - Carolyn Baker |
1958 - William (Bill) Alfred Baker |
1958 - Donald (Don) Ray Barclay |
1958 - Elizabeth Barnes Greer |
1958 - Michael (Mike) Baron |
1958 - Annette M. Bedford |
1958 - Judith (Judy) Lida Bell Wilson |
1958 - Saundra L. Bench Cooper-Rousseau |
1958 - John Bingen |
1958 - Patricia (Pat) Kay Birket-Bowman Sherwood |
1958 - Karen Bjornson Smith |
1958 - Tamara Lee Blum Bonner |
1958 - William (Gene) E. Bolin |
1958 - Virginia M. Boone |
1958 - Douglas (Doug) John Bowen |
1958 - James (Jim) Brice |
1958 - William (Bill) Henry Brown |
1958 - Shari Bryant Craig |
1958 - Barbara Burk Jordon |
1958 - Margie Bylsma Wight |
1958 - Virginia Rae Carden Allen |
1958 - Todd Carlson |
1958 - Richard (Rick) Nicholas Carter |
1958 - Ronald (Ron) Franklin Carter,Jr. |
1958 - Stewart (Chuck) Cato |
1958 - Helen (Terri) Delores Cheever Jamison |
1958 - Gerald Clark |
1958 - Evan (Jac) Clayton |
1958 - John Craddock Coart,III |
1958 - Delmer (Del) Dean Corey |
1958 - James (Jim) Corey |
1958 - Donald (Don) Craig |
1958 - Errett (Bill) Crowther |
1958 - Dean Wayne Culp |
1958 - Charles (Chuck) R. Cunningham |
1958 - Judy Ann Daly Calderone |
1958 - Frank Daquila |
1958 - Bonnie Louise Dodge Beckley |
1958 - Jean Gertrude Donner Sayers |
1958 - Patricia (Pat) Ann Elder Chriswell |
1958 - Carole B. Elliott |
1958 - George C. Emerson |
1958 - Robert (Bob) Farnsworth |
1958 - Harold (Hal) Lyn Fell |
1958 - Marylyn Ruth Fermstad Norton |
1958 - Sandra (Sandi) Arlene Fitts Perry |
1958 - Sandra Fleck |
1958 - Sherrill Fox Abbott |
1958 - Richard (Dick) Frederick |
1958 - Donald (Don) Eugene Fulton |
1958 - John (Gary) Gary Funk |
1958 - Marilyn I. Gerbing Wayland |
1958 - Marlys Alene Gerbing Shroyer |
1958 - John Gerry |
1958 - Carol E. Glandon |
1958 - Larry Gilbert Groesbeck |
1958 - Madeleine S Grummel Kolb |
1958 - Janice Gulseth Hehr |
1958 - Eric Hackbarth |
1958 - Judi Lee Haines Peterson |
1958 - Bert Hamstad |
1958 - Robert (Bob) Haugan |
1958 - Sharen Ann Heggie Rojas |
1958 - William (Bill) Henning |
1958 - Dennis (RyanSinclair) L. Hjort |
1958 - Gerd Hornli Botton |
1958 - Robert (Bob) Hosko |
1958 - Darlene L. Houk Spivey |
1958 - Judy Howard Reams |
1958 - Tom W Hoyt |
1958 - Laura Hutchison Rahm |
1958 - Barbara Hutter Corwin |
1958 - Robert (Paul) P. Jackson |
1958 - Kathryn A Jarvis Devoy |
1958 - Jack Jefferson |
1958 - Bart Kathner |
1958 - Carol Kay |
1958 - James C. Kennedy |
1958 - James (Jim) Randolph Kennedy |
1958 - Jacline (Jackie) Kidd Norton |
1958 - James (Jim) P Kingen |
1958 - Delle Marie Kirchhof McKinney |
1958 - Gene C. Klenk |
1958 - Barbara Jean Kline Case |
1958 - Ann L LaGrelius Siqueland |
1958 - Shirley Lair Fecteau |
1958 - Roberta (Bobbi) C. Laiti Bellman-O'Day |
1958 - Bonnie Rae Lang Donovan |
1958 - James (Jim) Leroy Lange |
1958 - Gary Wallace Lanker |
1958 - Roger Severin Larsen |
1958 - Sharon Larson Kovacs |
1958 - Bruce Gordon Laughlin |
1958 - Dorothy (Dee) A Leahy Dudeck |
1958 - Frances (Fran) Anne Ledbetter |
1958 - Kamol Lekhakul |
1958 - Connie Leland Smith |
1958 - Bertha Jean Lidin |
1958 - Wanda Gay Lince Pailas |
1958 - Barbara (Barb) Ann Lincoln Landreth |
1958 - Thomas (Tom) Liniger |
1958 - Myrna (Roxi) Joy Lloyd Santilli |
1958 - William (Bill) John Lutes |
1958 - Frederick (Fred (Fritz)) J Mack, Jr |
1958 - Michael (Mike) Mony Malan |
1958 - Richard (Dick) Markham |
1958 - Janice A. Martin |
1958 - Thomas (Tom) Marum |
1958 - William (Bill) Mathison |
1958 - Leonard T Matson |
1958 - Henry B Mayer |
1958 - John McCleary |
1958 - Nancy McDonald Maurice |
1958 - Brian McFarland |
1958 - James (Jim) McInnes |
1958 - Kathleen Marilyn McKay Ouma |
1958 - Joseph (Joe) E. McKeown |
1958 - William (Bill) J. McKivor |
1958 - Laurence (Larry) Hamilton McNamee |
1958 - Suzanne (Suzi) Mead Lundin |
1958 - Kathleen M. Melcher Carter |
1958 - John (Johnny) M. Mentzos |
1958 - Glen George Meyer |
1958 - Kenneth (Ken) Gordon Miley |
1958 - Evans Moore |
1958 - Nicholas (Nick) D. Murphy |
1958 - Sydney Myers |
1958 - Roi Charles Nevaril |
1958 - Judith (Judy) Nielson |
1958 - Dixi Noe Frederick |
1958 - Mary Margaret Notter Fahley |
1958 - William (Bill) Patrick O'Brien |
1958 - Daniel (Dan) H O'Donnell |
1958 - Maureen Ester O'Sullivan Grigsby |
1958 - William (Bill) Oliver |
1958 - Constance (Connie) Olsen Lopez |
1958 - Daniel (Dan) Melford Olson |
1958 - Richard ("Dick") A. Olson |
1958 - Sharon Lee Olson Marlow |
1958 - Robert (Bob) Osbjornsen |
1958 - Dave Paige |
1958 - Eugene (Bud) L. Parmelee |
1958 - Sharon Isabel Parsons Meyers |
1958 - Frederick (Fred) B Paschal |
1958 - Jean Marie Pearson Dow |
1958 - A. (Frank) Pennington |
1958 - Dennis David Peterson |
1958 - Kenneth (Ken) Petrie |
1958 - Gary Powlesland |
1958 - Peter (Pete) Pray |
1958 - Gary Proudlock |
1958 - Peter (Pete) Puetz |
1958 - John Ransom |
1958 - Margaretta R. Reid |
1958 - Robert (Bob) Reiter |
1958 - John Riseland |
1958 - Robert (Bob) Henry Risley |
1958 - Dave Clifford Rost |
1958 - Donald (Don) Roulet |
1958 - Ronald (Ron) Roulet |
1958 - Robert Franklin Rutherford- Ferguell |
1958 - Eugene (Gene) Salser |
1958 - Daniel (Dan) J. Sandal |
1958 - Robert (Bob) Schultz |
1958 - James (Jim) Scott |
1958 - Michael (Mike) Serwold |
1958 - Larry Sheeley |
1958 - John Shook |
1958 - Steve Shoop |
1958 - Roger Keith Shroyer |
1958 - David (Dave) H Smith |
1958 - Donald (Don) J Smith |
1958 - Gary W. H. Smith |
1958 - Michael (Mike) E Smith |
1958 - Paul Arthur Smith |
1958 - Gary Burton Spoor |
1958 - Edward (Ed) Roy Stanich |
1958 - Clifford (Cliff) Sunde |
1958 - Judith (Judy) Sutliff Thomas |
1958 - Monte Svardal |
1958 - Linda Lee Taitch Jacobs |
1958 - Richard (Dick) Tanguy |
1958 - Gail C. Taylor |
1958 - Jerry Wayne Thompson |
1958 - Gail Tisdel Traulsen |
1958 - Barbara Gail Towell Levinski |
1958 - Barbara J. Trace James |
1958 - Paul Traver |
1958 - Wilson Truscott |
1958 - Joel Robert VanEmelen |
1958 - Elizabeth (Betty) Walker Anderson |
1958 - Barbara Wall Foster |
1958 - Steven (Steve) Whipple |
1958 - Jeanette Whiting Bangerter |
1958 - Carol Ann Wick Lloyd |
1958 - Ordean (Dean) Bermard Wicka |
1958 - Gary A. Widdifield |
1958 - Donald (Don) Leo Wiediger, Jr |
1958 - Bruce Willis |
1958 - Peter (Pete) Winthers |
1958 - Sharon Isabelle Wood Culver |
1958 - Kay Lois Woodworth |
1958 - Gerald (Gerry) York |
1958 - Jeanette M. Yost |
Back to Top |
Class of 1959 |
1959 - Charles Allemandi |
1959 - Neal Dennis Alspach |
1959 - George Edwin Anderson |
1959 - Linda Arlene Anderson Armey |
1959 - G. Andrews |
1959 - Paul Russell Antsen |
1959 - Jens Aure |
1959 - Marla Rae Babbitt Leonard-Depew |
1959 - James (Jim) Edward Backus |
1959 - Nancylee Baird |
1959 - Joseph (Joe) Paul Baker |
1959 - Betty L. Barden |
1959 - Richard (Dick) Lee Barfoot |
1959 - Daniel (Dan) Eugene Bartlett |
1959 - Patsy Kay Bartlett Wallenborn |
1959 - Mark Battersby,Jr. |
1959 - Traudi Baxter Almeda |
1959 - Richard Paul Beaudry |
1959 - Adolph William Benson |
1959 - Donovan Bickford |
1959 - Nancy Nell Birket-Bowman Lohbrunner |
1959 - Ross Bishop |
1959 - Nancy Ellen Blair Reynolds |
1959 - Leonard (Chuck) Charles Blauvelt |
1959 - Dennis Roy Bouressa |
1959 - Sharon (Shari) Brown Cummins |
1959 - Owen Buchanan,III |
1959 - Judith G. Burkley |
1959 - Michael Burrus |
1959 - Ron Butler |
1959 - Ed Bytheway |
1959 - David Holston Campbell |
1959 - Sydney Helen Capellen |
1959 - Judith (Judy) Ann Catone Davis |
1959 - James (Pat) Patrick Cavanaugh |
1959 - Dennis Oren Colley |
1959 - Loretta (Lorrie) Louise Conn Bagby |
1959 - Ed Cox |
1959 - Richard Craig |
1959 - Wayne Dahl |
1959 - Dan D Day |
1959 - Roy Leonard DeNoma |
1959 - Lawrence (L.A.) Albert DeWeese |
1959 - Gail Patricia Dixon Hulford |
1959 - George M. Donahoe |
1959 - Steven (Steve) William Dow |
1959 - Dennis Henry Ellingsen |
1959 - Nick Fackler |
1959 - Jacqueline Mrie Faulkner Gosanko |
1959 - Louise Fisher Gonsalez |
1959 - Richard Fisher |
1959 - Richard (Dick) Barry Folk |
1959 - Liane Virginia Francis Seims |
1959 - Phillip Fraser |
1959 - Terence (Robin) Robin Gallagher |
1959 - Donelle (Dee) Rosemary Gallina Fiore |
1959 - Marzie George Taylor |
1959 - Grace D. Gibson |
1959 - Peter Gilliland |
1959 - Carol A Godbey Myler |
1959 - Joan A. Gowan |
1959 - David Grannis |
1959 - Frederick Grant |
1959 - Sharon L Greany Rose |
1959 - Charles Greenup |
1959 - Gary K. Gunstrom |
1959 - Kaye Frances Gust Busby |
1959 - James Hammond |
1959 - Carolyn Hanson Einmo |
1959 - Dave Hanson |
1959 - Kathryn Hargraves Novatney |
1959 - Sylvia J Harp Lonsdale |
1959 - Stephen Hawkins |
1959 - Donald Hegerberg |
1959 - Edwin Heggen |
1959 - Judith I Heidenrick Alexander |
1959 - Karen Lee Dorothy Hempel Miller |
1959 - Phillip Dean Hendricksen |
1959 - Gilbert Martin Hermans |
1959 - Edwin F Hewson |
1959 - Barbara Hildreth |
1959 - Jacquelin (Jackie) Lee Hill Corey |
1959 - John A. Holmes |
1959 - Charles Holtz |
1959 - Harold Decou Horchover |
1959 - Stephen Howard |
1959 - Marj Hull Sutherland |
1959 - John Hurley |
1959 - Joan Hutchison Chriest |
1959 - Kary Wilson Hyre |
1959 - Patti Jacobs Lewis |
1959 - Daniel Jacobson |
1959 - Ronald Arthur Jefferson |
1959 - Jeralyn (Jeri) Jean Jewell Forester |
1959 - Joanne Marie Johnson Terry |
1959 - Thomas Melvin Johnson |
1959 - Vivienne Sharon Johnson Klingbeil-Grafstrom |
1959 - Gary Donald Jones |
1959 - Eva Marija Karlsons Laukers |
1959 - Nancy Isabel Karlsten Behrman |
1959 - Raymond Oscar Keehner |
1959 - Aletta F. Koepsel Barany |
1959 - Peter John Kolloen |
1959 - Karen Lou Kringen Hurteau |
1959 - Betty Lane |
1959 - Richard Laursen |
1959 - Andy Lea |
1959 - Trevis Edward LeBow |
1959 - Judi Lervold Kielhamer |
1959 - David Lewis |
1959 - Linda M. Linell Doupe |
1959 - Gary E Lium |
1959 - James Logan |
1959 - Jerry S Luithle |
1959 - Bill Lyle |
1959 - James (Jim) MacFarlane |
1959 - Dennis Malone |
1959 - Beverly Gail Mannisto Baier |
1959 - Ronald Gaines Markley |
1959 - John Darrow Marshall |
1959 - Judith Marie Marshall Collins |
1959 - Carole J. McAssey Johnson |
1959 - William McClure |
1959 - Celia Marianna McDougall Kasony |
1959 - David (Dave) Bruce Menig |
1959 - Charles (Chuck) Frederick Monson |
1959 - Mike Moody |
1959 - Mary Jane Morehouse Larsen |
1959 - Laurie Lynn Murphy Lipke |
1959 - Patricia Jean Murphy Wood |
1959 - Judith Ann Myers Thompson |
1959 - Bonnie Nelson Powell |
1959 - Lance Gordon Nelson |
1959 - Walter Nelson |
1959 - Susan C New Roberts |
1959 - Jack Norton |
1959 - Carolyn Sue Nystrom Fortier-Ball |
1959 - Patricia O'Brien Lindgren |
1959 - Brian O'Donnell |
1959 - James (Jim) Timothy O'Leary |
1959 - Michael O'Leary |
1959 - Karen Ann Olson Deeds |
1959 - Carollee Ostman Taylor |
1959 - Michael R Oswalt |
1959 - Joyce Carol Parker |
1959 - I. (Vernon) Vernon Parvin |
1959 - Michael Patrick |
1959 - Ralph (Sid) Sidney Pederson |
1959 - Mary Ellen Peters Mebus |
1959 - Dennis D Petersen |
1959 - Kai Tim Petersen |
1959 - Patti Peterson Granlund |
1959 - James Pilling |
1959 - Patti Polinsky |
1959 - Donald Price |
1959 - Diana Louise Prien Briskie |
1959 - Darrell Radford |
1959 - Pamela Ranum Ashworth |
1959 - Gary L Rathe |
1959 - Susan Elaine Redfern |
1959 - Sara Reynolds Cochran |
1959 - Sherrie Elizabeth Roberson Snyder |
1959 - Janice M Roberts Roth |
1959 - Virginia Mae Rogers |
1959 - Dennis Rusack |
1959 - Morris (Hap) C Russell |
1959 - Robert Russo |
1959 - Jerry Kernan Ryder |
1959 - Harold Noe Sadle, Jr |
1959 - John (Jack) W. Sanderlin |
1959 - Jorg Schatz |
1959 - Barbara Jean Schweitzer Brewer |
1959 - Terry Skinner |
1959 - Debra Smith DeLayne |
1959 - James (Parker) Parker Sroufe |
1959 - John Stedman |
1959 - Theodora (Sue) Sue Stephens |
1959 - James (Fritz) Fritz Streufert |
1959 - Patricia Sullivan Wolf |
1959 - Lyle Summers |
1959 - Lowell Talkington |
1959 - Edwin (Jerry) Gerald Teel |
1959 - Ferroll Thompson |
1959 - Sharon K. Tinker Hackbarth |
1959 - Gary L Tobias |
1959 - Dorothy L Tonseth Hudson |
1959 - Patricia (Gail) Gail Townsan Morris-Waltjen |
1959 - Jim Vaughn |
1959 - Pierre Victor |
1959 - Leslie (Mack) Mack Vogel |
1959 - Carrie Ann Waldeck Juge |
1959 - Sharon Mary Walker Plemel |
1959 - Mary Warnicky Johnson |
1959 - Ellen Waters Albaugh |
1959 - Victor Howard Webb |
1959 - Carolyn Weber Penney |
1959 - Noel Carl Wedin |
1959 - Fred Welch,Jr. |
1959 - Esther Donna Westby Melcher |
1959 - Gretchen Jane Wiedemann Schille |
1959 - Alfred Wiediger |
1959 - Judith E. Wilson Caldwell |
1959 - Max William Wilson |
1959 - Richard (Dick) Wisenburg |
1959 - Janice Wolfstone |
1959 - John Lynden Yackel |
1959 - Donita Youso |
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Class of 1960 |
1960 - Patricia (Pat) Nelina Abbott Lee |
1960 - Gerry (Gary) Wayne Adair |
1960 - Moriah Michelle Alberg |
1960 - Jacqueline Elaine Althauser O'Conner |
1960 - Jerelyn Jeanne Anderson Kramer |
1960 - Maren R. Anderson Green |
1960 - Sallie K. Anderson Barengoltz |
1960 - Gloria May Andrews Tessem |
1960 - Linda Lee Antonsen Mortensen |
1960 - Franklin (Frank) B. Arvon |
1960 - James (Jim) Charles Bach |
1960 - Sharon I. Backlund |
1960 - Daryl G. Baerwald |
1960 - Brian Thomas Bagby |
1960 - Dean Corson Ballou |
1960 - Ian William Bannerman |
1960 - Gordon Earl Barnett |
1960 - Dennis Beahan |
1960 - Daniel Franklin Bedford |
1960 - Judith Rae Bennett Peters |
1960 - Ronald E. Bennett |
1960 - Tessie Lou Bickford Corkins |
1960 - Harvey K. Bjerkan |
1960 - Margie Allene Blankenship Moir |
1960 - Gail H. Blomberg Hendrickson |
1960 - Linda J. Boden Elton |
1960 - Lois Jean Boettiger Williams |
1960 - Rebecca L. Bogut Sherlock |
1960 - Larry C. Boulet |
1960 - Leilani Braun Miller |
1960 - Jacquita (Jackie) Joyce Britton Feis |
1960 - Robert L. Buell |
1960 - Eldon M. Butler |
1960 - Ann E. Campbell Dalin |
1960 - Carren Z. Campbell Malen |
1960 - Judith J. Carlin |
1960 - GeorgeAnn Carlson Fox |
1960 - Jeffrey S. Carron |
1960 - James (Jimbo) M. Cayou |
1960 - Richard (Dick) Rex Clay |
1960 - Janet Lela Clifford Dudoit |
1960 - Constantine (Gus) M. Cokinakis |
1960 - William (Bill) Coombs |
1960 - Miriam H. Cross |
1960 - William (Bill) J. Daly |
1960 - Ruth M. Davidson |
1960 - Kenneth (Ken) L. Davis |
1960 - Marlene Belle Deming |
1960 - Ronald (Ron) Denten |
1960 - Richard Michael DeNully |
1960 - Nancy Lynne Detwiler Madsen |
1960 - Sharon F. Diederick Talley |
1960 - Bonnie F. Duncan Nelson |
1960 - William (Bill) Dupree |
1960 - Steven Hurst Edgell |
1960 - Janet N. Ellingsen Finn |
1960 - Dale Raymond Erickson |
1960 - Ilene A. Evans |
1960 - David (Papabear) Adrian Fairbanks |
1960 - James C. Falconer |
1960 - Norma M. Farnsworth |
1960 - Wayne C. Felt |
1960 - Sharon A. Ferris Hunter |
1960 - Gary John Foote |
1960 - Edmund Gerald Fortney |
1960 - Bruce A. Friden |
1960 - John Fuller |
1960 - Sandra Lou Furbush Spencer |
1960 - Peter Michael Gadzuk |
1960 - Joyce D. Gammill |
1960 - Janis Aliene Garling Keene |
1960 - JoAnn A. Georges Nicon |
1960 - Gary Albert Gilbert |
1960 - Joseph (Joe) M. Gladfelter |
1960 - William (Dave) D. Goforth |
1960 - Peggy Jean Graham |
1960 - Glen A. Greyerbiehl |
1960 - Roger (Dodge) Louis Grosse |
1960 - Celia Kathleen Hagan Bentzinger |
1960 - Sonja Hagan |
1960 - Kathleen (Kathy) Ann Hague Funk |
1960 - Jim Hall |
1960 - Carol L. Hanvey |
1960 - Judyrae Hardesty Kruse |
1960 - Lynn S. Harrison Weiss |
1960 - Ronald R. Hart |
1960 - Diane Hendrickson Gregory |
1960 - Robert Nixon Hildreth |
1960 - James (J.J.) Julian Hill |
1960 - Julie D. Hill Nehr |
1960 - Larry D. Hill |
1960 - Jonathan (Jon) W. Hobbs |
1960 - Shirley D. Holmes Reynolds |
1960 - Sharon Lynn Holtzworth Spellman |
1960 - Debora Houtman Bourne |
1960 - Bill Hunter |
1960 - Marilyn A. Hurley Conant |
1960 - Gerald (Jerry) A. Husmoe |
1960 - Forrest A. Inslee |
1960 - Joseph (Tony) Jacoby |
1960 - Richard (Dick) Alan Japar |
1960 - John Scott Jardine |
1960 - Roger (Dodge) Warren Jenkins |
1960 - Jerome (Bob) R. Jewell |
1960 - Patricia L. Johnson |
1960 - Richard Davies Johnson |
1960 - Ronald (Ron) L. Johnson |
1960 - Sharon E. Johnstone |
1960 - Sandra G. Jones Singleton |
1960 - Carl Louis Kallgren |
1960 - John Hjalmer Karlberg |
1960 - Arthur (Art) Paul Kendall |
1960 - Thomas (Tom) R. Kennedy |
1960 - William S. Kerrigan |
1960 - Judy Kidwell Hammer |
1960 - Joy Lorraine Kingen Fluke |
1960 - Rosalind M. Knobbs |
1960 - Ronald (Ron) L. Kruse |
1960 - Nancy Lou Kuckenbecker Magnuson |
1960 - Pat Kyle Jacobson |
1960 - Gary T. Lagerstedt |
1960 - Susan Ann Larson Dunlap |
1960 - Hemmo I. Latvala |
1960 - Marlowe James Leverton |
1960 - Yarleen E. Lofgren Pomrening |
1960 - Russell (Russ) W. Lozier |
1960 - William (Bill) A. Lund |
1960 - George Stewart Lunn |
1960 - Linda J. Lyon Greenan |
1960 - JoAnn L. MacDonald Radke |
1960 - Jean M. Mackey |
1960 - Frances D. Mahood Lee |
1960 - Julieanne (Julie) E. Mallett Belknap |
1960 - Roger D. Malone |
1960 - Timothy (Tim) Eugene Manus |
1960 - Jerelyn Lee Marinella Finnerty |
1960 - Joseph (Joe) Francis Marlowe |
1960 - Michael (Mike) S. Marsh |
1960 - Milo K. Marshall |
1960 - Sharon A. McClure Jones |
1960 - Lynn C. McKellard |
1960 - Jurley D. McKinley Paddock |
1960 - Ronald Allen McMorris |
1960 - Janet Louellen McQuilkin Vermedal |
1960 - Jeffrey (Jeff) F. Mentzos |
1960 - Andrew C. Messer |
1960 - Esther E. Meyers |
1960 - Stuart Thomas Mills |
1960 - Margaret Ann Mitchell Gerbig |
1960 - Eugene (Geno) Keith Moga |
1960 - Gail Cynthia Moody Larson |
1960 - William M. Moran |
1960 - Judy Ann Murphy Clayton |
1960 - Thomas Nelson |
1960 - Theodore (Ted) W. Ness |
1960 - Jay H. Newkirk |
1960 - Robert (Bob) S. Nielsen |
1960 - John F. O'Connor |
1960 - Ralph A. Oldemar |
1960 - Frank K. Olsheski |
1960 - Anita Kay Osborne Schmidt |
1960 - Carolee J. Peterson Felt |
1960 - Julianne (Julie) Peterson Ryan |
1960 - Ruth I. Prien |
1960 - Gerald E. Provost |
1960 - Jerry K. Puetz |
1960 - David H. Quiring |
1960 - William F. Richards |
1960 - Diane J. Richstad Hains |
1960 - John Stetler Risley |
1960 - Arlene Rix Snell |
1960 - Ann Dolores Rockwell |
1960 - George D. Rourke |
1960 - Peter (Pete) Rowberry,Jr. |
1960 - Kenneth (Gordy) Gordon Rudd |
1960 - Brooks Parkhurst Russell |
1960 - Karen Y. Salvesen Watson |
1960 - Kenneth Charles Sargent |
1960 - William (Bill) F. Schumacher,III |
1960 - Karen Scorsch Belleveau |
1960 - Judith (Judy) Lynn Scott Henson |
1960 - Julie Lee Scott Moreland |
1960 - Suellen K. Scudder Bryan |
1960 - Raymond (Ray) L. Seaborg |
1960 - Joan L. Shafer AKA Moriah Alberg |
1960 - Jerry Robert Shoemaker |
1960 - Susan L. Sime Olson |
1960 - Lane W. Singleton |
1960 - Robert Raymond Sittner |
1960 - William (Al) A. Sizer |
1960 - JoAnn M. Smith Lunde |
1960 - Kathleen Carol Snyder Bates |
1960 - Robert Snyder |
1960 - Patricia Ann Southward Thompson |
1960 - Auren (Ed) Edward Stanford,Jr. |
1960 - Gloria E. Steele Fisher |
1960 - Joy Lynn Stepp Peppers |
1960 - Thea Lee Stetler Goodloe |
1960 - Michael R. Strong |
1960 - Loren W. Talkington |
1960 - Bruce P. Thompson |
1960 - Priscilla E. Toft Raelee |
1960 - Edwin C. Tollefsen |
1960 - Harold A. Tompkins |
1960 - Karen L. Torbergson Hallee |
1960 - Leon H. Torrey |
1960 - Sharon Ann Towne Hanning |
1960 - Judith G. Vanderbrug Ellis |
1960 - Gary D. Vesoja |
1960 - Robert (Bob) Dean VonMarenholtz |
1960 - Adina Elizabeth Wallace Currier |
1960 - Jeri Lynne Walseth Dowidar |
1960 - Meredyth Louise Walsh Gilbert |
1960 - Donald E. Waring |
1960 - James Richard Welden |
1960 - James Thomas White |
1960 - Clyde (Wills) J. Wilson |
1960 - Judith (Judy) Ann Wood Pride |
1960 - Geneva K. Woodside Walther-Kuenlebr |
1960 - Sharon M. Young Blake |
1960 - Roy Zenier |
Back to Top |
Class of 1961 |
1961 - Sheila Anita Aikins Anderson |
1961 - Phillip (Phil) Denney Anderson |
1961 - David (Dave) Franklin Antsen |
1961 - Gary Warren Axtell |
1961 - Arnold Robert Balthazor |
1961 - Bernadette (Bernie) Baron Johnson |
1961 - Thomas (Tom) Franklin Barrett,Jr. |
1961 - Richard (Dick) Harold Barthol |
1961 - Douglas (Doug) Winfield Beresford |
1961 - Kathleen (Kathy) May Black Swanson |
1961 - Daniel (Dan) Wayne Blanchard |
1961 - Warren Elrick Borg |
1961 - Dan Alan Breidenstein |
1961 - Carol Mae Burt Lindquist |
1961 - Catherine Anne Butler |
1961 - JoAnn Carol Cagnina Lloyd |
1961 - Bruce Henry Carroll |
1961 - Margery Jean Chapman Nokes |
1961 - Roland James Clark |
1961 - Alice Collin Larsen |
1961 - Linda Celeste Colwell Merschdorf |
1961 - Ann Patricia Cordes Self |
1961 - Carol Marie Crosetti Voris |
1961 - Patricia Daugherty Simmons |
1961 - Diane Mary Dibble Johnson |
1961 - Barbara Nan Dvorak Ballweber |
1961 - Gerald Ray Eary |
1961 - Donald (Larry) Lawrence Eckland |
1961 - Jerry Eugene Elkington |
1961 - Susan Elizabeth Engelhard Zezeus |
1961 - Judy Kay Engelskjen Westrup |
1961 - Steven (Steve) Malum Erickson |
1961 - Mary Ann Ersfeld |
1961 - Patrick John Ersfeld |
1961 - Jeffrey (Jeff) Steven Evans |
1961 - Laurence (Larry) Frederick Farrar |
1961 - David Wesley Fitch |
1961 - Jack Dennis Flynn |
1961 - Fred Claude Fritts |
1961 - Beate Margaret Fronckevics |
1961 - Sally Grace Gardner Gunderson |
1961 - John (Jack) William Gilbert,III |
1961 - Dennis Michael Goett |
1961 - Julia (Julie) Dianne Golden Millar |
1961 - Betty Jane Graves Ritter |
1961 - Steven (Steve) Earl Griswold |
1961 - Marc Forrest Hall |
1961 - Karen Ann Halvorson Webb |
1961 - Wayne George Hand |
1961 - Dennis Wayne Haroldsen |
1961 - Howard Elliot Harris |
1961 - Madelyn Hedy Haspert |
1961 - Elizabeth (Betsy) Ann Haug |
1961 - William (Bill) Larry Hawton |
1961 - Donna Mae Hazelbrook Schier |
1961 - Paul L. Henschkel |
1961 - Judith (Judy) Carolyn Hicks Martinez |
1961 - Peggy Jean High |
1961 - Thomas (Tom) L. Hockett |
1961 - Geri Suzanne Hofeditz Toro |
1961 - Charlene Alma Holman Illes |
1961 - Thomas Tyler Holmes |
1961 - Randolph (Randy) William Hutchins |
1961 - Donald Marrow Hyde |
1961 - Gary Russel Johnson |
1961 - Beverly (Bev) Jean Katka Millikan |
1961 - Eileen Joy Kleppen Barrett |
1961 - James (Jim) L Knower |
1961 - Anna Christine Kolloen Park |
1961 - David (Dave) Palmer Korsmo |
1961 - Charlene Phyllis Lamirand Beam |
1961 - Els-Britt Margaret Larson Pankievich |
1961 - Kaye Ellen Latimer Hegerberg |
1961 - William (Bill) Enos LaVigne |
1961 - Klaus Lendzian |
1961 - Nickolas (Nick) Nickolas Levko |
1961 - Russel (Russ) Alan Libby |
1961 - Judy Irene Lidstrand Melton |
1961 - Charles Thomas Lorrekovich |
1961 - Janet Kathleen MacKay Austin |
1961 - Jeanne Diane Matheson Wood |
1961 - Donald (Don) Lee McCullough |
1961 - Patricia (Patty) Lynn McKay Follett |
1961 - Donald Edward McPhee |
1961 - Carrol (Wayne) Wayne McReynolds |
1961 - Richard Michael Mead |
1961 - Bonnie Lyn Menzer Barnes |
1961 - Thomas (Tom) Jay Morehouse |
1961 - Douglas (Doug) Frederick Nelson |
1961 - Madeline Lucille Nelson Reynolds |
1961 - Norman (Norm) Whitney Noble |
1961 - Mary Elizabeth Oistad Shannon |
1961 - Judith (Judy) Ann Ojendyk Nice |
1961 - Norman (Norm) Ralph Oleson |
1961 - Linda Lee Olson Carbaugh |
1961 - Nancy Sue Orr McBroom |
1961 - William Russell Pankievich |
1961 - Jack Warren Parker |
1961 - Jaimie Perine Jones |
1961 - Sharon Lee Perkna |
1961 - Judith (Judy) Ann Petersen Castiex |
1961 - Marilyn Rose Petersen |
1961 - William (Bill) Harold Platt |
1961 - Walerian (Wally) Ponomarchuk |
1961 - David (Dave) Walter Rainsberger |
1961 - Donald Frank Rainsberger |
1961 - Tom Rasmussen |
1961 - Roy Alvin Ratliff |
1961 - Judy Alveena Risan |
1961 - Anthoula (Tula) Rockas |
1961 - Jurgen Peter Sauerland |
1961 - Patricia (Pat) Anne Schorsch Gore |
1961 - Gerald (Jerry) Lee Scrivanich Leighton |
1961 - Raymond (Ray) Paul Shannon |
1961 - Sandra (Sandee) Lucille Shay Dillrud |
1961 - Bonnie Jean Sheka Dankers |
1961 - Douglas (Doug) Everet Skold |
1961 - Stephen (Steve) Lamont Skullerud |
1961 - Melvin (Mel) B. Skylstad |
1961 - Barrett Lee Sommerdorf |
1961 - Linda Irene Sprague Tynes |
1961 - Linda Kay Stavig Mortland |
1961 - Paulette S. Steele Cziske |
1961 - James (Jim) Arthur Steendahl |
1961 - Marlene Helene Steinberg Halela |
1961 - Gary Allen Strong |
1961 - James (Jim) Albert Suess |
1961 - Michael James Talbot |
1961 - Richard Howard Teigen |
1961 - Dave Carl Thorstenson |
1961 - Dorothy Margaret Vagnone Kuch |
1961 - Gary Edward Vitcovich |
1961 - Carolyn Vogue Bender |
1961 - Lynnda Glee Wall Rigby |
1961 - Lewis Arthur Wallon,Jr. |
1961 - Margaret (Mardi) Dianne Wikstrom Newman |
1961 - John Howard Zornes |
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Class of 1962 |
1962 - Terry Patrick Abraham |
1962 - Richard Todd Adams |
1962 - Robert (Bob) Edward Anderson |
1962 - Aldis Leon Andrejevs |
1962 - Alan William Anshutz |
1962 - Gayle Kathleen Bachman Hall |
1962 - Thomas Allison Ball |
1962 - Gerald (Gary) Neil Belvill |
1962 - Kathleen Bench |
1962 - Daniel Lee Bender |
1962 - Margaret Ellen Benner Sison |
1962 - Barbara Jane Berry |
1962 - Katherine (Diane) Kathrine L Betras |
1962 - Alissa C. Biggs McFadden |
1962 - Linda Ann Blauvelt Vadset-Marquand |
1962 - Carol Joan Bradford Cummings |
1962 - Steven (Steve) Arnold Branom |
1962 - Mary Evelyn Brasier Michaels |
1962 - Michael Arnold Brockman |
1962 - Carol Elizabeth Broderick Phillips |
1962 - Mary Pamela Brown Awad |
1962 - Brooke Chadwick Buell Kappel |
1962 - Ronald Delano Cada |
1962 - Linda Ann Caldwell Coverdale |
1962 - Joan Catherine Campbell Sundberg |
1962 - Margaret (Marni) L Carlson Heffner |
1962 - Suzan Jeanne Carlson Peterson |
1962 - Diane Frances Carnahan Lomax |
1962 - Judy Louise Carothers-Ward Choate |
1962 - Carolyn Caudill Givens |
1962 - Russell Homer Chaffee |
1962 - Diane Lou Chorzempa Feichter |
1962 - Kenneth Craig Clark |
1962 - Beth Rosemary Clausen Tennefoss |
1962 - Loaha June Coburn Shegrud |
1962 - Linda Jane Cody Scribner |
1962 - George Andrew Cooke |
1962 - Myron Lee Cornelius |
1962 - Adelaide Jean Craig Burgess |
1962 - Sarah Mae Crandall |
1962 - Michael (Mike) David Crane |
1962 - Lyda ("Lynne") J. Cregan Newhouse Santos |
1962 - Richard (Dick) Kim Darr, Sr |
1962 - Alan Joseph Davis |
1962 - William (Bill) Arnold Davis |
1962 - Janet Kay Denoma MacLean |
1962 - Kenneth Neil DeVore |
1962 - Richard (Rick) R. Doan |
1962 - Howard Eugene Doty |
1962 - Ronald Geoffrey Doyon |
1962 - Richard Vance Duval |
1962 - Eugene (John) Raymond Eagle |
1962 - LaRae Dorothy Eary Gillette |
1962 - Ronald (Ron) Fred Eden |
1962 - Kirk Ellis |
1962 - Ernest Owen Erickson |
1962 - Gordon Griffin Evans |
1962 - Paul Alan Fesenmaier |
1962 - George Ellison Fewel |
1962 - Robert (Bob) Samuel Fisher |
1962 - Barbara J Fletcher Bement |
1962 - Ted Scott Ford,Jr. |
1962 - Ted Stephen Foster |
1962 - Michael Robert Freeman |
1962 - Carolyn Marie Gamble Brandon |
1962 - Stephen (Steve) Harrison Garling |
1962 - Dennis Charles Garrett |
1962 - Carol Ellen George Branstetter |
1962 - Diane Beatrice Gibson Bone |
1962 - Fredrick (Jay) James Gierke |
1962 - Helen Irene Gilbert Buckley |
1962 - Grant (Melvin) Melvin Graham |
1962 - Bobbie Graves |
1962 - Roland Wendell Griffith |
1962 - Robert Earl Griffith,Jr. |
1962 - Gary Frederick Groh |
1962 - Sandy Jean Gunderson |
1962 - Roselyn Halvorson Meyer |
1962 - Else Marie Hansen |
1962 - Barbara Diane Hardison Bauer |
1962 - Francis (Rowena) Rowena Harris |
1962 - Douglas (Doug) Martin Henning |
1962 - Michael Roy Hermanson |
1962 - Steven (Steve) Grant Hess |
1962 - Terrie Eileen Higgins Grist |
1962 - Patricia Gay Hjort Snyder |
1962 - Claudia May Hogan |
1962 - Marcia Elsie Houle Norton |
1962 - Andrew (Andy) Hrebeniuk |
1962 - Shirley Darlene Hyvari White |
1962 - George Malcom Israelson |
1962 - Joel Peter Jackson |
1962 - Roger Donald Jarman |
1962 - Jill Jefferson Troy |
1962 - Karen (Candy) Lee Johanson Johanson |
1962 - Dale Keith Johnson |
1962 - David Terry Johnson |
1962 - Leonard Claude Johnson |
1962 - Margaret Mary Jurgens Hall |
1962 - Richard (Rick) James Kaminski |
1962 - Karen Kay Kamp Morris |
1962 - Barbara Jo Keene Archer |
1962 - Judith (Judi) Ann Keith Robertson |
1962 - Gordon (Gordy) Douglas King |
1962 - Rodney (Rod) Charles Kittelson |
1962 - David Charles Knien |
1962 - Cheryl Sue Knight Bray |
1962 - Harriet S Korakis Monson |
1962 - David Merrill Krause |
1962 - Karen Kristine Kreger Sweet |
1962 - John Peter L'Heureux |
1962 - Ann Louise Lampert Kokesh |
1962 - Gene Lester Lander |
1962 - Warren Danforth Lane |
1962 - Grace Marie Laslo Gerber |
1962 - Stephen Lea,Jr. |
1962 - Katherine (Kitty) J. Leaf |
1962 - Lynda Rae Lesnick Waknuk |
1962 - Gilbert (Gil) Melvin Lillian |
1962 - Lorie Marie Lindquist Linden |
1962 - Raymond (Ray) Louie |
1962 - Mary Kaye Malan Peterson |
1962 - Sandra Diane Marchant Quimby |
1962 - Sandra Lee Markstaller McGarry |
1962 - Karl Eric Martin |
1962 - Thomas Benjamin McCreadie |
1962 - John Charles McMullen |
1962 - Patrick Roy McMullen |
1962 - Jocille P Miglorie Henson |
1962 - Judy Mitchell |
1962 - Bruce Allen Money |
1962 - Fred Tollak Monson |
1962 - Ellen Marie Moore Roberts |
1962 - Marvin Louis Morgan |
1962 - Patti Lou Murphy Ajax |
1962 - William Joseph Murphy |
1962 - Donald (Don) Roy Myklebust |
1962 - Paul (Jim) James Neeley |
1962 - Wayne Douglas Nichols |
1962 - Robert (Bob) Lee Nordness |
1962 - Joann Norton Janetto |
1962 - Douglas Lee Nystrom |
1962 - Richard (Toby) Eugene Olberding |
1962 - Cecelia Marlene Painter Allen |
1962 - Cynthia Gay Pardo Smith |
1962 - Charleen (Char) Anne Parks Sligar |
1962 - Eileen Mary Pitcher |
1962 - Carl H Plumb |
1962 - William (Bill) Rene Pontious |
1962 - Bonny Mae Postlethwaite Allen |
1962 - Bruce (Ed) Edward Rasmussen |
1962 - Edward (Ed) Allen Rasmussen |
1962 - Wallace Lyons Ridgway |
1962 - Constance (Connie) Robinson Abramson |
1962 - Gail Lela Rogers Buxton |
1962 - Jean Adele Roth |
1962 - Roger Charles Rourke |
1962 - Ronald (Ron) Gene Routh |
1962 - Jack Raymond Rutherford,Sr. |
1962 - MaryJean Sarich Nicholls |
1962 - Joyce Lou Schedin Lamb |
1962 - Mary Kaye Scheldt Wright |
1962 - Janet Mary Scott |
1962 - Donna Mae Shipton Sorensen |
1962 - Leo Fred Sicklebower,Jr. |
1962 - Rosalie Simon Talley |
1962 - John (Randy) Randall Simonsen |
1962 - Roger H Slater |
1962 - Janette Elaine Snyder Lane |
1962 - Ronald James Snyder, Sr |
1962 - Raymond William Spafford |
1962 - Donald Wallace Strane |
1962 - Darlene Angelina Sumner Jeansonne |
1962 - Olaf Anker Tenlen |
1962 - Charles Delland Thompson |
1962 - Tina Torstenson Jolley |
1962 - Carolyn Jane Townsend Smith |
1962 - Paul Clinton Trahan, Jr |
1962 - Robert Vadset |
1962 - Richard B VanHouten |
1962 - Stephanie Jo Wagner |
1962 - Claudia Jane Wallis Murphy |
1962 - David Sylvester Walters |
1962 - Gerald (Jerry) Walter Walvatne |
1962 - Allana Theresa Warren |
1962 - Malcolm James Way |
1962 - Elizabeth (Bonnie) Finley Weed Denning |
1962 - Mabel Lucille Whittaker |
1962 - Phyllis Joanne Wilson Schellpfeffer |
1962 - Frederick (Fred) Edward Winslow |
1962 - Elizabeth (Betty) Reca Withem O'Grady |
1962 - Marcia Alina Yerkes Freeman |
1962 - Shirley Joanne Zaic |
1962 - Robert Zornes |
Back to Top |
Class of 1963 |
1963 - Nancy Sharon Aagaard Budd |
1963 - Pearl Marie Abel West |
1963 - Roger Fremont Alleman |
1963 - Elling J Arentsen |
1963 - Michael Ralph Baker |
1963 - Marilyn Bammert Fall |
1963 - Charles Alan Benson |
1963 - Christopher (Bill) William Benton |
1963 - Patricia (Pat) Corrine Bergman Countryman |
1963 - Charles (Chuck) Eugene Bessner |
1963 - Jacqueline (Jackie) Kay Bickert Nielson |
1963 - Helga Boge |
1963 - Judith (Judy) Paula Bolotin |
1963 - Betty Janet Bradford Harrell |
1963 - William (Bill) Wiley Branom |
1963 - Richard C. Bressler |
1963 - Shirley Marie Brock Parkhurst |
1963 - James (Jim) Worth Carlin |
1963 - Jim Castle |
1963 - David (Dave) Bruce Clark |
1963 - Merle Alfred Connally |
1963 - Marilyn Ann Rose David Griffith |
1963 - James (Jim) Michael Davis |
1963 - John Lester DeLong, Jr |
1963 - Richard David Deonigi |
1963 - Jodi (Mary Jo) Dippert Castanon |
1963 - James Henry Doyon |
1963 - Patricia (Pat) Rae Edwards |
1963 - Steven (Steve) Carl Eide |
1963 - James Merrill Eldridge |
1963 - James Kenneth Elmer |
1963 - Terry Alan Evans |
1963 - Robert (Bob) Charles Fall |
1963 - Barbara Daphne Foy Henson |
1963 - Virginia Sue Freeman |
1963 - Boris Fronckevics |
1963 - Phyllis Elaine GeBott Olson |
1963 - Roseanne Mary Glaefke Brunsell |
1963 - Diane Louise Gonty Modrell |
1963 - Judith (Judie) Rebecca Gonty Mateu |
1963 - Dwight Warren Hagan |
1963 - William (Bill) Stephen Haimes |
1963 - Richard Allen Hale |
1963 - Donna Jean Hartz Horn |
1963 - John Arthur Hill |
1963 - Raymond (Ray) Eugene Hurley |
1963 - Steve Imsland |
1963 - Rickard (Dick) David Jaklewicz |
1963 - Katherine (Kathy) Alice Jasper Stewart |
1963 - Ron Lynn Johanson |
1963 - Herb E. Johnsen |
1963 - Herb Johnson |
1963 - John Robert Kerrigan |
1963 - Nancy Pingyou Koo Rhodes |
1963 - Walter (Tom) Thomas Lamb |
1963 - Douglas P Lavan |
1963 - Jon Rolfe Leach |
1963 - Robert Harry Leanderson |
1963 - James Donald Learman |
1963 - Robert (Bob) Steven Leggitt |
1963 - Richard (Richie) Martin Lemieux |
1963 - Richard Leroy Lontz |
1963 - James (Doug) Douglas Lorentzen |
1963 - Donna Ilene MacKenzie Griffin |
1963 - Larry Charles Mangini |
1963 - Jerry Vincent McManus |
1963 - Suran Lee Meissner Kyte |
1963 - Dorothy JoAnne Miller |
1963 - Thomas Clarke Mobbs |
1963 - Jean Louise Moore Cooper |
1963 - Bernadine Aline Morrison Trier |
1963 - Dave Paul Neubauer |
1963 - Dale Stephen Neumann |
1963 - Lloyd Henry Olson,Jr. |
1963 - Carol Ann Page Alberthal |
1963 - Larrie Joe Parker |
1963 - Orion Dewey Pepin |
1963 - Keith N Peterson |
1963 - Linda Jane Pettit Collins |
1963 - Resa Ann Potthoff Foss |
1963 - George Burton Rigg |
1963 - Dorothy Bernice Riss Love |
1963 - Louise Sharon Ryan Sweet |
1963 - Paula Rae Savage Sockwell |
1963 - Nancy M Schindler Wallace-Jans |
1963 - David Charles Schulz |
1963 - Sherlee Jean Serben Pesta |
1963 - Warwick (Rick) Tyman Shettle |
1963 - Gary Patrick Slattery |
1963 - James Richard Smith |
1963 - Walter (Walt) Henry Somers |
1963 - Harry Stasinos |
1963 - Dennis Lee Steltzer |
1963 - Helen Joy Stipek Bower |
1963 - Darrel Brent Stone |
1963 - Byron Rudolph Strang |
1963 - Bruce Stephen Stream |
1963 - Richard (Dick) Lawrence Sweet |
1963 - Kenneth (Ken) Lee Swenson |
1963 - Susan Drusilla Thompson Nield |
1963 - Holly Francis Turner Wooten |
1963 - Richard Duane Westberg |
1963 - Carl Douglas Westling |
1963 - Michael Henry Peter Winston |
1963 - Clinton (Clint) Ray Worthington |
1963 - George John Xenos |
1963 - Donald Allen Youngquist |
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Class of 1964 |
1964 - Cynthia Marie Aasen Pellegrino |
1964 - Joseph Howard Allread |
1964 - William (Bill) Raphael Angel |
1964 - Keve Wenner. Anshutz |
1964 - Keith Ronald Atwood |
1964 - Rosanna Baker Price |
1964 - Francine Catherine Barr |
1964 - William (Bill) Gordon Barrett |
1964 - Ernesta Batayola |
1964 - Douglas Burl Bauguess |
1964 - Jacquelynne ("Jackie") Beck Gundersen |
1964 - Barbara Bjornsen Dinkins |
1964 - Karen Paullette Black |
1964 - Mary Ann Boettiger Ramirez |
1964 - Oisteen Boge |
1964 - Lori Lee Boone Charles |
1964 - William (Bill) Patrick Callahan |
1964 - Robert Thomas Carlson |
1964 - Donald Harry Carr |
1964 - Kenneth Lee Christophersen |
1964 - Jessica Lou Cogo Sutherland |
1964 - Gilbert Lloyd Coleman |
1964 - Francis Michael Connors |
1964 - Craig Lee Couden |
1964 - Gail Elizabeth Cunningham Lush |
1964 - John (Jack) Dominic Cusimano |
1964 - Laura Ann Delancey |
1964 - Mary Irene Delong Foley |
1964 - Peter Dounis |
1964 - Stephen Edward Dvorak |
1964 - Diane Dyer |
1964 - Michael Loren Eary |
1964 - Ronald Jay Edlin |
1964 - Clarence Isaiah Enault,Jr. |
1964 - James Albert Fall |
1964 - Jeanne (Jean) Fedosenko Gerde |
1964 - Jaclyn Gladys Finney Putney |
1964 - Jon Anthony Flambures |
1964 - James Anthony Fleek |
1964 - Gary Fritts |
1964 - Judy Marie Gauthier Loop |
1964 - Laural (Susie) I Gillis Luening |
1964 - Trudy Ellen Gonyea Johnson |
1964 - Patricia Gorham Beck |
1964 - Kathleen Margaret Griffen Sala |
1964 - William Ernest Groves |
1964 - William H. Guinn |
1964 - William Karl Gunther |
1964 - Olav John Haarklou |
1964 - Eli Edwin Hamblet,Jr. |
1964 - Jo Ellen Christine Hansen Johnston |
1964 - Joseph Harry Hartman |
1964 - Susan Marie Hendrix |
1964 - Craig Hermansen |
1964 - Michael Hertlein |
1964 - William (Mike) Michael Hjort |
1964 - Constance Louise Hrdy Etherington |
1964 - Cynthia Pamela Huff Wilson |
1964 - John Robert Hulslander |
1964 - Hayden Hays Hutchinson |
1964 - Robert (Bob) Lee Hutchison |
1964 - Patricia Ann Jacoby Stuart |
1964 - Neil Walter Jess |
1964 - Bill (Billie) Thomas Johnson |
1964 - Karl Rodney Karzmar |
1964 - Tom Warren Keigley |
1964 - Byron Alick Kielley |
1964 - Sandra Lou Klettke |
1964 - Lyle Stewart Kluger |
1964 - Virginia Ruth Knierim Shockey |
1964 - John R. Korvin |
1964 - Boyd Kravenas |
1964 - Jeffrey W. Lamey |
1964 - Richard Allan Larue |
1964 - Julie Marie LaVergne |
1964 - Lawrence (Larry) Clyde Lawson |
1964 - Louese Ella LeMay Hurley |
1964 - O'Felia R.G. Lobo Green |
1964 - Keith Mauritz Logdahl |
1964 - William (Bill) Carlyle Lunde |
1964 - Michael Robert Mars |
1964 - Sheri Lynn Matchett Merrick |
1964 - Larie Mavon Wall |
1964 - Glenn Edward Maxwell |
1964 - Nancy Jo McBride |
1964 - Arthur (Skip) Marvin McDaniel |
1964 - Samuel William McKnight |
1964 - Robert Franklin McMaster |
1964 - Joseph Mihelich |
1964 - Lee Allen Miley |
1964 - Dean James Montgomery |
1964 - Karin Leigh Morin Rushton |
1964 - James Lee Morrison |
1964 - Michael (Mike) Andrew Morrison |
1964 - Louis James Morseth |
1964 - William Edward Moulton |
1964 - James Robert Muir |
1964 - Margaret Mary. Murray |
1964 - Joseph Francis Murrey,Jr. |
1964 - James Dennis Nolan |
1964 - Noel Royal Nyman |
1964 - Francelia Maud Orcutt |
1964 - Sally Ann Orrell May |
1964 - John Richard Palmer |
1964 - Iris Louise Parkinson Jones |
1964 - Betty Parsons Korssjoen |
1964 - Marna (Vicki) Victoria Perine Storhoff |
1964 - James Theodore Phillips |
1964 - Sandra Kathleen Pritchard Hopkins |
1964 - Judy Anne Puetz Pearsall |
1964 - Patricia Ann Rand Alexander |
1964 - Leroy Edward Reukauf |
1964 - Timothy Louis Rolfe |
1964 - David Owen Ryder |
1964 - Jonathon Mark Ryndak |
1964 - Joan Theresa Saunders Elkey-Klancke |
1964 - Joan Saunders,Elkey Klancke |
1964 - Leroy James Schoell,Jr. |
1964 - Bonnie Jean Sharff |
1964 - John Peter A. Sherwin |
1964 - James Arthur Shipe |
1964 - Carol Maria Shooner Stimach |
1964 - Russell Wilbur Skaggs |
1964 - Logan Douglas Slater |
1964 - Mark Edward Stark |
1964 - Gary Lewis Storm |
1964 - Nanette Loreen Sutton |
1964 - Clark Thomas Templeman,Jr. |
1964 - Barbara Ellen VanWechel Henry |
1964 - John Hubert Vicklund |
1964 - Barbara Carol Wagner Cummins |
1964 - Clyde LaSalle Wagner,Jr. |
1964 - Richard Way |
1964 - William Frederic Wenger |
1964 - Carolyn Edith White Weaver |
1964 - Richard Michael Williams |
1964 - Kenny Lee Yost |
1964 - Patricia Young Navarrette |
1964 - Walter John Zimmer |
Back to Top |
Class of 1965 |
1965 - Winnie (Wendy) Albrecht Mulder |
1965 - Kevin Anne Allen |
1965 - Michael James Allen |
1965 - Stephen Stanley Alvine |
1965 - Kristine Margaret Andersen Tibeau |
1965 - Terry Gordon Archer |
1965 - Gregory James Barrett |
1965 - Dennis Bass |
1965 - Janet Marie Berry Rasmussen |
1965 - Chris George Betras |
1965 - Kathryn Joyce Bishop Lanz-North |
1965 - Hattie Bouton Craig |
1965 - Janet Brown |
1965 - Niles Burney |
1965 - Ardie (Toni) June Campbell Maupin |
1965 - Dona M. Carnahan Campbell |
1965 - Kathleen Louise Carrigan Brennen |
1965 - Theresa Carter White |
1965 - Marsha Ann Champagne Hanson |
1965 - Roger Harold Christensen, Jr |
1965 - Lawrence (Larry) Glen Clovis |
1965 - Marie Annette Conlan Briski |
1965 - Gary Connally |
1965 - Peggy Copher Slawson |
1965 - Albert Creitz |
1965 - Carole Crippen Heitmiller |
1965 - Charles Scott Cummings |
1965 - Larry Allen Dahl |
1965 - Quentin Edwin Darby |
1965 - Cheryl Donnell Darting-Templet Dereche |
1965 - Lacy Ann Deardorf Jangaard |
1965 - William Mikeal Michael Denhoff |
1965 - Gary Dokken |
1965 - Jack Dow |
1965 - John Eacker |
1965 - Lynda Gail Egerdahl |
1965 - Sue Jo Emerick |
1965 - Ilene Engard Guthrie |
1965 - Richard Mario Fitzgerald |
1965 - Valerie Rose Fredrickson Frink |
1965 - Edward Thomas Dante Frodsham |
1965 - Michael Roe Fultz |
1965 - James Allen Fyfe |
1965 - Guy Gilbo |
1965 - Michael Gladfelter |
1965 - Terry L Goett Bursett |
1965 - Terry Gordon |
1965 - Larry Grant |
1965 - Gretchen Louise Griffin |
1965 - Richard Dahlmon Griggs, Jr |
1965 - Eileen Guenther Briem |
1965 - Patricia J. Gustafson Sanders |
1965 - LeRoy Hall |
1965 - Donivan Eugene Hallett |
1965 - John Neil Halvorson |
1965 - Steve Barry Handlin |
1965 - David Walkere Hanson |
1965 - Norman (Norm) Lee Hanson |
1965 - Donald Eugene Harris |
1965 - Kenneth Charles Hayden |
1965 - Jane Heller Waters |
1965 - Daniel Raymond Hendricksen |
1965 - David Andrew Higginbottom |
1965 - Kenneth Richard Hillson |
1965 - Jacqueline Howard Tabata |
1965 - William (Bill) Howell |
1965 - Paul George Hundley |
1965 - Wanda Hunt Wilkinson |
1965 - Howard Husmoe |
1965 - Charles Frank Hutter |
1965 - Taynor Isaacson |
1965 - John Jacobson |
1965 - Linda Sue Jacobson Papineau |
1965 - Patricia Alice Jamerson |
1965 - Sharon L Johnson Fruehling |
1965 - Bruce Johnston |
1965 - Marion E. Joy |
1965 - Jeanne D. Kaupang |
1965 - Mary Kimberlin |
1965 - Frank (Sheldon) Sheldon Kjerulf |
1965 - Robin G. Klein Cassidy |
1965 - Richard Kojev |
1965 - Lawrence C Kolloen |
1965 - Julius Martin Konzelman,III |
1965 - Wayne Leroy Laabs |
1965 - Kathleen E. Lammers Welch |
1965 - James Laws |
1965 - Anthony Lee |
1965 - Magdeline M. Lee |
1965 - Robert (Bob) E Lindblom |
1965 - Cynthia Lyster Jellen |
1965 - Sarah Lytle Fisher |
1965 - Doreen M. MacDonald |
1965 - John Maduzia |
1965 - Christopher Marsden |
1965 - Sharon A. Masse |
1965 - Kathie Mast Jones |
1965 - Juanita Lee Matthews Fritts |
1965 - Michael Mattson |
1965 - William McConnell |
1965 - Richard McGowan |
1965 - John McGraw |
1965 - Marji Maxine McLeod Phillips |
1965 - Kathleen McPhee Stensvig |
1965 - John Henry Mitchell |
1965 - Kathleen A. Navin Aylward |
1965 - Carol Nemec Gaffner |
1965 - George Anne (Devon) O'Brien |
1965 - John Arthur Ostler |
1965 - Michael Paduano |
1965 - Richard (Dick) Anthony Pauletti |
1965 - Christy Robert Pearsall |
1965 - Robert Pederson |
1965 - Charles Pelton,III |
1965 - Janice M Pennington Grandon |
1965 - Bonny Rardin Brown |
1965 - Lana Louise Reukauf Chlosta |
1965 - Rita Margaret Richstad Glover |
1965 - Julian P. Riepe |
1965 - Arthur Salvador Riff |
1965 - William Russell Robertson,Jr. |
1965 - Diane Rockas |
1965 - Michael James Sarrett |
1965 - JoAnn Marie Schaedler Malavotte |
1965 - Nancy Sexauer Schlomann |
1965 - Douglas Victor Shaver |
1965 - Gloria M. Skeel |
1965 - Robert Arnold Smith |
1965 - Robert George Smith |
1965 - Richard T Starr |
1965 - Monica Rae Stein |
1965 - Steve Ray Stepro |
1965 - Craig Stevens |
1965 - Maynard Vincent Tapp |
1965 - Carol Marie Tate Ingle |
1965 - John Cullen Tate |
1965 - George Taylor |
1965 - Robert Terry |
1965 - Thomas Cecil Thiel, Jr |
1965 - Karen Thomas Ironwing |
1965 - Barbara (Bo) Thompson Ryan |
1965 - James Thorstenson |
1965 - Donald Townsend |
1965 - Cristie Alice Tudor |
1965 - Susan (Sue) Kay Turner Clark |
1965 - Michael Paul Turnsen |
1965 - Dennis Vandervort |
1965 - Robert (Bob) Steven Wade |
1965 - Larry Arkwright Wallinger |
1965 - Lawrence Webb |
1965 - Kathleen (Kathy) A. Weinke |
1965 - Stanley Joseph Wells |
1965 - Kathleen Judy Werth Arnold |
1965 - Cheryl L. Wilkinson Henry |
1965 - Jack Wong |
1965 - Gary Lee Young |
1965 - Galen M. Ytterdal |
Back to Top |
Class of 1966 |
1966 - Larraine Adele Aaron Lundquist |
1966 - Peggy Louise Abercrombie Jackson |
1966 - Patricia Adams Lindblad |
1966 - George aka Buzz Suprenant Jahn |
1966 - Andrew ("Andy") Ole Anderson |
1966 - Kaye Louise Anderson Hartelius |
1966 - Mary (Angel) Ann Angel Patterson |
1966 - William (Bill) Glen Austin |
1966 - Gary Douglas Barmuta |
1966 - Linda Carol Basden Simon |
1966 - Harvey Foster Bell, Jr |
1966 - Jack Thomas Bellingham |
1966 - William Terry Block |
1966 - Patricia ("Pat") Marie Bonafair Hallgarth |
1966 - Paul Bilund Brannan |
1966 - Cora Mae Britton Kouf |
1966 - Lindsey C. Brobeck Ozment |
1966 - Sandra ("Sandy") Lynn Burke Moser |
1966 - Susan K. Burris Long |
1966 - Douglas ("Doug") Bryon Burt |
1966 - Mary ("Jo") Jo Byars Broderick |
1966 - Barbara ("Barb") Mae Callahan Elliott |
1966 - Marilyn Karen Campbell Melle |
1966 - Valerie Irene Carter Haavig |
1966 - Darrell (Kennedy) Charles |
1966 - Frederick ("Fred") Eugene Childs |
1966 - Kathleen Mary Cummings McLean |
1966 - Edward James Czubin |
1966 - Dean Arthur Dakers |
1966 - Craig Ronald Danielson |
1966 - Linda Gail Dempsey-Cole |
1966 - Allen Wayne Dermody |
1966 - Michael ("Mike") James Dougherty |
1966 - Robert ("Bob") Dewey Eagle |
1966 - Paul Charles Egan |
1966 - Douglas ("Doug") Howard Engelke |
1966 - Susan ("Sue") Louise Ersfeld Johnsen |
1966 - Mace Moss Estey |
1966 - Gordon ("Gordie") Brian Evans |
1966 - Raymond ("Ray") Eugene Finney |
1966 - Karen Lee Fitch Harwood |
1966 - Carl Hobart Flynn |
1966 - Randy Lyle Ford |
1966 - Allan ("Al") Marcus Frederickson |
1966 - Robin Frisbie Galvin |
1966 - Elaine Barbara Gant Liming |
1966 - Sandra ("Sandi") Gayle Gengler |
1966 - Joan Eleanor Groves Hindman |
1966 - Sonja Louretta Haarklou Tilton |
1966 - Wesley Hagen |
1966 - Nancy Hammock |
1966 - Geraldine ("Geri") Patricia Heerman Green-Smith |
1966 - Linda Rae Hendrickson Rungo |
1966 - Norma Lee Herrick Barnet |
1966 - Florence Louise Hewson |
1966 - Peter ("Pete") Joel Higginbottom |
1966 - Justin Kirby Hill |
1966 - James ("Jim") Earl Hofacker, Jr |
1966 - Anne Marie Holland Mitchell |
1966 - Ralph Orval Inman |
1966 - John Andrew Ireland |
1966 - Michael ("Mike") Vern Jacobs O'Leary |
1966 - William ("Doug") Douglas Jaeb |
1966 - Linda Kay Jensen Bedford |
1966 - Clifford (Mick) M Johns |
1966 - Ronald ("Ron") Edward Johnson |
1966 - Gladden Berl Johnson, Jr. |
1966 - Mike ("Mike") David Jolly |
1966 - Lawrence (Larry) Joseph Kelly |
1966 - Melody Shirleen King Triloff |
1966 - Leonard ("Len") John Lawson |
1966 - Thomas ("Don") Donald Lee |
1966 - Irma Remedios Lobo |
1966 - Darrel Wayne Lyon |
1966 - Ronald ("Ron") Charles Mahler |
1966 - Robert ("Bob") Allen Marshall |
1966 - Carol Francis Marx Anderson |
1966 - Bret Martin McDonald |
1966 - Michael ("Mike") Oran McDonald |
1966 - Paula Marie McKnight Mick |
1966 - Martin Menjares |
1966 - Richard Roland Michalski |
1966 - Robert John Miller |
1966 - Paul Rene Moreau |
1966 - Dale Erwin Moser |
1966 - Katherine ("Katei") Mullikin Glassburn |
1966 - Polly Ann Murdock Ball |
1966 - John Thomas Mydynski |
1966 - Carol Esther Nielsen |
1966 - Christine ("Chris") Marie Noah-Nichols |
1966 - Richard (Rick) Alan Nuetzmann |
1966 - Roger Alan O'Connell |
1966 - Steven ("Steve") William Palmer |
1966 - William John Peters |
1966 - Linda Anne Pitblado Wollam |
1966 - Kenneth Edward Plyler |
1966 - John Franklin Premo |
1966 - Loren Howard Reynolds |
1966 - Kenneth ("Ken") Francis Robitaille |
1966 - Alan Lee Ross |
1966 - Betty I Russell Andres |
1966 - Craig Allen Ryder |
1966 - Rebecca ("Becky") Sue Ryndak Patrick |
1966 - Jeffrey (:Jeff") Joseph Salzman |
1966 - Ronald (Ron) Bruce Scharf |
1966 - Danita ("Danielle) Renee Shelton Ross |
1966 - Donald ("Don") Earl Siljeg |
1966 - Lynn Denise Smith Magner |
1966 - Leslie ("Les") Warren Soderquist |
1966 - Stephen ("Steve") Stewart Spencer |
1966 - Judith Lynn Tannhauser Mina |
1966 - Thomas (Tom) Scott Tate |
1966 - Rufus King Taylor |
1966 - Sharon Maureen Taylor Richards |
1966 - Sally Masters Thomas Greene |
1966 - Myrna I. Thompson |
1966 - Thomas ("Tom") Alvin Thompson |
1966 - Jesse James Toro |
1966 - Judith (Judi") Laura Vaughn Wynne |
1966 - Benjamin ("Ben") Marvin Vaughn, Jr |
1966 - Gerald (Jerry) Alan Vines |
1966 - Mary-Jo Wanwig Tapp |
1966 - Elizabeth ("Betty Jean") Jean Watson Walgamott |
1966 - Janna Theresa Weaver |
1966 - Richard Phillip Wheeler |
1966 - Arleen Gay Williams |
1966 - Jamie Leigh Windus Dahlgren |
1966 - Patsy ("Pat") Jean Wood Breakfield |
1966 - Betty Jean Young |
1966 - Steven Zybura |
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Class of 1967 |
1967 - Dale Edward Anderson |
1967 - Peder Walter Armstrong |
1967 - David G Artim |
1967 - Gary Vance Beardon |
1967 - David (Dave) Thayne Bellessa |
1967 - David Roger Berg |
1967 - Lucinda (Cindy) C. Boone |
1967 - Burt (Burtski) Frederick Bossert |
1967 - Carolyn Joyce Bowman Caldera |
1967 - Gregory Melton Boyd |
1967 - Keith William Boyd |
1967 - Pamela Dee Bradeen Agee |
1967 - Trine Lunde Brandsrud Alberg |
1967 - Kathleen A. Bridges Erickson |
1967 - Dwight Mahlon Brosseau |
1967 - Steve J Buck |
1967 - Bruce E. Burge |
1967 - Bonnie Burks Nelson |
1967 - Jacqueline Laverne Burns Walker |
1967 - Sharon Carlson Conditt |
1967 - Barbara Anne Church Enstrom |
1967 - James Allen Coats-Gamboa |
1967 - David Coleman |
1967 - Patrick Joseph Copeland |
1967 - Darlene Craig Hollis |
1967 - Sheryl Bertha Craig Everson |
1967 - John Linden Criscuola |
1967 - Diane D. Eustis |
1967 - Margaret A. Felton |
1967 - Todd Weldon Fitzgerald |
1967 - Elizabeth Ann Galvin Lee |
1967 - Sandra Lynn Garross |
1967 - Alexander Nathan Gillis |
1967 - Wendell John Morell Graham, Jr |
1967 - Dennis Grimes |
1967 - Lane Guthrie |
1967 - Steven Hanson |
1967 - David John Heller |
1967 - Donald Lennart Hellstrom |
1967 - Roger Phillip Hess |
1967 - Benjamin (Ben) Jospeh Hoskins |
1967 - Geraldine (Gerry) Lee Howard |
1967 - Roseanne Huddleston Sands |
1967 - James Dean Huisman |
1967 - Jeffrey Huttner |
1967 - Donald Johnson |
1967 - Kenneth Andrew Kirkness |
1967 - Lawrence (Larry) Daniel Knien |
1967 - Robert Allan Krommenhoek |
1967 - Constance (Connie) Kronfield Ripley |
1967 - Gary Curtis Krueger |
1967 - David Henry Kunkle |
1967 - Evelyn Thea Larsen |
1967 - Colin Robert LaVergne |
1967 - Anthony (Walt) Walter Logan |
1967 - Peter Loucks |
1967 - Dornie J. MacKenzie |
1967 - Keith Scott Moore |
1967 - Lynn L. Mortimer |
1967 - Steven Charles Nagel |
1967 - Richard (Rick) William Nelson |
1967 - John Richard Nordness |
1967 - Thomas (Tom) Clifford Ossinger |
1967 - James (Jim) G. Picht |
1967 - Andrea (Renee) Rausch Hunt |
1967 - Anita Louise Read |
1967 - Richard Redfield |
1967 - Gloria ("Gigi") Gail Reukauf Little |
1967 - Steven (Steve) Rowe |
1967 - Carol Loraine Schulz Hayes |
1967 - Linda Schute |
1967 - Donella Lee Schwab |
1967 - Sandra Marie Scrivanich Brann |
1967 - Ronald E Siedlecki |
1967 - Neal Summers |
1967 - Mary Adele Sundsby Pasay |
1967 - James Donald Sweet |
1967 - David (Dave) James Taylor |
1967 - Donald (Don) Paul Thomson |
1967 - Benjamin Sig Thorsteinson |
1967 - Joseph L. Ungari |
1967 - Aart Cornelius VanKlaveren |
1967 - Margaret (Peggy) Nadine Vaughn Larson |
1967 - Donald James Wade |
1967 - Michael Robert Wanwig |
1967 - Linda Louise Wheeler |
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Class of 1968 |
1968 - Michelle Elizabeth Allen |
1968 - Karlynne Adelle Andersen Tazioli |
1968 - Bruce Gerald Anrys |
1968 - John Avery |
1968 - Karen Louise Babb |
1968 - Jerry Edwin Barker |
1968 - Nancy L. Barlow |
1968 - Mitchel (Mitch) George Beatty |
1968 - Padra Michelle Branch Henderson |
1968 - Gaye Meredith Branham |
1968 - Randy Allen Cameron |
1968 - Hallie Marie Carpenter Prall |
1968 - Peter Michael Castner |
1968 - Darlene (Yeuk) Ying Chu |
1968 - Garry Thomas Clark |
1968 - Jack Ivan Cobb |
1968 - Theresa Marie Conklin Toyne |
1968 - Donald Anthony Cook, Jr |
1968 - Stephen John Cullinane |
1968 - Leonard Denini |
1968 - Michael Jerome Dennis |
1968 - David Dickinson |
1968 - Gary Dennis Drovetto |
1968 - Dyanne Dye Desdier |
1968 - James Leonard Eagle |
1968 - Mary Anne Elsasser |
1968 - Daniel (Dan) James Ford |
1968 - William Charles Freeman |
1968 - Deborah J. Gorham |
1968 - Thomas (Tom) J. Grant |
1968 - Jeffrey Guinn |
1968 - Royce Howard Henson |
1968 - Roger Herrin |
1968 - Gordon David Hjelm |
1968 - Craig Hohblein |
1968 - Stanley Ray Honea |
1968 - Mary Ann Hrvatin |
1968 - Judith (Judy) Diane Hurd Bailey |
1968 - Gordon Lewis Hynd |
1968 - Norman Isaacson |
1968 - Judith Ann Jacobs Lukatah |
1968 - Sharlene Jenness |
1968 - Kathie Johnson Woolley |
1968 - Michael Kenney |
1968 - Carolyn Knight Bodmer |
1968 - James Knudtson |
1968 - Margarethe (Maggie) S. Korvin |
1968 - Lynn Marian Laws Redd |
1968 - Mitch A. Mathers |
1968 - Joel Kevin Neubauer |
1968 - Elke T. Nicolai |
1968 - Stephen Orrell |
1968 - Brenda Jo Oswald Marks |
1968 - Susan Pickett Palmer |
1968 - Arleen M. Queener Fishel |
1968 - Richard Alan Rennebohm |
1968 - Terry I Rhoton |
1968 - Brian L Rosberg |
1968 - Ernest (Joe) Joseph Sabo, Jr |
1968 - Ernest (Joe) Joseph Sabo,Jr. |
1968 - Steven Sandvick |
1968 - James W. Scott |
1968 - Bonnie Lou Sharp |
1968 - Janice Mary Spies LaVine |
1968 - Kathleen (Kathy) Jane Stahlhut Schreiber |
1968 - Shirley Jo Stinsman Hanson |
1968 - Thomas Stoll |
1968 - Catherine J. Stuart |
1968 - Sotria Tsoukalas |
1968 - Donald VanDerYacht |
1968 - Toni Kay Vitalich Funk |
1968 - William (Bill) John Waldrop |
1968 - Mark Walters |
1968 - Anne Louise Warren Ferguson |
1968 - James Kenneth Williams |
1968 - Gail Wineinger Wideen |
1968 - Michael Douglas Winkler |
1968 - Gerald Frederick Ystrom |
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Class of 1969 |
1969 - Lonnie Hoyt Acree |
1969 - Karlye Anderson Tazioli |
1969 - Diana Barker Barker-Schmid |
1969 - Diana Jean Barker Barker-Schmid |
1969 - Paul (Tom) Thomas Barrows |
1969 - David Beaughan |
1969 - Daniel Bell |
1969 - Nancy Jean Berg Sanders |
1969 - James Edward Bianchi |
1969 - Daniel Boe |
1969 - Gerald (Jerry) Lee Bradford |
1969 - Arnold Wesley Brown |
1969 - Michael Jay Buchanan |
1969 - Shirley Budiselick |
1969 - Lynn Marie Cardinal Webber |
1969 - Randi Carey Rus |
1969 - Randy Karl Cawthon |
1969 - Robert Michael Clark |
1969 - Richard Claus |
1969 - Ruth Diane Clinkenbeard |
1969 - Joe Wesley Davis |
1969 - Paul Edward Early |
1969 - Terrill Fasnacht |
1969 - Mark Douglas Franklin |
1969 - Douglas Ralph Frederickson |
1969 - Scott Freeman |
1969 - Anthony Foster Gallo |
1969 - Walter (Wally) George Gauthier |
1969 - Robert Frederick Gessner |
1969 - Gary Arthur Grochow |
1969 - Debra Deanna Hagen Sullivan-Harrison |
1969 - Glen A Heatherington |
1969 - James Robert Hunter |
1969 - Brian A. Isaacson |
1969 - Leo Jedlow |
1969 - Judy Adaline Johnson Kerr |
1969 - Kenneth (Ken) Ross Jorgensen |
1969 - Karen Keenan Dick |
1969 - Karen Gladys Keene Driver |
1969 - Kimberly (Kim) Kay Keirsey |
1969 - Francis (Greg) Gregory Kent |
1969 - Donald Kraemer |
1969 - Margaret (Peggy) Ann Lawson Tallar |
1969 - Kevin James Leahy |
1969 - Leanne Sue Logan |
1969 - Edward (Harry) Harry Lorig,Jr. |
1969 - Mark Calvin Madsen |
1969 - Jerry Lynn Manfrida |
1969 - Robert (Bob) Joseph Mangini |
1969 - Roberto Presley Martinelli |
1969 - Thomas McCann |
1969 - Gail Curren McDaniel |
1969 - Linda McElhiney Williamson |
1969 - Paul Frederick Nelson |
1969 - Cleto Ordona |
1969 - Frederick Ordonia |
1969 - Linda J Ossinger Larsen |
1969 - James (Jim) Thomas Ozanne |
1969 - Kenneth (Kenn) Paulson |
1969 - Daniel (Dan) Platt |
1969 - Michael (Mike) Paul Prather |
1969 - Donald Alan Prozora |
1969 - Norma Marie Quijance Milluzzo |
1969 - Jerry Rhoton |
1969 - Diane Louise Ring Keller |
1969 - Daniel Rosenstein |
1969 - Simon-Peter Joseph Rowland |
1969 - Ross Rudie |
1969 - Candace Maude Rutherford Rowland |
1969 - Kathryn Margaret Sale Jones |
1969 - Betty Jean Santini |
1969 - Mike Scrivanich |
1969 - Richard (Dick) William Shemaria |
1969 - Frederick (Rick) Russell Smelser, III |
1969 - Jeffrey Smith |
1969 - Van Earl Stingel |
1969 - James (Jim) Sundsby |
1969 - Dale Turner |
1969 - Walter Wallace |
1969 - Rolfe (Walt) Edwin Westgaard |
1969 - Nancy Ann White |
1969 - Bill Whitten |
1969 - Wendy Kay Zimmerman Kirkendall |
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Class of 1970 |
1970 - Patrick Charles Adams |
1970 - Karen Joy Anderson Haimes |
1970 - William (Bill) Franklin Avery |
1970 - Pamela (Pam) June Berg Schoeppel |
1970 - Kenneth (Ken) Neil Beuhler |
1970 - Robert (Bob) Charles Blacknall |
1970 - Christian Abel Bockman |
1970 - Robert (Bob) Allen Bradley |
1970 - Steven (Steve) J. Brodahl |
1970 - Carol Alice Brown |
1970 - Douglas (Doug) Franklin Brown |
1970 - Marcia Jane Brown |
1970 - Jane Leslie Bus |
1970 - Kim Calkins |
1970 - Michael (Mike) Henry Carey |
1970 - Donald (Don) Alan Clovis |
1970 - Carla Ruth Cobb |
1970 - Chris Lynn Coito |
1970 - Valerie (Val) Kathleen Cook |
1970 - Francis (Frank) Lionel Faircloth |
1970 - Michael Lee Fawcett,Sr. |
1970 - William Benjamin Fields |
1970 - Alfred (Craig) Craig Gagnier |
1970 - Richard Wallace Gamble |
1970 - William (Bill) Glaefke |
1970 - John Golbienko |
1970 - Bruce Walter Griffen |
1970 - Roberta Jane Hansen |
1970 - Terri Harvey |
1970 - Rolf Holtz |
1970 - Brian Edward Hughes |
1970 - James (Buffalo) Leith Hurd |
1970 - Bonita Rose Huston |
1970 - Candice (Candy) Lynn Jesse |
1970 - Stephen Felix Kam |
1970 - Deborah (Debbie) Janine Kent |
1970 - Patrick Thomas Laws |
1970 - Richard Vernon Lee |
1970 - Kathleen (Katy) Michele Maguire Redfern |
1970 - Barbara Ann Martin |
1970 - Robert Arthur McDaniel |
1970 - William (Bill) Edward McLaughlin |
1970 - Brian Timothy McPhee |
1970 - Patrick Fred Merk |
1970 - Eileen Marie Mitchell |
1970 - Donald John Morris,Jr. |
1970 - Randall Lee Nelson |
1970 - Patrick O'Mara |
1970 - James Thomas Ozanne |
1970 - Gary Edwin Pearson |
1970 - Lynn Marie Pelleaux |
1970 - Harold Gary Petersen |
1970 - Stephen Jay Petersen |
1970 - Claudia Poinier Vaughan |
1970 - David Pritchard |
1970 - Paul Pugachoff |
1970 - Kenneth Gerald Raff |
1970 - George Michael Rauch |
1970 - Anthony (Tony) Peter Remedios |
1970 - Bert Eugene Robitaille |
1970 - Mary Ellen Schmaus |
1970 - Gary W. Shelley |
1970 - Betty Ann Simon |
1970 - Wayne Wiley Spangler |
1970 - Melissa Stein |
1970 - Timothy J. Stewart |
1970 - Shawn Michael Stich |
1970 - Wayne Douglas Stinsman |
1970 - Sharon Swain |
1970 - Derek Robert Taylor |
1970 - Bonnie Templeman Barnhart |
1970 - Clara Marie Towne |
1970 - Jerome (Jerry) Davis Walsh |
1970 - Kathy Anne Walt Kvalheim |
1970 - Ronald (Ron) George Watson |
1970 - Eileen Marie Wilson Wilson |
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Class of 1971 |
1971 - Michael Anderson |
1971 - Terrence Anderson |
1971 - Todd Anderson |
1971 - William Austin Arrott |
1971 - Robert Milton Austin |
1971 - Dennis Max Bauer |
1971 - Brian Earl Bearden |
1971 - Lawrence (Larry) Bern |
1971 - Colleen Gay Buchanan Furney |
1971 - Joseph Michael Colella |
1971 - Sally Ann Cook |
1971 - Cheryl Joy Eriksen |
1971 - Linda Louise Farrell |
1971 - Gerald Frisby |
1971 - Steven (Joey) Gregory |
1971 - Tom Helmick |
1971 - Tim Henkel |
1971 - Ronald Wayne Hughes |
1971 - Whitney Philip Jensen |
1971 - Michael Nels Larson |
1971 - Ralph Gene Leach |
1971 - Ronald Lewis |
1971 - Garth Lloyd Lodge |
1971 - Earl E. Markham |
1971 - Pamela Ann McGrath Luna |
1971 - Mitchell (Mitch) Kevin McMurry |
1971 - Edward Michael Mensing |
1971 - Michael Brian Neubauer |
1971 - Thomas Carlyle Neuss |
1971 - John Martin Pederson |
1971 - Robert Rehder |
1971 - William Reynolds |
1971 - Morris Mike Rones |
1971 - Joyce Schooley Odlaug |
1971 - Wendy Kay Singer |
1971 - Gary Skog |
1971 - Georgiana Spellacy Morrison |
1971 - Deanna Lynn St.Louis |
1971 - Jon Gregory Stickel |
1971 - Dennis (Denny) Boyd Stonehouse |
1971 - Karen Kay Voegele |
1971 - Ronald Wilson |
1971 - Alyce Anne Young Kasarda |
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Class of 1972 |
1972 - Robin Arthun |
1972 - Barbara Anne Helen Aschenbrenner Skoog |
1972 - David Alan Ayres |
1972 - Peri Lynn Ballard Cross |
1972 - Kelly Joseph Basden |
1972 - Kevin Bockman |
1972 - Ralph Borg |
1972 - Stanley (Stan) Bryon Bosse |
1972 - Charles L Brown |
1972 - Jeffrey Lee Brown |
1972 - Scott Casura |
1972 - Peggy Lee Church Robertson |
1972 - Stephen Allen Coan |
1972 - Robert Mark Davidson |
1972 - Randy DeFoi |
1972 - Michael (Mike) John Eland |
1972 - Victor Frank Farin |
1972 - Gregory James Fletcher |
1972 - Scott Ray Gianola |
1972 - Mildred Irene Greenfield Grasser |
1972 - David Alan Hanika |
1972 - Scott Hillesland |
1972 - Colleen Marie Hoenig Verginia |
1972 - George Huff |
1972 - Alen Hilman Janisch |
1972 - Sheree L Jensen |
1972 - Douglas D. C. Jerrett |
1972 - William (Bill) H. Kossen |
1972 - Stephani L. Larson |
1972 - Stephen (Steve) Charles Leathart |
1972 - Patricia Lee |
1972 - James Livingstone |
1972 - Wendy Lynn Marker |
1972 - Nathan Marston |
1972 - Teri Martin Pyle |
1972 - Patrice Mena |
1972 - Starla Marie Miller Smith |
1972 - Douglas Moening |
1972 - Marsha Ellen Morrell Faamuli |
1972 - David Eugene Murphy |
1972 - Paul Steven Nermo |
1972 - Gregory Neuman |
1972 - Karla'dee Ann Olsen Justice |
1972 - Loreta Minda Estigoy Ordona Griffin |
1972 - Annabel Rose Oversby Rondeau |
1972 - Frederick Peterson |
1972 - David Arthur Pilon |
1972 - Beth Sharp |
1972 - Lorna Jean Sharpe Dloughy-Cutice |
1972 - James Anthony Sloate |
1972 - Mike Gerard Smith |
1972 - Patricia Elaine Trine Atwood |
1972 - Janice Noreen Turner |
1972 - Samuel J Velasquez |
1972 - Marlynn Wald |
1972 - Glenn Norman Warren |
1972 - Andrew (Andy) Gregory Westgaard |
1972 - Charles Duncan Wilde |
1972 - Peter Woo |
Back to Top |
Class of 1973 |
1973 - Michael (Mike) A. Ahola |
1973 - Gary Martin Albright |
1973 - Jack Jeffrey Austin |
1973 - David (Dave) Grant Banks |
1973 - Eric N. Bjorklund |
1973 - Joseph (Joe) Meagher Borden |
1973 - Sally June Bouck |
1973 - Dickie Jean Burch Ennekling |
1973 - Donald (Don) Scott Buttles |
1973 - Garth C. Caruthers |
1973 - Rick Cavanaugh |
1973 - Gail Arlene Clark Kanski |
1973 - Dennis Gary Cooper |
1973 - Mike Lewis Dakan |
1973 - David W. Daniel |
1973 - Timothy (Tim) L Day |
1973 - Cynthia Ann Doyon |
1973 - Gary Wane Draper |
1973 - Dawn LaRae Evans Stewart |
1973 - Jim Ferry |
1973 - Gregory (Greg) Dean French |
1973 - Debra Laverne Hazel Uhrick |
1973 - Wendy Ann Hover Soriano |
1973 - Dean Allen Jacobson |
1973 - Tim M Kasten |
1973 - Brian J Klukas |
1973 - Cynthia (Cyndi) Kay Lenay |
1973 - Betty Lowe |
1973 - Jeffrey (Jeff) William McLaughlin |
1973 - Genevieve Mena Zea |
1973 - Don Miller |
1973 - Stanley (Stan) Alvar Nyberg |
1973 - Stefan Walter Pieczatkowski |
1973 - Daniel Rodney Pier |
1973 - Bonnie B. Robinson McLeod |
1973 - Kim Rohr |
1973 - Agnes L Rutledge |
1973 - David John Scott |
1973 - Bill Skurski |
1973 - Dannie Ray Smith |
1973 - Robert Smith |
1973 - Tilford I Smith |
1973 - Willardth Delon Smith |
1973 - Andrei Cornell Speaks |
1973 - James (Jim) Randall Stone |
1973 - Mark Stults |
1973 - Barron (Wayne) Wayne Thomas |
1973 - Carla Renee Timmons |
1973 - Susan Joy Turner VanKlaveren |
1973 - Wendell Dave Williams |
1973 - Manfred Popp Winkler |
1973 - Dave (Woody) Alan Woodhouse |
1973 - Patty Woolbert Hovis |
Back to Top |
Class of 1974 |
1974 - Larry Dean Ahola |
1974 - Ray A Albrecht |
1974 - Alan Ray Baker |
1974 - Sandra Jean Bergerson Davis |
1974 - Cynthia (Cindy) E. Brunotte |
1974 - David James Burlile |
1974 - Victoria Ann Burton |
1974 - Cynthia Clubine Quey |
1974 - Michael Dillon |
1974 - Diane Lena DuBois Apland |
1974 - Linda Lee Evensen Kish |
1974 - Clair E. Herrmann |
1974 - Susan Lea Hillesland Hansen |
1974 - Wayne Michael Hingtgen |
1974 - Dean Hirabayashi |
1974 - Patrick (PJ) Michael Jeffery |
1974 - Donna M. Keirn |
1974 - Sharon Elaine Key |
1974 - Sharon Tereasa Maples |
1974 - Robert (Bob) Dale Menzer |
1974 - Paul Richard Milliken |
1974 - Linda Muir Ritnour |
1974 - Linda Joy Muir |
1974 - John Andrew Nagy |
1974 - Charles Melford Orear |
1974 - Camilla Lorenzi Pascual Fleming |
1974 - Dan (Danny) Ropkins |
1974 - Todd Spencer Schilperoort |
1974 - Laura Shulmier Walker |
1974 - Steven James Stilwill |
1974 - Gregory Vincent Troupe |
1974 - Jessica B. Walsh Bowman |
Back to Top |
Class of 1975 |
1975 - Gary Anderson |
1975 - Julene Suzanne Anderson |
1975 - Norma Jean Austin |
1975 - Douglas Edwin Bach |
1975 - George J Blanchard |
1975 - Derwynn Brown |
1975 - Michael David Bury |
1975 - Brenda Cherry Satterfield |
1975 - Kevin Earl Chalk Christopher |
1975 - Lynn Ann Collins |
1975 - Karen E. Erdahl |
1975 - Kerry R Gallo |
1975 - Dale Bennet Goss |
1975 - Donald Edward Hammond |
1975 - Cliff Hayes |
1975 - Kathy Louise Henry Neumiller |
1975 - David Hill |
1975 - Gary Hudson |
1975 - Francis Jeannot |
1975 - Theodore Albert Johnstone |
1975 - Gregg Kraus |
1975 - Richard Leffall |
1975 - Catherine Barbara Lenay |
1975 - Johnna Moras |
1975 - Mark Morgan |
1975 - David Lindsay Muir |
1975 - Penny Parr Anglin |
1975 - Charles Michael Pisarcik |
1975 - Allen Donald Rainsberger |
1975 - Nora Jean Richards Thornton |
1975 - Ruanda (Randee) Romayne Selstad Selstad |
1975 - Robert Sherburne |
1975 - Ralph Edwin Terry |
1975 - Tone Thomas,Bowers Knapp |
1975 - Kenneth Allen Wosnig |
1975 - Neil Zimmer |
Back to Top |
Class of 1976 |
1976 - Dan Agustin |
1976 - Scott Andersen |
1976 - Michael Robert Atwood |
1976 - Brian L Baker |
1976 - Gloria Elaine Bathurst |
1976 - Gregory Bryant |
1976 - Eva C Callender Pesce |
1976 - Timothy Carter |
1976 - Michael (Mike) D Clinkenbeard |
1976 - David William Cook |
1976 - Donna Marie Dupke Jordan |
1976 - Richard Fisher |
1976 - Gary Gatewood |
1976 - John Marlow Gaw |
1976 - Adele Louise Heller Harvey |
1976 - Suzanne Bertha Hopkins Luna |
1976 - Alvin Jolivette |
1976 - William MacArthur Judson |
1976 - Jody Anne Keeler |
1976 - Susan Lynn Kelley |
1976 - Brian Stanley McMahon |
1976 - Michael (Mike) Ward Motzer |
1976 - Bob Nance |
1976 - Brenda Nelson Agustin |
1976 - John Ostrom |
1976 - Cheri L. Ouellette |
1976 - Lorreen Paulson Baltzell |
1976 - Kevin C. Paylor |
1976 - Gail P. Pearson Holmes |
1976 - Charles Powell |
1976 - Valerie Preston |
1976 - Karin Joan Rhinehart Copeland |
1976 - Lori Kay Richey |
1976 - Milton (Milt) David Spitzbart |
1976 - Mary Ann St.Nicholas |
1976 - Fred Symon |
1976 - Bruce Wayne Tackett, Sr |
1976 - James Turner |
1976 - Joan Elizabeth Ullom |
1976 - James (Jim) Earl VanCamp |
1976 - Sally Joseph Velasquez Delfierro |
1976 - David Harold Viken |
1976 - Lori J. Walters |
1976 - Cheri Lynnette Wester |
1976 - Jamie Wilson Johnson |
Back to Top |
Class of 1977 |
1977 - John (Greg) Gregory Baker |
1977 - Raymond Peter Buchanan |
1977 - Barbara Rene Buckley |
1977 - Ernest Duane Carlson |
1977 - Debra Lee Clayton Peterson |
1977 - John Brent Crosby |
1977 - Donna Fay Defoi |
1977 - Bruce Wayne Dixon |
1977 - John James England,III |
1977 - Jane Louise Ferguson |
1977 - Mary Ellen Hale |
1977 - Walter Fred Hanson,Jr. |
1977 - Daniel Christopher Joseph Harris,III |
1977 - Timothy (Tim) Hofto |
1977 - Michelle Elizabeth Olsen McBride |
1977 - Mary A. Rihanek Mackley |
1977 - Jeffrey A. Shaw |
1977 - Linda Louise Skylstad Schoelen |
1977 - Justin Quincy Smith |
1977 - Mark Robert Stevens |
Back to Top |
Class of 1978 |
1978 - Mitchell David Agan |
1978 - Jeffrey Lance Anderson |
1978 - Julie Jo Armbruster Church |
1978 - Brett Roger Brekke |
1978 - Maralee Christian Fisher |
1978 - Eileen C Forde Andrews |
1978 - Heidi Irene Hartt Crum |
1978 - Glen Edward Herrmann |
1978 - Randolph (Randy) Patrick Lanske |
1978 - Paul H Lindwall |
1978 - Mark Edward Lyons |
1978 - Vicki Lynn McCarty Brickman |
1978 - Linda Carol Richey Smith |
1978 - Bradley (Brad) D Smith |
1978 - Catherine Stamper Farias |
1978 - Brad Michael Sundy |
1978 - Tara Jane Wagoner Chambless |
1978 - David Franklin Wilhelm, IV |
Back to Top |
Class of 1979 |
1979 - Cheryl Lee Boles |
1979 - Curtistine Lee Bowens |
1979 - William (Bill) Arthur Bray |
1979 - John Dewayne Brown |
1979 - Anne Kathleen Bryon Haar |
1979 - Richard Earl |
1979 - Shane A Enger |
1979 - Bruce Howard Hilliard |
1979 - Tammy Jo Johnston Williams |
1979 - Teresa Anne Kinnunen Zupa |
1979 - Lynn Knell Jones |
1979 - Daryl J Lee |
1979 - Dempsey Charles Leonard,Jr. |
1979 - Elisa Paredes Lim Shotwell |
1979 - Charles Alan Patch |
1979 - Keith Allen Schurman |
1979 - Carrie L. Scott |
1979 - Keith Shierk |
1979 - Christopher Dean Taylor |
Back to Top |
Class of 1980 |
1980 - Julie M Anderson |
1980 - David Michael Barrie |
1980 - Donaldo (Don) Villanueva Batayola |
1980 - Kathryn Lee Burke |
1980 - Eric R Caulfield |
1980 - Jennifer Angela Cornell |
1980 - John Santiago Diego |
1980 - Sandra (Sandy) Michelle Foy Benson |
1980 - Kari Maria Hall Williams |
1980 - Jordan R Hintz |
1980 - David Allen Johnson |
1980 - David Graham Jones |
1980 - Robin Dale Lemes Schenk |
1980 - Scott John McFarlane |
1980 - Susan (Susie) Lynne Richey |
1980 - Teresa Tuff |
1980 - Craig Ullom |
1980 - Jay Steven Walsh |
1980 - Darrell Watkins |
Back to Top |
Class of 1981 |
1981 - Marshall K.H. Airey |
1981 - Steven Beighle |
1981 - Lisa Noelle Bolson |
1981 - Christopher Austin Boyd |
1981 - Ernest Maurice Carroll |
1981 - Wade Collie Jr. |
1981 - Ray Montgomery Dorris |
1981 - Alexander Graham Fyfe |
1981 - Teresa Annetta Green |
1981 - David Graham Jones |
1981 - Shari Jones |
1981 - Michael Patrick Logan |
1981 - Kevin Edward Rosenthal-Ford |
1981 - Ruth Ann Stillions |
Back to Top |
Class of 1982 |
1982 - Diana Herrmann |
1982 - Scott Paul Kreger |
1982 - Jeffrey (Jeff) Paul Mills |
Back to Top |
Class of EM |
EM - Helen Jean Aaron '36-'36, Science, English |
EM - Lena M. Abel '13-'22, English |
EM - Karl F. Adams '18-'23, Principal |
EM - Laurinda A. Albers '20-'20, History |
EM - Austin Allen '08-'11, Math, Ftball coach |
EM - David J. Allen '10-'18, Science |
EM - Virginia Allen '80-'80, ? |
EM - Robert Allendes '22-'27, ForgnLang |
EM - Mary E. Allyn '13-'16, Math |
EM - Edward E. Almquist '41-'71, BusEd |
EM - Luther C. Altman '24-'61, Boys Advisor, Science-Biology,Study Hall, Health |
EM - Robert P. Anderson '08-'10, Latin, Science |
EM - Ruth Anderson '14-'17, ForgnLang |
EM - Vera F. Anderson '47-'47, Home Econ |
EM - J. G. Arbuthnot '17-'17, Boys Gymnasium |
EM - Alvin H. Arians '72-'81, Indust. Arts-Photograpy, Video |
EM - Rebeca Arnell '37-'37, Composition, Literature |
EM - Virginia Forrest Athen '08-'18, Math |
EM - Chester Babcock '36-'48, History, Counselor |
EM - Clarence E. Baer '11-'15, Science |
EM - Katherine A. Bailey '31-'38, English |
EM - Alice Baker '21-'22, ForgnLang |
EM - Irene Baker '40-'65, Office Asst, Attendence |
EM - Peter J. Bardon '57-'69, Music-Chior |
EM - Ivyln C. Barker '27-'31, English |
EM - Ernest E. Barnaud '55-'76, English, LangArts |
EM - Martha Barnes '41-'41, Office |
EM - Roberta K. Barr '74-'81, Principal |
EM - Myrtle C. Barry '23-'23, Science |
EM - Arthur W. Barton '09-'16, Science |
EM - Gary Lee Baskett '71-'73 Asst. FB Coach |
EM - Myrtle Bates '38-'38, ? |
EM - Margaret Beans '31-'39, Attendance |
EM - Margaret A. Beaver '50-'81, Librarian, LangArts |
EM - Walter W. Bell '24-'26, Boys Gymnasium, Boys Advisor |
EM - G. (Vernon) Vernon Bennett '09-'12, English |
EM - Mary Pearl Bennett '50-'52, History |
EM - Amelia A. Bently '14-'16, Clerk |
EM - Willard Bergh '38-'40, Literature, Journalism |
EM - J. Bernard '42-'43, Indust. Arts |
EM - Herbert J. Birchman '64-'79, LangArts, Dept Hd |
EM - Bessie Blackburn '08-'08, Manual Training |
EM - Clio Blair '31-'34, English |
EM - Mae Bloss '38-'38, ? |
EM - Allie Blough '19-'46, English, Study Hall |
EM - Ruth H. Boling '37-'37, English |
EM - Gordon L. Bolland '69-'80, Art-Jewelry, Cerramics, Dept Hd |
EM - Florence C. Bonar '19-'19, English |
EM - H. B. Bonnett '26-'28, Math, Commercial |
EM - Ann H. Boone '59-'72, Office-Reg. Clerk |
EM - Lillian Borland '57-'62, Study Hall |
EM - Shirley E. Boselly '29-'42, Science, Math |
EM - Mary Elizabeth Bowen Noyd '65-'80, Home Econ-Foods, Dept Hd, Ski Club |
EM - Mona L. Bowman '44-'67, Attendence, BusEd-Typing |
EM - Elma M. Bravrnder '36-'36, Art |
EM - Fred E. Breit '37-'44, History, Counselor |
EM - Edna Myrene Bronson Campbell '13-'18, English |
EM - Bess Burleigh '23-'23, Girls Gymnasium |
EM - Clyde Burmaster '41-'48, Indust. Arts |
EM - Evangeline Burns '34-'43, History |
EM - Robert Burroughs '41-'42, Dramatics, Stage Crafts |
EM - Albert S. Burrows '09-'09, Math |
EM - Frances J. Bursell '29-'67, BusEd-Typing,Shorthand |
EM - Emily Burton '54-'58, Girls PhysEd |
EM - Elizabeth Bush '31-'43, ForgnLang |
EM - Charles N. Butt '38-'38, ForgnLang |
EM - Marian Byerly '13-'15, Commercial |
EM - Cale Dan Campbell '74-'75, Math-Algebra, Hd Ftball Coach |
EM - Marion Candee '30-'64, Math, BusEd-Retail Selling, Counselor |
EM - Wesley Carlson - '43 LHS Grad '57-'58, Social Studies |
EM - Mary R. Carson '72-'75, Vice Principal |
EM - Dorothy G. Cassidy '32-'48, ForgnLang-Spanish. |
EM - Melvin W. Cassmore '15-'18, Commercial |
EM - Lunelle (Lu) Chapin Flannery '58-'81, BusEd-Journalism, LangArts, Totem Wkly |
EM - Ronald Chapman '16-'16, Science |
EM - Ernest M. Charland '?-'?, ? |
EM - Harriet Charlton '27-'31, Music |
EM - Lutie Cheatam '17-'50, History, Honor Society |
EM - Carla Christopherson '09-'13, History |
EM - F. E. Clark '17-'17, Principal |
EM - Faith Clark '37-'37, Office |
EM - Christen E. Claus '21-'51, Indust. Arts |
EM - H. E. Clausen '22-'28, Commercial |
EM - Emily Clem '51-'59, Girls PhysEd |
EM - Frances Clendenning '13-'13, English |
EM - Earl S. Cochran '28-'58, Science, Math, Counselor, Debate |
EM - C. A. Coffman '17-'17, Hd Custodian |
EM - George B. Cole '20-'21, English |
EM - Eva M. Cole '22-'22, ForgnLang |
EM - Miriam E. Cole '21-'66, Girls Advisor, English, Chess Club Advisor |
EM - Mary E. Combs '30-'30, ? |
EM - Agnes Conlon '10-'17, Lunch Rm Mgr |
EM - Margret Cooper '32-'32, Commercial |
EM - James A. Corlett '67-'80, Math. Hd, '68 Class Advisor, Math Club, Golf Coach |
EM - Florence Cottrell '15-'40, Home Econ |
EM - Ethel Cragg '36-'52, English |
EM - Ruth Craig '36-'36, Public Speaking |
EM - Ines H. Craven '14-'23, English, History |
EM - Irene Crawford '18-'20, Commercial |
EM - H. B. Cunningham '17-'17, Manual Arts |
EM - Ellen Dabney '08-'29, Home Econ |
EM - Bernice I. Dahl '29-'46, Composition, Literature, English |
EM - Norman E. Dalthorp - '39 LHS Grad '48-'74, HlthEd,Social Studies-US, Hd Bsktbl Coach |
EM - Florance C. Daly '54-'63, ForgnLang-French & Spanish, LLL Advisor |
EM - E. Y. Danner '43-'44, ? |
EM - Leonora Davidson '21-'23, Physical Training |
EM - David F. Davies '13-'19, Music |
EM - Merle W. Davies '45-'59, Office |
EM - ? Davis '26-'27, ? |
EM - W. W. Davis '34-'34, Science |
EM - Homer M. Davis '55-'69, Principal |
EM - Elizabeth Dawn '28-'28, Commercial |
EM - Harry L. Deits '12-'22, Manual Arts Hd |
EM - John B. DeLacy '08-'13, History-Civics |
EM - John P. Delahanty '66-'76, LangArts, Creative Writing Publ. |
EM - Elva Demester '08-'12, English |
EM - George L. DeVilbiss '08-'21, Math Hd, Vice Principal, Principal |
EM - Henry T. Dill '08-'11, Manual Training Hd |
EM - Anabel Dishnow '51-'72, US History, LangArts, Counselor |
EM - Jay V. Dishnow,Sr. - '24 LHS Grad '47-'71, Boys PhysEd, HlthEd, Asst. Bsktbl Coach |
EM - Theodora Dodds '34-'34, Art |
EM - Robert A. Dolhanyk '58-'76, Indust. Arts-Drivers Ed, BusEd |
EM - Jerry J. Donovan '59-'69, Social Studies, Contemp Pblms, Counselor |
EM - Rosemary Draper '63-'72, Girls PhysEd, HlthEd, '66 Class Advisor |
EM - Jessie M. Eastman '23-'54, Librarian |
EM - David Edgar '51-'51, Social Studies |
EM - Evelyn Ekholm '54-'58, Nurse |
EM - Gladys P. Elledge '28-'28, Music, Lang., English |
EM - Hellen Elliott '73-'73, Social Worker |
EM - H. G. Ellis '21-'21, Commercial |
EM - Rolland Ellis '56-'66, BusEd, Counselor, Study Hall |
EM - Winifred H. Elwin '68-'77, LangArts |
EM - Edna D. Erikson '21-'22, Office |
EM - Cora Espeseth '34-'38, English |
EM - J. (Beatrice) Beatrice Evans '20-'21, English |
EM - Virginia Evans '21-'21, History, Economics |
EM - Mary Evans '39-'41, Office |
EM - Peter Evangelou Evans '59-'59, Science |
EM - Mae Everham '22-'25, Commercial |
EM - Patricia Eyres '39-'42, Office |
EM - Lewis H. Fee '24-'41, Science Hd |
EM - Mary E. Field '22-'22, Math |
EM - Erna Fink '21-'21, English |
EM - Adelaide Fisher '13-'42, ForgnLang |
EM - Harry H. Fitch '08-'41, Latin, ForgnLang, History |
EM - Eunice Flock '28-'28, Science |
EM - Elma M. Folsom '20-'21, English |
EM - Orrin Forsyth '21-'28, English, Journalism |
EM - Jean Foster '41-'41, Office |
EM - Ernest M. Fowler '09-'09, BusEd |
EM - Anna E. Fraser '09-'16, Librarian |
EM - V. K. Froula '12-'16, Principal |
EM - ? Fry '26-'26, ? |
EM - Vida Fulcher '38-'41, Librarian |
EM - Elbert R. Garrett, Jr. '75-'75, Custodian |
EM - Helen Gates '37-'37, Librarian |
EM - Lea Gazzam '15-'17, English, LangArts |
EM - George Geiger '72-'74, Counselor |
EM - Dagmar Georgeson '33-'47, Commercial-BusEd-Typing |
EM - Eva Alice Gerriets '43-'64, English |
EM - Chester E. Giblin '19-'21, Math |
EM - Rose Glass '08-'12, History-Civics |
EM - Belle Gleason '32-'37, Math |
EM - Mildred Gleditzsch '20-'50, Math |
EM - Robert W. Godden '31-'39, Science, Boys PhysEd |
EM - ? Godman '35-'35, ? |
EM - W. (Genevieve) Genevieve Gorrell '30-'37, English |
EM - Dale Goss '43-'43, Prod Art |
EM - Anna E. Grady '13-'16, Manual Arts |
EM - Ann Elizabeth Graves '30-'53, English |
EM - Grace Leone Gray '11-'12, English |
EM - H. B. Gray '24-'26, Science |
EM - Forrest G. Greathouse '27-'29, Boys Gymnasium |
EM - Louise Grebe '34-'49, English |
EM - Henrey J. Green '19-'22, Boys Gymnasium |
EM - Ione Grindrod '22-'47, English |
EM - Rosemarie Groeger - '48 LHS Grad '59-'71, Social Studies, Roll Council, Honor Society |
EM - Fred Elray Guptill - '48 LHS Grad '71-'75, Librarian, Special Svcs |
EM - Harold M. Haas '28-'29, Math |
EM - Melvin A. Habel - '51 LHS Grad '71-'81, Social Studies, Anthopology, Honors Society Adv |
EM - Margaret Hakola '46-'74, Girls PhysEd, Dept Hd, Song Ldr Adv |
EM - Marion C. Hallett '09-'09, Lunch Rm Mgr |
EM - Joseph Louie Hamm '64-'81, Science-Chemistry, Physics, Dept.Hd, Math, Sci Club Adv, Ushers Force |
EM - Ina M. Hanna '08-'12, Science-Physiography |
EM - Ruth Hanna '13-'16, Science, English |
EM - Janice Joyce Hanson Sorensen '55-'58, English, Girls Advisor |
EM - Evelyn Hantz '24-'24, ? |
EM - Stella Harris '25-'40, Lunch Rm Mgr |
EM - Josephine Hart '18-'20, Art |
EM - Louise Haskell '60-'67, Counselor, Girls Club |
EM - Kenneth L. Hassenmiller '49-'59, Science-Botany |
EM - Bertrice C. Hastings '08-'34, Math, History |
EM - Porter J. Hatley '37-'69, Math, Indust.Arts |
EM - Richard L. Hauswald '28-'28, English |
EM - Clarice B. Hawkes '36-'43, Office |
EM - Ella Hawkins '21-'27, Girls Gymnasium |
EM - Creighton E. Hays '28-'65, History, Social Studies, Boys Advisor, Coach |
EM - Richard E. Hays '56-'81, Social Studies, Dept Hd, Boys Advisor, Wrestling & Asst Ftball Coach |
EM - Dorothy Hazeltine '13-'13, English |
EM - Marjorie Hedman '37-'37, English |
EM - Arnold (Arny) H. Helgeson '61-'81, Math-Algebra,Trig,Computer Progrm, Math Club, '68 Class Advisor |
EM - Dorothy Hellene '56-'65, Librarian |
EM - Lela M. Hendricks '31-'39, ForgnLang |
EM - Emilie T. Hensel '26-'57, Girls Advisor, English |
EM - Evelyn Heringer '43-'43, Asst. Clerk |
EM - Leroy M. Higgens '24-'46, Principal |
EM - Louise Hochlietner '08-'12, Manual Training |
EM - Paul H. Hodge '52-'65, US History |
EM - F. J. Hokin '23-'23, Boys Gymnasium |
EM - Frederick Hokur '23-'23, Boys Gymnasium |
EM - Oscar (Bill) William Holm - '43 LHS Grad '54-'68, Study Hall, Art |
EM - Jean Hopkins Plant LHS '22, '44-'44, Attendance Clerk |
EM - Ella R. Hopkins '12-'23, Clothing, Arts, Food |
EM - Lulu M. Hotchkiss '08-'38, Arts & Crafts |
EM - Florence Lewis Houghton '19-'21, Commercial |
EM - Eileen Houlahan '23-'54, Home Econ |
EM - ? Houswald '27-'27, ? |
EM - Betty Huggard - '26 LHS Grad '55-'62, English |
EM - Helen/Olive Hull '39-'54, Girls PhysEd, HlthEd |
EM - Addie M. Hunter '22-'52, Commercial-Typing |
EM - ? Hyde '33-'33, ? |
EM - Louise Ingalls '39-'39, Librarian |
EM - Louise Ingersoll '20-'21, History |
EM - Herbert Iverson '39-'40, Drawing, Shop, Math |
EM - Ethel Ivey '19-'20, History |
EM - Vivian Jarvis '09-'25, English |
EM - Olive Jensen '24-'24, Office Asst Clerk |
EM - Arthur Jerbert '21-'21, Math |
EM - Anita Jerome '44-'44, Asst. Clerk |
EM - Vincent B. Jerome '36-'40, English, Boys Advisor |
EM - Leslie W. Johnson '46-'62, Math, Science-Chemistry |
EM - Lillian V. Johnson '08-'34, Modern Lang. Hd, Girls Advisor Hd |
EM - Alfred P. Johnson - '08 LHS Grad '44-'58, Math |
EM - Marjorie Johnston '29-'29, Art |
EM - Harriet R. Johnstone '13-'44, English, Spanish |
EM - Annamarie Johnstone '53-'54, Science, Freshman Advisor |
EM - Leon L. Jones '08-'51, Manual Training, Drawing |
EM - Myrtle E. Jones '09-'11, History, English |
EM - Anna Ray Jones '16-'18, Math |
EM - Earle Schuyler Jones - '32 LHS Grad '52-'72, English, Special Ed |
EM - Mabel Joyce '15-'17, Commercial, Mamual Arts |
EM - Kent R. Kammerer '72-'81, Art-Photography, Lynx Adv Council, Annual Adv, X-Cntry Coach |
EM - Katheryn Kanter '36-'36, Commercial |
EM - Verna Mae Kaufmann Jones '71-'81, Office Asst, Fiscal Secretary |
EM - Roy Kellogg '34-'34, Indust. Arts |
EM - Earl R. Kelly '53-'54, Math-Algebra,Trig, English |
EM - Augusta H. Kemper '13-'22, Foods, Household Mgmt |
EM - James T. Keppel '14-'24, Science |
EM - Maude I. Kerns '08-'21, Manual Training |
EM - John R. Kerr '38-'44, Literature, Dramatics |
EM - Forrest Keyes - '41 LHS Grad '50-'57, English, Safety Ed |
EM - Stanley Kimball '47-'65, ForgnLang-German & Spanish |
EM - Alice Kinnear '47-'65, Art, English, LangArts |
EM - Earel E. Kirschner '15-'23, Math |
EM - Tillie Kleemeyer '17-'20, Clerk |
EM - ? Klein '27-'27, ? |
EM - Lynn Knell Jones '76-'81, Art, Magnet Coord, '79 Class Advr |
EM - Melcina La Follette Knettle '41-'47, English |
EM - Mark Knoll '51-'59, Drivers Ed |
EM - John H. Koenig '47-'66, Math, German |
EM - Gilbert Koller '53-'62, BusEd |
EM - Foster Helm Kreis '19-'19, History |
EM - Mercedes Kronschnable '22-'22, History |
EM - Minnie Kuykendall '26-'39, Commercial |
EM - Dorothy Louise Kwapil - '22 LHS Grad '35-'68, English, Acting Hd |
EM - Layton G. Lamb '45-'74, Science-Chemistry, Dept Hd |
EM - Charles Landes '10-'22, Science-Physiography |
EM - Harvey Lanham '39-'39, ? |
EM - Gladys Lathers '24-'25, Girls Gymnasium-coach |
EM - Jack M. Lattin '59-'81, BusEd-Acct,Typing, Totem Annual Advisor |
EM - Hugh Law '08-'11, Manual Training |
EM - Robert Edward Leaf '10-'22, Commercial |
EM - Reginald Lebrun '28-'54, Hd Custodian |
EM - Estelle C. Lee '53-'68, US History, Social Studies |
EM - Lois Legg '32-'32, Foods |
EM - Gertrude E. Lill '13-'13, Math |
EM - Jeanette Lindin '36-'37, Office |
EM - Edward Liston '32-'33, History, Golf Coach |
EM - Warren Littlejohn '54-'76, BusEd-Journalism, Counselor, AdminAsst.,Vice Principal |
EM - David E. Logg '23-'26, Boys Gymnasium |
EM - Rhoda B. Long '18-'23, Lunch Rm Mgr |
EM - Daniel J. Lothorp '08-'46, History Hd, Vice Principal |
EM - Eleanore M. Loughead '27-'36, Commercial |
EM - Leah D. Lovejoy '31-'47, Commercial |
EM - Wendell P. Loveless Jr. '63-'81, LangArts Hd, Social Studies, '67 Class Advisor, Roll Council |
EM - Harriet Luccock '38-'38, Latin, French |
EM - Ellsworth D. Lumley '37-'46, Science-Zoology, Biology |
EM - Jack MacDonald '66-'81, Science-Biology, Botony, Tennis Coach |
EM - Joe D. Mahoski '57-'81, Boys PhysEd Hd, Health Dept Hd, Dn of Students, Hd Ftball & Bball Coach |
EM - Florence Mann '08-'20, English, LangArts |
EM - Carl Mapes '34-'43, History |
EM - Ruby L. Marcus '65-'75, BusEd-Typing, BusLaw, Usherettes |
EM - Mary Lou Marquardt '71-'75, Art-Ceramics |
EM - E. (Lucile) Lucile Marshall '20-'20, English |
EM - ? Marshall '27-'27, ? |
EM - Bertha Martin '29-'49, Commercial-Bookkeeping & Typing |
EM - William Marx '43-'44, Boys PhysEd |
EM - Elizabeth E. Mayer '56-'64, Home Econ |
EM - Marion McAllister '20-'45, Counselor, English, Composition, Drama Coach |
EM - Elma L. McCann '19-'19, English |
EM - Hazel McCaskill '45-'66, English, Speech |
EM - Harry McClellan '18-'22, Science |
EM - Helen McClellan '37-'48, English, Latin |
EM - Ola McClurg '08-'17, Clerk, Commercial |
EM - Aimee K. McConihe '27-'65, English, Drama |
EM - Richard McDonald '77-'77, Custodial Engineer |
EM - ? McDowell '27-'27, ? |
EM - Don McEacheran '42-'55, Math-Study Hall |
EM - William J. McFarland '08-'09, Science |
EM - Francis H. McKay '30-'30, ? |
EM - Mary E. McKee '24-'43, English, History, Usher Fotce |
EM - Grace K. McKibben '11-'12, Cookery |
EM - James E. McKown '08-'11, Principal |
EM - Kathleen McMahon '38-'39, Girls PhysEd, HlthEd |
EM - Mabel McMillan '21-'21, Commercial |
EM - Charles McNabney '08-'09, Manual Training |
EM - E. J. McNamara '17-'17, History |
EM - Katherine Melick '14-'26, English |
EM - Gordon (Gordy) L. Melvey - '45 LHS Grad '66-'81, ForgnLang-German, Dept.Hd, German Club Advsr, Dulinex Exchg |
EM - Grace Melville '22-'22, Commercial |
EM - Florence Merrin '36-'38, Librarian, Asst. |
EM - Edith S. Michelson '21-'44, ForgnLang Hd. |
EM - Alice Miles '29-'52, History |
EM - William H. Miller '08-'21, Math Hd, Commercial Hd |
EM - Margaret Miller '37-'37, Commercial |
EM - Myra Miller '39-'39, Shorthand |
EM - August Miller '42-'43, History, Dance, Band |
EM - Ira T. Miller '47-'60, Vice Principal |
EM - Mabel S. Mills '36-'38, English |
EM - Velma Minnick '34-'34, Home Econ |
EM - Zelva P. Moeser '49-'60, Girls PhysEd |
EM - Mary Leslie Montfort '39-'43, Math |
EM - Elizabeth Montgomery '40-'40, Office |
EM - W. L. Moodie '17-'19, Science |
EM - Arthur I. Morgan '12-'17, Math |
EM - Irene Morganstern '23-'36, Office Clerk |
EM - Bertha M. Mottelson '49-'64, BusEd |
EM - Ralph W. Muckleston '25-'46, Indust. Arts, Math |
EM - William Muirhead '58-'64, Boys Advisor |
EM - Henry W. Mulhollan '12-'17, Manual Arts, Hd |
EM - Agnus Dora Mulkey '08-'13, Latin |
EM - Marjory Mullin '22-'22, English |
EM - Jessie Munro '38-'38, Office |
EM - Richard Munson '22-'22, Physical Training |
EM - Everett J. Nelson '25-'26, ? |
EM - Evelyn Nelson '28-'30, Office |
EM - Frances S. Nevilier '63-'74, Home Econ, Art, Usherettes, LLL Advisor |
EM - Ernestine Nichols '13-'13, Art |
EM - Rhebe Nickerson '47-'51, HlthEd |
EM - Dale S. Nixon '63-'81, Social Studies, '68 Class Advisor |
EM - Byng W. Nixon - '37 LHS Grad '47-'79, Boys PhysEd, Dean of Students, Hd Track Coach |
EM - William (Bill) Nollan - '21 LHS Grad '30-'56, Boys PhysEd, Hd Ftball/Bsktball/Track Coach |
EM - Betty Jo Nolte '68-'74, Hd Secretary |
EM - Don M. Norris '08-'08, Commercial |
EM - Orsy D. Norton '12-'14, Commercial |
EM - Grace C. Norton '12-'22, ForgnLang |
EM - Richard O'Brien '53-'57, Social Studies |
EM - Thomas E. O'Connor '08-'44, History, Hd, -Civics |
EM - Alice O'Connor '39-'40, Composition, Literature |
EM - Joliett O'Hearn '08-'09, English |
EM - Eldora Oakley '28-'49, Commercial subjects |
EM - Samual C. Olson '19-'40, Indust. Arts |
EM - Jessie Orrell '28-'68, Math-Hd Counselor |
EM - Ernest W. Osgood '35-'65, Indust. Arts |
EM - Jessie L. Owen '20-'22, English |
EM - Myrtle Paee '14-'14, Science |
EM - John C. Parker '72-'75, Science-Ecology, Sr Class Advisor |
EM - H. M. Patch '19-'19, Math |
EM - Anna R. Patch '25-'40, History, Math |
EM - Marie Peacock '49-'66, Math, Dept Hd |
EM - Elizabeth Peters '29-'29, English |
EM - ? Peterson '25-'25, Engineer |
EM - Helen E. Peycke '21-'22, Office Clerk |
EM - Earl A. Pfaff '24-'54, English, Principal |
EM - ? Phenning '26-'26, ? |
EM - Herbert Philippi '34-'40, English |
EM - Mabel Joyce Phillips '36-'46, Home Econ, Sewing |
EM - Marjorie K. Pidduck '32-'61, Music-English |
EM - Marjorie Pierrot '23-'23, Office Clerk |
EM - Carl A. Pitzer '24-'56, Music Hd, Chanters,Orchastra |
EM - ? Platt '26-'26, ? |
EM - Mary Plummer '29-'29, Commercial |
EM - Edith Poindexter '37-'37, Study Hall |
EM - Elizabeth F. Poor '33-'56, Art |
EM - H. W. Port '29-'33, Commercial, Tennis Coach |
EM - L. (Belle) Belle Poulson '09-'11, Domestic Science |
EM - Gordon Pritchard '47-'58, BusEd |
EM - Louis Ryan Putsche '71-'81, Music-Orchestra,Band,Guitar,Dept.Hd |
EM - Ruby C. Ramsdell '20-'20, Forgn Lang.-Spanish & French |
EM - May Randall '21-'21, English |
EM - Arthur Rarig '14-'16, English |
EM - Rena B. Raymond '08-'10, English |
EM - William A. Redenbaugh '08-'23, Science Hd |
EM - Barbara Reeder Lundquist '78-'80, Music |
EM - Frances M. Regan '09-'09, English |
EM - ? Rehbok '27-'27, ? |
EM - Florence Reynolds '14-'17, ForgnLang, History |
EM - Marion Reynolds '44-'44, Guidence Clerk |
EM - Alice M. Richardson '20-'20, Girls Gymnasium |
EM - H. Burbank Rideout '58-'79, Drama, LangArts |
EM - George B. Rigg '08-'09, Science |
EM - Stephen W. Riggs '08-'22, Modern Lang. |
EM - Elmer C. Roberts '35-'38, Math |
EM - Ida J. Roberts '56-'73, English, Intern'l Club |
EM - Ruth J. Robinson '39-'57, English |
EM - C. L. Robison '31-'33, History |
EM - Everet Rodenhouse '39-'41, Math, Science |
EM - Robert R. Romstead - '54 LHS Grad '72-'75, Boys PhysEd, HlthEd, Hd Bball Coach |
EM - Oscar W. Rosenquist '27-'50, Science-Botany, Junior Advisor |
EM - Al Rossi '71-'75, Admin. Asst., Vice Principal |
EM - Adeline Rowe '19-'19, Commercial |
EM - Ruby Roys '14-'20, Girls Gymnasium |
EM - Sydney R. Roys '43-'68, Science-Biology, Radio Science |
EM - Jessie Ruple '41-'42, Clothing/sewing |
EM - Earline Rushing '58-'69, Math, Library |
EM - Mary Ellen Russell '42-'43, ? |
EM - Martha K. Russell '72-'76, Counselor |
EM - Vera Mae Ryder '75-'75, Staff |
EM - Gerorge W. Saunderson '08-'28, English Hd, Dramatic Club |
EM - Anthoney Savage '17-'19, English |
EM - Evelyn Sayers '32-'35, English |
EM - Ernest H. Scheele '50-'81, BusEd, Counselor, Activities Coord, Dean of Students |
EM - A. E. Scheer '19-'22, Science |
EM - Marguerite Schofield '28-'63, ForgnLang-French & Spanish |
EM - George W. Scholl '08-'22, English, Boys Gymnasium |
EM - George W. Scott '09-'11, Commercial |
EM - Cora H. Scott '33-'37, English |
EM - Edith F. Seaver '11-'11, English |
EM - Myrtle May Sell '28-'50, History, English |
EM - Alvin J. Seltzer '20-'51, Science-Botany, Intramual Bsktball |
EM - Glen Seymour '32-'35, History |
EM - Carolyn Sheldon '39-'40, Office |
EM - Celia Shelton '11-'17, English |
EM - Johnson Sherrick '18-'57, Math Hd, Math-Geometry |
EM - Yvonne T. Short '59-'71, Social Studies, LLL Advisor |
EM - Mary Ellen Showalter '19-'19, Math |
EM - Helena Siemons '13-'13, ForgnLang |
EM - Margaret Simpson '27-'29, History |
EM - Jean Adria Sleeper Read '49-'74, Home Econ Hd, Clothing,Typing |
EM - Marylaird Small '39-'42, Literature, Composition |
EM - A. Haven Smith '08-'10, Science |
EM - H. Hale Smith '13-'19, History |
EM - E. E. Smith '16-'18, Math |
EM - Louise Smith '17-'17, Librarian |
EM - Eleanor Snodgrass '52-'65, Latin |
EM - Lane Snyder '14-'14, Art |
EM - Roudolph Soukup '21-'22, History, Boys Athletics |
EM - Otto F. Sperling '31-'54, Math, Science, Photography |
EM - Mollie Spiller '30-'32, Office |
EM - Mildred Stacey '20-'21, Commercial |
EM - Max J. Starcevich '50-'73, Boys Counselor, Social Studies Hd |
EM - Katherine Sterling '08-'12, Modern Lang, Girls Gymnasium |
EM - Edna L. Sterling '22-'42, English Hd, Composition |
EM - Ruth Stevens '36-'38, Art |
EM - Byron L. Stevenson '72-'81, LangArts, Debate, Chess Club |
EM - E. M. Stilwell '24-'24, Science, Math |
EM - Gertrude L. Streator '15-'22, English |
EM - Phillip P. Stuckey '37-'37, Math |
EM - ? Sulak '27-'27, ? |
EM - Esther H. Sutherland '13-'16, History |
EM - Starr S. Sutherland '30-'62, English, US History |
EM - J. Bernard Swanson '41-'52, Indust. Arts-Shop |
EM - Lillan Swatoch '35-'36, Commercial |
EM - Ida B. Swisher '21-'22, Indust. Arts |
EM - Irene Taake '22-'43, Math, French, BusEd-Typing |
EM - Helen C. Taggart '17-'30, ForgnLang, History, English |
EM - Leonard T. Tanner '64-'75, Boys PhysEd, Study Hall, Golf Coach |
EM - ? Tate '27-'27, ? |
EM - Mary I. Tembreull '72-'75, Music-Choir, Guitar |
EM - Leslie L. Ternahan '29-'31, US History |
EM - Gladys Thompson '14-'15, English |
EM - Fred J. Thompson '16-'26, Commercial, Hd-coach |
EM - Pauline Thompson '29-'64, Science,Spanish, Girls PhysEd, HlthEd |
EM - Vernon Thompson '37-'44, Boys PhysEd |
EM - Michael Timbers '52-'64, Mech. Drwg, Dept Hd |
EM - Charlene Tobias '08-'13, English |
EM - Helena J. Torrey '17-'34, Art |
EM - Clifford R. Townsend '71-'81, Boys PhysEd, X-Cntry Coach |
EM - Duane Alonzo Trefethen '75-'81, Vice Principal |
EM - J. Lind Trueblood '10-'12, Math |
EM - Carl Ullin '39-'40, Boys PhysEd, HlthEd |
EM - Nell Unger '19-'22, Librarian |
EM - Russ Vanderklomp '66-'69, ForgnLang, Latin Club Advisor |
EM - Harold K. Vann '25-'26, ? |
EM - Helen K. Vaupell '15-'22, Math |
EM - Hazel E. Vollmer '21-'57, BusEd-Shorthand |
EM - Jerold Wallen '72-'79, ForgnLang-German, Dept.Hd |
EM - Thomas E. Wand '14-'17, Boys Gymnasium |
EM - Hazel E. Washburn '44-'67, Office-Secretary |
EM - Carl Washington '63-'67, Art |
EM - C. E. Wassberg '31-'41, Science, Indust. Arts, Stage Force |
EM - George L. Waterbury '19-'28, Commercial |
EM - Evelyn D. Way '15-'27, History, Science |
EM - Jessie L. Weaver '22-'48, History |
EM - ? Weeks '24-'25, Custodian |
EM - Stanley D. Weiss '48-'74, Music, Math-Geometry |
EM - L. Howard Wellman '42-'42, Science-Chemistry |
EM - Earnest F. Wells '13-'23, Math, VP, Boys Advisor |
EM - Robert Wendes '23-'23, ForgnLang |
EM - Blanche M. Wenner '36-'54, English |
EM - Mamie Werby '47-'65, Social Studies-World History |
EM - Dorothea Amanda Westhold '09-'36, Math, Study Hall |
EM - Belle P. Wheeler '08-'22, Modern Lang. |
EM - Roxie Whistler Day '56-'81, Home Econ, LLL Adv |
EM - Marie Wiegman '28-'55, ForgnLang, Study Hall |
EM - Elizabeth Wilcox '08-'22, Math |
EM - Robert J. Wilhelm '53-'81, Math-Indust. Arts, Movie Squad Advisor |
EM - Marjorie Wilkenson '28-'29, Commercial |
EM - Ella B. Willard '36-'63, Study Hall, US History |
EM - Inis Williams '27-'61, English |
EM - Dorothy T. Williams - Cahoon '68-'74, Art -Design, Pep Club Adv. |
EM - William (Gordon) Gordon Wilson '54-'81, BusEd, '58 Class Advisor, Ticket Manager |
EM - Katherine A. Wolfe '28-'44, Girls PhysEd, Dance/Drama |
EM - Sophia Wolfe '46-'54, Study Hall |
EM - Theresa Wolfe '63-'81, ForgnLang-French, French Club Advisor |
EM - Florence Wood '25-'25, ? |
EM - Ernest H. Worth '13-'23, Music |
EM - Gwendoline Wrede '57-'66, English |
EM - Robert Wuflestad '54-'69, Math, Vice Principal. |
EM - Wieber Wynstra '41-'41, Boys PhysEd |
EM - Georgia York '21-'21, Commercial |
EM - Elizabeth Young '25-'25, ? |
EM - William D. Young '25-'42, Science-Physics |
EM - Wallace W. Young '47-'58, Social Studies |
EM - Mary Lou Zoglin '56-'56, Social Studies |