2022 Scholarship Winners
Enzo Burt graduated with a 3.9 cumulative GPA from Lincoln where he was safety officer and business lead of the Robotics Team, founding member of the Debate Team, member of the Jewish Student Union as well as the Sexuality and Gender Alliance. At the University of Washington, he will major in engineering to ultimately design safety equipment for industrial systems that will protect those who remind him of his family, many of whom worked dangerous blue-collar jobs in mines, steel mills, and the maritime industry. Enzo was very much influenced and inspired by the harrowing stories of relatives who spent their lives laboring with their hands.
Abigail Call graduated with a 4.0 cumulative GPA from Lincoln where she was a member of the tennis team for two years, played trumpet in the brass ensemble, and founded the development of Lincoln's new newspaper. She also mentored incoming freshmen as a Lynx crew leader. Her junior year, she came to Lincoln from a British school in the Netherlands where she was a co-founder of its eco-business team and active in Sunrise Movement, a climate and social justice group. She'll attend Colgate University in New York, a liberal arts school where she can continue to explore her interests through interdisciplinary studies and perhaps one day work for the UN or a non-profit like her father.
Lucy Laybourn graduated with a 3.96 cumulative GPA from Lincoln where she was captain of the girls' varsity swim team, founder and president of the House Elf Liberation Front, participated in improv, had the lead role in The Addam's Family musical, and received the Robert S. Block award for Artistic Excellence in visual arts. Animation is at the center of her overlapping interests in drawing, painting, music, costume design, and storytelling. She will attend the Savannah School of Art and Design in Georgia where she'll have opportunities to achieve her goal of becoming a professional artist and having "a beautiful lifelong artistic career."
Morgan Maxfield is the grandchild of Howard Maxfield '65, great-grandchild of Gordon Maxfield '35 and Dorothy Young Maxfield '34, and niece of Jan Maxfield '62 and Carole Maxfield '71. She graduated with a 3.99 cumulative GPA from Auburn Riverside High School in Auburn, WA where she was a member of Honor Society, played lacrosse year-round, and volunteered as a youth lacrosse coach. She also worked the Food Bank meal service and still had time to play piano. She'll attend George Fox University in Newberg, Oregon where she will continue her passion in playing lacrosse and major in computer science with the goal of making a difference by tackling gender bias in the workplace and encouraging women in STEM.
Scott Sloop is the great grandson of Barbara Ellis McGowan '36. He graduated with a 3.85 cumulative GPA from Beaverton High School in Oregon where he was Student Body President, played three years of varsity tennis, was the president of the school's Model UN Chapter, and board member of the National Honor Society. He was also a member of the Beaverton Mayor's Youth Advisory Board and took part in updating the school district's K-12 social studies curriculum. He's most proud of having organized a TEDx event for which he recruited 10 speakers, raised $4000, and marketed and managed the event. He'll be attending Claremont McKenna College in California with a double major in history and government and ultimately apply his education, experiences, and family history to a public policy career that will contribute to a more just, sustainable, and equitable world.
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