2010 Scholarship Winners
Adam Albaum, from Skyline High School, Sammamish, WA will attend U of W; Family Lynx are Maternal Grandmother Marion Hardie Sherrer '57, Maternal Grandfather Robert Stenstrom '55, Great Aunt Kay Beth Hardie '55, Great Uncle Bill Hardie '53, Great Grandmother Ruth Hagy Hardie '33, Great Grandfather Harry Hardie '30, and Great Aunt Pat Stenstrom Bullard '56. "My future plans are to attend the U of W and to pursue a major in either biochemistry or neurobiology. Then I would like to pursue a doctorate in whichever subject I study and become a research scientist in either field and eventually become a college professor. I feel that in these fields I can have a direct impact in medicine or human health, which is a long term goal of mine."
Shelby Lynn Barnett, from Port Townsend High School, Port Townsend, WA will attend Washington State U. Family Lynx are Father Gordon Barnett '60, and Aunt Phyllis Barnett Woodbridge (deceased) '52. "My plans for the future are to complete my four year degree at WSU, studying business. In my spare time I want to be involved in intramural basketball (I am a three year varsity player at PTHS) and join service clubs on the campus. I hope to travel to Sweden and Denmark after my sophomore year to visit friends attending school there. Upon completion of my Bachelor's Degree I see myself working in a large company such as Nordstrom or Starbucks. Thank you so much for the scholarship."
Carrie Beamer, from Lynden Christian High School, Lynden, WA will attend Trinity Western University. Family Lynx Grandfather Elbert Beamer '48 and Grandmother Jean (Jan) Nordahl Beamer '47. "I will be attending Trinity Western U for 4 (+) years and graduating with a Masters in Counseling Psychology or Family Studies. After achieving these credentials I plan on attending Canyon View Christian Equestrian College in Silverton, Oregon for two years to receive experience in Equine psychology and in the end create the base for me to be an animal therapist, paring teens with horses. Using my testimony, experience from my education (counsel or/ counselor with horses), and my heart and passion for repairing something broken, I will counsel, rehabilitate and walk beside people in the healing process of their faith, heart, and joy for life."
Stewart Berg from Burnet High School, Burnet, Texas will attend Pacific Lutheran U. Family Lynx are Grandmother Dorothy Fairchild Lindstrom '54, Great Uncle Jack Fairchild '52, and Great Aunt Alayne Fairchild Dovin '55. "My major is undecided but my interests are in classic Literature and film. Thank You!
James Blackmon from Olympia High School, Olympia, WA will attend Boston University, Boston, MA. Family Lynx is Grandmother Marilyn Manerud Kavanaugh '51. "I hope to graduate with a degree in theater and pursue a career in a related field. I don't have very specific or possibly even realistic plans yet, but I know that I love doing theater and want to keep it a central part of my life."
Andrew James Duddlesten from The Meadows School, Las Vegas, Nevada will attend University of the South, Sewanee, Tennessee. Family Lynx is Grandmother Judith Dobson Larson '54. "I have been accepted and plan to attend the University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee with a dual major in economics and political science this fall. In preparation for my freshman year, I will be a volunteer Scout Master at the 2010 National Boy Scout Jamboree in July and attend pre-season football practice at the University in Sewanee starting mid-August. I hope to further my academic career in the future by studying abroad and pursuing an advanced degree for a career in investment management."
Erin Elizabeth Englert from Bishop Blanchet High School, Seattle, WA will attend Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA. Family Lynx are Grandfather Jack Englert '46, Grandmother Maurine Olson Englert '46, Great Uncle John W "Jack" Perry '50, Great Aunt Janice Englert Thumlert '55, Great Aunt Shari Olson Lawrence, and Great Uncle Vince Olson '50 (who attended Lincoln but joined the military before graduation). "I will begin attending Gonzaga University at the end of August of 2010. I have been accepted into Gonzaga's engineering program and plan on studying engineering management. In pursuing engineering, I am following in my Grandpa Jack Englert's footsteps! I have been interested in engineering since I was in middle school and still hold on to that interest. I hope not only to study engineering at Gonzaga, but be able to immerse myself in the many extra activities and clubs that the school offers. I plan on graduating from Gonzaga with my degree in engineering management with the class of 2014. Sincerely."
Zoe E Falk from High Mowing School, Wilton, NH will attend Smith College, Northampton, MA. Family Lynx are Mother Cheri Anderson Falk '72, Aunt Gail Anderson Flatness '67, Aunt Barbara Anderson Reiersgard '68, Uncle Terry Anderson '71, Grandmother Virginia Knudsen Falk '47, Great Aunt Janice Knudsen Stamey '45. "I have always loved learning about new things and I know that I will investigate what I learned in high school further while in college and then apply the knowledge that I have gained in my chosen career. I have been speaking French since I was in the first grade, and all throughout those years my love of that language has grown. I also find myself drawn to science and during my high school years I have realized that I can combine my love of language and science into one profession: a doctor working in Africa for Doctors without Borders. In college I hope to deepen my understanding of science and French. I hope to do this by having a pre-medical major and a minor in French. I also wish to travel to French speaking countries and to expand my repertoire to other languages like Russian and Swahili. I would also like to deepen my understanding of many other subjects like psychology, literature and history. Becoming a doctor and going to Africa perfectly fits the two subjects that I love above all in school, but it does more than that, it will mean that I can help people in a way that is meaningful and significant. I believe that I can best serve this world by helping others that do not have the medical attention that they need, and I know that I can do this by receiving a good post-secondary education and applying what I learned out in the world."
Caitlin Forinash from Shorewood High School, Seattle, WA will attend University of Portland, Portland, OR. Family Lynx are Father Greg Forinash '81 and Aunt Rose Forinash '71. "At the University of Portland I will be studying engineering in their School of Engineering. I hope to become either a mechanical or civil engineer and to use my skills to improve our world. Some dreams of mine include using what I learn to build structural necessities such as roads or wells in countries that are lacking.
Holly Lynn Gale from Eastmont High School will attend Whitworth University, Spokane, WA. Family Lynx is Grandmother P. Beverly Anderson '57. "In the future I plan to declare a major in health science with a minor in Spanish. I want to study abroad in a Spanish speaking country where I will be able to enhance my skills in the language. After four years I plan on possibly going further and getting my masters in nutrition. With that I would like to someday make athletes and young children my main focus as a nutritionist and help improve America's health."
Tyler Heiss from Broken Arrow Senior High School, Broken Arrow, OK will attend Tulsa Community Coolege Southeast Campus, Tulsa, OK. Family Lynx are Father Rudy Heiss '57, Uncle Frank Heiss '78, Uncle Henry Heiss '81, Aunt Penny Hanson Heiss '81. "My future plans involve going to Tulsa Community College for a year, then transferring to Oklahoma University to finish and get a Master's Degree in Physical Therapy. Once done with college I plan on starting my own Physical Therapy clinic, eventually I would like to specialize in Pediatrics. Music has been an integral part of my life the last 6 years. I have had the honor of being part of program that is not only a State Champion for the 14 years, but also during my freshman year were the Grand National Champions. I plan to continue my band experience at the community college level as well as the university level when I transfer to a 4 year institution. Band has made such an impact on me that I want to minor in music while pursuing a major in Physical Therapy. Even though this will be a challenge, I am up to the task. Once I've settled down after college, I want to start a family and have at least three kids."
Ben Kidder from Roosevelt High School, Seattle, WA will attend University of Redlands, Redlands, CA. Family Lynx are Grandfather Eugene Kidder '47 and Aunt Catherine (Katie) Wright Gailbraith '81. "As of right now I have little real idea what the future has in store for me. I am entering college with some basic assumptions about what I might pursue through higher education but I am also attempting to keep an open mind. I do know that I hope to study English and philosophy but to what extent I know not. I also wish to continue music in college. I have played trumpet and guitar for a number of years and I hope to continue practicing and learning new skills on those instruments while in Redlands. Besides those things I am unsure of what I will find myself doing during my later years of school and my first years of emerging into adult society. However, I can say that I will do my best to get the most out of every class I take and educator I encounter in order to take full advantage of the LLAA Scholarship and the scholarship awarded to me by the University of Redlands."
Steven King from Eastlake High School, Sammamish, WA will attend Washington State University, Pullman, WA. Family Lynx are Uncle Kevin McCarty '77, Aunt Vicki Lynn McCarty Brickman '78, and Mother Michelle McCarty King '80. "Although I am now becoming a freshman in college, I have still not totally decided upon what I want to do in the future. I know that I am interested in possibly majoring in history and from there possibly continuing on to law school to become a lawyer. The process and practice of law and justice has always interested me and I could see myself doing that in the future. But like I said, nothing is completely decided upon yet because I am still only a freshman."
Stephen Kraakmo from Meadowdale High School, Lynnwood, WA will attend Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma, WA. Family Lynx are Grandmother Anne Katrine Wathne Hosmer '52, Father Victor Kraakmo '76, Uncle Arnold Kraakmo '78. "My plans for the future are to attend Pacific Lutheran University and study vocal music. I am not sure if I will be a performance major or an education major. I look forward to singing in the University Choral and the Choir of the West while I study music at PLU. Thank you so much for the LLAA Scholarship award of $950.00. I really appreciate your encouragement and generosity and it will be very useful in paying for tuition next year at PLU."
Rebecca Martin from Los Gatos High School, Los Gatos, CA will attend Montana State University, Bozeman, MT. Family Lynx are Grandfather Charles Smith and Great Aunt Arlene Smith DeWitt '50. "I enjoy studying foreign languages and cultures and want to pursue a degree that allows me to travel abroad and further engage myself in my studies. I believe that we all need to understand and appreciate each other so that together we can work to solve the important challenges of the century. I am planning to attend Montana State University in Bozeman and study Business Management and International Business. With a degree in business I believe I can leverage my other interests and hobbies into my career. I want to thank the Lincoln Lynx Alumni Association scholarship committee for their generosity and providing me with this opportunity.
Kirsten Nelson from Kamiak High School, Mukilteo, WA will attend University of Arizona. Family Lynx are Grandpa Douglas Nelson '54, Grandma Linda Hanson Nelson '55, Great Grandpa Carol Nelson '27, Great Uncle Jon Hanson '55, Great Uncle David Hanson '65, Great Aunt Carolyn Nelson Elkey '60, and Great Uncle Larry Nelson '57. "I'm excited to start school in August at the University of Arizona. I am an elementary education major and plan to teach elementary school. Public health administration interests me as well. The Lincoln Scholarship will help with out-of-state tuition costs which will enable me to study in a completely different environment from the Pacific Northwest and continue my educational journey. Thank you so much!
David (Tres) Redemann III from Mt. Si High School, North Bend, WA will attend Ripon College, Ripon, Wisconsin. Family Lynx is Mother Teresa Marie Bray Keizer '80. "After High School I plan on attending Ripon College, a private college in Wisconsin where I will be doing Army ROTC. I am very interested in National Security so I am looking into getting my major in Politics and Government with a minor in National Security and Global Intelligence. After college I will serve my country as an officer in the Army, hopefully in an Intelligence Unit. Upon completion on my service with the military I would like to become involved in politics or work for a national security agency like NSA or the FBI."
Andrew Rupert from Curtis High School, University Place, WA will attend Western Washington University. Family Lynx is Grandmother Sandra Stuart Smith '57. "First I'd like to thank the Lincoln Lynx Alumni Association sincerely, for granting me this scholarship. It is a very considerable portion of my college expenses and it will be extremely useful for me. Next year I will be attending Western Washington University and I will most likely be studying pre-law or business. I will also be going further in my study of language, however I am not yet sure if I will be continuing with Spanish or learning a whole new language. Those are the major areas I am interested in studying at this point, but I am very excited to further explore the programs and majors at Western. I cannot fully express how thankful I am for receiving this scholarship. Thank you very much."
Zachary Schroeder from Woodinville High School, Woodinville, WA will attend Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR. Family Lynx are Grandfather William Harvey '56, Grandmother Betty Proctor Harvey '56, Great Uncle William Proctor '50, Great Aunt Marilyn Proctor Stahle '51, Great Aunt Kathleen Harvey Kincaid Lone '51, and Great Aunt Marilyn Harvey Wilkinson '71. "I'd like to start by thanking you for the scholarship. These next years of my life will be financially difficult but you've made it a little easier. Next year I plan to study electrical engineering. I also plan to be active in musical programs in college and want to minor in German as well as participate in a foreign exchange program to Germany. After college, I'd like to become a 3D modeler working on movies or videogames, but anything is possible at this point."
Amy Catherine Shotwell from International School, Bellevue, WA will attend Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA. Family Lynx are Father Mark Shotwell '79, Mother Elisa Lim Shotwell '79, Grandfather John Shotwell '49, Uncle Dave Shotwell '76, and Aunt Dorothy Shotwell Hallberg '74. "I will enroll to major in pre-med with emphasis on human physiology and minor in sports management. My dream job would be to work with a professional sports team as their physical therapist/athletic trainer."
Hannah Sodergren from North Thurston High School, Lacey, WA will attend Saint Martin's University. Family Lynx are Grandfather John L Sodergren '49, Great Aunt Marie Jensen Warnick '48, Great Uncle Henry Himmelman '48, and John Warnick '47. "In the future I plan to do international study as many times as possible and major in pre-medicine at Saint Martin's University. I will then follow through with medical school, hopefully at the University of Washington and eventually become a surgeon. When all of my schooling is complete I intend to join the Peace Corps and volunteer in Africa, preferably Tanzania, for two years. When I return from Africa I hope to take on a surgical internship somewhere in the Western Washington area."
Katie Lynn Spencer from Ellensburg High School will attend Washington State University. Family Lynx are Grandmother Phyllis McEleney Stark and Great Uncle Jerry McEleney. "After high school, I will attend Washington State University to obtain my degree in Elementary Education. I hope one day to become a successful 1st grade teacher. I know that I want my future to involve children. I would like to also study abroad while attending Washington State University, possibly Spain. One goal of mine is to try out for the Washington State University Cheer Squad next spring. I have developed a passion for cheerleading. My cheerleading experience in high school improved my self confidence and leadership skills and has taught me life skills that will help me in the future."
Rachel Walther from Pleasant Grove High School, Elk Grove, CA will attend The University of Arizona. Family Lynx are Great Grandmother Grace P Kellett Green, and Grandmother Lynne Anderson Johnson. "In August 2010, I plan to go to the University of Arizona. I will major in elementary education. I chose this major because I enjoy working with children and helping children learn. Along with pursuing my educational ventures, I also plan on being a member of the University of Arizona's Marching Band, the Pride of Arizona. Once I graduate from the University of Arizona I will become an elementary school teacher, perhaps pursuing a Masters Degree."
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